Turbine leading the way in Lusk
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The wind turbine at Country Crest.
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Wednesday September 02 2009
LUSK has led the way in what could become one of the most significant generators of electricity for Fingal when its Country Crest facility developed a wind turbine to power its operation. The development of a wind turbine, generating electricity for the Country Crest facility in Lusk, could be the first step in a new industry for Fingal in both wind energy and the manufacture of wind turbines.
That is the view of the county's mayor, Cllr Ciaran Byrne (Lab), who hopes that the initiative launched at Country Crest earlier this summer is just the first step in a whole new industry for Fingal. The Labour councillor told the Fingal Independent at the launch of the project: 'I think the Country Crest initiative is a fantastic first step in developing wind energy in Fingal.
'I think there is a huge business opportunity in Fingal and I've been talking to the council about pursuing a strategy specifically in relation to the manufacture of wind turbines.'
Cllr Byrne believes the time is right to start a new manufacturing industry in the county. He said: ' It's an opportune time because the biggest block to the provision of these facilities was the shortage and the cost of steel but in the current climate we can get a head start in terms of rolling this technology out and making Fingal a hub for the manufacture of these things.'
In terms of generating electricity in the county with wind, Cllr Byrne said: 'In Fingal itself, in the rural areas, there has already been identified huge capacity for wind energy because of the flat landscape.
'Despite the fact that we are on the east coast rather than the West coast, we could be, subject to environmental and local sensitivity considerations, we could be at the forefront not just in generating wind power but also in manufacturing these things which would create jobs and industry in the county.'
Country Crest is a family orientated business dedicated to the production of the best in locally grown, fresh produce.
The Lusk business supplies potatoes, onions and carrots to major supermarkets around the country from their state-of-the-art facility.
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