Friday, October 23, 2009

Stand-Alone Hybrid Systems

Stand-Alone Hybrid Systems

Providing cost-effective solutions for remote rural districts all across the world we recommend a sophisticated hybrid wind turbine Northwind 100.

This up-to-date wind turbine has been specifically modified to power rural villages and small utilities located in remote districts.

The innovative design allows the turbine to provide reliable power in distributed generation and village systems where the power grid is typically unbalanced:

The turbine begins power generation at wind speeds as low as 3m/s and can provide clear economic benefits in all kinds of wind regimes.
NorthWind 100 can be connected to large power grids and remote wind-diesel configurations without inducing surges, effectively providing grid support rather than compromising it. Energy capture can also be compensated by solar panel of biofuel generator when wind speed isn't enough for operation.
An 8-hour accumulator is provided in case of system failure or absence of wind and fuel: in peak modes it absorbs the surpluses of energy which are then spent at short-term energy deficit.
The use of secondary load for wind energy conversion into heat energy for production of steam and hot water increases efficiency of turbine's exploitation. Heat energy can also be used in ice production, water conversion, etc.
Wind turbine power capacity can be increased by means of assembling several Northwind 100 power turbines in one system.
Passively-cooled, permanent magnet, direct drive generator eliminates the drive-train gearbox and maximizes energy capture.
Controlling and power changes smoothing system proves for a more reliable and sustainable operation of the unit.
The turbine operates via remote control system and can function independently even in deserted areas. A web-based access allows you to track power production and performance from anywhere in the world.
Low noise level.
It is estimated that these turbines will produce more than 675 000 kWh annually and could displace approximately 30% to 70% of the energy normally generated by diesel.

Manufacturer: A joint venture of GreenLight Energy Solutions, LLC and Northern Power, Inc.

Efficiency of hybrid systems becomes more and more obvious to remote areas nowadays due to their major advantages:

Reduction of fuel and turbine maintenance costs;
Reduction of harmful emissions into the atmosphere;
Minimization of power failures;
Independent energy source.
Energy performance characteristics of Northwind 100 are presented below:

Northwind 100 wind turbines has been successfully installed and are operating in Alaska and Brazil proving their cost-efficiency and maintainability in various climate conditions.

Photo of these turbines operating in Alaska, USA:

1 comment: said...

Vist on tegemist vene firmaga.