Thursday, October 22, 2009

Free Electricity – Does It Really Exist?
By Wind Turbines | Oct 22, 2009Renewable Energy | CommentThe belief that we all have access to free electricity for our homes and businesses to many people is somewhat farfetched. It’s a luxury many of us would like to have so is it actually possible – does free electricity really exist and if it does, how do we get it what would it mean for us?

Free electricity is available to anybody but there are of course steps which we have to take to benefit from it and this does involve some financial cost. Free electricity can be generated in several forms by simply harnessing the power of nature.

As you have no doubt guessed, I am of course talking about solar and wind power together with one other little known piece of genius technology which I will talk about shortly. These renewable and natural energy resources have the capability to generate many thousands of hours of natural free energy for our homes and there are enormous benefits to either system.

Solar power is probably the more expensive of the two but on the plus side, it can also be the most efficient. I am not talking about enlisting the help of professional solar panel builders and installers here at vast expenses. You can very easily and simply build a solar panel array for your home for well under $200 regardless of DIY experience and with parts which you can get from any good hardware store.
You can build Solar Panel Kits as big or as small as you wish but the capability to generate 100% free electricity is a definite reality when utilizing solar energy.

Wind power can also be turned into a great free source of electricity by making your very own windmill generator. Depending on your geographic location, you could easily harness the power of the wind and use it to generate substantial amounts of natural, free, home electricity. A windmill generator should cost you approximately $120 to build and this should get you a windmill which will generate hundreds of hours of electricity. These too are very simple and quick to build at home and all of the required parts are easily accessible from a good hardware store.

Now for the little known genius technology – a magnet generator. This fantastic yet simple piece of technology is what the large utility companies didn’t want you to know about and it’s easy to see why. Absolutely anybody can use the natural power of magnets to build a Magnetic Generator and generate hours of free home electricity and the best part is that you do not need to rely on the weather conditions for this to work. They can be built within a single day and are very cheap to make, depending on the required size of your unit. Simply a genius piece of technology which is becoming amazingly popular for free electricity at home.

Free electricity really does exist to those who have the motivation and willpower to really make a difference.

Following the instructions of a quality DIY guide, you have a great opportunity to generate an almost unlimited amount of free electricity for a very minimal cost.

Right now there has never been a better time to seek out alternative home energy options and free electricity can be easily had by anyone dedicated enough to make a start.

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Various Thoughts About Solar Energy Storage
By Wind Turbines | Oct 21, 2009Solar Energy | CommentThe growth of an adequate, cost efficacious way to keep solar energy cannot come fast enough. Different methods are being used at the present , and others are being tested and explored . Certain home solar energy owners have had huge success with their systems, but solar systems may not be appropriate for all areas of the world, nor would they be good on a larger scale. If solar energy is to be the replacement for other not so environmentally friendly energy sources, then there should be a way to stock it on a larger scale that is still safe and affordable for everyone .

The Pros to Solar Energy Storage

Solar energy is renewable, non-polluting, and plain to deal with . A new house that is built with solar panels or an existing home that adds them can qualify for a tax credit or other financial privileges . This makes the idea even more attractive . The current systems for solar energy storage include a photovoltaic system and a molten salt system, but every of them has flaws .

Solar energy can be used to compensate or change electrical costs from the utility organization . This, in turn, makes the utility organization to become more competitive in their pricing. If one family in a neighborhood has solar panels and reduces their energy expends by half or more and the utility organization increases the cost for the next door neighbors, it is not long before the next door neighbors are set up solar power as well.

Solar power is safer to use than other energy sources, especially those that use coal which must be mined from the earth and then transported around the country, or oil which is expensive and must be received from foreign countries. Using the sun’s heat is the easiest way to store the energy for further use in solar thermal systems.

The Cons to Solar Energy Storage

The sun is not entirely predictable. Clouds can block the sun’s rays for seconds, minutes, or even hours causing a storage system to waste megawatts of energy. The loss of megawatts can lead to power loss for the owners . If the system in area is not big enough to store enough energy for these times, it will not be useful in the long run .

The sun is not a good idea in certain parts of the world where the weather is almost cloudy and overcast. Even in districts where there is a lot of sun, days of rain and clouds could shut down a system in a matter of hours.

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Windmill Electricity – The Most Cost Effective Option And Facts Revealed
By Wind Turbines | Oct 21, 2009Wind Turbine Plans | CommentFor anyone who is researching windmill electricity as an alternative source for home energy, you need firstly to be assessing whether it is suitable for your individual needs and requirements. Whilst Windmill Power can be a relatively cheap option to implement, it is essential to consider whether or not you will recoup your initial investment.

When considering any alternative home energy system, you must ensure it will not take you an unrealistic amount of time to recoup your investment as this will otherwise be counterproductive not only in your quest to save energy at home but more importantly, to save money.
Before any money is spent in windmill electricity, there are serious considerations which need to be thought through first. The most important of these are that you must ensure that your home energy requirements are met and that you can build a system which can equally match these requirements.

As a great starting point, have a look at the immediate area in which you live and ask yourself if you have the required wind resources available. It’s a common fact that certain parts of any country are better placed than others to utilize windmill electricity. If you are lucky enough to live in an area close to the coast for example, you will probably find that you are slightly better placed than someone who lives inland. If you live in the United States, the government has a website which has wind maps available for anyone to view which will show you how windy your particular part of the country is compared to other areas. This is a great resource but please do not be put off using Windmill Electricity if you live in an area that is not considered too favourable. It may well be quite realistic to utilize wind energy for your home but it may just be a little bit more of a challenge.

Another good point to make here is to see if the wind energy which is around you can be used for home energy. The general theory is that you must put up a wind turbine above tree level and above any buildings which are close by but this is an absolute nonsense. Provided you can mount your home windmill as high as you can possibly and safely install it and it is gaining the maximum wind power available then it will be absolutely fine.

BIG INCENTIVE – Here’s a great big incentive which believe it or not, many people are not even aware of.

Depending on how much you spend on your home windmill, you may be eligible for a local tax rebate if you live in the US! This means that if you live in a part of the United States, you could make your own home windmill at an even further reduced cost and have a tax reduction. Together with the savings which you will make on your home electricity bill, this could virtually wipe out your total build costs which are very moderate to begin with! It is well worth exploring this further as each state will have its own laws and regulations but you would be a fool not to enquire.

With electric prices on a constant increase, more and more people are turning their efforts to the DIY home energy market as ways to save energy and money. Right now it is a great time to explore new and innovative ways for home energy and one of the most cost effective options by far is windmill electricity.

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Magnet Energy Generator – A Realistic Option?
By Wind Turbines | Oct 20, 2009Renewable Energy | CommentIt would seem that a magnet energy generator is the next big thing to hit the renewable home energy market. Using the power of magnets to generate electricity does sound rather far fetched and a little out of the ordinary to many people. This is one of the reasons why so much has been written and talked about just recently on this very subject but do they really work and is a magnet energy generator a realistic and long term option for home electricity?

Well, for a start, let’s explore the great benefits of a magnet energy generator.

First up, the electricity they produce is a form of clean, renewable energy which will provide power to your home for life. This means that your magnet energy generator will not emit any harmful gasses or toxins into the atmosphere, hence the term clean energy which in turn, makes a magnet energy generator a completely harmless and safe device to use. Furthermore, a generator will have the capability to power itself – it does not require plugging into a wall socket to work!

Secondly, magnetic energy is very, very simple and quick to build. Many people imagine these to be incredibly complex and highly detailed units to build but this is simply not the case at all. Also, I know of people who have built their generators in under 2 hours but even at a steady pace, 1 day should be more than enough time to get going regardless of DIY skills and the parts you require are available anywhere.

Lastly, a magnet energy generator will give you the capability to reduce your power bill at home by anything up to 75%. It’s your choice on how big you wish to build your generator but the sky’s the limit. Just imagine cutting your electric bill in half – how much would you save?

So, now that I have highlighted the benefits of a magnet energy generator, let’s look at the biggest concern that most people have when looking at alternative home energy sources – cost.

A magnet energy generator requires minimal investment. An approximate outlay of $100 will acquire you all of the necessary parts to safely build your own magnet energy generator. This technology is little known up until recently and it is what the large corporate energy companies were praying you would never find out about. For a modest outlay and a little time and effort, you could potentially slash your electric bill by half or more.

So is a magnet energy generator a realistic option? You bet it is. Just look at the superb benefits you could get from building your own unit and then ask yourself that question again.

Keep in mind that they are completely safe, easy and cheap to build and you could genuinely save hundreds on your electric bill aswell as do your little bit for the environment you live in!

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How To Install Residential Solar Power Systems
By Wind Turbines | Oct 20, 2009Renewable Energy | CommentAre you thinking of installing residential solar? If you are, then here is an article about how much it might cost and how much work it will take.

Make a decision about how much of your house do you actually want to be run on residential solar power. You could use solar power to heat your water tank. You could go further and take your home completely off-grid thus ensuring the whole house is running on solar power. It’s up to you, but you must discover what your home’s monthly average electric usage actually is.

To work out the average energy usage of your home, simply dig out your monthly electricity bills going back over the last two years. Do some calculations. Be aware of the year’s peak times, like Christmas when you would normally go through a lot more power than normal. We are trying to set up your home’s residential solar power system so it can surely cope with whatever demands your home may plave upon it.

Now, so you can sleep easy at nights, multiply that amount by at least 1.5. If any extra appliances are brought into your home you remain fully covered. So, by the time you’ve done this you will know how much residential solar power you need. You will also be able to tell how many solar panels you need and what size they have to be.

These days, you would almost always be best advised to look online when buying solar panels. Go to Ebay with the words “solar panel pallet” exactly as is. Sit back and be prepared to be amazed by the incredible bargains you will find there. If you think they seem expensive, please don’t forget that these prices are a one time cost and solar panels tend to have a lifetime of at least 25 years.

Without exception, always employ a skilled, experienced residential solar power technician to install your solar power. Look for them online or in your telephone directory. Keep going until you have three quotations for the job, but don’t necessarily choose based entirely on the price. Cost is important, but you can gain extra reassurance of a job well done from an experienced solar power technician when installing solar power for homes.

You will also have to shop around for a good quality inverter. When solar panels harness the sun’s energy they turn that energy into direct (DC) current. The inverter will convert this DC current into alternating (AC) current from which we can all enjoy running all our electrical toys and gizmos.

Roughly costing $2,000 plus maybe $500 for installation, inverters tend to last about 10 years. Bare in mind solar panels.

For those who want to go completely off-grid, good quality batteries are essential to store the excess solar power you pull down on sunny days. Use this reserve of power to run your home’s electrical needs at night-time. The deep-cycle batteries will probably cost $50 to $100. You will probably need to buy about 10 of them. Their longevity is not so good as the inverter. Expect to have to replace them every 3-5 years.

Be sure to enquire your local authorities if they will give you any assistance for the cost of installing solar power for homes. Most local authorities offer some form of tax credits for this job. Ask your local electricity company as well. They might have some good incentives or special deals. Do this right and you could cut the total price by half or more.

Although it is essential you get a qualified electrician, you’ll be pleased to hear that installing solar power for homes doesn’t have to involve a lot of electrical work. Generally. However, this is not often an extensive job. Just don’t forget to be sure to use a qualified, experienced electrician.

Residential solar power is a long-term investment. When calculating the value of installing solar power, you want to be asking, “What is the payback time?” After everything is all paid off, you have can kick back and relax with a house that will run on free residential solar power systems for many years to come!

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Receive FREE Electricity When You Harness A Green Wind DIY System
By Wind Turbines | Oct 18, 2009Renewable Energy | CommentGreen Power is NOW – save your money and our planet!!!

Be one of the first to benefit from a totally new product Green Power Systems to be made public very soon that will enable you to generate FREE electricity for your home and eliminate those huge monthly electricity bills.

What if you could invest just a few hours of work on a DIY home project to create free solar and/or wind power alternative energy, and then never pay another huge electricity monthly power bill again?. Better yet, what if you could learn how to get your power company to pay you each month for any extra power you produce?.

Alternative green energy can greatly reduce the homeowners electrical bill or even eliminate it. Wind has been used for centuries to perform various mechanical tasks like running windmills to pump water. Windmills can be used to supplement solar panels in the alternative power configuration. As with the sun, there are no pollutants. However, it is good idea to live in a windy location to take full advantage of using the wind as an alternative power source. Green energy sources are not dependent upon fossil fuels and are pollution free, but they can greatly reduce or eliminate the homeowners electric bill.

How would you like to save money on your electric bills?. Paying virtually nothing each month even?. Or switching only part of your power system over from the grid?. You can when you make your own home solar power system. Buying the panels or building them it’s your choice. Many people do this and you can too. In order to make solar power your energy choice you can build your own solar panels if you so wish or you can buy them. Looking around to find the best deal will take some time. But don’t forget to always consult the experts out there before paying out money for your choice.

Wind and solar power alternative systems are making a huge comeback, because the power company prices are always rising. Companies charge you large amounts for supplying power that you can get for free. So why not switch over to solar or wind or both as a choice for your household electricity. Solar power is an option that will have you choosing between three types of solar cells. Crystals in either the single or multi cell, and silicone are all that are available at present. You can even buy them out of recycled material if you wish.

Also, did you know that these solar panels are seemingly very easy to make?. Yes, and it doesn’t cost you that much money either to make solar power. But if you’re looking to run your full household off of solar energy, you may want to plan carefully first. Is it better to not pay an electric bill by switching and to make solar power your choice?. Or do you just like giving your hard earned cash to the power companies?. Either way it’s your money. Making your own solar power is great way to save some cash and help the environment at the same time.

The benefits of employing solar and/or wind energy as a power source have some far reaching effects upon not only your abilities to be self sufficient but for the environment also. Practical solar/wind equipment is relatively new at the market place and there is still much that we have to learn about these amazing ways to make power. Regardless of its newness these astounding forms of power generation are preordained to become our major energy source in future years. Some of there advantages are:

· They are a very renewable energy resource. What this means is that we will never run out of these forms of energy. Fossil fuels have a limited life span and sooner or later there will no longer be any oil to acquire as our reserves are completely depleted. Solar and/or wind on the other hand, will be available as long as the sun in the sky shines down upon us and the wind keeps blowing.

· Solar and/or wind power is a green form of energy. It is a non-polluting type of power source unlike oil. It emits no undesirable gases or odors and does not harm our environment in any manner. We will never experience a spill of any kind from solar power equipment.

· Best of all they are free. Once you have the necessary equipment firmly in place they will produce your needed electricity at no further expense on your part. When they are properly maintained they can perhaps last you a lifetime.

There are many companies out there offering you different methods of ’guiding you on’ how it can be achieved. Right now you have the opportunity to benefit from a brand new product that presents you with the easiest step by step procedure through videos, Internet TV, and ‘how to do it yourself’ formats from initial feasibility and research, through purchasing the right (local) products, to building your very own solar panels and/or wind turbines that will power your home and eliminate once and for all those huge monthly
electricity bills. This new complete DIY product will be released soon and is called the “Green Power Easy” way to free energy.

With Green Power Easy you will be able to:

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The step by step manual guides, and the Green Power Easy Internet TV series, will be publicly available soon. So get your free report and learn how much you can save with Green Power Easy. You will also get FREE access to the introductory video series. As a subscriber to the newsletter you’ll also get special early-bird access to Green Power Easy and a very special price.

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Marine Solar Panels – A Free/Alternative/Cost Effective Energy Solution
By Wind Turbines | Oct 18, 2009Solar Energy | CommentGas and diesel isn’t cheap fuel anymore. The fact that fuel costs anywhere from 10% to 50% more out on the water can sometimes dampen a cruise if like me you are burning anywhere from 18 to 20 gallons an hour when on plane. So it makes sense if a boater can save a couple of bucks by using free solar energy in lieu of a fossil-fueled generator when out on the hook. I would like to share with you how you too can harness the power of the sun by using marine solar panels to provide solar power for your boat. To this end, please consider the following:

Marine solar panels that are also portable are certainly a viable solution for anyone that needs to charge or run any electronic devices or other cruise critical items such as the refrigerator. Consider portable solar panels would be similar to having a portable generator except without the noise or having to worry about the fumes coming into the cabin. This alternative energy solution allows you to utilize free energy from the sun so that you can have the ability to enjoy many of the comforts of home remotely.

Marine solar panels consist of photovoltaic cells that have the ability to transform the energy emitted form the sun into electricity. These panels are generally made up of two different layers which when exposed to the sun one layer becomes positively (+) charged and the other layer negatively (-) charged. This creates and electrical current that can be converted into AC/DC power which you can use on your boat. The only limitation would be the size of the panels that you can install on your vessel.

The smaller the panel is in direct correlation to the amount of wattage you will be able to get from your solar power system. In order to select the device that best fits your needs, determine how many watts you need to run the items that you want to run on your boat keeping in mind that you may not be able to run all the items at the same time. Also consider that modifications will more than likely be required to integrate the system into your current set-up. The simple rule to follow is the larger the panel the more electricity you can generate.

The size of the system coupled with the number of batteries that you use will also dictate how much power you can generate. The most common set-up that most boaters have is a start bank and a house bank. Generally the house bank will consist of 2 or more deep-cycle batteries that are generally used for power when at anchor. With an inverter, this can also be used to power appliances such as a portable AC unit or electronics like a television or a laptop.

As you can see marine solar panels offer a free energy solution which can make life easier while cruising out on the water or at anchor at your favorite remote location. As an avid boater in the Pacific NW I am constantly seeking ways to improve my experience while out cruising with family. If the idea of solar energy appeals to you visit to learn more. Safe and happy boating to you!

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Home Windmill, Solar Energy System Or Magnet Generator – How To Decide Which Is Best For You
By Wind Turbines | Oct 17, 2009Renewable Energy | CommentThere are literally thousands of topics on the internet today covering the vast subject of renewable home energy technologies. This is fuelled mostly by the current energy crisis that is affecting countries across the world and we are all actively encouraged to explore new ways to provide home energy. So, how do we decide which is best for us?

There is a vast amount of information out there based on installing a solar energy system or a home windmill and even information on building a magnetic generator. This is in many ways very justified as all 3 are all viable and long term renewable energy sources for homes, which are readily available to everyone.

However, much of the information can be confusing and often misleading which just adds to the problem when you are already unsure about what option to explore further, so how do you decide what is best for you. How do you know what to choose and what to avoid and where do you start with the whole process?

Firstly, you need to weigh up the pros and cons of each of the 3 best options. I cannot decide these for you as it will all depend on the type of property you live in and location, size of property and current electrical consumption can all be big influencing factors. That said, there are still certain questions which you need to ask yourself no matter what:

1. How much electricity do I use at the moment?

2. How big is my property?

3. Do I want to go completely off grid?

4. Do I want solar roof panels on my property / do I want a home windmill in my back garden?

5. Do I want the cheapest option or am I prepared to invest a few dollars extra?

Question 1, 2 and 3 are important to know because if you can accurately gauge current electrical consumption, then you will know how big to build your energy generating unit. Also do you want to go completely off grid or simply supplement your existing supply to help save a few dollars?

Question 4 is also important as some people are put off by having a home windmill in their back garden as they feel it may not be very pleasant to look at. The same may sometimes be said for solar roof panels.

Question 5 is one of the most common influencing factors when seeking renewable home energy sources. Many people believe that any one of these 3 options are likely to be highly expensive and out of reach of the average home owner, but this is simply not the case. Much depends on which one you choose and how big you intend to build but for example, did you know that can actually build your own home windmill for less than $120!

These questions are just for starters and depending on your own individual needs, there will be other factors which influence your decision. I would highly recommend you carry out further research on these great home energy generating options so that you can see exactly what is involved, how much it will cost and how to get started.

Making your own windmill generator, solar energy system or magnet generator, can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience and there has never been a better time to start. You could save hundreds off your electric bills and let’s not also forget the great benefits clean energy has on the environment you live in!

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Discover How To Buld Solar Panels At Home
By Wind Turbines | Oct 17, 2009Solar Energy | CommentDiscover How to Build Solar Panels At Home with DIY Solar Panel Plans

Are you sick and tired of paying up to one whole paycheck a month to pay for your electricity bill? Would you like to put that paycheck toward something more useful, like a nice vacation or perhaps pay off that 30 year mortgage on your home twice as fast? If you are then, perhaps you should be thinking about how to make solar panels and discover how to chop that electricity bill out or at least cut it down to a manageable size.

The world is changing and what was the unthinkable is now not only thinkable but doable. Men and women, homes and business across American and the world are seeking for ways to reduce their dependency on the electrical grid.

Solar electricity systems and windmills and even specially designed generators are providing reliable green energy from renewable resources. These solar powered and wind generator systems are becoming more affordable than ever. And what is more, with advanced engineering these devices can now be built in the comfort of your very own home at a fraction of the cost of manufactured products.

It is also possible to not only remove yourself from the power grid but sell back unused power to the utility company. Now that is a hoot. This can be the case when your renewable power generators have produced more power than you can consume and it metered back to the main power grid.

There are a lot of different plans available to convert over to renewable green energy. But the main keystone on how to make solar panels is the little solar photo voltaic cell which converts the suns energy into usable electricity. Several of these little cells are wired together to produce solar panels of varying wattage sizes.

The electricity is then sent to an inverter to convert it from DC to AC where it is then used for household chores like lights and appliances, just like on the grid. To expand the usefulness of the solar panels batteries may be added to store surplus power for use when the sun is not shining, reducing or eliminating the need to draw power back from the grid during non producing hours.

The power of not ever needing to rely on the local utility company is tremendous. It is great feeling to know your lights are never going out again because of some utility failure. Being self sufficient is marvelous to say the least. You can now laugh at your neighbors the next time their lights are out and they are wondering why yours are still burning away, and for free to boot.

Times are not what they use to be. The threat of ever expanding brownouts and blackouts is more real now than ever. And with new taxing proposals being cast about for use of not electrical energy but gas energy and the making of it by certain industries is sure to send the cost of electrical energy even higher.

You do not need to be a rocket scientist to learn how to make a solar panel Even teenagers can do this with minimal supervision. It now possible for you to stop your dependency on unstable global conditions to keep the lights on in your home. Invest in your personal freedom now and check out what how to make a solar panel work for for you today.

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DIY Solar Panels – Exclusively Revealed Step By Step Instructions On Building Your Own Solar Panels
By Wind Turbines | Oct 15, 2009Solar Energy | CommentHow would you like to construct your very own DIY Solar Panels? By installing solar panel arrays at your home, you can reduce your monthly electric bill by as much as 80%. Not only that but you can happily utilize the suns energy for less than $200 and this is very possible for anybody to do, no matter what experience you have at DIY projects.

In fact, by spending just $110 it is actually possible to slash your household electric bill by up to 80%. Therefore, for a very minimal outlay, you can easily achieve substantial savings every single month. Is this the very reason why thousands of people the world over are making it a priority to turn to home DIY solar panel projects?

It is absolutely possible for you to make your own solar roof panels from your own home or workshop and I will outline the step by step process for you.

Firstly, you will be well advised to build a 16 volt solar panel. This is a simple process which is made even easier as the parts required can be picked up from any good hardware store. The average price for a panel of this kind would be approximately $110.

Your next step will be getting a battery – preferably a small, rechargeable battery would be better. Generally speaking, a 12 volt lead battery will be best as it will almost constantly be in use. You might also like to consider purchasing a good quality battery box to provide some form of protection to small children or pets.

Finally, you will need to purchase a good quality DC meter that can handle the battery’s voltage and DC input. A DC meter allows you to efficiently convert the suns energy from the solar panel and supply the electrical power into your home.

Once you have your items, you will need to attach the DC input and meter into the top of the battery box using insulated wiring to physically attach the meter to the battery. Try to keep an order when doing this and only work with 1 wire at a time. Also, wire to the negative first if possible and follow the same procedure when connecting the solar panel and DC inlet to the battery.

You are now prepared and ready to convert the power of the sun into your very own home electrical energy.

You will of course need to place your solar panel into sunlight and it will take on average, approximately 10 hours to fully charge the solar panel.

In practice, it is a really simple process and if you want to slash your electric bill or even go “off grid” completely, then you should be making your own solar electricity panels. They are fantastic way to harness the power of the sun and use it to your advantage. Don’t also forget the significant positive environmental impact they would have also!

Of course, these steps are very basic and they are summarized but if you feel a little daunted or intimidated by the whole process of do it yourself solar panels, you should consider downloading a complete step by step home study course which will walk you through the entire process with easy to follow instructions.

Building your own solar panels is an incredibly rewarding and satisfying experience and they can genuinely save you thousands in the long term for a very small amount of effort in the short term.

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