Thursday, April 29, 2010

Julgustuseks kommenteerijatele

Presidendi proua luges minu kommentaari Delfi Naistekas ja ta kordas minu sõnu avalikkuse ees...E24 ja Delfi kajastasid seda:

Minu kommentaar:
Ma loodan,et te mõistate kui võtta mürki(süüa kauplusest ostetud toitu),hingata mürki(linnaõhku),ning katta ennast mürgiga(make upiga),elada energia vaeses keskkonnas(linnas)...kui peita ennast kosutava õhu eest ja puhta vee eest,ning energiaküllase keskkonna eest-ELADA LINNAS siis kõik meetodid mida te pakute kõigest leevendavad
inimeste tervise kahjustusi mida loob linna elu.
Inimene peab elama õiges keskkonnas...inimene on ju loom...oleme ju inimahvid...loodus on meie normaalne elukeskkond...linn on inimese loomaaed!!!Inimese vangla ehk loomaaed on linn!!!

Ja paar päeva hiljem:
Evelin Ilves soovitab eestlastel korilasteks hakata

Evelin Ilvese kommentaar:
Evelin Ilves ütles, et tavalises toidupoes enam söögikõlblikku toitu ei müüdagi. Et toit on see, mis kasvab põllul ja metsas ning et poekraam on puhas keemia.

Ma loodan,et te mõistate kui võtta mürki(süüa kauplusest ostetud toitu)
Presidendi proua:
Evelin Ilves ütles, et tavalises toidupoes enam söögikõlblikku toitu ei müüdagi.

Laenupakett maalekolijaile: jupikese maa ostu tarbeks, odava savi või põhumaja ehitamiseks,tütarettevõtte loomiseks,ning koolituseks.
Evelin Ilvese sõnul ei taha tema pere enam poeleiba süüa
29.04.2010 13:52
Tõnu Lilleorg

Täna kohtus proua Evelin Ilves Tallinna Kuristiku Gümnaasiumi lastega ja ütles, et ostab leiba poest vaid paar korda aastas.

«Mu perekond ei ole enam sellega [poeleivaga - toim] nõus,» ütles Evelin Ilves, vastates ühe õpilase küsimusele, kas ta valmistab ise leiba või ostab poest.

Selleks, et eristada poetoidu ja kodutoidu maitset, pakkus Evelin Ilves õpilastele välja hoiduda nädal aega suhkrust ja maitsta siis tähelepanelikult poetoitu. «Siis saate aru, kui palju pannakse nendesse [valmistoitudesse - toim] sisse soola ja suhkrut, et meis sõltuvust tekitada.» Kodus valmistatud toit on teistsugune, ütles Evelin Ilves. Selle asemel, et teleka ees lebada ja mitmeid tunde arvutis istuda, võiks parem süüa teha ja raamatuid lugeda, lisas ta.
Evelin Ilves soovitab eestlastel korilasteks hakata

Evelin Ilves ütles, et tavalises toidupoes enam söögikõlblikku toitu ei müüdagi. Et toit on see, mis kasvab põllul ja metsas ning et poekraam on puhas keemia.

Lisaks Ilvese proua öeldule Eesti Vabariigi riigivõimud toetavad põllumajanduslikku ühistegevust rahaliselt:⊂=41&artid=19054&sec=1

Kas võib arvata,et Eesti riigivõimud on alustanud väljakuulutamata kampaaniat "Eestlased maale elama" vää?

Kui nii siis minu palve on selline:
Kas Eesti riigivõimud saaksid välja sebida maale kolijaile laenupaketi millega noored saaksid muretseda jupikese maad ja sinna ehitada odava savi või põhumaja,ning veel raha meierei või autoehituse töökoja(noh,Eestis hakkab jõudsalt arenema elektriautotööstus)rajamiseks ja selle kõige tarbeks veel koolituse raha? Pangad võiksid oma laenupoliitikat muuta ja tulla vastu tütarettevõtete loomiseks maapiirkondades ja emaettevõtetele anda intressideta laenu tütarettevõtete loomiseks maapiirkondadesse.Ma pean silmas seda,et kinnisvara mullile võiks olla jäädavalt lõpp,et enam keegi ei peaks elama sellepärast,et kogu oma elu maksta kodulaenu...
Selle asemel,et kodu tarbeks maksta laenu kolmkümmend aastat,võiksid inimesed maksta väikeettevõtte laenu...No kurivaim,kõikidest ei saa suurettevõtjaid ja see kodulaen kurnab inimesed ära...peale kodulaenu võtta veel laen ettevõtte loomiseks läheb liiale...
Nii vast saavad hundid söönuks ja lambad jäävad terveks s.o. lambad saavad asuda maale elama...ja pagendatud inimesed saavad naaseda koduküladesse...
Emaettevõteteile võiksid pangad anda intressideta laenu selleks,et nood rajaksid tütarettevõtteid maapiirkondadesse ja just sellistele millistele kuulub tulevik.Kogu maailma majanduse trend on elektriautodel ja elektrituulikutel.
Emaettevõtted milledele Eesti riigivõimud ja pangad peaksid panustama s.o. andma intressideta laenu,et nood saaksid rajada tütarettevõtteid üle kogu Eestimaa:

Kui kõik eestlased elaksid maal siis riik säästaks ravikuludelt,kuludelt turvalisusele,kulutused lasteaedadele...
Eestlased peavad elama maal...see on meie iseseisvuse ja rahvuse arengu baas...

Nädalavahetusel perega talgutele

27. aprill 2010 00:00

Laupäeval on uksele koputamas suur üle-eestiline talgupäev, mil saab koos pere ja sõpradega kaasa aidata kodukohas, sünnikohas või lihtsalt mõnes toredas Eestimaa paigas oluliste asjade ära tegemisele.

Ettevõtlikud inimesed on Eestimaa erinevais paigus selleks päevaks üles seadnud hulga põnevaid ja vajalikke talgutöid — näiteks Väike-Maarjas saab osaleda lõbusal kaltsupeol ja teha uueks vanu armsaid riideesemeid, Haapsalus saab appi minna lastepargi korrastamisele. Lääne-Virumaal saab aga osaleda Voorse piimakitsede talu ehitustalgutel, kus võimalus proovida talutöid, jahvatada vilja raua-ajast pärit jahvekivil, ehitada treppi ja maitsta kitsepiimajuustu. Hiiumaal Kõrgessaare vallas saab paika seada lindude pesakaste ja õppida linnulaulu. Kes aga eriti ehedat kogemust otsib, saab sõita Lääne-Virumaale piisonifarmi talgutele, kus toimub rajatava maaelu teemapargi korrastus, talgulistele pakutakse lisaks värskele õhule ja tööle ka indiaani suppi, burgerite sõud ja “Piisoni musi”. Need on vaid mõned pea tuhandest erinevast ettevõtmisest, kus sellel päeval kaasa lüüa saab.

Edelaraudtee pakub talgupäeva auks kõigile rongiga reisijatele pea poole soodsamat piletihinda, nii et auto võib sel päeval hoopis koju jätta ja teha üks lõbus rongireis pere või sõprade seltsis. Töötukassa maksab registreeritud töötutele talgupäevale minekuga seonduvalt transporditoetust, kui talgukoht asub elukohast 0,5 — 70 km kaugusel. Toetust makstakse talgujuhi poolt täidetud osalemisvormi alusel 1,5 krooni kilomeetri kohta. Vajaliku vormi saab alla laadida Töötukassa veebilehelt ( Kes aga kohalejõudmiseks küüti otsib või seda pakkuda tahab, võib minna lehele, kus paremas servas asuva bänneri kaudu pääseb talgupäeva küüdipakkumiste lehele.

Päevale saab väärilise punkti panna laulu, tantsu ja pillimänguga kümnetel erinevatel simmanitel mis sel õhtul erinevais paigus peetakse. Erinevates kohtades saab kuulata kohalikke muusikuid, vaadata rahvatantsijaid ja teisi esinejaid ning ka ise laulu ja tantsu proovida. Täpsema info konkreetse talgupaigaga seotud simmani ja meelelahutuse kohta leiad iga talgupaiga lisainfost. Paljud on üleval ka lehel lingi “Simmanid” all.

Lauluhimuliste jaoks panid talgute korraldajad Talgulaulikusse kokku rohkem kui 200 erineva tuntud rahvaliku laulu sõnad, mida hea talgute ajal, järel ja hiljemgi ühiselt laulda. Selle lauliku saab kas otse postiga lehelt koju tellida või kaasa haarata Bauhofi kauplusest.Tulekust anna registreerimisega märku samuti kas veebilehel või telefonil : 59074000 ( iga päev kell 9.00-18.00 )

Riik toetab põllumeeste koondumist Ökoküladesse ja Kibbutzi

Riik toetab põllumeeste koondumist tootjarühmadesse

Autor: Ain Lember
Reede, 30. aprill 2010

Tootjarühmadesse koondunud põllumehed saavad alates augustist küsida toetust oma äritegevuse edendamiseks ja kauba reklaamimiseks. Maksimaalne toetussumma ühe tootjarühma kohta on 5 aasta jooksul 4,8 miljonit krooni.

Toetuse eesmärk on põllumajandusega tegelevate ettevõtjate konkurentsivõime tõstmine ja turujõu suurendamine nende ühise majandustegevuse edendamise kaudu.

Toetuskõlbulik on põllumajandustootjaid ühendav PRIA-s ametlikult tunnustatud tulundusühistu, mille eesmärgiks on ühiselt turustada oma liikmete kaupa. Taotleja müügitulu liha, lehmapiima, teravilja, õlikultuuride, kartuli või nendest valmistatud toodetest peab taotluse esitamise aastal ületama 5 miljonit krooni. Mahepõllumajandustoodete puhul peab müügitulu ületama 2 miljonit krooni.

Toetust saab taotleda ainult 5 aasta jooksul, alates tootjarühma esmakordse tunnustamise kuupäevast, ja selle ülempiir on 4 850 445 krooni.
Tänavuse taotlusvooru eelarveks on planeeritud 25 miljonit krooni. Taotlusvoor on esialgselt kavas läbi viia selle aasta 30. augustist kuni 13. septembrini, tootjarühmade tunnustamise taotlusi hakatakse vastu võtma 15. juunist.

Saaremaal tegutseb seitse tulundusühistut


Põllumajandusministeeriumi maaettevõtluse büroo peaspetsialisti Merle Saaliste sõnul tegutseb Saaremaal äriregistri 2008. aasta andmetel seitse tulundusühistut. Piimandusvaldkonnas tegutsevad Mereranna põllumajandusühistu, põllumajandusühistu Ranna Agro, Kärla põllumajandusühistu ning Saaremaa liha- ja piimaühistu.

Et Saaremaa liha- ja piimaühistul endal mingit käivet ei ole, vaid kogu käive jääb AS-i Saaremaa Piimatööstus arvele, siis Saaremaa liha- ja piimaühistu kõnealust toetust ei saa.
Ülejäänud kolme ühistu puhul tekib samuti küsimus, kas nende liikmed on kõik põllumajandustootjad või lihtsalt passiivsed osakute omanikud.

Taimekasvatuses tegutsevad Bennu Veski ja Tornimäe masinaühistu, kelle vajakajäämiseks on toetuse saamise seisukohalt tegelemine pelgalt abiteenuste pakkumisega, aga mitte oma liikmete toodangu müümisega. Teraviljasektoris tegutseb Kavandi masinaühistu, kelle müügitulu on toetuse saamiseks liiga väike. Samas ei ole teada, kui suur on ühistu liikmete kogutoodang ja käive sel juhul, kui nad müüksid oma vilja tervenisti ühistu kaudu, selgitas Saaliste Kavandi ühistu võimalust tulevikus käivet suurendada.

Merle Saaliste lausus, et tootjarühmade toetuse eesmärgiks pole niivõrd uute rühmade teke, vaid olemasolevate muutumine suuremaks. “Kui sa lähed läbirääkimisi pidama töötlejaga või jaekaubandusega, et sul oleks siis mingisugune mass piima või liha, müügiargument, millega hinna üle kaubelda,” selgitas ta.

Põllumajandusministeeriumi äsja valminud ülevaate kohaselt oli Eestis 2010. a veebruaris 84 tegutsevat põllumajandustootjate tulundusühistut. Enam kui poolte tulundusühistute müügitulu jäi 2008. aastal alla 5 miljoni krooni.

Michael Moore Capitalism: A Love Story

Howard Stern great interview with Michael Moore.9.23.2009. Capitalism, the Love Story. pt.1

Howard Stern great interview with Michael Moore.9.23.2009. Capitalism, the Love Story. pt.2

Howard Stern great interview with Michael Moore.9.23.2009. Capitalism, the Love Story. pt.3

Michael Moore Capitalism: A Love story jooksis Iirimaa ja Inglismaa kinodes.
1.Kas too film jooksis Eesti ekraanidel?
2.See gilm on maailma suurimast pangaröövist mille panid toime pankurid koos USA kongresmenidega ja President G.W.Bushiga...nad röövisid maksumaksjate raha 700 biljonit USD...mäletate ju küll mil masu alguses kirjutati,et pangad vajavad abi...noh ja see abi andmine oligi pangarööv mille sooritasid pankurid...
3.Selles filmis näidatakse Mart Laari sõpru kes andsid talle rahalise tunnustuse,nood maffia ristiisad Goldman ja president G.W.Bush on Laari sõbrad...
4.Miks eesti sotsid pole teinud sõnakestki sellest filmist? See on järjekordne märk,et eesti sotsid on libasotsid s.o. korrumpeerunud ja seega marionetid ja pederastid...
See film jutustab väga palju USA-s ja maailmas toimuva kohta...pean toda veel vaatama ja siis üksipulgi lahti seletama...
5.Kas keegi pole tulnud selle peale,et see film läbi rääkida?
Iga filmilõik tuleks läbi võtta ja selle kohta kommentaarid...
igat filmilõiku võrrelda eestiga...

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Riik toetab põllumeeste koondumist Kibbutzi ja Ökoküladesse

Riik toetab põllumeeste koondumist tootjarühmadesse
Toimetas: Bianca Mikovitš
28. aprill 2010 16:34

Tootjarühmadesse koondunud põllumehed saavad alates augustist küsida toetust oma äritegevuse edendamiseks ja kauba reklaamimiseks. Maksimaalne toetussumma ühe tootjarühma kohta on 5 aasta jooksul 4,8 miljonit krooni.

Täna allkirjastas põllumajandusminister Helir-Valdor Seeder tootjarühma loomise ja arendamise toetuse määruse. Toetuse eesmärk on põllumajandusega tegelevate ettevõtjate konkurentsivõime tõstmine ja turujõu suurendamine läbi nende ühise majandustegevuse edendamise.

Toetuskõlbulik on põllumajandustootjaid ühendav Põllumajanduse ja Registrite ja Informatsiooni Ametis (PRIA) ametlikult tunnustatud tulundusühistu, mille eesmärgiks on ühiselt turustada oma liikmete kaupa. Taotlejal müügitulu liha, lehmapiima, teravilja, õlikultuuride, kartuli või nendest valmistatud toodete kohta peab taotluse esitamise aastal ületama 5 miljonit krooni. Mahepõllumajandustoodete puhul peab müügitulu ületama 2 miljonit krooni.

Toetust saab taotleda ainult 5 aasta jooksul alates tootjarühma esmakordse tunnustamise kuupäevast ning selle ülempiiriks on 4 850 445 krooni. Toetuse suuruse arvestamisel lähtutakse tootjarühma taotluse esitamise aastale vahetult eelnenud majandusaasta müügitulust, mis on saadud liikmete toodetud põllumajandustoote ja selle töötlemisel saadud toote müügist kokku.

Tänavuaastase taotlusvooru eelarveks on planeeritud 25 miljonit krooni, millest 75% finantseeritakse Maaelu Arengu Euroopa Põllumajandusfondist (EAFRD) ning 25% Eesti riigieelarvest.

Taotlusvoor on esialgselt kavas läbi viia selle aasta 30. augustist kuni 13. septembrini, tootjarühmade tunnustamise taotlusi hakatakse vastu võtma 15. juunil.

Eesti rahvuse iibe tõstmiseks on vaja toota mööblit mis aitab mitmekesistada voodi elu:

Wermo ostja: jutud edasimüümisest on alusetud

"Kõigepealt hakatakse aktsiaseltsis Wermo keskenduma tootmisprotsesside ja müügitegevuse arendamisele."
See on siis,hakkate ka sortimenti täiustama,eks ju.
Te võiksite korraldada konkursi ideedele parima mööbli mudeli tootmiseks.
Kuna president kuulutas välja seaduse mille abil tõsteti pensioni iga siis see näitab,et president ei usu Eesti rahvuse iibe tõusu...
Mina tean kuidas saab tõsta eesti rahvuse iivet...
Eesti rahvuse iibe tõstmiseks on vaja toota mööblit mis aitab mitmekesistada voodi elu:

Eeskujulik 17aastane Taavi Irves

Kõik noored ja vanad võtke eeskuju Taavi Irvesest sest siis te enam ei karda elada oma elu...

Võrumaa noormees sööstis süstaga Jägala joast alla

Karl Ruuda

EKSTREEM • Kui keegi mõtleb, et tegu oli süüdimatu noorukiga, kes heast peast kaheksa meetri kõrguselt süstaga alla sööstab, siis nii see päris pole.

Praegu Tartus õppiv 17aastane Taavi Irves on ekstreemsportlane, kel aastaid aerutajastaaži. Peale selle on ta hankinud kogemusi süstaslaalomis võisteldes.

Läinud pühapäeval tekkis aga soodne moment, et saada teiseks eestlaseks, kes edukalt süstaga Jägala joast alla sõidab.

„Ütleme nii, et huupi ei läinud keegi midagi tegema. See oli kaalutletud otsus, ” rääkis Taavi isa, ekstreemspordiürituste korraldaja Hillar Irves. „Olime seal ühel võistlusel ja võistluse vahel tekkis sobiv moment hüppe sooritamiseks, veetase ja ilmastik soosisid seda.”

Et kõik turvaline oleks, oli kohal ka päästemeeskond. „Turvanõuded olid täidetud ka kui midagi oleks juhtunud, siis oleksime saanud operatiivselt appi minna,” ütles Hillar Irves. Esimese eestlasena sõitis kolm aastat tagasi Jägala joalt alla ekstreemsportlane Andres Kaju. „Lätlased on sealt alla sõitnud tegelikult küll ja küll, kuid Taavi oli teadaolevalt teiseks eestlaseks, kes sealt alla sai.”

Jugadelt süstaga allasööstmine on tegevus, kus selgroovigastused on sagedased. Laskumisel on oluline, et süst läheks vette peaaegu vertikaalselt, sest horisontaalses positsioonis süstas istuva sõitja selgroog sellele vastu ei pea.

Hillar Irvese sõnul peitub suur oht ka selles, kas tagasivool tirib süstamehe vee alla või mitte. „Iseenesest loetakse Jägala juga suhteliselt ohutuks. Seal on sügav ja selletõttu ei teki seal väga tugevat vastuvoolu, mis süstamehe vee alla vangi jätaks,” selgitas ta.

Taavi Irvese jaoks pole see aga esimene kord kuskilt süstaga alla sõita. „Trennide käigus oleme hüpanud autosildadelt alla. See on nii, et istud silla äärel ja lased end põksti süstaga vette. Taavi on süstaga alla sööstnud ka Kubja kuuemeetrisest hüppetornist,” rääkis Taavi isa Hillar ja lisas, et tänu heale ettevalmistusele tuli ka Jägala hüpe hästi välja. „Taavil olid muljed muidugi laes ja adrenaliin lõi pea kohal kokku.”

Kuigi omaette võistlusi ei peeta nende vahel, kes kuskilt alla julgeb sõita või mitte, siis Hillar Irvese sõnul on inimloomuses midagi, mis paneb esmapilgul ületamatuid takistusi ületama. „Inimesed tahavad ju ikka saavutada midagi, mis algul võib tunduda absurdsena,” sõnas Hillar Irves ja tõi näite. „See on nagu mägironimine. Võistlusi ei peeta, kuid loeb see, kas oled seal mäetipus käinud või mitte. Sama on sellega, et kas oled siit alla sõitnud või mitte.”

Hüpe on edukalt sooritatud ja nüüdsest keskendub Taavi Irves enda tõestamisele kärestikuslaalomi alal. „Meie eesmärk pole siiski jugadelt alla söösta vaid ikka süstaslaalom, mis on ka olümpiaala. See on praegu üks kiiremini arenevaid spordialasid maailmas, mis on väga ekstreemne, dramaatiline ja hästi jälgitav,” võttis Hillar Irves edasised plaanid kokku.

Tokyo katsetab elektritaksosid

Tokyo katsetab elektritaksosid
28.04.2010 12:06
USA elektriauto-teenuste firma Better Place lasi Jaapani pealinna tänavatele vurama neli spetsiaalselt sel eesmärgil ehitatud elektritaksot.
Vastloodud California ettevõte üritab oma aktsiooniga õhutada Jaapani autotootjaid disainima laaditavate akudega elektriautosid. Akusid on võimalik välja võtta ja uutega asendada.

Just sellise süsteemi tarvis arendabki Better Place akuvahetusjaamu ja muud vajalikku infrastruktuuri. Tänase seisuga on seda suunda autotootjate seas aktsepteerinud vaid prantslaste Renault ja Hiina Chery.

Jaapani valitsus hakkas projekti vastu igatahes huvi tundma ja otsustas 90-päevast katsetust finantseerida. Jaapani autofirmadest on Nissan valinud oma uue elektrilise luukpära Leafi jaoks pistiku-disaini, Toyota ja Honda propageerivad aga usinasti hübriidsõidukeid, kus bensiin ja elekter vaheldumisi tööd teevad.

Better Place'i asutaja Shai Agassi ütles, et Tokyo sai valitud selleks, et «Jaapani autotööstust üles äratada». Ning takso paistab selleks hea variant olevat. Tokyos on neid 60 000 - rohkem kui Londonis, New Yorgis ja Pariisis kokku.

Kõigist Tokyo tänavaid täitvaist masinaist teeb see küll vaid 2 protsenti, kuid samas on taksod pidevas liikumises ning tekitavad linna transpordialastest kasvuhoonegaasidest lausa viiendiku.

Igast kümnest Jaapani taksost on kuus Toyotad ning hübriid Prius on nende seas üsna populaarne. Kui Better Place suudab tõestada, et akudevahetus reaalselt toimib, võib ta endale Jaapanis päris suure akuklubi kokku saada.

Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2010.
Toimetas: Jonathan Soble, FT
Toimetas: Paul Betts, FT

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Ülikooli omad ajavad pööblile kärbseid pähe

Passiivmajades elavad pered kulutavad küttele kümme korda vähem kui teiste uute majade omanikud. Piltlikult öeldes on passiivmajas tavalise toa ärakütmiseks vaja ainult kolme sajavatist pirni. Sama tulemuse annavad näiteks ka jõulukuusel põlevad kümme küünalt (1 küünal on 30W). loe lisa...

Mis on passiivmaja? print

Tavaliselt kütab maja keskküttesüsteem koos torude, radiaatorite ja õli- või gaasikatlaga. Sellise süsteemi soojusvõimsus on ca 100 W/m2. See tähendab näiteks, et maja soojana hoidmiseks peaks toa iga ruutmeetri kohal peaks põlema üks sajavatine pirn.

Passiivmaja puhul on idee, et soojakadusid vähendatakse niipalju, et maja saaks ära kütta ainult sissejuhitavat õhku soojendades. Arvutuslikult on see võimalik, kui soojuskoormus ei ületa 10 W/m2. See arv saadakse järgmiselt:

* värske õhu vajadus on tavaliselt 1 m3 õhku ruutmeetri elamispinna kohta tunnis;
* õhku ei soojendata kõrgema temperatuurini kui 50°C ;
* maksimaalne soojuskoormus võrdub seega:

soojuskoormuse valem2.bmp

Hea ruumikliima tagamise eesmärgil on passiivmajas kontrollitud õhuvahetus möödapääsmatu. Kui lähtuda standardsest õhuvajadusest 30 m3 inimese kohta tunnis ja eeldusest, et inimese kohta tuleb majas 30 m2, on värske õhu vajadus minimaalselt 1 m3/(m2 h). Sissejuhitavat õhku ei soojendata kõrgema temperatuurini kui 50 °C põhjusel, et sellest ülespoole hakkab see halvasti mõjuma sisekliimale. Korrutus õhu soojamahutavusega 0,33 Wh/(m3K) annab tulemuseks, et soojuskoormus tohib olla maksimaalselt 10 W/m2. Selle näitajaga saab maja mugavalt ära kütta, andes vajaliku väga väikese koguse lisasooja ainult sissejuhitavasse õhku. See kehtib muuhulgas kõikide eluruumide kohta sõltumata kliimast. Välised olud hakkavad mõjutama alles seda, kui raske on soojakadusid piirides hoida, mis võimaldab koos niivõrd väikese lisasooja ja vabasoojusega bilanssi kokku saada.

Eelnevaga uuesti võrdlust tuues: tavalise toa ärakütmiseks on vaja nüüd ainult 3 sajavatist pirni. Sama tulemuse annavad näiteks ka jõulukuusel põlevad 10 küünalt (1 küünal on 30W).

Soojusvajadus on viidud nii madalale, et eraldi „aktiivsest“ küttesüsteemist (katlast, korstnast, soojatorudest) saab loobuda. Vajaliku koguse lisasooja saab majja viia koos värske õhuga, mida sinna juhitakse nii või teisiti.

Passiivmajaks nimetatakse seega sellist hoonet, kus maja kütmiseks piisab ainult sissejuhitava õhu soojendamisest ning kus aktiivsest küttesüsteemist (ja ka kliimaseadmest) saab seetõttu loobuda.

Passiivmajades elavad pered kulutavad täna reaalselt küttele 10 korda vähem, kui teiste uute majade omanikud. See on võimalik, kuna maja on:

1) väga hästi soojustatud,

2) see on ehitatud lisaks õhutihedana,

3) ilma külmasildadeta;

4) selle akende paigutus ja kvaliteet võimaldab päikeseenergia passiivset ärakasutamist;

5) soe, mida muidu ventileerimisega majast välja juhitakse võetakse soojavahetiga tagasi sissetulevasse õhku.

Nende 5 põhimõtte järgimine võib anda passiivmajastandardiga hoone väga erineva arhitektuuri ja materjalikasutuse puhul. Passiivmaja võib olla nii kivi- kui puitkarkasshoone, selle soojustus võib olla tehtud enamiku tuntud materjalidega. Optimeerimiseks on teadlikult jäetud piisavalt mänguruumi.

[1] temperatuuride vahe

Forte hämab

2020: Tulevikuta maja või tulevikumaja?
ERRi uudisteportaal
27. aprill 2010 15:48

Heido Vitsur
Foto: Andres Putting

Majandusbuumi ajal ehitatud sadade ja tuhandete hoonete puhul polnud säästlikkus peamine. Tarvis oli ehitada, et kasumit teenida. Kuidas aga luua maju, mis hoiaksid kokku energiat, oleksid valmistatud loodussõbralikest materjalidest ja võimaluse korral suudaksid ka “ise mõelda”?

„Tuleb elada majas, mis kulutab minimaalselt energiat. Sest maailma majandusprobleem nr 1 on ja jääb tükiks ajaks on energiaprobleem,” tõdeb Arengufondi majandusekspert Heido Vitsur. Kiiresti ja odavalt ehitatud maja ei saa olla energiasäästlik.

Energiasäästlik hoone ei tähenda pelgalt, et paneme majale uued aknad ja lampidesse säästupirnid. Hoone plaanitakse algusest peale energiasäästlikuks. Nii on UltraKub projekteerinud Eesti esimese nullenergia maja, mille energiatarve on aetud lausa nii madalaks, et vajaminev energia on mõttekas ise toota.

Energiasääst on põhiteema ka nn targas majas, mida on arendatud aastakümneid, ent turule on see jõudmas alles neil päevil. Tark maja jälgib, kas ruumis on liikumist või ei ole — sellest oleneb, kas lamp põleb, millisele tasemele on lülitatud küte jms. „Kui kodust ära lähed, võib seesama andur täita ka turvafunktsiooni,” selgitab Yoga Intelligence arendusjuht Raivo Raestik targa maja olemust.

Saade „2020: tulevikuta maja või tulevikumaja?” kaalub argumente passiivmaja ning nn targa maja ehitamise poolt ja vastu:

- energiasäästliku tulevikumaja energiabilanss võib olla praktiliselt null, kuid ehitamine on kallis;

- targa maja ekspluatatsiooniga on vähem vaeva, kuid maja sõltub väliskommunikatsioonidest;

- valik on — kas säästlikkus või mugavus?

Vaata veel

Elektriauto Nissan Nuvu

Tere tulemast ulmefilmi - Nissan Nuvu
25.04.2010 11:06
Ehkki Toyota tibatilluke mudel iQ pole ehk osutunud nii menukaks, kui Toyota turundusinimesed salamisi lootsid, on see ometi pannud eurooplased autosid teistsuguse pilguga vaatama ja teised autofirmad pingutama selle nimel, et midagi samasugust lagedale tuua.

Kõige lähemal näikse sellele olevat Nissan, mille pisiauto Nuvu peaks mitteametlikel andmetel seeriatootmisse jõudma 2012. aastal.

Nuvu näeb välja, nagu oleks see pärit mõne ulmefilmi võtteplatsilt, ja ega sisugi palju alla jää. Näiteks on see kolmekohaline (sic!) auto tagaveoline ja mootorgi asub auto tagaosas – nagu Porschel. Või Zaporožetsil. Muide, eks ole viimase ja Nuvu välisilmeski natuke sarnasusi?
Tagatipuks liigub Nuvu elektri jõul, kaks aastat tagasi esitletud ideeauto klaaskatuses olid koguni päikesepatareid, millest auto pidanuks vähemalt osa liikumiseks vajalikust energiast ammutama.

Pilvisteks päevadeks on siiski ka tavalisest seinakontaktist laadimise võimalus. Ühe laadimiskorraga suudab Nuvu sõita ümmarguselt 140 kilomeetrit ja tippkiirus küünib 120 kilomeetrini tunnis. Suuresti taaskasutatud materjalidest valmistatud auto akude laadimine käib hämmastavalt kiiresti – 80-protsendilise täitumuseni jõudmiseks kulub ümmarguselt veerand tundi. Arvestades, et Nuvu on mõeldud hommikul tööle ja õhtul koju sõitmiseks, polegi ju enamat vaja.

Eurooplaste uus lemmik
Volkswagen Golf on Euroopa müüduim auto olnud peaaegu et aegade algusest. Ent enam ei ole see nii – sel aastal on eurooplased armunud hoopis Ford Fiestasse. Märtsis oli Ford Euroopas müünud üle 68 000 Fiesta, Volkswagen aga suutis samal ajal müüa vähem kui 12 000 Golfi. Aasta algusest on endale peremehe leidnud 140 500 Fiestat ja 136 00 Golfi.

Stuttgarti rünnatakse!
Mercedes-Benzi lipulaev S-klass näikse konkurentide silmi õige terava pinnuna torkivat. Eile alanud Pekingi autonäitusel on mitu autotootjat väljas mudeliga, mis just S-klassiga rinda pistma peaks hakkama.

Et Volkswagen loodab väärilist vastast uue põlvkonna Phaetonist, on ehk ootuspärane, ehkki Phaetoni eelmised mudelid pole
S-klassi menule lähedalegi saanud. Aga et Mercedest ründab ka Citroën enam kui 5,3 meetri pikkuse mudeliga Metropolis, on juba tähelepanuväärne. Näeme, kas 460-hobujõulise V6-mootoriga Metropolisel õnnestub see, mis prantslastel siiani korda läinud pole – luua rahvusvaheliselt edukas luksusauto.

Veerandsajandi parim
Suurbritannia kindlustusseltsi Direct Line korraldatud küsitluse põhjal peavad britid viimase 25 aasta parimaks autoks Aston Martini mudelit DB9, mida suurem osa meiesugustest on näinud ainult James Bondi tööautona kinolinal või paremal juhul mõne luksusrestorani ette pargituna. Aga noh, kui auto juba salateenistuse heerosele kõlbab, ju ta siis hea on. Teise koha pälvis parima auto valimisel Volkswagen Golfi kiireks sõiduks tehtud erimudel ja kolmandaks jäi Sir Alexander Arnold Constantine Issigonise kingitus inimkonnale ehk Mini.

Nasva pere sai loa koduhoovi elektrituulik püstitada

Autor: Kertu Kalmus
Kolmapäev, 28. aprill 2010

Nasval elavad Liia Ristain ja Jalmar Jaansen said Kaarma vallalt loa püstitada oma koduõuele isiklikuks otstarbeks mõeldud tuulegeneraator.

“Ehitusluba on väljastatud, ehitamise alustamise teatist ei ole omanik esitanud ja täiendavaid sooviavaldusi valda laekunud ei ole,” kinnitas Kaarma abivallavanem Urmas Sepp Oma Saarele.
Liia Ristaini sõnul saadi vallalt luba tegelikult juba mõne nädala eest, kuid kui generaatorit püstitama asuti, tekkisid väikesed erimeelsused ühe naabriga, kes polnud nõus, et tema krundi lähedusse tuulegeneraator püsti pannakse.

“Siis oli plats juba ette valmistatud, aga naabri vastuseisu tõttu nihutasime tuulegeneraatori asupaika nii, et see ei avalda naabri krundile mingit mõju,” rääkis Ristain. Kuna generaatori mõjud jäävad seega vaid nende oma kinnistu piiresse, ei olnud püstitamisplaani enam vaja naabriga eraldi kooskõlastada. Jalmar Jaansen lisas omalt poolt, et algselt valitud koht puutus kokku tegelikult kahe naaberkrundiga, kuid kuna üks neist naabreist oli samuti tuuliku püstitamisest huvitatud, nihutatigi seda lihtsalt nende krundi poole. “Tema oli igati nõus, sest on ise ka sellisest asjast huvitatud,” sõnas Jaansen.

Oma kodu elektriga varustamiseks mõeldud tuulegeneraatori püstitamisega teeb perekond uuesti algust mai alguses ja hiljemalt juunis saab seda Liia Ristaini sõnul kasutama hakata. “Varem ilmselt lihtsalt ei jõua,” nentis ta.

Päevakommentaar. Meelis Mandel

Päevakommentaar. Meelis Mandel


Minu kommentaar:
1.Te blufite.
2.Mil toimus Geneva motoshow te panite oma lehte vaid pildid näitusel olnud mõningatest autodest.Te kirjutanud sõnakestki statistiliselt mis tüüpi autodega oli tegemist...kuid pooled esindatud autodest moodustasid hübriidid ja elektriautod...
Te varjate baasinformatsiooni...energeetika ja transport on kõige olulisemad ettevõtjaile...ja te ei suutnud jääda objektiivseks ses küsimuses...

3.Te peate endale selgeks tegema selle tõsisasja,et kõik ettevõtmised mis ei ole maaelu ehk rahvuse kesksed on ebarentaalsed ettevõtmised...
4.Teen teile ja pankureile,ning monopolidele ettepaneku sättida kõik ettevõtmised sedasi,et Eestlased elaksid maal...
5.Pankurid peaksid kodulaenu asemel andma maale kolimise laenu...selles peaks olema midagi taolist kuis turismifirmad müüvad omi turismi reise,nende pakketide taolised
peaksid olema maale elama asuma minemise laenu paketid...
6.Pankurid te olete liiga küünilised...
7.Te tehke sedasi,et ärga koorige rahvast kodulaenuga aga andke täispakett milles on töökoht,koolitus...No näiteks,odava maja saab savimaja või põhumaja...20 000 krooni...teie laen põhinegu meieri või töökoja loomisele...
Emaettevõtetele andke intressideta laenu...
8.Tehke nii,et hundid söönud ja lambad terved...elamuaseme laenu asemel laenake tütarettevõtete loomiseks ja emaettevõtetele intressideta laenu...

Koerakakast kütust

Mull änd Moll, 27.04.2010 09:32
Tünga Koerakast Omatehtuga saab teha juriidiliselt korrektselt ja täiesti legaalselt ning laenu-võla -maksuaktsiisivabalt.
Näiteks Koerakakast Omatehtu niidetud rohust Oma Tarbeks ja ülejäägid Naabrimehle tingimusel kui ta on Nabatamees - ei lähe koputama ja kaebama.
Suurel hulgal?
Kohe on ilge seakisa koerakaka teemal lahti,olgugi et ka eurodirektiivis mitte ei keela,vaid just soosivad sellist tüngategevust.
Millised on Euroopa trendid ja bärdid?
Momendi seisuga veidi vananenud ülevaade koos arvandmetega:
Biogas as Vehicle Fuel
A European Overview:
Koerakakat saab kasutada ka auokütuseks vajalike tahkete tablettide valmistamiseks Taani Tehnikaülikooli
Technical University of Denmark (DTU) eeskujul.
Ei vaja kalleid seadmeid (need saab vamistada käeulatuses olevast käepärasest risust)ja teha saab täiest tavalise värkstoa tasemel.
Ammonia-based energy storage
Handheld Hydrogen: Metal Ammine Complexes in Tablet Form
Химики решили кормить автомобили водородными таблетками
Koerakakast saab teha ka hütaani.
The fuels it can accept are: hythane (10% hydrogen and 90% methane), biomethane, natural gas (CNG), bioethanol E85 (85% bioethanol and 15% gasoline) and regular gasoline.

Auto-ja ahjukütuse tooraine moodustab:Koerakaka ,lehmakaka,värskelt niidetud muru,möödunud sügisesed puulehed,tiigimuda

Mull änd Moll, 27.04.2010 09:06 , 27.04.2010 04:49
"Ajakirjandusel on läbi aasta omad korduvad teemad."
Lõpuks isegi tunnistasite...kräunutate vana plaati...
justkui pole millestki kirjutada.
Te kordate sama teemasid sest varjate olulist informatsiooni!!!
Härra mõtleb,arvab ja
ütleb väga õieti ja õiglaselt.
Koerakaka ja eriti selle segu värskelt niidetud muruga,
möödunudsügiseste puulehtedega,tiigimudaga ja paari
peotäie lehmakakaga ( lisatakse juurde kui pärmiasendajat)on tegelikult suurepärane auto-ja ahjukütuse tooraine.
Ühe hektari muru-rohuväljakuga mis on koerte poolt täis
korralikult situtatud innovatiivseks ja atraktiivseks
miiniväljaks,saag sõita keskmise suurusega B klassi
sõiduautoga päris kaugele.
Activity 10.1. BIOMASS ENERGY. Aim: When you have completed these activities you will have produced and studied the biogas, methane (CH4). ...
Tüng koerakakaga on tegelikult lihtsa alkeemiaga ISE JÄRGI AHVITAV (Ise saab kätte alati parema tünga!)
BIOGAS PRODUCTIO = tegutsemisskeem = tüngaskeem = tegutsemisskeemiga - minimum effort for maximum output = minimaalse vaevaga maksimaalne tulemus = minimaalselt kulutatud vaev maksimaalse ja ja mõnes mõttes isegi üldkasuliku tulemuse saamiseks.
Eksjuuu - Jukuuu???

Monday, April 26, 2010

Talgute mõte seisneb selles,et noor pere saaks omale kodu ilma pangalaenuta.

Vanast ajast saati on talguid peetud majade ehitamiseks.
Külarahvas tuli kokku ja ehitas noorele perele talu.

Ka tänapäeval talgute mõte seisneb selles,et noor pere saaks omale kodu ilma pangalaenuta.
Näiteks,talgute abil ehitatakse savi või põhumaju,nonde ehitusmaterjalidele kulub vaid kakskümmend tuhat krooni.
Talgud ei tähenda koristustöid.

Nädalavahetusel perega talgutele

Nädalavahetusel perega talgutele
27. aprill 2010 00:00

Laupäeval on uksele koputamas suur üle-eestiline talgupäev, mil saab koos pere ja sõpradega kaasa aidata kodukohas, sünnikohas või lihtsalt mõnes toredas Eestimaa paigas oluliste asjade ära tegemisele.

Ettevõtlikud inimesed on Eestimaa erinevais paigus selleks päevaks üles seadnud hulga põnevaid ja vajalikke talgutöid — näiteks Väike-Maarjas saab osaleda lõbusal kaltsupeol ja teha uueks vanu armsaid riideesemeid, Haapsalus saab appi minna lastepargi korrastamisele. Lääne-Virumaal saab aga osaleda Voorse piimakitsede talu ehitustalgutel, kus võimalus proovida talutöid, jahvatada vilja raua-ajast pärit jahvekivil, ehitada treppi ja maitsta kitsepiimajuustu. Hiiumaal Kõrgessaare vallas saab paika seada lindude pesakaste ja õppida linnulaulu. Kes aga eriti ehedat kogemust otsib, saab sõita Lääne-Virumaale piisonifarmi talgutele, kus toimub rajatava maaelu teemapargi korrastus, talgulistele pakutakse lisaks värskele õhule ja tööle ka indiaani suppi, burgerite sõud ja “Piisoni musi”. Need on vaid mõned pea tuhandest erinevast ettevõtmisest, kus sellel päeval kaasa lüüa saab.

Edelaraudtee pakub talgupäeva auks kõigile rongiga reisijatele pea poole soodsamat piletihinda, nii et auto võib sel päeval hoopis koju jätta ja teha üks lõbus rongireis pere või sõprade seltsis. Töötukassa maksab registreeritud töötutele talgupäevale minekuga seonduvalt transporditoetust, kui talgukoht asub elukohast 0,5 — 70 km kaugusel. Toetust makstakse talgujuhi poolt täidetud osalemisvormi alusel 1,5 krooni kilomeetri kohta. Vajaliku vormi saab alla laadida Töötukassa veebilehelt ( Kes aga kohalejõudmiseks küüti otsib või seda pakkuda tahab, võib minna lehele, kus paremas servas asuva bänneri kaudu pääseb talgupäeva küüdipakkumiste lehele.

Päevale saab väärilise punkti panna laulu, tantsu ja pillimänguga kümnetel erinevatel simmanitel mis sel õhtul erinevais paigus peetakse. Erinevates kohtades saab kuulata kohalikke muusikuid, vaadata rahvatantsijaid ja teisi esinejaid ning ka ise laulu ja tantsu proovida. Täpsema info konkreetse talgupaigaga seotud simmani ja meelelahutuse kohta leiad iga talgupaiga lisainfost. Paljud on üleval ka lehel lingi “Simmanid” all.

Lauluhimuliste jaoks panid talgute korraldajad Talgulaulikusse kokku rohkem kui 200 erineva tuntud rahvaliku laulu sõnad, mida hea talgute ajal, järel ja hiljemgi ühiselt laulda. Selle lauliku saab kas otse postiga lehelt koju tellida või kaasa haarata Bauhofi kauplusest.Tulekust anna registreerimisega märku samuti kas veebilehel või telefonil : 59074000 ( iga päev kell 9.00-18.00 )

Eesti Vabariigi Presidendi Toomas Hendrik Ilvese kommentaarid:

Eesti Vabariigi Presidendi
Toomas Hendrik Ilvese kommentaarid:

Aga ma nikkusin seal õppides portugali meest Joaod ja kolisin hoopis Portugali. Olen selline nikkuja, erinevalt vanaemast, kes oli väga rahul Osulas ega nikkunud kusagil mujal.
Kas Joal oli suur munn ja kas ta nikkus hästi? Kas perse ka pani ?
26 aprill 2010 23:11

Irja imeb hästi!
26 aprill 2010 23:17

nägin unes, et t33t margna on pedofiil
27 aprill 2010 0:01

nägin unes et inno imes jussi
27 aprill 2010 1:22

Irja, näita tissi, kas on suuremaks läind?
Vanasti oli sul nagu 2 praetud muna.
27 aprill 2010 3:14

Maire Aunaste sai Tsoorus tööd!

Minu kommentaar:
No kontrollige siis ära kas ta on proua või mitte,andke talle lüpsipink kätte ja las lüpsab lehma:)))
Kui ära ei põlga,no siis vast ei ole proua:)))
Kuna majanduse ja töökohtade loomise küsimuse koha pealt on terves maailmas küsimus number üks energeetika siis kas Maire Aunaste võiks külastada Lembit Merilat ja teha temast korralik saade kus Lembit Merila saaks õpetada Eesti rahvale kuis ehitada väikesevõimsusega elektrituulikut?

Eesti elektrituulikute tootmise ajalugu

Inimesed ja mesilased

Kuna Võrumaa teatajas kustutakse kommentaare siis kirjutan siia:
"Ühisalusel sündiv koostöö"
Mida peate selle all silmas? Kas Kibbutzi?
"Mida väiksem riik, seda kallim tema pidamine on."
Eesti elanikkond on nõnda väikesearvuline,et igas korporatsioonis töötab enam inimesi...seega,Eestimaa juhtimine on lihtsamast lihtsam-täpselt samamoodi kuis juhitakse korporatsiooni juhitakse ka Eestimaa majandust.Simulaatori peal on paika pandud palgatase jpms.
Neid lihtsustatud simulaatoreid on läbi mänginud pea kõik lapsed: Sim City,Sims jne.

Võrumaa noormees sööstis süstaga Jägala joast alla

Minu kommentaar:
Mind sümpatiseerivad sellised hulljulged inimesed sest nad annavad head eeskuju teistele oma tahte maksma panemisel. Üks selline super hulljulge mees on
Philippe Petit
Ta on köielkõndija ja tema tipp saavutuseks oli Maailma kaunabduskeskuse pilvelõhkuja katuste vahel köiel esinemine.Ta püsis seal 45 minutit.Pilvelõhkujad olid 450 meetri kõrgused...Dok. filmi nimi on "Man on wire".
Vaadake seda filmi või lugege samanimelist raamatut ja te saate sellise tugeva eneseusu,et hakkate liigutama mägesid...

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Hannover Messe 2010

Our slogan: Create Sustainable Value

Food inc

Elektriauto Chevy Volt

Elektriauto Chevy Volt saabus mahtuniversaalina MPV5
23. aprill 2010 09:41

Volt pole ise veel müügile tulnudki, kui selle mudeliperekonda juba järglasi sünnib. MPV5 on viiekohaline mahtuniversaal, mida liigutab sama Voltec arhitektuur, mis Volt’i endagi aluseks.

Volti ninaga masin meenutab kehalt Chevrolet Orlandot ning on naksitralliautost HHR tosinkond sentimeetrit pikem. 16 kWh akud toidavad 150 hj elektrimootorit nagu Voltiski.

Suurema lauppinnaga MPV5 on aerodünaamiliselt raskem objekt ning seega ei liigu see ühe laadimisega mitte 65 km, vaid veidi üle 50 km. Salong on sel mõistagi ruumikas, keskkonsool jms. võetud muutmata kujul Voltist.

Linn on inimestele sama mis metsloomadele on loomaaed! Inimesed peavad elama looduses sest inimesed on samuti kõigest loomad.
Artikkel:"Liikumine ravib sada haigust"
ÜHESKOOS ja TERVISLIKUMALT: Naistekas ja Figuurisõbrad pakuvad järgneval viiel laupäeval mõtteid teemal, kuidas elu tervislikumaks muuta. Südamenädal ongi hea aeg alustamiseks, sest arstid ei räägi asjata: südamehaiguste kõige olulisemaks põhjustajaks on ülekaal ja väike liikumisaktiivsus.

Minu kommentaar:
Ma loodan,et te mõistate kui võtta mürki(süüa kauplusest ostetud toitu),hingata mürki(linnaõhku),ning katta ennast mürgiga(make upiga),elada energia vaeses keskkonnas(linnas)...kui peita ennast kosutava õhu eest ja puhta vee eest,ning energiaküllase keskkonna eest-ELADA LINNAS siis kõik meetodid mida te pakute kõigest leevendavad
inimeste tervise kahjustusi mida loob linna elu.
Inimene peab elama õiges keskkonnas...inimene on ju loom...oleme ju inimahvid...loodus on meie normaalne elukeskkond...linn on inimese loomaaed!!!Inimese vangla ehk loomaaed on linn!!!Laske metsloomad loomaaiast tagasi loodusesse ja samuti ka inimesed tagasi linnast loodusesse...inimloomad vajavad täpselt samapalju loodust kui metsloomad...
Mida kõike peaks vältima:
1.Väldi asfalttee peal kõndimist ja viibimist.
2.Väldi linnas elamist.
3.Väldi mitmekorruselises mitmepere paneelmajas elamist.
4.Ühest pere kodust teiseni peab olema mõned kilomeetrid s.o. ülimalt kahjulik tervisele on elu mitmepere elamutes kus on koos sadu või isegi tuhandeid inimesi.
5.Maja peab kaitsema koer ja haned sest nood peletavad eemale öisel ajal rändavaid halbu hingesid ja vaime.
6.Ära viibi linnas hetkegi sest linnaõhk ja linnas valitsevad peenenergiad,ning aurad on väga kahjulikud tervisele.
7.Joo ainult kaevu vett või allika vett mida ise ammutasid.Ära iialgi joo kraanivett isegi kui toda on filtreeritud ja keedetud-kraaniveel on vale vee struktuur.Ära joo vett mida on villitud pudelisse sest villitud pudeli veel on vale vee struktuur.
8.Söö ainult oma aiasaadusi ja oma laudast lihasaadusi sest teate ju isegi kuis kombinaadid muudavad toidu tervisele kahjulikuks.
9.Lõhu küttepuid sest küttepuude lõhkumise töö tugevdab õlalihaseid ja seljalihaseid,ning jalalihaseid,ning kõhulihaseid,kätelihaseid.Lõhu iga päev natuke küttepuid ja sa oled terve ja tugev.
10.Viibi värskes õhus ja parim viis selleks on küttepuude lõhkumine.

BMW elektriauto

BMW plaanib uut megapisi-autode seeriat. Ja uut automarki
23. aprill 2010 16:30

Project i Megacity on megalinnade tarbeks spetsiaalsete megapisiautode projekteerimise projekt. 2013. a. turule saabuv auto on tagamootoriga, viiekohaline, tagaveoline ja võimalikult vinge välimusega.

BMW’l on küll eelmise sajandi keskelt imepisikeste autode – Isettade - ehitamise kogemus olemas, ent 21. saj. tarbeks lubatakse luua täiesti uus disainikeel. Isegi nii uus ja BMW’st endast erinev, et „megapisi“ lähebki müüki Megacity brändi all. Lõpuks on plaanis pakkuda nii ontlikke automobiile kui sportlikumaid suurlinnaliikureid.

Megacity kere valmistatakse ülikergest süsinikplastist, mille tarvis USAs spetsiaalselt tehased püstitatakse. Ühe laadimisega liigub autoke enam kui 250 km ning jah – see on elektriline, kasutab 1. seeria BMW elektrilist kontsepti ning Mini E’sid käitavat tehnikat. Kerge kerekaal annab autonoomiale palju juurde ning tagab parema kiirenduse.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Kas Mart Laar ajab Jedinaja Rossija ja Keskerakonna asja?

Laar andis Bildtile ja Medvedevile leppimise auhinna

Rongiga Washingtonist Pekingisse kahe tunniga

Six. Join the movement.

Six. Join the movement. Go to the and help us create thelargest mass movement for social change the world has ever seen. We must mobilizeand educate everyone about the inherent corruption of our current world system... alongwith the only true sustainable solution, declaring all the natural resources on the planetas common heritage to all people, while informing everyone as to the true state oftechnology and how we can all be free if the world works together rather than fights.The choice lies with you.You can continue to be a slave to the financial system and watch the continuous wars,depressions and injustice across the globe while placating yourself with vainentertainment and materialistic garbage; or you can focus your energy on true,meaningful, holistic, lasting change which has the realistic ability to support and free allhumans with no one left behind.But in the end the most relevant change must occur first inside of you. The realrevolution is the revolution of consciousness, and each one of us first needs to eliminate the divisionary materialistic noise we have been conditioned to think is true; whilediscovering, amplifying, and aligning with the signal coming from our true empiricaloneness.It is up to you.[/Peter Joseph]

Five. Reject the political system.

Five. Reject the political system. The illusion of democracy is an insult to our intelligence.In a monetary system, there is no such thing as a true democracy, and there never was.We have two political parties owned by the same set of corporate lobbyists. They areplace into their positions by the corporations, with popularity artificially projected bytheir media. In a system of inherent corruption the change of personnel every couple ofyears has very little relevance. Instead of pretending that the political game has any true meaning focus your energy on how to transcend this failed system.

Four. Stop supporting the energy companies.

Four. Stop supporting the energy companies. If you live in a detached house, get off thegrid. Investigate every means of making your home self-sustainable with clean energy.Solar, wind, and other renewable energies are now affordable consumer realities, andconsidering the never ending rising costs of traditional energies, it will likely be acheaper investment over time. If you drive, get the smallest car you can and considerusing one of the many conversion technologies that can enable your car to be a hybrid,electric, or run on anything other than establishment fuels.

Three. Don't ever yourself, your family, or anyone you know, to ever join the military.

Three. Don't ever yourself, your family, or anyone you know, to ever join the military.This is an obsolete institution now used exclusively for maintaining an establishment thatis no longer relevant. US soldiers in Iraq work for US corporations, not the people.Propaganda forces us to believe that war is natural and the military is an honorableinstitution. Well if war is natural, why are there 18 suicides every single day by Americanveterans who have post-traumatic stress disorder? If our military men and women areso honored, why is it that 25% of the American homeless population are veterans?

Two. Turn off the TV news.

Two. Turn off the TV news. Visit the emerging independent news agencies on theinternet for your information. CNN, NBC, ABC, FOX and all the others present all newspre-filtered to maintain the status quo. With four corporations owning all major mediaoutlets, objective information is impossible. This is the true beauty of the internet. Andthe establishment has been losing control because of this free flow of information. Wemust protect the internet at all times, as it is truly our savior right now.

One. Expose the banking fraud.

One. Expose the banking fraud. Citibank, JP Morgan Chase, and Bank of America are themost powerful controllers within the corrupt Federal Reserve system. It's time to boycottthese institutions. If you have a bank account or credit card with any of them, moveyour money to another bank. If you have a mortgage, refinance with another bank. Ifyou own their stock, sell it. If you work for them, quit. This gesture will expresscontempt fo the true powers behind the private banking cartel known as the FederalReserve. And create awareness about the fraud of the banking system itself.

Stop supporting the energy companies.

Four. Stop supporting the energy companies. If you live in a detached house, get off thegrid. Investigate every means of making your home self-sustainable with clean energy.Solar, wind, and other renewable energies are now affordable consumer realities, andconsidering the never ending rising costs of traditional energies, it will likely be acheaper investment over time. If you drive, get the smallest car you can and considerusing one of the many conversion technologies that can enable your car to be a hybrid,electric, or run on anything other than establishment fuels.

Here are some suggestions

Here are some suggestions:
One. Expose the banking fraud. Citibank, JP Morgan Chase, and Bank of America are themost powerful controllers within the corrupt Federal Reserve system. It's time to boycottthese institutions. If you have a bank account or credit card with any of them, moveyour money to another bank. If you have a mortgage, refinance with another bank. Ifyou own their stock, sell it. If you work for them, quit. This gesture will expresscontempt fo the true powers behind the private banking cartel known as the FederalReserve. And create awareness about the fraud of the banking system itself.Two. Turn off the TV news. Visit the emerging independent news agencies on theinternet for your information. CNN, NBC, ABC, FOX and all the others present all newspre-filtered to maintain the status quo. With four corporations owning all major mediaoutlets, objective information is impossible. This is the true beauty of the internet. Andthe establishment has been losing control because of this free flow of information. Wemust protect the internet at all times, as it is truly our savior right now.Three. Don't ever yourself, your family, or anyone you know, to ever join the military.This is an obsolete institution now used exclusively for maintaining an establishment thatis no longer relevant. US soldiers in Iraq work for US corporations, not the people.Propaganda forces us to believe that war is natural and the military is an honorableinstitution. Well if war is natural, why are there 18 suicides every single day by Americanveterans who have post-traumatic stress disorder? If our military men and women areso honored, why is it that 25% of the American homeless population are veterans?Four. Stop supporting the energy companies. If you live in a detached house, get off thegrid. Investigate every means of making your home self-sustainable with clean energy.Solar, wind, and other renewable energies are now affordable consumer realities, andconsidering the never ending rising costs of traditional energies, it will likely be acheaper investment over time. If you drive, get the smallest car you can and considerusing one of the many conversion technologies that can enable your car to be a hybrid,electric, or run on anything other than establishment fuels.Five. Reject the political system. The illusion of democracy is an insult to our intelligence.In a monetary system, there is no such thing as a true democracy, and there never was.We have two political parties owned by the same set of corporate lobbyists. They areplace into their positions by the corporations, with popularity artificially projected bytheir media. In a system of inherent corruption the change of personnel every couple ofyears has very little relevance. Instead of pretending that the political game has any true meaning focus your energy on how to transcend this failed system.Six. Join the movement. Go to the and help us create thelargest mass movement for social change the world has ever seen. We must mobilizeand educate everyone about the inherent corruption of our current world system... alongwith the only true sustainable solution, declaring all the natural resources on the planetas common heritage to all people, while informing everyone as to the true state oftechnology and how we can all be free if the world works together rather than fights.The choice lies with you.You can continue to be a slave to the financial system and watch the continuous wars,depressions and injustice across the globe while placating yourself with vainentertainment and materialistic garbage; or you can focus your energy on true,meaningful, holistic, lasting change which has the realistic ability to support and free allhumans with no one left behind.But in the end the most relevant change must occur first inside of you. The realrevolution is the revolution of consciousness, and each one of us first needs to eliminate the divisionary materialistic noise we have been conditioned to think is true; whilediscovering, amplifying, and aligning with the signal coming from our true empiricaloneness.It is up to you.[/Peter Joseph]


First of all the word 'corruption' is a monetary invention, that aberrant behavior,behavior that's disruptive to the well-being of people. Well you're dealing with humanbehavior. And human behavior appears to be environmentally determined. Meaning ifyou were raised by the Seminole indians as a baby, never saw anything else, you'd holdthat value system.And this goes for nations, it goes for individuals, as families they try to indoctrinate theirchildren to their particular faith, and their country and make them feel like they're partof that. And they build a society which they call established. They establish a workablepoint of view and tend to perpetuate that. Whereas all societies are really emergent, notestablished. And so they fight new ideas that would interfere with the establishment.Governments try to perpetuate that which keeps them in power. People are not electedto political office to change things. They're put there to keep things the way they are. Soyou see the basis of corruption is in our society. Let me make it clear. All nations thenare basically corrupt because they tend to uphold existing institutions. I don't mean touphold or downgrade all nations, but communism, socialist, fascism, the free enterprisesystem, and all others sub-cultures are the same. They are all basically corrupt."[Jacque Fresco]"Self-Preservation" - Headline[Peter Joseph]The most fundamental characteristic of our social institutions is the necessity for selfpreservation.Whether dealing with a corporation, a religion, or a government, theforemost interest is to preserve the institution itself. For instance the last thing an oilcompany would ever want is the utilization of a energy that was outside of its control.For it makes that company less relevant to society. Likewise the cold war and thecollapse of the Soviet Union was in reality a way to preserve and perpetuate theestablished economic and global hegemony of the United States.Similarly religions condition people to feel guilty for natural inclination, each claiming tooffer the only path to forgiveness and salvation.
At the heart of this institutional self-preservation lies monetary system. For it is moneythat provides the means for power and survival. Therefore, just as a poor person mightbe forced to steal in order to survive, it is a natural inclination to do whatever is neededto continue an institutions profitability. This makes it inherently difficult for profit-basedinstitutions to change, for it puts in jeopardy not only the survival of large groups ofpeople, but also the coveted materialistic lifestyle associated with affluence and power.Therefore, the paralyzing necessity to preserve an institution regardless of it's socialrelevance is largely rooted in the need for money, or profit."[/Peter Joseph]"industry" - Headline[Jacque Fresco]"What's in it for me?, is why people think. And so if a man makes money selling a certainproduct, that's where he's going to fight the existence of another product that maythreaten his institution.Therefore, people cannot be fair. And people do not trust each other. A guy will comeover to you and say 'I've got just the house you're looking for'... he's a salesman. Whena doctor says 'I think your kidney has to come out', I don't know if he's trying to pay offa yacht or that my kidney has to come out. It's hard in a monetary system to trustpeople.If you came into my store and I said 'This lamp that I've got is pretty good, but the lampnext door is much better', I wouldn't be in business very long. It wouldn't work. If I wereethical, it wouldn't work.So when you say industry cares for people... that's not true. They can't afford to beethical. So your system is not designed to serve the well-being of people. If you stilldon't understand that there would be no outsourcing of jobs if they cared about people.Industry does not care. They only hire people because it hasn't been automated yet. Sodon't talk about decency and ethics, we cannot afford it and remain in business."[/Jacque Fresco][Peter Joseph]It is important to point out that regardless of the social system; whether fascist,socialist, capitalist, or communist; the underlying mechanism is still money, labor, andcompetition.Communist China is no less capitalistic than the United States. The only difference is thedegree by which the state intervenes in enterprise.The Reality is that "Monetary-ism", so to speak, is the true mechanism, that guides theinterests of all the countries on the planet.The most aggressive and hence dominant variation of this monetary-ism is the freeenterprise system. The fundamental Perspective as put forth by early free marketeconomists, like Adam Smith, is that self interest and competition leads to socialprosperity, as the act of competition creates incentive, which motivates people topersevere.However, what isn't talked about, is how a competition based economy invariably leadsto strategic corruption, power and wealth consolidation, social stratification,technological paralysis, labor abuse and ultimately a covert form of governmentdictatorship by the rich elite.The word corruption is often defined as moral perversion.If a company dumps toxic waste into the ocean to save money, most people recognizethis as corrupt behavior. On a more subtle level, when Walmart moves into a small townand forces small businesses to shut down for they are unable to compete, a grey areaemerges. For what exactly is Walmart doing wrong? Why should they care about theMom and Pop organizations they destroy? Yet even more subtly, when a person getsfired from their job because a new machine has been created which can do the work forless money, people tend to just accept that as 'the way it is,' not seeing the inherentcorrupt inhumanity of such an action.Because the fact is whether it is dumping toxic waste, having a monopoly enterprise, ordownsizing the workforce; the motive is the same - Profit. They are all different degreesof the same self-preserving mechanism, which always puts the well being of peoplesecond to monetary gain. Therefore, corruption is not some byproduct of monetary-ism,it is the very foundation. And while most people acknowledge this tendency on one levelor another, the majority remains naive as to the broad ramifications of having such aselfish mechanism as the guiding mentality in society.[/Peter Joseph]"Internal documents show that after this company positively absolutely knew they had amedication that was infected with the AIDS virus, they took the product off the market inthe US, and then they dumped it in France, Europe, Asia and Latin America. The USgovernment allowed it to happen. The FDA allowed this to happen, and now thegovernment is completely looking the other way. Thousands of innocent hemophiliacshave died from the AIDS virus. This company knew absolutely that it was infected withAIDS, they dumped it because they wanted to turn this disaster into a profit." - MSNBCreport on Bayer[Jacque Fresco]"So you see, you have built-in corruption. We're all chiseling off each other, and youcan't expect decency in that sort of thing.[/Jacque Fresco]"politics" - headline[Jacque Fresco]"...a feeling that they don't know who to elect. They think in terms of a democracy,which is not possible in a monetary based economy.If you have more money to advertise your position, the position you desire ingovernment, that isn't a democracy. It serves those in positions of differentialadvantage. So it's always a dictatorship of the elitist, the financially wealthy."[/Jacque Fresco]"We can either have democracy in this country or we can have great wealthconcentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both." - Louis Brandeis, SupremeCourt Justice[Peter Joseph]It is an interesting observation to note how seemingly unknown personalities magicallyappear on the scene as presidential candidates. Then before you know it, somehow youare left to choose from a small group of extremely wealthy people who suspiciously havethe same broad social view. Obviously it's a joke. The people placed on the ballot aredone so because they have been pre-decided to be acceptable by the establishedfinancial powers who actually run the show.Yet many who understand this illusion of democracy, often think 'If only we could justget our honest, ethical politicians in power,' then we would be okay. Well, while this ideaof course seems reasonable in our established oriented world view, it is unfortunatelyanother fallacy. For when it really comes down to what is actually important, theinstitution of politics and thus politicians themselves, have absolutely no true relevanceas to what makes our world and society function.[Peter Joseph][Jacque Fresco]"It's not politicians that can solve problems. They have no technical capabilities. Theydon't know how to solve problems. Even if they were sincere, they don't know how tosolve problems.It's the technicians that produce the desalinization plants. It's the technicians that giveyou electricity. That give you motor vehicles. That heat your house, and cool it in thesummer time. It's technology that solves problems, not politics. Politics cannot solveproblems 'cause they are not trained to do so."[/Jacque Fresco][Peter Joseph]Very few people today stop and consider what it is that actually improves their lives.Is it money? Obviously not. One cannot eat money, or stuff money into their car to get itto run.It is politics? All politicians can do is create laws, establish budgets, and declare war.Is it religion? Of course not, religion creates nothing except intangible emotional solacefor those who require it.The true gift that we as human beings have, which has been solely responsible foreverything that has improved our lives, is technology.[/Peter Joseph]"technology" - headline[Peter Joseph]What is technology? Technology is a pencil, which allows one to solidify ideas on paperfor communication. Technology is an automobile, which allows one to travel faster thanfeet would allow. Technology is a pair of eye glasses, which enables sight for those whoneed it.Applied technology itself is merely and extension of human attributes, which reduceshuman effort, freeing humans from a particular chore or problem. Imagine what your lifewould be like today without a telephone, or an oven, or a computer, or an airplane.Everything in your home, which you take for granted; from a doorbell, to a table, to adishwasher is technology generated from the creative scientific ingenuity of human technicians. Not money, politics, or religion. These are false institutions.[/Peter Joseph][Jacque Fresco]"...and writing your congressman is fantastic. They tell ya, 'Write your congressman ifyou want something done.' The men in Washington should be at the forefront oftechnology. The forefront of human study. The forefront of crime. All the factors thatshape human behavior. You don't have to write your congressman. What kind of peopleare they that are appointed to do that job?The future will have great difficulty... and the question that's raised by politicians is:How much will a project cost? The question is not: How much will it cost?, but: Do wehave the resources? And we have the resources today to house everyone, build hospitalsall over the world, build schools all over the world, the finest equipment in labs forteaching and doing medical research. So you see, we have all that, but we're in amonetary system, and in a monetary system there's profit."[/Jacque Fresco][Peter Joseph]And what is the fundamental mechanism that drives the profit system besides selfinterest? What is it exactly that maintains that competitive edge at it's core?Is it high efficiency and sustainability? No. That isn't part of their design. Nothingproduced in our profit based society is even remotely sustainable or efficient. If it was,there wouldn't be a multi-million dollar a year service industry for automobiles. Norwould the average lifespan for electronics be less than three months before they'reobsolete.Is it abundance? Absolutely not. Abundance, as based on the laws of supply anddemand, is actually a negative thing. If a diamond company finds ten times the usualamount of diamonds during their mining, it means the supply of diamonds hasincreased, which means the cost and profit per diamond drops.The fact is; efficiency, sustainability, and abundance are the enemies of profit. To put itinto a word, it is the mechanism of scarcity that increases profits.[/Peter Joseph]"scarcity" - headline[Jacque Fresco]"What is scarcity? It's based on keeping products valuable. Slowing up production on oilraises the price. Maintaining scarcity of diamonds keeps the price high. They burndiamonds at the Kimberly Diamond Mine. They're made of carbon. That keeps the priceup."[/Jacque Fresco]
So then, what does it mean for society when scarcity, either produced naturally orthrough manipulation is a beneficial condition for industry?It means that sustainability and abundance will never ever occur in profit system. For itsimply goes against the very nature of the structure. Therefore, it is impossible to have a world without war, or poverty. It is impossible to continually advance technology to itsmost efficient and productive states. And most dramatically, it is impossible to expecthuman beings to behave in truly ethical or decent ways.[/Peter Joseph]"human nature or human behavior?" - Headline[Jacque Fresco]"People use the word instinct because they can't account for the behavior. They sit backand they evaluate with their lack of knowledge, and they say things like 'Humans arebuilt a certain way. Greed is a natural thing.' as though they'd worked for years on it.And it's no more natural than wearing clothing."[/Jacque Fresco][Roxanne Meadows]"What we want to do is to eliminate the causes of the problems. Eliminate the processesthat produce greed, and bigotry, and prejudice, and people taking advantage of oneanother, and elitism. Eliminating the need for prisons and welfare. We have always hadthese problems because we have always lived within scarcity, and barter, and monetarysystems that produce scarcity."[/Roxanne Meadows][Jacque Fresco]"If you eradicate the conditions that generate what you call socially offensive behavior, itdoes not exist. A guy says 'Well listen, are they in-born?' No it's not!"[/Jacque Fresco][Roxanne Meadows]"There is no human nature, there's human behavior, and that's always been changedthroughout history. You're not born with bigotry, and greed, and corruption, and hatred.You pick that up within the society."[/Roxanne Meadows][Jacque Fresco]"War, poverty, corruption, hunger, misery, human suffering will not change in amonetary system. That is, there'll be very little significant change. It's going to take theredesigning of our culture, our values, and it has to be related to the carrying capacity ofthe earth, not some human opinion or some politicians notions of the way the worldought to be. Or some religion's notion of the conduct of human affairs.And that's what The Venus Project is about.The society, that we're about to talk about, is a society that is free of all the oldsuperstitions, incarceration, prisons, police, cruelty and law. All laws will disappear andthe professions will disappear, that are no longer valid, such as stockbrokers, bankers,
advertising... Gone! Forever!Because it's no longer relevant."[/Jacque Fresco][Peter Joseph]When we understand that it is technology devised by human ingenuity which frees
humanity and increases our quality of life, we then realize that the most important focuswe can have is on the intelligent management of the earth's resources.For, it is from these natural resources we gain the materials to continue our path ofprosperity. Understanding this, we than see that money fundamentally exists as abarrier to these resources, for virtually everything has a financial cost.And why do we need money to obtain these resources? Because of real or assumedscarcity.We don't usually pay for air and tap water, because it is in such high abundance, sellingit would be pointless. So then, logically speaking, if resources and technologiesapplicable to creating everything in our societies such as houses, cities andtransportation were in high enough abundance, there would be no reason to sellanything. Likewise, if automation and machinery was so technologically advanced, as torelieve human beings of labor there would be no reason to have a job. And with thesesocial aspects taking care of, there would be no reason to have money at all.So the ultimate question remains:Do we on earth have enough resources and technological understanding to create asociety of such abundance, that everything we have now could be available without aprice tag and without the need for submission through employment?Yes, we do!We have the resources and technology to enable this at a minimum, along with theability to raise the standard of living so high that people in the future will look back atour civilization now and gawk how primitive and immature our society was.[/Peter Joseph][Jacque Fresco]What the Venus Project proposes is an entirely different system that's updated topresent day knowledge.[/Jacque Fresco][Roxanne Meadows]We've never given scientists the problem of: How do you design a society that wouldeliminate boring and monotonous jobs?... that would eliminate accidents intransportation... that would enable people to have a high standard of living... that wouldeliminate poisons in our food... give us other sources of energy, that are clean andefficient.We can do that out there.[/Roxanne Meadows]"A resource based economy" - Headline[Roxanne Meadows]The major difference between a resource based economy and a monetary system is thata resource based economy is really concerned with people and their well-being, wherethe monetary system has become so distorted that the concerns of the people are reallysecondary, it they're there at all. The products that are turned out are for: How muchmoney you can get. If there is a problem in society and you can't earn money from thatsolving that problem, than it won't be done.The resource based economy is really not close to anything that's been tried. And withall our technology today we can create abundance. It could be used to improveeveryone's livestyle. Abundance all over the world if we use our technology wisely andmaintain the environment.[/Roxanne Meadows][Jacque Fresco]It's a very different system and it's very hard to talk about because the public is not thatwell enough informed as to the state of technology.[/Jacque Fresco]"Energy" - Headline[Jacque Fresco]At present we don't have to burn fossil fuels. We don't have to use anything that wouldcontaminate the environment. There are many sources of energy available.[/Jacque Fresco][Peter Joseph]Alternative energy solutions pushed by the establishment, such as hydrogen, biomassand even nuclear are highly insufficient, dangerous and exist only to perpetuate theprofit-structure that industry has created.When we look beyond the propaganda and self-serving solutions put forth by the energycompanies we find a seemingly endless stream of clean abundant and renewable energyfor generating power.Solar and wind energy are well known to the public, but the true potential of thesemediums remains unexpressed.Solar energy derived from the sun has such abundance that one hour of light at highnoon contains more energy than what the entire world consumes in a year. If we couldcapture one hundredth of a percent (.01%) of this energy the world would never have touse oil, gas or anything else.The question it is not availability but the technology to harness it and there are manyadvanced mediums today which could accomplish just that. If they were not hindered bythe need to compete for market share with the established energy power structures.Then there's wind energy. Wind energy has long been denounced as weak, and due tobeing location driven, impractical. This is simply not true. The US department of energyadmitted in 2007 that if wind was fully harvested in just three of Americas 50 states itcould power the entire nation.And there are the rather unknown mediums of tidal and wave power.Tidal power is derived from tidal shifts in the ocean. Installing turbines which capturethis movement generates energy. In the United Kingdom 42 sites are currently noted asavailable. Forecasting that 34% of all the UK's energy could come from tidal poweralone.Wave power, which extracts energy from the surface motions of the oceans is estimatedto have a global potential of up to 80.000 terawatt-hours a year. This means 50% of theentire planets energy usage could be produced from this medium alone.Now, it is important to point out that tidal, wave, solar and wind power requires virtuallyno preliminary energy to harness, unlike coal, oil, gas, biomass, hydrogen and all theothers in combination these four mediums alone, if efficiently harnessed throughtechnology, could power the world forever.That being said, there happens to be another form of clean renewable energy, whichtrumps them all.Geothermal power.Geothermal energy utilizes, what is called "heat mining", which, through a simpleprocess using water, is able to generate massive amounts of clean energy. In 2006 anMIT report on geothermal energy found that 13.000 zetajule of power are currentlyavailable in the earth with the possibility of 2.000 ZJ being easily tapable with improvedtechnology. The total energy consumption of all the countries on the planet is about halfof a zetajule a Year. This means about 4000 years of planetary power could beharnessed in this medium alone. And when we understand that the earth's heatgeneration is constantly renewed, this energy is really limitless. It could be used forever!These energy sources are only a few of the clean renewable mediums available. And astime goes on we will find more. The grand realization is that we have total energyabundance without the need for pollution, traditional conservation, or in fact a price tag! And what about transportation?
The prevailing means of transportation in our societies is by automobile and aircraft.Both of which predominantly need fossil fuels to run.In the case of the automobile, the battery technology needed to power an electric carthat can go over a hundred miles an hour for over two hundred miles on one chargeexists, and has existed for many years. However, due to battery patents controlled bythe oil industry, which limits their ability to maintain market share coupled with politicalpressure from the energy industry; the accessibility and affordability of this technology islimited.There is absolutely no reason, other than pure corrupt profit interest, that every singlevehicle in the world cannot be electric and utterly clean with zero need for gasoline.As far as airplanes, it is time we realized that this means of travel is inefficient,cumbersome, slow, and causes far too much pollution.This is a mag-lev train. It uses magnets for propulsion. It is fully suspended by amagnetic field and requires less than 2% of the energy used for plane travel. The trainhas no wheels, so nothing can wear out. The current maximum speed, of versions of this technology as used in Japan, is 361 miles per hour. However, this version of thetechnology is very dated.An organization called ET3, which has connections with The Venus Project, hasestablished a two base mag-lev that can travel up to 4,000 miles per hour in amotionless, frictionless tube, which can go over land or under water. Imagine going fromL.A. to New York for an extended lunch break, or from Washington D.C. to Beijing Chinain 2 hours. This is the future of continental and intercontinental travel. Fast, clean, withonly a fraction of the energy useage we use today for the same means.In fact, between mag-lev technology, advanced battery storage, and geothermal energy;there would be no reason to ever burn fossil fuels again. And we could do this now, if wewere not held back by the paralyzing profit structure.[/Peter Joseph]"work" - Headline[Jacque Fresco]

"Now America is inclined towards fascism. It has a propensity by it's dominantphilosophy and religion to uphold the fascist point of view. American industry isessentially a fascist institution. If you don't understand that... the minute you punch thattime clock, you walk into a dictatorship."[/Jacque Fresco][Roxanne Meadows]"We're given notions about the respectability of work. And, um, I really look at it asbeing 'paid slavery.'"[/Roxanne Meadows][Jacque Fresco]"You're brought up to believe that you shall earn your living by the sweat of your brow.That holds people back. Freeing people from drudgery, repetitive jobs which make themignorant. You rob them. In our society, that is a resource based economy, machines freepeople. You see, we can't imagine that because we've never known that kind of world."[/Jacque Fresco]"automation" - Headline[Peter Joseph]If we look back at history, we see a very clear pattern of machine automation slowlyreplacing human labor. From the disappearance of the elevator man, to the near fullautomation of an automobile production plant. The fact is, as technology grows, theneed for humans in the workforce will continually be diminished.This creates a serious clash, which proves the falseness of the monetary based laborsystem. For human employment is in direct competition with technological development.Therefore, given the fundamental priority of profit by industry, people through time willbe continually laid off and replaced by machines.[/Peter Joseph][Jacque Fresco "When an industry takes on machines instead of shortening the work day, theydownsize. You loose your job. So you have a right to fear machines."[/Jacque Fresco][Peter Joseph]In a high-technology resource based economy, it is conservative to say that about 90%of all current occupations could be phased out by machines. Freeing humans to live theirlives without servitude. For this is the point of technology itself. And through time, withnano-technology and other highly advanced forms of science it is not far fetched to seehow even complex medical procedures could be performed by machines as well. Andbased on the pattern, with much higher success rates than humans get today.The path is clear, but our monetary based structure which requires labor for incomeblocks this progress. For humans need jobs in order to survive. The bottom line is thatthis system must go, or we will never be free and technology will be constantlyparalyzed.[/Peter Joseph][Jacque Fresco]"We have machines that clean out sewer, it frees a human being from doing that. Solook at machines as extensions of human performance."[/Jacque Fresco][Peter Joseph]Furthermore, many occupations today will have simply no basis to exist in a resourcebased economy. Such as anything associated with the management of money,advertising, along with the legal system itself. For, without money, a great majority ofthe crimes that are committed today would never occur.Virtually all forms of crime are a consequence of the monetary system either directly orby neurosis inflicted through financial deprivation. Therefore, laws themselves couldeventually become extinct.[/Peter Joseph][Jacque Fresco]"Instead of putting up a sign 'Drive carefully. Slippery when wet' put abrasive in thehighway so it is not slippery when wet. And if a person gets in a car and they're drunkand the car oscillates a great deal, there is a little pendulum that swings up and backand that will pull the car over to the side... not a law, a solution. Put sonar and radar onautomobiles so they can't hit one another.Man made laws are an attempts to deal with recurring problems and not knowing how tosolve them they make a law."[/Jacque Fresco][Peter Joseph]In the United States, the most privatized capitalist country on the planet, it should comeat no surprise that it also has the largest prison population in the world. Growing everyyear.Statistically, most of these people are uneducated and come from poor deprivedsocieties. And contrary to propaganda, it is this environmental conditioning which luresthem into criminal and violent behavior. However, society looks the other way in regardto this point.The legal and prison systems are just more examples of how our society avoidsexamining the root causes of behavior. Billions are spent each year on prisons andpolice, while only a fraction is spent on programs for poverty, which is one of the mostfundamental variables responsible for crime to begin with.And as long as we have an economic system which prefers and in fact creates scarcityand deprivation, crime will never go away.[/Peter Joseph]"incentive" - Headline[Jacque Fresco]"If people have access to the necessities of life without servitude, debt, barter trade;they behave very differently. You want all these things available without a price tag.Now then, you've gotta have a price tag. What will motivate people? A man getseverything he wants, he'll just lay around in the sun. This is a myth they perpetuate.People in our culture are trained to believe that the monetary system producesincentive. If they have access to things, why should they want to do anything? They willlose their incentive. That's what you lose their incentive. That's what you're taught to support the monetary system."[/Jacque Fresco][Roxanne Meadows]"When you take money out of the scenario, there would be different incentives... verydifferent incentives."[/Roxanne Meadows][Jacque Fresco]"When people have access to the necessities of life, their incentives change. What aboutthe moon and the stars? New incentives arise. If you make a painting that you enjoy,you will enjoy giving it to other people, not selling it."[/Jacque Fresco]"education" - Headline[Roxanne Meadows]"I think most of the education that I've seen today is essentially producing a person for ajob. It's very specialized. They're not generalists. People don't know a lot about a lot ofdifferent subjects. I don't think you could get people to go to war if they knew a lotabout a lot of things. I think education is mostly rote, and they're not taught how tosolve problems, not given the tools emotionally or within their own field of how to docritical thinking.A resource based economy, the education would be very different."[/Roxanne Meadows][Jacque Fresco]"Our societies major concern is mental development, and to motivate each person totheir highest potential. Because our philosophy is the smarter people are the richer the world, because everybody becomes a contributor."[/Jacque Fresco][Roxanne Meadows]"The smarter your kids are, the better my life will be, 'cause they'll be contributing moreconstructively to the environment. And to my life, because everything we devise within aresource based economy would be applied to society, there would be nothing to hold itback."[/Roxanne Meadows]"civilization" - Headline[Jacque Fresco]"Patriotism, weapons, armies, navies, all that is a sign that we're not civilized yet. Kidswill ask their parents... 'Didn't you see the necessity of machines? Dad, couldn't you seethat war was inevitable when you produce scarcity? Isn't it obvious?' Of course the kidwill understand that you were pinheads raised merely to serve the establishedinstitutions.We're such an abominable, sick society that we won't make the history books. They'lljust say that large nations took land from smaller nations, used force and violence. You'llget history talked about as corrupt behavior all the way along until the beginning of thecivilized world. That's when all the nations work together.World unification, working toward common good for all human beings and withoutanyone being subservient to anyone else. Without social stratification whether it betechnical elitism or any other kind of elitism, eradicated from the face of the earth. The'state' does nothing because there is no 'state'.The system I advocate, a resource based global economy is not perfect, it's just a lotbetter than what we have. We can never achieve perfection."[/Jacque Fresco]"My country is the world... and my religion is to do good." - Thomas Paine, 1737-1809[Peter Joseph]The social values of our society, which has manifested in perpetual warfare, corruption,oppressive laws, social stratification, irrelevant superstitions, environmental destruction,and a despotic socially indifferent profit oriented ruling class; is fundamentally the resultof a collective ignorance of two of the most basic insights humans can have aboutreality. The emergent and symbiotic aspects of natural law.The emergent nature of reality is that all systems; whether it is knowledge, society,technology, philosophy, or any other creation; will, when uninhibited, undergo fluidperpetual change.What we consider commonplace today such as modern communication andtransportation, would have been unimaginable in ancient times. Likewise, the future willcontain technologies, realizations, and social structures that we cannot even fathom inthe present.We have gone from alchemy to chemistry, from a geocentric universe to a heliocentric,from believing that demons were the cause of illness to modern medicine. Thisdevelopment shows no sign of ending, and it is this awareness that aligns us and leadsus on a continuous path to growth and progress.Static empirical knowledge does not exist, rather it is the insight of the emergence of allsystems we must recognize. This means we must be open to new information at alltimes, even if it threatens our current belief system, and hence, identities. Sadly societytoday has failed to recognize this, and the established institutions continue to paralyzegrowth by preserving outdated social structures.Simultaneously, the population suffers from a fear of change. For their conditioningassumes a static identity and challenging ones belief system, usually results in insult andapprehension. For being wrong is erroneously associated with failure. When in fact to beproven wrong should be celebrated. It is elevating someone to a new level ofunderstanding, furthering awareness. The fact is, there is no such thing as a smarthuman being, for it is merely a matter of time before their ideas are updated, changed,or irradiated.And this tendency to blindly hold on to a belief system, sheltering it from new possiblytransforming information is nothing less than a form of intelectual materialism. Themonetary system perpetuates this materialism not only by it's self-preserving structures,but also throught the countless number of people who have been conditioned into blindlyand thoughtlessly upholding these structures, therefore becoming self-appointedguardians of the status quo. Sheep which no longer need a sheep-dog to control them.For they control each other by ostracizing those who step out of the norm.This tendency to resist change and uphold existing institutions for the sake of identity,comfort, power and profit is completely unsustainable; and will only produce furtherimbalance, fragmentation, distortion, and very invariably destruction.It's time to change.From hunters and gatherers, to the agricultural revolution, to the industrial revolution,the pattern is clear. It is time for a new social system which reflects the understandingswe have today.The monetary system is a product of a period of time when scarcity was a reality. Nowwith the age of technology it is no longer relevant to society. Gone with the aberrantbehavior it manifests.Likewise, dominant world views such as theistic religion operate with the same socialirrelevancy. Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism and all of the others exist as barriersto personal and social growth. For each group perpetuates a closed world view. And thisfinite understanding that they acknowledge is simply not possible in an emergentuniverse.Yet religion has succeeded in shutting down the awareness of this emergence byinstilling the psychological distortion of faith upon it's followers. Where logic and newinformation is rejected in favor of traditionalized outdated beliefs.[/Peter Joseph][Jacque Fresco]"The concept of god, is really a method of accounting for the nature of things. In theearly days people didn't know enough about how things formed, how nature worked. Sothey invented their own little stories, and the made god in their own image.A guy that get's angry when people don't behave right. He creates floods, andearthquakes, and they say it's and act of god."[/Jacque Fresco][Peter Joseph]A cursory glance at the suppressed history of religion reveals that even the foundationalmyths themselves are emergent culminations developed through influence over time.For example a cardinal doctrine of the Christian faith is the death and resurrection ofChrist. This notion is so important that the Bible itself states 'And if Christ be not risenthen is our preaching vain and your faith is also vain' Yet it is very difficult to take thisaccount literally, for not only is there no primary source denoting this supernatural eventin secular history, awareness of the enormous number of pre-Christian saviors who alsodied and were resurrected immediately puts this story in mythological territory byassociation.Early church figures such as Tortullian went to great lengths to break these associations,even claiming that the devil caused the similarities to occur. Stating in the secondcentury 'The devil, whose business is to pervert the truth, mimics the exactcircumstances of the Divine Sacraments. He baptizes his believers and promisesforgiveness of sins... he celebrates the oblation of bread, and brings in the symbol of theresurrection. Let us therefore acknowledge the craftiness of the devil, who copied certainthings of those that be Divine.'What is truly sad however, is that when we cease the idea that the stories fromChristianity, Judaism, Islam and all the others are literal history, and accept them forwhat they really are, which are purely allegorical expressions derived from many faiths,we see that all religions share a common thread. And it is this unifying imperative thatneeds to be recognized and appreciated.Religious belief has caused more fragmentation and conflict than any other ideology.Christianity alone has over 34,000 different subgroups.[/Peter Joseph][Jacque Fresco]"The Bible is subject to interpretation. When you read it, you say 'I think Jesus meantthis. I think Job meant that. Oh No! He meant this.' So you have the Lutheran, theSeventh-day Adventist, the Catholic, and a church divided is no church at all."[/Jacque Fresco][Peter Joseph]And this point on division, which is a trademark on all theistic religions brings us to oursecond failure of awareness. The false assumption of separation through the rejection ofthe symbiotic relationship of life.Apart from the understanding that all natural systems are emergent, where all notions ofreality will be constantly developed, altered, and even eradicated; we must alsounderstand that all systems are in fact invented fragments merely for sake ofconversation. For there is no such thing as independence in nature. The whole of natureis a unified system of interdependent variables, each a cause and a reaction, existingonly as a concentrated whole.[/Peter Joseph][Jacque Fresco]"You don't see the plug to connect to the environment, so it looks like we're free...wandering around. Take the oxygen away, we all die immediately. Take plant life away,we die. And without the sun, all the plants die. So we are connected."[/Jacque Fresco][John Perkins]"We really must take into account the totality. This isn't just a human experience on thisplanet, this is a total experience. And we know we can't survive without plants andanimals. We know we can't survive without the four elements, ya know? And so, whenare we really going to start taking that into account? That's what it is to be successful.Success depends on how well we relate to everything around us.I'm very aware of the fact that my grandson cannot possible hope to inherit asustainable, peaceful, stable, socially just world unless every child today growing uptoday in Ethiopia, in Indonesia, in Bolivia, in Palestine, in Israel also has that sameexpectation.You gotta take care of the whole community or you're gonna have serious problems. Andnow we have to see that the whole world is the community. And we must all take care ofeach other that way. And it's not just a community of human beings, it's a community ofplants and animals and elements. And we really need to understand that. That's what'sgonna bring us joy too, and pleasure. That's what's missing in our lives right now.We can call it spirituality, but the fact of the matter is joy comes from that bliss ofconnectedness. That's our god spirit. That's that side of ourselves that really feels it, andyou can feel it deep inside you. It's this amazing wonderful feeling, and you know itwhen you get it. You don't get it from money, you get it from connection."[/John Perkins]"Now if that isn't a hazard to this country. How are we gonna keep building nuclearweapons, you know what I mean? What's gonna happen to the arms industry, when werealize we're all one? It's gonna fuck up the economy. The economy that's fake anyway.Which would be a real bummer. You can see why the government's crackin' down... onthe idea of experiencing unconditional love." - Bill Hicks"I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality." -Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, 1929-1968[Peter Joseph]Once we understand that the integrity of our personal existences are completelydependent on the integrity of everything else in our world, we have truly understood themeaning of unconditional love.For love is extensionality and seeing everything as you and you as everything can haveno conditionalities, for in fact, we are all everything at once.[/Peter Joseph]"If it's true that we're all from the center of a star, every atom on each of us from thecenter of a star, then we're all the same thing. Even a Coke machine or a cigarette buttin the street in buffalo is made out of atoms that came from a star. They've all beenrecycled thousands of times, as have you and I. And therefore, it's only me out there. Sowhat is there to be afraid of? What is there that needs solace seeking? Nothing. There'snothing to be afraid of because it's all us.The trouble is we have been separated by being born and given a name and an identityand being individuated. We've been separated from the oneness, and that's what religionexploits. That people have this yearning to be part of the overall one again. So theyexploit that. They call it god, they say he has rules, and I think it's cruel. I think you cando it absent religion." - George Carlin, 1937-2008" extraterrestrial visitor examining the differences among human societies wouldfind those differences trivial compared to the similarities...Our lives, our past and our future are tied to the sun, the moon and the stars...We humans have seen the atoms which constitute all of nature and the forces thatsculpted this work...And we, we who embody the local eyes and ears and thoughts and feelings of thecosmos, we have begun at least to wonder about our origins -- star stuff contemplatingthe stars, organized collections of ten billion billion billion atoms, contemplating theevolution of nature, tracing that long path by which it arrived at consciousness here onthe planet earth...Our loyalties are to the species and to the planet. We speak for earth. Our obligation to survive and flourish is owed not just to ourselves but also to that cosmos ancient andvast from which we spring!We are one species. We are star stuff harvesting star light." - "Who Speaks for Earth?" Carl Sagan, 1934-1996[Peter Joseph]It's time to claim the unity our outmoded social systems have broken apart, and worktogether to create a sustainable global society where everyone is taken care of andeveryone is truly free.Your personal beliefs, whatever they may be are meaningless when it comes to thenecessities of life. Every human being was born naked, needing warmth, food, water,shelter. Everything else is auxiliary. Therefore, the most important issue at hand is theintelligent management of the Earth's resources. This can never be accomplished in amonetary system, for the pursuit of profit is the persuit of self interest and thereforeimbalance is inherent.Simultaneously, politicians are useless. For our true problems in life are technical notpolitical. Furthermore, ideologies that separate humanity such as religion need strongreflection in the community in regards to it's value, purpose and social relevancy.Hopefully through time religion will loose it's materialism and basis in superstition andmove into the useful field of philosophy.The fact is, society today is backwards, with politicians constantly talking aboutprotection and security rather than creation, unity and progress. The US alone nowspends about $500 billions dollars anually on defense. That is enough to send every highschool senior in America to a four year college.In the 1940's the Manhattan Project produced the first true weapon of mass destruction.This program employed 130,000 people, at an extreme financial cost. Imagine what ourlife would be like today if that group of scientists, instead of working on a way of killingpeople, worked on a way to create a self-sustaining abundant world. Life today would bevery very different if that was their goal.Instead of weapons of mass destruction, it is time to unleash something much morepowerful. Weapons of Mass Creation (WMCs).Our true divinity is in our ability to create. And armed with the understanding of thesymbiotic connections of life, while being guided by the emergent nature of reality, thereis nothing we cannot do or accomplish. Of course, we face strong barriers in the form ofestablished power structures that refuse to change.At the heart of these structures is the monetary system. As explained earlier, thefractional reserve system is a form of slavery through debt, where it is literallyimpossible for society to be free. In turn, free market capitalism in the form of freetrade, uses debt to imprison the world and manipulate countries into subservience to ahandful of large business and political powers. Apart from these obvious amoralities, thesystem itself is based on competition, which immediately destroys the possibility of largescale collaborations for the common good. Hence paralyzing any attempt at true globalsustainability.These financial and corporate structures are now obsolete, and they must be outgrown.Of course, we can not be naive enough to think that the business and financial elite aregoing to subscribe to this idea for they will lose power and control. Therefore, peacefuland highly strategic action must be taken. The most powerful course of action is simple.We have to alter our behavior to force the power structure to the will of the people.WE MUST STOP SUPPORTING THE SYSTEM.The only way the establishment will change is by our refusal to participate whilecontinuously acknowledging it's endless flaws and corruptions.[/Peter Joseph][Jacque Fresco]"They're not gonna give up the monetary system, because of our designs of what we'drecommend. The system has to fail, and people have to lose confidence in their electedleaders. That will be a major turning point if The Venus Project is offered as a majoralternative. If not, I fear the consequences.The trends now indicate that our country is going bankrupt. The probability is ourcountry will move towards a military dictatorship to prevent riots and complete socialbreakdown. Once the US breaks down, all the other cultures will undergo similar things."[/Jacque Fresco][Peter Joseph]As of now, the world financial system is on the brink of collapse due to it's ownshortcomings. The comptroller of currencies stated in 2003 that the interest on the USnational debt will not be affordable in less than ten years.This theoretically means total bankruptcy for the US economy and it's implications forthe world are immense.In turn the fractional reserve based monetary system is reaching it's theoretical limits ofexpansion and the banking failures you are seeing are just the beginning. This is whyinflation is skyrocketing, debt is at record levels and the government and FED arehemorrhaging new money to bailout the corrupt system. For the only way to keep thebanks going is by making more money. The only way to make more money is to createmore debt and inflation. It is simply a matter of time before the tables turn and no one iswilling to make new loans while defaults grow as people are unable to afford theircurrent loans. Then the expansion of money will stop and contraction will begin on ascale never before seen. Ending a century long pyramid scheme. This has already begun.Therefore, we need to expose this financial failure for what it is, using this weakness to our advantage.Here are some suggestions:One. Expose the banking fraud. Citibank, JP Morgan Chase, and Bank of America are themost powerful controllers within the corrupt Federal Reserve system. It's time to boycottthese institutions. If you have a bank account or credit card with any of them, moveyour money to another bank. If you have a mortgage, refinance with another bank. Ifyou own their stock, sell it. If you work for them, quit. This gesture will expresscontempt fo the true powers behind the private banking cartel known as the FederalReserve. And create awareness about the fraud of the banking system itself.Two. Turn off the TV news. Visit the emerging independent news agencies on theinternet for your information. CNN, NBC, ABC, FOX and all the others present all newspre-filtered to maintain the status quo. With four corporations owning all major mediaoutlets, objective information is impossible. This is the true beauty of the internet. Andthe establishment has been losing control because of this free flow of information. Wemust protect the internet at all times, as it is truly our savior right now.Three. Don't ever yourself, your family, or anyone you know, to ever join the military.This is an obsolete institution now used exclusively for maintaining an establishment thatis no longer relevant. US soldiers in Iraq work for US corporations, not the people.Propaganda forces us to believe that war is natural and the military is an honorableinstitution. Well if war is natural, why are there 18 suicides every single day by Americanveterans who have post-traumatic stress disorder? If our military men and women areso honored, why is it that 25% of the American homeless population are veterans?Four. Stop supporting the energy companies. If you live in a detached house, get off thegrid. Investigate every means of making your home self-sustainable with clean energy.Solar, wind, and other renewable energies are now affordable consumer realities, andconsidering the never ending rising costs of traditional energies, it will likely be acheaper investment over time. If you drive, get the smallest car you can and considerusing one of the many conversion technologies that can enable your car to be a hybrid,electric, or run on anything other than establishment fuels.Five. Reject the political system. The illusion of democracy is an insult to our intelligence.In a monetary system, there is no such thing as a true democracy, and there never was.We have two political parties owned by the same set of corporate lobbyists. They areplace into their positions by the corporations, with popularity artificially projected bytheir media. In a system of inherent corruption the change of personnel every couple ofyears has very little relevance. Instead of pretending that the political game has any true meaning focus your energy on how to transcend this failed system.Six. Join the movement. Go to the and help us create thelargest mass movement for social change the world has ever seen. We must mobilizeand educate everyone about the inherent corruption of our current world system... alongwith the only true sustainable solution, declaring all the natural resources on the planetas common heritage to all people, while informing everyone as to the true state oftechnology and how we can all be free if the world works together rather than fights.The choice lies with you.You can continue to be a slave to the financial system and watch the continuous wars,depressions and injustice across the globe while placating yourself with vainentertainment and materialistic garbage; or you can focus your energy on true,meaningful, holistic, lasting change which has the realistic ability to support and free allhumans with no one left behind.But in the end the most relevant change must occur first inside of you. The realrevolution is the revolution of consciousness, and each one of us first needs to eliminatethe divisionary materialistic noise we have been conditioned to think is true; whilediscovering, amplifying, and aligning with the signal coming from our true empiricaloneness.It is up to you.[/Peter Joseph]"What we are trying in all these discussions and talks here is to see if we cannot radicallybring about a transformation of the mind. Not accept things as they are... but tounderstand it, to go into it, to examine it, give your heart and your mind with everything that you have to find out. A way of living differently.But, that depends on you and not somebody else. Because in this there is no teacher, nopupil, there's no leader, there's no guru, there's no master, no savior. You yourself arethe teacher, and the pupil, you're the master, you're the guru, you are the leader, youare everything!And to understand is to transform what is." - J. Krishnamurti