Saturday, August 21, 2010

I had originally created this site to share my automotive experiences with friends and fellow enthusiasts.

I had originally created this site to share my automotive experiences with friends and fellow enthusiasts. The PAST section contains nearly two dozen links to individual blogs for some of the vehicles I've owned, both cars and motorcycles. Browse it when you have hours to spend as there is a lot there.

As my experience progressed from buying regular cars and bikes to building a Westfield kit and eventually to designing and building my own cars, I've decided to focus my energy primarily on my designs. It's time for this site to reflect that.

The TRAVEL and ETC sections remain as diversions and of course M's CORNER will continue to provide her perspective on our automotive adventures. Below the PAST tab on the left are links to the initial dp1 prototype build, the original dp1 design log, the design/build/development of my 400hp V8 installation in an Ariel Atom and what started it all, the Westfield build.

I hope you enjoy your visit.


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