Our wind turbine building workshop takes place on the 19th of October in Ballinamore, Co. Leitrim and we only have 4 places left so if you want to attend book your place now click here for details
Servicing workshop on a home built 2.4m wind turbine 10th October 2009.
This wind turbine was put up almost two years ago and this is the first time that it has been serviced,
ideally servicing should be done once a year.
The machine before we took it down
Off grid system
460 AH battery bank
24 Volt DC
2.5kw inverter charger
Solar PV 250w
Turbine Blades- Austrian larch
Turbine Frame- stainless steel
Mast 10m high
The site is in the Leitrim hills, it is overlooking Lough Allen and is well exposed.
First thing was to lower the turbine using the gin pole and small tirfor with 8mm wire rope.
The two side anchors are not level and this makes it tricky to operate the hinged mast. We had to stop the lowering a few times to slacken the guy wires and tension the gin pole ropes but it worked out fine.
First thing we noticed was one of the tail bolts was missing a nut and it had almost fallen out and the ply was starting to spread - it's important to use good quality ply and seal it well a new tail is in the making.
The blades are made from Austrian larch and painted with undercoat. They have stood up well with just the paint getting chipped along the leading edge and some green life growing at the roots. Sorry there are not more photos of the blades but they were in good shape and I forgot to take more photos.
The rectifiers are at the base of mast and the 9 ac wires running down the mast worked well with no twisting that we could see (another good argument against slip-rings). On the top of the mast we used a piece of plastic waste pipe, this worked very well as a bearing surface with very little sign of wear, it also makes the yawing nice and quiet.
Striping the machine revealed some scratches on the stator but it was just on the surface and there was no damage done to the coils thanks to the fiberglass mat. The reason for the scratches can be seen in the photos- the nickel plated magnets have started to rust. The reason being this machine was built using polyester resin and as you can see it is not that waterproof. We are going to clean up the disks as best we can and use a good two pack paint and hopefully get another few years out of them before we have to recast the rotors using vinylester resin and new magnets, this should solve the rust problem as the vinylester is waterproof.
At the moment the machine is being painted and we hope to have it flying again in a couple of days, so more on that later.
We are going to do a one day workshop on the reassembly and erecting, hopefully on Wednesday the 14th of October if all the bits are painted and ready. Price €75 if you want to come along - contact us now, don't leave it too late and be disappointed as places are limited.
Hugh Piggott Workshop 2009
Tuesday, 18 November 2008 17:06
How to build a wind turbine A workshop course with Hugh Piggott
at Crann Og, Gort, Co Galway, 7th - 12th September 2009
After a very successful workshop at Crann Og in 2008 Hugh Piggott, was here for another wind turbine building course.
Hugh Piggott, designer, author and world renowned expert on wind power, is leading a six day course in which the participants learn as much as they are personally capable of learning about small wind turbine design and construction. Hugh's workshop courses take place around the globe. It is a wonderful opportunity to learn hands-on skills and really take part in building a wind-turbine with the guidance and experience of a great teacher. Visit Hugh's web site at http://www.scoraigwind.com/
The video of Hugh by the guardian newspaper.
The Workshop:
Each day, a modest amount of theoretical introduction will lead to workshop sessions with opportunities to gain hands-on experience of carving wooden blades, winding coils and fitting magnets into purpose built alternators for windpower, wiring, fabrication, erection and all aspects which can be covered as time allows. Participants who bring their own ideas and materials to the course will be welcomed and given assistance where possible.
Where participants have brought the materials, they will be able to take the complete (or partially complete) components (blades' alternators etc.) home with them.
The purpose:
The Build Your Own Wind Turbine” workshop course is designed to inspire, empower and inform participants who wish to build small wind turbines; to cater for people from all backgrounds, age-groups, nationalities and educational levels; to provide some basic theoretical understanding, and to develop the necessary workshop skills and confidence to enable participants to undertake small wind turbine construction projects safely. Previous workshop experience and/or knowledge of tools is an advantage but is by no means necessary, relevant workshop skills will be taught at whatever level is required and everyone works at their own pace. Participants are encouraged to take part in all the various workshop activities, whatever their level of experience, this leads to a better understanding of all the processes.
John Miller writes:
As thing stand, people who construct their own turbines will not be eligible for the subsidy as MCS accreditation (both for the turbine and the installer) is required for systems under 50kWp.
This is intended to prevent people from getting ripped off but will have the unintended consequence of excluding anyone who builds their own unit. MCS was designed so that grants would be used productively but it could be argued that it isn't really necessary in an output based system where poorly sited/installed units will produce less electricty and will therefore be rewarded with less tariff. If you agree then I would suggest that you respond to the consultation (and encourage anyone else affected to do so as well) as this could be changed if an effective case is made. The consultation can be found on the following link:
The deadline for responses is October the 15th. Send them a quick email telling them that they should pay for kWh of wind generated electricity regardless of the certification.
Several new videos
Anwan France - formation Fabrication dune éolienne
Erection 1800 mm turbine for 12V battery at Scoraig
Crann og 4800 diameter turbine
Rencontres créatives sur les éoliennes « Piggott »
Courses news
Crann Og, Galway, Ireland 7-12 Sept 2009
Servicing workshop on a home built 2.4m wind turbine 10th October 2009.
Homebrew Wind Power
A Hands-on Guide to Harnessing the Wind
By Dan Bartmann and Dan Fink
Foreword by Mick Sagrillo
320 pages, soft cover, 8 x 10 inches, 395 illustrations
ISBN 978-0-9819201-0-8
Published by Buckville Publications LLC, Masonville, CO
Retail price: $39.95
"There's nothing better than 'hands-on' experience when you tackle the big project of building your first wind turbine and tower. We (and others) do offer in-depth, hands-on seminars at various locations around the USA. We also offer seminars at our wind turbine shop in Colorado, and we can travel to your location. Contact us for more information."
Alternator Disassembly and Maintenance
Home built windpower page
Email me at: hugh@scoraigwind.co.uk
Or (if you must) send snail mail to:
Scoraig Wind Electric, Dundonnell,
Ross shire, IV23 2RE, UK
Mobile/cellphone number
+44 77 1315 7600
I respond much quicker to e-mail than to letters!
I do reply to all reasonable e-mail questions.
Letters/faxes often get no reply.
Please make sure your spam settings allow me to reply to your question!! It is very frustrating to spend maybe 20 minutes writing a helpful reply and then to find that I cannot even contact you because you have such paranoid spam settings.)
Get my Books here
"I recently purchased your June 2005 edition of "How to build a wind turbine". It arrived just last week and I read through it from cover to cover that very day. You are to be congratulated for the amount of detail, hints and information this manual contains. I can certainly understand the amount of work (and tears), to put this sort of information into a manual. One of the best 'how to' books I've ever read (and I have a few). "
Mark Atkins
Swansea Tasmania Australia
"Choosing Windpower" from CAT publications (October 2006)
(replaces my older booklet "It's a Breeze" from CAT)
"Logical and readable style that cuts straight through the jargon" - Windirections
Choosing Windpower is the definitive guide for any ecologically-minded person who wants to generate electricity off the grid using windpower. As a variable and at present expensive option of electricity generation for a household, the book deals with a 'stand-alone system' for those in remote areas who wish to slash the environmental and monetary costs incurred by diesel generation. With sections on assessing your needs, the electrical ins and outs of wind turbines, where to site the turbines and finally how to go about setting up a turbine, the book is a valuable reference point for all those with no access to mains electricity.
Learn how to assess your power needs and find out whether wind power is right for you.
Choosing Windpower is the brand new edition of 'It's a Breeze', brought up to date with full revisions.
my videos
A collection of answers to emails about windpower and some specific questions about my windmill plans and construction techniques. (October 2006)
Nice landscape, nice violin music by my neighbour (who also makes violins) Alan
Fun stuff - how a 3-phase alternator works
see this visualisation made by Jesse Salisbury
Voltages at the bottom of the screen.
Stator on fire! Photo by Solar Mad
I have moved a lot of stuff off this front page onto other pages, linked below
(left hand boxes link to separate large pages with information and pictures.)
This format should help you to see what is new if you are returning to the site.
All the stuff that was here before is still there, if you click Home built windpower news page
However a lot of people seem to be unable to find it from what I am hearing :-(
See also my new links section at the end of this page.
New boxed 750W 24v alternators
WindPower Engineering is an engineering resource built specifically for design, installation, and construction of Wind Energy Systems.
Wind measurement services, and some interesting analysis of shelter effects (click on image)
Cheap wind datalogger from Logic Energy Ltd.
Logic Energy Ltd. specialises in providing monitoring and reporting services via the Internet, principally for the renewable energy industry. Our systems allow remote monitoring of energy systems, reporting and control of failures all via a web browser. Our graphical interface is easy to use and understand and can be accessed from any web-enabled device, such as a mobile phone, from anywhere in the world.
Welcome to Our Website
Welcome to Windgen Power.
We are a new website, dedicated to alternative energy, whether it be Wind, Solar or Water power.
local wind survey equipment
If you're thinking about installing a small or medium-sized wind generator at your home or business, it makes sense to find out as much as possible about the wind conditions at the proposed generator site, so as to have some idea of how much power you can expect.
This is a project to develop and build open source energy monitoring and analysis tools for energy efficiency and distributed renewable microgeneration. Following the principles of the Free Software Movement the software source code and hardware designs are available at no cost to everyone under the GNU General Public Licence.
The project being open source gives the following potential:
It makes it possible to do more than just use the technology, you can learn how it works from the physics of AC and DC electricity to electronic circuit design and software programming. You can build it yourself and modify it to your needs. You can take part and benefit from a collaborative effort to develop and improve it. If it breaks you can learn how to repair it and when it comes to the end of its useful life it is easier to take apart so that different components and materials can be recycled in to new technologies.
Power predictor from Better Generation
The Power Predictor assesses the suitability of your site for renewable energy, specifically solar and wind.
The Power Predictor allows you to cheaply and easily collect real life solar and wind data from your site.
The Power Predictor produces customised power reports for your site including carbon savings and annual energy generation estimates.
How to connect small wind turbines to the grid with a Windy Boy inverter
Sets of ten foot blades, magnets, templates, books etc.
These guys have several good web sites.
Homebrew renewable energy: www.otherpower.com
Fun with magnets and magnetism: www.wondermagnet.com
Online shopping cart: www.forcefieldmagnets.com
Renewable energy discussion forum: www.fieldlines.com
Also in Colorado
wind turbine parts and information... Homebrew wind turbine parts in the USA
Complete 10 foot axial flux wind turbine kit (USA)
$1800 from forcefield
user manual
UK supplier for parts for my Recipe projects
Wind Turbine Supplies
"Parts & Information for the Wind Turbine Enthusiast"
Tripalium France
Cette association a pour objet de :
Favoriser les démarches d'auto construction d’éolien individuel type Hugh Piggott
Construire des turbines en répondant à un besoin d’électricité identifié ;
Donner des notions théoriques de base associées au fonctionnement d’une éolienne ;
Promouvoir la réduction des gaspillages énergétiques, l’amélioration de l’efficacité énergétique et l’utilisation des énergies renouvelables afin de réduire les inégalités, de partager plus équitablement les ressources naturelles et de mieux préserver l’environnement ;
Pour la réalisation de son objet, l’association se donne comme moyens d’action, de façon non exclusive ni limitative, la recherche, la démonstration, la formation, la production et la diffusion d’information, l’organisation d’échanges de toute nature, la représentation dans différentes instances, et d’une manière générale l’engagement de toutes actions et projets permettant de promouvoir et réaliser ces différents objectifs.
Rencontres créatives
Autour des éoliennes « Piggott »
du 24 au 28 Août 2009
près de Florac FRANCE avec Tripalium
And another chainsaw fanatic documents his process here
COMPUTER SIMULATION OF FLUX IN AIR GAPS http://www.thebackshed.com/Windmill/FORUM1/forum_posts.asp?TID=1458&PN=1&TPN=1
CHAINSAW BLADE CARVING http://www.thebackshed.com/Windmill/articles/ChainsawBlades.asp
EXTRUDED PVC BLADES THAT YOU CAN TWIST INTO SHAPE http://www.thebackshed.com/Windmill/FORUM1/forum_posts.asp?TID=1331&PN=1&TP
EcoInnovation is a New Zealand-based renewable energy store and consultancy. Michael Lawley, our founder and chief engineer, is the world's foremost expert on the re-tasking of the SmartDrive motor, which can be salvaged from Fisher and Paykel washing machines, as well as some LG and Whirlpool versions. His family and this business have been power-bill free for over 11 years!
Smart Drives
What is a Smart Drive?
This 18-page document will tell you everything you need to know about Smart Drives, which power our EcoInnovation Hydro Generators and Smart Series of turbines.
Wind Turbines
Chinese Turbine - Brief
This short document reviews the Chinese 200W turbine (actually capable of 300W) and outlines the EcoInnovation upgrades that make it a reliable, cost-effective part of your renewable energy system.
Chinese Turbine - Manual
This is the manual that EcoInnovation created to help not only our own customers, but thousands of worldwide owners of the popular Chinese Turbine who needed an English-language manual that was in-depth and easy to understand.
Dale Stewart writes:
Saw your website and just wanted to let you know about some company selling "plans" and instructions on building wind turbines and DIY PV modules.
I paid $75 for an eBook and downloaded it from http://www.homemadeenergy.org/ (He showed me this book - it's just a few pages of blah without any substance. Hugh)
It is of very poor quality, and after several emails, he is refusing to reply for requests for a refund.
The company has many paid adds with Google, and are connected. There are many sites that appear to be different entities, but closer scrutiny reveals they are part of the same scam.
Maybe you could warn your colleagues around the world about this scam.
Kind regards,
Dale Stewart
Dawn Rotarangi writes:
ClickBank have a blanket 60 day money back guarantee if a person is unhappy with a product.
They can be contacted at http://www.clickbank.com/contact_us.html. If you were able to add that address to your homepage it might help folk get a refund before they run out of time. I believe the procedure is that you're supposed to contact the publisher of the info but if after 2 days they have not helped you, then go to ClickBank and they will
sort it.
see my latest picture diary of a trip to visit blueEnergy
Solar Mad in Madagascar
Le but de Solarmad est de participer au développement des énergies renouvelables à Madagascar en proposant des solutions adaptées pour la génération d’énergie dans le respect de l’environnement. Egalement de faciliter la communication en dehors des réseaux traditionnels en créant sur place les savoir-faire et compétences nécéssaires.
CNN IBN TV video
Wind Aid in Peru
We are looking for volunteers to help learn how to build wind generators, develop entrepreneurial spirit, and sponsors to keep lighting up peoples lives.
Imani Fungo from Tanzania..........
The earlier project produced a machine which is capable of 1KW at 48VDC and installed in the Lwanjilo village south west of Tanzania. This machine has changed the lives of over ten thousands people as they can now have their phones charged up all the times
GREEN STEP e.V. is a young German non profit organization working to improve the living standard of the rural poor in developing region with environmental friendly technology. In their pilotproject in M'muock, Cameroon they train 10 local craftsmen to build small scale wind- and waterturbines from mainly locally available material for energy production.
African News article and video
Palestinian village electification
Susiya, a beleaguered community in the arid, windswept South Hebron hills, now has electricity.
Hi I am Beng Ngoun who is raising the Orphan children in Cambodia, I
am very exciting with your project and in my country where I am living
has no electricity to use at all.
And I would to invite you as the volunteer team to come to my country
to train the Orphan children how make the windgenerator as their skill
to make money in their communittee and they can earn their living
after they left the orphanage, please help these poor children too!
I am waiting to hear from you soon.
Yours in Christ.
Beng Ngoun
What's wrong with this picture?
Rooftop wind turbine madness in the UK.
(Picture from Paul Gipe's site.)
•Wind turbines do work but only when installed properly in
an appropriate location.
•There is a potential for delivering carbon savings and energy
generation from domestic small-scale wind turbines in the UK.
•The highest potential for successful household small-scale
wind installations is in Scotland.
•Wind speeds are difficult to predict and highly variable.
The Energy Saving Trust recommends that potential
customers first utilise the best available wind speed
estimation tools and then, where appropriate, install
anemometry to determine the wind speed distribution.
Data gathered through the field trial indicates that none of
the sites with building mounted turbines had average annual
recorded wind speeds of 4m/s or greater, and only a third of
free standing pole mounted turbines had average annual
recorded wind speeds of 5m/s or greater. It is therefore
likely that many sites in the UK have less of a wind resource
than previously predicted....
No urban or suburban building mounted
sites generated more than 200kWh or £26 per annum,
corresponding to load factors of 3 per cent or less. In some
cases, installations were found to be net consumers of
electricity due to the inverter taking its power (up to 10W)
from the mains supply when a turbine was not generating.
A review by Paul Gipe
Delta / Zeeland windtest
in Holland October 08
(David Sharman's take on the data)
The Ampair perspective
New Energy Focus report
Dutch small wind turbine trial suffers low wind speeds
HAWTs generally score much better than VAWTs in this test but there are exceptions, notably the Swift (shown right) which seems to me to be a bit of a disaster - a shame considering what nice people they are, and near to my home town of Edinburgh.
A new Carbon Trust study into the potential of small-scale wind energy has found that small wind turbines could provide up to 1.5 Terawatt Hours (TWh) per year of electricity (0.4% of total UK electricity consumption) and 0.6 million tonnes of carbon dioxide (MtCO2) emission savings. This is based on 10% of households installing turbines at costs competitive with grid electricity, which is currently around 12p per kWh.
The study also indicates that for the UK as a whole, the majority of electricity and carbon savings are available from small turbines in rural areas - four times as much as urban areas irrespective of costs, and considerably more given economic drivers. This is mainly due to wind speeds generally being higher in rural areas. Turbines in some rural locations could provide cheaper electricity than the grid, but it appears that in many urban situations, roof-mounted turbines may not pay back their embedded carbon emissions.
The report published today marks the culmination of 18 months research by the Met Office and Entec, and is partly intended for government policy makers. It makes important recommendations to improve existing policy measures, including that:
• A criterion should be used in any new grant schemes to measure likely carbon savings. This is to help ensure grants are awarded to installations which save reasonable amounts of carbon; and
• Higher height limits for stand-alone turbines should be allowed under permitted development rights. This is to help maximise the overall carbon savings of small-scale wind energy, given the sensitivity of electricity generation to height.
Rooftop windspeed measurements
in the city
(updated with response from RD Swift turbines, and my email to BWEA)
Mostly now when I see these 'Swift' turbines they are under repair for some reason. It looks awful.
The new certification body BRE have come out with new guidelines for estimating windspeed on urban sites that you can download.
These rules of thumb (see appendix suggest that the windspeed at rooftop level is approximately 50% of what you would expect from using the DTI (NOABL) data set that everyone relies on. That means 1/8 of the energy production.
The Carbon Trust have also brought out a new
Windspeed Estimator on line that is much better than NOABL for built-up areas.
The Warwick Urban Wind Trial project has engaged in depth with the new market for urban, building mounted wind turbines at a critical time in market development. By taking the customer perspective and combining technical monitoring with social research into the impact of installations on public perceptions of energy efficiency and wind, the project is providing the most thorough and complete assessment to date of the efficacy of urban wind systems in supporting UK energy and environmental policies.
Further evidence from the Warwick Wind Trials shows that most of the new generation of rooftop turbines also fail to meet their claimed output, often only achieving 30% or less. In many cases the inverter's standby power consumption exceeds any power generated on urban sites.
The final report is now available and it makes essential reading for those who want to know about small scale urban wind realities (as opposed to marketing spin).
Recently I was persuaded to re-join the British Wind Energy Association. I had not been a member for a couple of decades. It's too expensive and offers me no advantages. I am not sure why I rejoined but I have come to the same conclusion again. Being a member has kindled my curiousity about BWEA and brought certain facts to my attention.
The BWEA conference is host to charlatans
Maybe it's not that surprising, given that they will take anyone as members and are basically open to anyone who will pay, without any discrimination regarding ethics or technical credibility. It's funny how easy it is to con the public just by having a grand title. Companies such as Renewable Devices and Broadstar Wind Systems can make absurd claims on a BWEA platform and get away with them.
Put a lawn mower on your roof and get 30% more power. It's embarrassing! What did we do to get such a trade association? Their conference was just a zoo.
Small wind turbines are useful in the right environment, but just now they are a playground for those who wish to make a fast buck by exploiting people's ignorance, and it can only end it tears. BWEA ought to do something to stop this but instead they help promote it, and they profit in the process.
John Miller writes:
As thing stand, people who construct their own turbines will not be eligible for the subsidy as MCS accreditation (both for the turbine and the installer) is required for systems under 50kWp.
This is intended to prevent people from getting ripped off but will have the unintended conssequence of excluding anyone who builds their own unit. MCS was designed so that grants would be used productively but it could be argued that it isn't really necessary in an output based system where poorly sited/installed units will produce less electricty and will therefore be rewarded with less tariff. If you agree then I would suggest that you respond to the consultation (and encourage anyone else affected to do so as well) as this could be changed if an effective case is made. The consultation can be found on the following link:
The deadline for responses is October the 15th.
My latest collection of links is below.
I am keeping this compact for now with no images.
Learn about wind energy
Danish site - windpower knowhow
Windmission - Blade design
Paul Gipe's writings
Home power magazine
My latest FAQ
Ti'éole - énergies éoliennes
Kidwind basics page
Discussion forums
USA/global Forcefeld discussion board
Australian Homegrown power (the backshed)
UK navitron
Irish wind turbine builders
French discussion board
Ampair David Sharman (UK small wind scene)
Rip offs
Good sites for homebuilt windpower
Otherpower in Colorado
Eirbyte in Ireland
Ecoinn in New Zealand
Blue Energy in Nicaragua
Tripaleum in France
Gotwind in UK
Windstuffnow USA
the Backshed Australia
Wind chasers in Canada
Miscellaneous worldwide stuff
Home builder story
Univeritat Kassel
Wind turbine works
Breezy 5.5 home built wind turbine
Chainsaw Blade carving tutorial page
Home made windpower in South Africa
Other people's free plans for wind generators
http://www.uv.es/navasqui/ in Spanish
Trials and studies of commercial wind turbines
Mike Klemen - North Dakota
UK Warwick wind trials, mostly rooftop 2008
Delta Dutch trials (english translation)
wind turbine manufacturers
Abundant Renewable Energy USA
African Wind Power
Ampair UK
Atlantic Orient Canada
Bergey Windpower USA
Bornay in Spain
Eclectic UK
Eoltec France
Fortis in the Netherlands
Gaia-Wind Ltd. UK and Denmark
Gazelle UK
Iskra in the UK
Jacobs USA
Marlec UK
Proven UK
Renewable Devices Swift UK
Ropatec italy
South West Windpower USA
Samrey UK
Variable Pitch wind turbines in Canada
Westwind Australia and N. Ireland
WES in the netherlands
Windsave UK
Windside Finland
Loads more... (from windmission)
All the world's small wind turbines (?)
Catalogue with data sheets for 181 small wind mills.
Better generation reviews
Sources for stuff. I am not paid to place advertisements here.
Most of the links are known to be good people. But some are just ones that I found.
Let me know of any other good links you find. Or any bad ones so I can remove them.
material UK USA Europe world
Forcefield magnets 10 footer wooden blades
David Moller makes 10' to 18' diameter wooden blades
chinese from magnet4less
variable pitch rotors in canada
Extruded PVC blades from Australia
alternators future energy
Hornet UK
new boxed 750W 24v alternators
windbluepower and
Super alternator
new zealand
magnets powermagnetstore
CMS magnetics
Applied magnets
South Africa
winding wire EC WIRE LTD
(01924) 266 377
Percy Hawkins
(01536) 523 229
Scientific Wire Co.
wondermagnet/forcefield Ireland ECWire
tel 01 671 8754
laser cut
steel disks e-teq Scotland
tel 01556 612128
Tel: 01684 299156
Wind turbine Works
Wagner (search for "disk st")
Trailer hubs
for wind turbines
South west wheel
Northern tools
Dump load controllers Scoraig Wind Electric
ghurd's kit
Solar access
Solar converters
low voltage space heater resistors
Polyester and vinyl ester resin supplies
High temperature flexible wire
(tri-rated flex)
Batt cables
smaller amounts
Quick links to older stuff on this site Homebuilt windpower - general information
Mostly rather dated but useful Blade theory Blade carving - diagrams Blade carving -colour pics Power performance testing of small wind turbines
Free downloadable pdf files for blade manufacture and other aspects of small wind/battery systems Permanent magnet alternator construction manual - free download in acrobat pdf Using a servomotor as a pm generator Notes for brakedrum builders - extra information to supplement my plans Differences between the 'European' and the 'North American' versions of the brakedrum design Magnet suppliers
Technical stuff about load control circuits Current in 3-phase cables Performance and noise curves for the AirX turbine from Paul Gipe's personal research program are now available here.
Power performance testing of small wind turbines Blade design spreadsheet Free downloadable pdf files for blade manufacture and other aspects of small wind/battery systems.
Renewable energy options for electricity supply on the Isle of Eigg
A report on the potential for small hydro, wind and photovoltaic systems on the island pmg construction manual is now available for free download IN DANISH (på Dansk) Scoraig where I live : Our house Tour of the Scoraig wind turbines in year 2000 More information about Hugh (rather dated needs revising:-) FAQ
A collection of answers to emails about windpower and some specific questions about my windmill plans and construction techniques. (October 2006)
Information about African Windpower and the AWP36 wind turbine,some picsand its history
E-mail me at: hugh@scoraigwind.co.uk
1 comment:
A vertical turbine picks up wind from all directions. Magnetic suspension minimises frictional drag. Large mass maximises the flywheel effect.
wind turbine
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