Monday, August 16, 2010

Is anyone out there looking at starting a self sustaining comunity/village in Queensland?

there is alot of talk of buying land and working together to make sustainable comunitys in Cannada, Europe and North America.
so i was wondering if ppl were up for it here.
ive got ideas but no money, i keep trying to win the lotto, it never works... maby i should get around to buying a lotto tickit to improve the odds.

I work in Brisbane and i wouldnt want to give up my job, but i see no reasion why that should stop members from living in a comunity together, sharing rescources, buying food in bulk from markets.
Build green houses/hydroponic farms and grow our own fruit and veggies, BUT still work in the comunity to prevent us from isolating ourself from the rest of the country.

There are ppl now who do simmiler things and the only thing that links them together is the street they live on.

if severial of these comunity's sprung up around the country you could move state and know you had a
Z-comunity to move to.

If we did this right eventually (LONG TERM IDEA) we could be free from buying food, electricity, water, and eventually build fully automated manafacturing plants and beat the econnomy at its own game.

there is alot of chatter and good ideas being thrown around on the global website, but the way i see it is, we have a starting point... so lets start.

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