Events: Vehicle Battery Summit in Shanghai, September 2010
veebruar 4, 2010 · Lisa kommentaar
SAE International will hold a Vehicle Battery Summit in Shanghai, China, 1-2 September 2010. The event intends to bring together engineers, scientists and corporate decision makers from the battery, automotive, utility and lithium mining industries. The Summit is co-sponsored by the Society of Automotive Engineers of China (SAE-China), and organized in cooperation with Advanced Automotive Batteries USA and the China Automotive Technology and Research Center (CATARC).
The Summit is designed to provide corporate-level engineering and business decision makers with an assessment of current and near term Li-ion battery systems alternatives and capabilities; as well as critical marketplace and supply chain information.
The program compares technological advances occurring worldwide, including developments in the Europe, Taiwan, Korea, the US and in particular China. It also examines growth projections for the electrified vehicle/battery markets and explores their implications for the global marketplace—thereby providing the insight required for optimum business decision-making. Reliability and safety issues as well as other challenges the industry faces, including standardization, will also be addressed.
Menahem Anderman, Ph.D., will serve as chairperson for the summit. Dr. Anderman, President of Advanced Automotive Batteries, USA and founder of Total Battery Consulting, Inc., is a broad-based battery expert who has taken both lithium- and nickel-based products from material research, through product development, and into the marketplace. He is a well-known inventor, speaker, and author, and is a recognized authority in technology assessment and battery technology legal cases.
More details will be published on the event website as they become available.
Green Car Congress
=> SAE International to Host Vehicle Battery Summit in Shanghai.
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Events: 9.03.2010, Lithium Battery Technology and System Development: Breaking the Barriers for Electric Vehicles
jaanuar 25, 2010 · Lisa kommentaar
Advanced battery technology is the fastest growing technical field being addressed in electric vehicle development today. It has become the foundation of electric vehicles which defines vehicle cost, range, performance and design characteristics. During this growth, lithium battery technology has quickly become the predominant chemistry among OEMs and suppliers due to its significant advantages in volumetric power and energy.
The recent rapid developments behind lithium batteries have provided promising and dynamic achievements in capacity and vehicle range. Researchers now predict that future lithium technology and chemistries have the potential for energy values upwards of 3,000W/kg, allowing for lighter and more powerful system solutions. With this extraordinary momentum and rapidly growing sector, it will be essential to understand the roadmap and outlook for lithium batteries as this technology continues to shape the future development of the automotive industry.
This one-day conference will provide an opportunity to explore some of the key issues and potential breakthroughs in lithium battery development. In addition, the day will provide an engaging forum for business representatives, product developers and industry stakeholders from around the world to exchange new ideas, understand the latest energy storage advancements and consider the future challenges and potentials for lithium battery technology in electric vehicle applications. Through a series of presentations from leading figures in the automotive, lithium and energy storage industries, participants will have the opportunity to gain a thorough understanding of key industry and development issues.
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