Today I have been on the hill. Not just any hill at any time without a hill with lots of different wind turbines and solar installations. Hill is run by John Ehrenberg and Joakim Rod Branch and they have had LITTER days to show and talk about wind and sollcells options. It was thoroughly cold but very interesting. Here I show pictures of the different things that were there.
- Here he shows how the solar cell is shaded by a bush and how much it affects the whole solar cell
- wind turbines
- The pipe to the turbine, you usually have it at 9-12 feet
- wind turbines
- Provides much watts, starts first at the right wind proof but gives the more
- wind turbines
- wind turbines
- wind turbines
- Beautiful with pinwheels
- wind turbines
- Windmills
- wind turbines
- The wind turbine as john really recommend visiting, spins well and do not let
- wind turbines
- wind turbines
- parts of a vertical wind turbine
- To think that John will look in a switch cabinet to the wind
- Wind wheel
- Provides much watts, starts first at the right wind proof but gives the more
- Vertical swirl
- Vertical wind turbines
- LITTER in katrineholmbla airdolphine
- A small windmill
- A very small spin, has been for me to give 150 w
- A 30 watt solccells ridge panel
- Grid Tie Power Inverter to the ridge panel of 30 w
- inverter to the ridge solar panel
- inverter to the ridge solar panel
- Power Inverter
- LITTER in Katrineholm, wind and sun "Mecca"
- Heat casserole, cook with the help of the sun
- Solar tracking device on the back of the solar cells is explained by john
- Explains some of the turbines located on the hill in Katrineholm
- Contact details of self-El and John Ehrenberg
- How financed LITTER?
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