"Reduce your Electric, Heating, and Fuel Bills starting RIGHT NOW. Learn How To Save Money and Make the Electric Company PAY YOU..."
"Matt's step-by-step guide will show you how to create your own Solar, Wind, and Bio-fuel Power for only pennies a day.
And Because of Recently Passed Tax Laws for 2009, Find Out How to Qualify For Huge Tax Rebates or Even Get Your Green Energy System For Free!"
-From the Garage of Inventor and Mechanical Engineer Matt Mosley, Creator of DIY-Green-Energy.com
Dear Friend,
Do you want to learn how to reduce your Electric Bills? Reduce your Heating Oil Bills? Or even go completely Off-Grid and say goodbye forever to the Energy Company Monopoly? Then you have come to the right place!
DIY-Green-Energy.com is the best resource on the web if you want to learn to slash you energy bills by 80% or more, totally eliminate your energy bills altogether, and help save the environment in the process!
For years, the electric companies have held us all hostage. With their monopoly power, they decided they could charge us whatever they wanted. Worse yet, for a long time they were right! With little choice, many people were resigned to the fact that the outrageous prices were just a part of life.
Break Free From Electric Company Tyranny and Slash Your Electric Bills by 80% or More!
Seriously, its now possible to use modern technology in your home right now that will save you big time cash on your electric bills. Imagine getting an electric bill for only $15 a month?
How about not getting an electric bill at all?
Because of advances in Solar and Wind technology, anyone can now create their own Solar or Wind Generator for a measly $200 or so dollars plus a weekend of effort! Don't have a weekend to spend? The DIY-Green-Energy system walks you through some easy build-vs-buy equations, and shows you how to get top quality commercial products at Rock-Bottom prices. You won't find a better guide anywhere on the net.
The solar and wind generators that DIY-Green-Energy members created look good, and more importantly, work great!
Don't Pay $1,000's For a Green Energy System When You Can Do-It-Yourself for a Couple Hundred!
There are so many "green" energy products on the market these days, but most of them cost thousands of dollars each, and that's not even including shipping and installation! Yikes!
Many of the products for sale out there won't even work in your home without expensive control equipment. Who needs that! Not us at DIY-Green-Energy.com. We can teach you everything you need to have your own solar or wind power generation system starting for around $200, sometimes even less!
I've reviewed hundreds of pages of manuals and made numerous tests to ensure that the DIY-Green-Energy Manual only provides you the best, most effective, and most efficient methods for producing tons of Clean, Green, and Cheap Energy.
Want To Learn More for Free?
Get my 13-page Free Energy Report: 6 Easy Ways To Reduce Your Energy Bills and get started with Green Energy Today
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And once I had accumulated all these plans, I created easy to follow diagrams with tons of pictures, and easy to follow steps in English, so that the "average Joe", could understand them! They are so simple, they could be used in 9-th grade science class as is!
And before I decided to release this guide, I've given them to many other "average Joe's" just to see if they could succeed in generating green energy for their home.
Thanks so much for your DIY-Green-Energy System Manual! In just one weekend I had created a solar panel from your instructions, and it was way easier than I thought! That one panel is now powering all the lights in my house, and it only cost me $189.54. I'm going to be making another one soon! You guys rock!
D. Kim, Honolulu, HI
I just wanted you to know that your system plans and wiring diagrams really were top notch! I always was interested in renewable energy, and now I am much more knowledgeable and will be making my first wind generator next week.
F. Ainsworth, Chicago, IL
NEW for 2009: US Government Grant and Tax Rebate Info
Even better, did you know there are some programs for those that live in United States that will actually PAY YOU to install Solar or Wind technology? That's right, the government will give you a grant to install your solar panel cells if you own a farm or some types of small or medium size business. Or, for all residential homes, you can get a income tax credit against the cost to purchase, ship, and install your new system.
Imagine getting a check or a huge tax refund just for installing a system that reduces your electric bill! The US Government Will Pay You to do just that! DIY-Green-Energy Shows you how...
New for 2009, the federal and state governments will also give regular citizens HUGE tax refunds for purchasing a solar or wind system. Some the credits are so large, the systems can pay for themselves in record time, faster than ever before. There is another federal program that provides a 30% tax credit, and for systems placed in service after January 1, 2009, there is no limit on the amount of refund you can claim on your taxes (previously there was a $2,000 limit on Solar Cell Systems). This credit can even be used against AMT (Alternative Minimum Tax) liabilities and can be rolled over year by year. Wiring, preparation, and installation costs are included in this as well. When you purchase the DIY-Green-Energy System, we will include details on how to find all the US Federal and State programs that are currently applicable to you, and show you exactly what forms you need to fill out to claim and find more information about the rebates that apply specifically to you!
How Can You Make Your Own Energy? Here Is How DIY-Green-Energy Works:
System 1 - DIY Solar Power Generator
The DIY Solar Generator System can generate the Exact Same Power Output as the Commercial Systems, for as little as 25% of the cost! You can get all the parts you need from the Hardware Store and Ebay.
These systems can be built for as little as $100, and can be portable for use when camping on with your RV, or made quite large to provide enough power for your entire house!
These panels are quite easy to make yourself, and its a great starter project to introduce you to the world of DIY Green Energy! Make one to power lights or charge batteries, or make a couple to power your house! Either way, DIY-Green-Energy shows you how.
Click Here To Access the DIY Solar Panel Members Area
System 2 - DIY Wind Power Generator
The DIY Wind Generator is a great compliment to your DIY Solar System, because it will generate power during the day and night, whenever there is a light breeze to strong winds!
We have carefully reviewed many DIY wind generator plans out there, and have found many are simply inadequate. Trust us, if your guide tells you how to make the turbine blades form PVC pipe, you are wasting your time!
We include easy to follow instructions for where to get professionally designed wind turbine blades cheap, which will produce much power than PVC pipe "blades". We also include reviews from real users on which motor-generators are suited for wind turbine use. Not every motor out there will work! Don't be fooled by imitations, DIY-Green-Energy has the best plans on the net for your wind turbine!
Click Here To Access the DIY Wind Turbine Members Area
System 3 - Home BioDiesel Processor
Biodiesel is creating a revolution in the Green Energy world! It is non-toxic, incredibly clean, and safe to make at home. It will run in almost any diesel car, truck, tractor, or boat built after 1993 without any engine modifications! By using waste vegetable oil from fryolators or the restaurant down the street, you can make your own biodiesel for next to nothing!
Don't have a diesel car yet? You may consider buying one after learning how to make this fuel for way less than $1 a gallon in your own garage or backyard!
And for those with Oil-Burning Home or Business Heating systems, we include instructions and recommendations to show you how to heat your home or business with biodiesel, again using your current equipment. Its clean and easy!
Click Here To Access the Biodiesel Members Area
System 4 - Complete "Off-Grid" System Plans To Tie It All Together
Once you have created your own Solar Generator, Wind Generator, Biodiesel Processor, and added some free reconditioned batteries into the mix, you may be wondering how they all work together?
Using the plans contained in this guide, you will learn how to wire a hybrid system together. By adding a diesel generator into the mix that will run on the biodiesel you produce at home, you can be live completely off grid and tell the Power company to Take a Hike!
Below are just some of the high quality examples of wiring diagrams, schematics, and details that you will find inside the DIY-Green-Energy guide. From simple diagrams explaining the difference between parallel and series wiring, to more complex hybrid systems that tie together wind, solar, and other generators, we include it all!
8 Reasons Why You Simply Must Start Creating Your Own Green Energy Today
1. Save thousands of dollars on your energy and fuel bills every year! With the volatile energy market, you will be glad you did.
2. You will help the environment by creating fewer carbon emissions and using less energy from unrenewable sources.
3. You will be able to live off grid if you want.
4. Make your own biodiesel for your car, truck, boat, or for heating your home!
5. Avoid brownouts and blackouts. Your lights and refrigerator will be on, while everyone else's is off!
6. Make the electric company pay you while you generate excess electricity (usually during the day when you are away, you may be able to generate electricity).
7. Do something about the environment, and the economy, and become a leader in your community.
8. Help your friends and neighbors create their own generators. Start your own green energy business!
Can I Really Make These Things At Home?
Honestly, most people can! We wrote this guide with the absolute novice in mind, including clear concise instructions in every step. Also, for each system, we include a build-vs-buy analysis, so you can decide for yourself if its worth your time and effort to build it yourself or buy pre-assembled parts from others and just put the system together (trust us, its WAY easier than assembling IKEA furniture).
So the bottom line is, you don't have to be a mechanic or engineer to build your very own wind, solar, or other green energy system. With our instructions, we are 100% positive ANYBODY can have their own Green Energy System up and running within a week or two!
Why DIY-Green-Energy Is the Best DIY Guide Available
Includes Full-Color, Easy to Follow Instructions and Diagrams
Also Includes Wiring Schematics so you know exactly how to setup that battery bank or solar system (many guides do not include these).
Details on how to save Thousands of Dollars in Electricity Costs. These were verified by the Northeast Utilities Company and are the best conservation tips we have ever seen!
Includes Build-vs-Buy Analysis so you can determine which parts to build yourself, and which parts to buy.
Information On How to avoid using old, inefficient parts that 95% of the DIY's don't know about
How to build your own biodiesel processor using an old hot water heater and other parts your can find around the house or at the hardware store
Information on How To use Old Batteries to make them like new again!
Seriously Amazing Stuff Here! At first I was a bit nervous, I had never built anything like this before. But with your guide I was able to lower my electric bill after I built my very own solar generator! It was actually easier than I thought it would be, thanks so so much!
C. Martinez, San Diego, CA
Want To Learn More for Free?
Get my 13-page Free Energy Report: 6 Easy Ways To Reduce Your Energy Bills and get started with Green Energy Today
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So, what does DIY-Green-Energy Include?
The DIY Green Energy System actually contains four proven individual systems rolled into one package. You will get details on how to easily create your own Solar Generator, Wind Generator, Biodiesel Processor plus energy conservation tips. Each System on its Own could save you hundreds of dollars a month! Together, the savings you can realize on your electric, heating, and fuel bills is really up to you, the sky is the limit to how much you want to save!
On Sale For A Limited Time!
So how much does the DIY-Green-Energy Guide Cost? Check out the value of everything included below:
Item Value Our Price
Professional Conservation Tips - proven by a large Northeast Power Company to save you over $200 a month - with easy to implement changes. $39.95 Free with any purchase!
DIY-Green-Energy Homemade Wind Turbine Manual $49.95 Click Here To Buy for $19.95
DIY-Green-Energy Homemade Biodiesel Manual $49.95 Click Here To Buy for $19.95
DIY-Green-Energy Homemade Solar Panel Manual $49.95 Click Here To Buy for $19.95
Off-Grid System Plans and integration diagrams $19.95 Free with purchase!
DIY-Green-Energy Club Membership $13.95 a month Only Included with Complete Manual
Click here to get your complete guide today for the discount price of only $47.95!
Or, if you only want the Solar, Wind, or Biodiesel sections separately, get each one for only $19.95.
You won't find a better deal on the internet for a guide of this quality and packed with this much content on creating Green Energy Power Systems. It contains full instructions easy enough 9th graders to follow, but powerful enough to save you thousands of dollars while creating a greener environment. This technology is used successfully by many satisfied customers.
The Do-It-Yourself Green Energy System has never been priced this low before. Plus, for a very limited time, we are including an exclusive membership to our the DIY-Green-Energy Members club!
Exclusive Club Membership
Because I want to ensure you have the latest information available, and the best chance to succeed with your new Green Energy System, I am giving away a limited number of exclusive memberships to our DIY-Green-Energy Club, entitling you to unlimited product updates, special volume discounts, offers, and VIP customer support to help you build your ultimate DIY Green Energy System! We are going to be raising the price of this to $13.95 a month, but order today and its free for you!
If You were to purchase a solar or wind generator system brand-new they would cost between $2000-$25,000 and many are worth the money, but take 10+ years to recover your investment.
But the DIY-Green-Energy System will pay for itself within a month or two. Once you have built your system, you can easily be saving from $50-$250 a month or more!
With a total Value of OVER $223 if purchased separately, get the entire DIY-Green-Energy System for only $47.95. Click here to get your guide today!
Sale Period Will Expire Very Soon...
60-Day Iron Clad Guarantee
Do-It-Yourself Green Energy is guaranteed to work for you! Build your own power generators or biodiesel processor and see how much you money you can save.
If after 60 days, you aren't 100% thrilled with everything, simply contact us at support@diy-green-energy.com explaining your issue and we will do everything we can to help.
If you are still not satisfied, we will issue you a 100% refund on the spot.
ClickBank sells our products - they are a trusted online retailer specializing in digitally delivered products.
Imagine yourself a week from today. Are you still paying high energy and electricity prices or wondering how much more the next electricity bill is going to cost? Are you still worried about increasing climate change or global warming?
Are you using the DIY-Green-energy System to produce your own electricity, heat, and biodiesel, while laughing at rising prices, and feeling good about your smaller impact on the environment?
You owe it to yourself, your family, and the environment to at least give the DIY-Green-Energy System a try, risk free!
Matt Mosley
Engineer, Researcher, Inventor,
and Founder
of DIY-Green-Energy.com
P.S.: Don't forget, the risk is on me. If after trying the DIY-Green-Energy System you aren't paying less for your electricity and other energy costs, I'll immediately refund every penny. You've got nothing to lose and a whole world of green energy to gain. Try it now!
P.P.S: Included with your DIY-Green-Energy purchase is a Free Exclusive membership to the DIY-Green-Energy Club. This membership entitles you to Free Updates whenever there is a new version of the guide available, plus free VIP support from our experienced customer service representatives and links to other volume discounts or special offers that we can only give to our members! This membership is only Free for a limited time...price is going up soon.
P.P.P.S: Your Ebook is available for immediate download, even if its 1am! It is delivered in Adobe PDF format.
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