Thursday, March 31, 2011

Delfi ajas selja sirgu. Vau!
Minu kommentaar:
Misasja,kas on lootust,et orjadest hakkavad saama inimesed vää?
Kui aetakse selg sirgeks siis ka ajutegevus paraneb ja inimlooma energiatase tõuseb-on lootust saada inimeseks.
Oluline on olla originaalne,omanäoline,omapäraline,isemoodu.
Näpunäiteid selleks kuis saada inimeseks: 
Kes ei häbene eksida sellest saab edukas inimene.
Paljud elavad,oma vajadust erineda,välja poosetamisega.
Kuid,poosetajad on paraku tihtilugu ju samanäolised teistega ja neil polegi millegi üle uhked olla...Teised jällegi kardavad teistest erineda,et äkki peetakse imelikuks või nii,sedasi maakad oma alaväärsus kompleksidega keeravad enestele käkki.Picasso ütles,et kõik lapsed on sündinud artistideks:

Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity
Üks lõik sellest loost:"
What these things have in common is that kids will take a chance. If they 
don't know, they'll have a go.Am I right? They're not frightened of being 
wrong.Now, I don't mean to say that being wrong is the same thing as being 
creative. What we do know is,if you're not prepared to be wrong, you'll never 
come up with anything original. If you're not prepared to be wrong. And by 
the time they get to be adults, most kids have lost that capacity. They have 
become frightened of being wrong. And we run our companies like this, by 
the way. We stigmatize mistakes. And we're now runningnational education 
systems where mistakes are the worst thing you can make. And the result 
is that we are educating people out of their creative capacities. Picasso 
once said this. He said that all children are born artists. The problem is to 
remain an artist as we grow up. I believe this passionately,that we don't 
grow into creativity, we grow out of it. Or rather, we get educated out if it. So 
why is this?"

Ülejäänud tekst on siin:

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