Thursday, September 30, 2010

Peugeot to Lease iOn Electric Car for €499/Month in France

by Michael Graham Richard, Ottawa, Canada on 09.10.10
Cars & Transportation
peugeot ion electric car photo
Photo: Peugeot
Aimed Mostly at Fleet Buyers at First
Peugeot has released some details on its iOn electric car, which is based on the Mitsubishi i MiEV. In France, the leasing price will be of €499 (about $643) for five years, and this includes: the vehicle and its battery, a 5-year warranty covering the battery and electric power train, servicing and maintenance for five years or 50,000 km (31,000 miles), specific electric assistance, and Peugeot Connect, Electric Driving (smartphone application) services and access to the Mu by Peugeot mobility program.
Photo: Peugeot
Some highlights from the press release:
"The iOn is a rear-wheel drive vehicle in which the electric motor and single-ratio reduction gearbox are installed in front of the rear suspension. With a maximum power of 47 kW.h (64 bhp) it has a maximum torque of 180 Nm from 0 to 2000 rpm."
"Range per the European standard cycle is 150 km (93 miles)."
"The battery can be fully recharged in six hours using a single-phase 220 V household supply via a five metre cable fitted with a standard socket and a special plug. A quick recharge by means of a special recharging unit connected to a three phase 380 V electrical supply takes fifteen minutes to provide 50% battery capacity and 30 minutes for 80% capacity."
Peugeot says the iOn will be available at the end of this year, and if you are in Europe and want to take a closer look, it will be at the Paris Motor Show in early October.
Via Peugeot, GCC
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Self-Cleaning Solar Panels

A technology intended for Mars missions may find use on solar installations in the deserts on Earth.
Thursday, August 26, 2010

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One of the best places to put a solar panel is in the desert, where it's sunny. But deserts are also dusty, which means the panels have to be washed frequently so the dust doesn't stop them from capturing sunlight. New technology could provide a solution--by letting solar panels clean themselves.
Desert storm: Dust clouds like this one in the Persian Gulf can cut solar power output if dust accumulates on the panels. New technology that cleans the dust off might help.
Credit: NASA JPL
The technology was developed for future rover missions to Mars, but it could work here on Earth to keep solar panels operating at peak capacity. It uses electrostatic charge to repel dust and force it to the edges of the panels. It can remove 90 percent of the dust on a solar panel in a two-minute cycle, says Malay Mazumder, a research professor at Boston University who led the work. The technology was described this week at the American Chemical Society meeting in Boston.
Dust that accumulates on solar panels and blocks the light can cripple rovers on the moon or Mars. The Spirit and Opportunity Mars rovers lasted longer than expected because occasional gusts of wind have cleared off their panels. "But we may not be lucky all of the time," says Rao Surampudi, a project monitor at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Indeed, the Mars Pathfinder rover mission in the 1990s didn't benefit from such winds.

Dust has also bedeviled solar installations on Earth. For example, dust storms have cut power production by 40 percent at a large, 10-megawatt solar power plant in the United Arab Emirates. Washing the panels can be time-consuming or require costly automation--and it takes a lot of water, a precious resource in the desert. "With this new technology, solar panels can be automatically cleaned without water or labor," Mazumder says.
The system takes advantage of the fact that most dust particles, particularly in dry environments, have an electric charge. A transparent electrode material such as indium tin oxide delivers an alternating current to the top surface of the panel. As it swings between being positively and negatively charged, it creates an electric field that repels positively and negatively charged particles. The electric field also helps to impart a charge to uncharged dust particles, allowing them to be quickly repelled as they come in contact with the panel. The researchers have designed the system so that the electric field works its way from one side of the solar panel to the other, gradually moving the dust along until it falls off.

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Oskused roheliste töökohtade jaoks
Autor: Refereeris Kersti Raudsepp, SA Innove

29.september 10, kolmapäev
Oskused roheliste töökohtade jaoks
Töötajaid, kellel on kogemusi laevaehituses või nafta ja gaasisektoris, oodatakse väga ka tuuleturbiinide sektoris. Pildistas Katrin Lipp.

Euroopa Kutseõppe Arenduskeskuse Cedefop hinnangul sõltub süsinikutaseme vähendamine majanduses olemasolevate oskuste taseme tõstmisest, mitte rohelistest erioskustest.

Vähendatud süsinikutasemega majanduse arendamine, mis omakorda aitab kaasa rohelisele, jätkusuutlikule arengule, on valitsustele parim kombinatsioon võimalikest, sest selle kaudu võib täita kliimamuutuste tõttu võetud kohustusi ja samaaegselt vähendada töötust. Samas on töötajatel selleks vaja õigeid oskusi.

Üha enam on tekkimas üksmeel selle suhtes, et põhioskused, mida vajatakse jätkusuutlikule rohelisele majandusele üleminekul saavutatakse olemasolevate oskuste arendamise, mitte uute õppekavade loomise ja täiesti uute roheliste oskuste õpetamise kaudu.

Rohelise majanduse ja töökohtade loomise vahelist seost võib näha ka selles, kuidas on tegeldud majanduskriisiga. Mitmed liikmesriigid viisid aastatel 2008 ja 2009 sisse majanduse elavdamise pakette, mis sisaldasid ka energiatõhususe alaseid investeeringuid ja taastuvenergia programme. Ka jätkusuutliku arengu ja töökohtade uus strateegia Euroopa 2020 seab konkurentsivõime suurenemise nurgakiviks innovatsiooni ja rohelise lähenemise.

Euroopa kutseõppe Arenduskeskus Cedefop avaldab lähiajal uuringu oskuste vajadusest rohelistel töökohtadel. See on osa suuremast uuringust, mille viis läbi Rahvusvaheline Töö- organisatsioon ILO. Cedefopi uuring käsitleb seda, milliseid oskusi vajavad kuus liikmesriiki (Taani, Saksamaa, Eesti, Hispaania, Prantsusmaa ja Suurbritannia), et minna üle vähendatud süsinikumahukusega majandusele. Uuring näitab, et piirid selle vahel, mis on ja mis ei ole roheline töökoht, muutuvad järjest hägusamaks. Näiteks energiaaudiitori ametit võib Eestis pidada uueks roheliseks ametikohaks. Samal ajal arvatakse Saksamaal, et juba audiitorina töötav inimene, peab selleks vaid lisaoskusi juurde õppima. Seega ei anna ametite liigitamine rohelisteks ja mitterohelisteks suurt kasu ja võib olla isegi segadusttekitav.

Cedefopi uuring näitab ka seda, et paljud oskused, mida roheliseks majanduseks vaja on, sisalduvad juba olemasolevates ametites. Tasakaal üldoskuste (nt iseseisvus ja suhtlemine) ja roheliste üldoskuste (jäätmete vähendamine ja energiatõhususe suurendamine) vahel, mida täiendavad olemas olevad kutseoskused, on rohelise majanduse jaoks olulisemad kui kitsalt spetsialiseeritud rohelised oskused.

Nii nagu infotehnoloogilised oskused on muutunud ülioluliseks tööelu paljudes aspektides, võib arvata, et rohelised oskused muutuvad sama oluliseks peaaegu igal töökohal. Cedefopi uuring näitab ka, et töötajate ümberõppe vajadus rohelisele majandusele üleminekul võib olla väiksem kui arvatakse.

Oskused „vanades“ või kahanevates majandusharudes võivad osutuda väärtuslikuks ka rohelises majanduses. Näiteks töötajaid, kellel on kogemusi laevaehituses või nafta ja gaasisektoris, oodatakse väga ka tuuleturbiinide sektoris, sest neil on oskused keevitamises, pinnatöötluses ja paigalduses. Uuring näitab, et kui on olemas tugev üldoskuste baas, võib olemasolevate kutseoskuste täiendamine võimaldada täita rohelise ametikoha kõiki ülesandeid.

Kuigi oskuste täiendamine tundub olevat efektiivsem kui uute roheliste oskuste loomine, peavad mõned sektorid täiendusõppe ulatuse tõttu investeerima oskustesse märkimisväärselt. Mõnel juhul, näiteks ehitussektoris, nõuab rohelist lähenemist ka riigi seadusandlus. Tuntakse muret, kas sektor suudab ümberõppega sellises ulatuses toime tulla, vaatamata sellele, et uued vajatavad oskused ei ole väga keerulised.

Rohelisele majandusele üleminekul võivad suurimaks takistuseks saada puudujäägid juhtimise oskustes ja teatud erialaainetes (loodusteadused, tehnoloogia, inseneriteadus ja matemaatika). Nende erialade populaarsus kahaneb kesk- ja kõrghariduse tasemel. Tänu demograafilistele trendidele ei ole mõnes riigis piisavalt insenere, kes asendaksid pensionile minejaid. Selle tagajärjel on puudus inimestest, kellel oleks oskusi suuri infrastruktuuri muutuste projekte ellu viia. Inseneride vähesus on keskkonnasektori suurim probleem Saksamaal ja probleemi süvendab inseneriala lõpetajate ja õpipoiste viimastel aastatel vähenev arv.

Tulevikus on iga töökoht roheline. Ametikoha keskkonnaalasest mõjust arusaamine tuleb tuua haridus- ja koolitussüsteemidesse. Jätkusuutliku arengu põhimõtete integreerimine olemasolevatesse kutsestandarditesse on palju efektiivsem kui uute standardite loomine.

Oskuste arendamise strateegiad peaksid võimaldama inimestel koolituse käigus lisada spetsiifilisi oskusi oma olemasolevatele oskustele. Samas peaks koolitus olema taskukohane ja kasumlik. Teiseks tuleks õpilasi ja üliõpilasi suunata õppima inseneri- ja loodusteadusi ning matemaatikat, kuna need ained annavad baasi kõrgetasemelistele rohelistele oskustele. Kolmandaks tuleks parendada kogu töötajaskonna üldoskusi. Üldoskuste all mõeldakse siin nii mistahes töökohal vajalikke oskusi kui rohelisi oskusi, mis peaksid saama iga töökoha lahutamatuks osaks. Neljandaks tuleks rohkem rõhku panna koolitajate koolitamisele. Hetkel ei ole koolitajad ja õpetajad piisavalt teadlikud keskkonnaalastest probleemidest ega võimelised õpetama uusi tehnikaid. Eriti teravalt on sellistest oskustest puudus põllumajanduses ja ehitussektoris.

Lisaks oskustele peavad valitsused jätkuvalt investeerima rohelisse majandusse. Sellised investeeringud, nagu näiteks tuuleenergia edendamine Taanis, toovad omakorda kaasa töökohtade loomise koordineeritud tööhõivepoliitika, oskuste taseme tõstmise ja innovatsioonipoliitika kaudu.

Hybrid Cars Newsletter

Hybrid Cars Newsletter (059): Green Drive Expo, 6 New Toyota Hybrids, Stale Gas
Bradley Berman -
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~~~ Hybrid Cars Newsletter: Issue No. 0059 ~~~
Moderator: Bradley Berman []



Bay Area’s First Green Car Expo Set for Oct. 9
Green Drive Expo, the Bay Area’s first consumer eco-car expo, will feature exhibits, ride-and-drives, public programs and an unprecedented opportunity for owners of unique green car creations to show off their work and express their desire for change. Put it on your calendar.

The List of Six New Toyota Hybrids in 2012: Our Predictions
Six new Toyota hybrid vehicles by the end of 2012. And a plug-in Prius, small EV, and RAV4 EV. Is Toyota back in the game?

Expert: Expect More Than 100 Hybrid and EV Models in U.S. by 2015
Auto industry forecaster Alan Baum sees a rapid expansion of the hybrid and EV market. By 2015, expect 50 conventional hybrids, more than 30 pure electric cars, nearly 20 plug-in hybrids, and a handful of fuel cell vehicles.

New Study: 74 MPG by 2035 Is Feasible, Without Plugging In
A University of Michigan Auto Researcher says it’s possible to triple automobile fuel economy —without plugging them in. John DeCicco shows how new fleet efficiency can reach 52 MPG by 2025 and 74 MPG by 2035.

Civic Hybrid Owners Disappointed with Battery Software Fix
Last month, Honda finally acknowledged a problem with the batteries of the Honda Civic Hybrid by issuing a “technical service bulletin.” As the first set of Honda Civic Hybrids receive the software update, the results reported in our forums are mixed.

Nissan Reveals Pricing For LEAF Options: DC Fast Charger Extra, Unless You Live in Initial Launch Market
We recently got a nice peek into what the pricing sheet for the Nissan LEAF will look like. See the full list of costs, charges, and options.

Putting Thought into Putting Gas in the Chevy Volt
When your car needs a gas fill-up only a few times a year, you have to make sure that your gas doesn’t get stale or increase emissions. Here’s how the Volt takes care of the concern.

Defending the Plug-in Car; Anti-EV Rhetoric Attains High Crescendo
A recent anti-electric car opinion piece in the Detroit News gave us a chance to dispel the persistent myths about electric cars.


Greetings, Hybrid & Electric Car Enthusiasts,
The economy remains sluggish and gas prices remain relatively low. But the macro-economic conditions aren’t slowing down the green car movement. The number of hybrids and electric cars on U.S. roads will grow from 23 today to 108—just in the next four years. Environmentalists are pushing for 60-mpg fuel efficiency average—that’s right, average—by 2025. Researchers are showing that we can take it to 75 mpg by 2035—not even including electric cars. The big remaining questions are about the pace of change: How fast and how big? Will it be evolutionary or revolutionary? Incremental improvements in gas engines or a massive shift to electric propulsion? This issue of our newsletter provides a snapshot of how it looks today. Enjoy.


Bay Area’s First Green Car Expo Set for Oct. 9

Green Drive Expo, the Bay Area’s first consumer eco-car expo, will take place on Oct. 9 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The location is the waterfront Craneway Pavilion in Richmond—a renovated 1931 Ford Motor Company assembly plant, which used to produce Model Ts and As, and now sports a 1-megawatt solar array and stunning views of the San Francisco skyline.

Attendees will be offered free public test drives of prototypes of Toyota Prius Plug-In Hybrid and other hybrid and electric cars. Ford, Mitsubishi, Nissan, and Think will display their latest green vehicles. Auto company representatives will be on hand to discuss future products, and there will be a full day of public programs—hosted by and (I’ll be there, so come by and say hello.) In many ways, the most exciting part of the show will be owners showing off their vehicles and discussing the issues with one another.

At this year’s Madison, Wisc. event, which took place in July, David Taylor won the “MPG Challenge,” racking up an unbelievable 763 miles to the gallon in his 2008 Toyota Prius, modified to run on a home-grown 10 kWh lithium ion battery pack.

Admission is $10 at the door, or you can register for free admission by using this discount code: HYBRIDCARS on this page:

Read more:


The List of Six New Toyota Hybrids in 2012: Our Predictions

According to announcements made last week by Toyota Executive Vice President Takeshi Uchiyamada, the company plans to introduce six new hybrid vehicles by the end of 2012. Two of the new hybrids would be Toyota vehicles and two would be Lexus luxury models.

The company did not spell out which models would be offered as hybrids—so we’ll make our predictions. Actually, it’s not too hard to figure out where the hybrid gaps are in the Toyota line-up.

RAV4 Hybrid - Toyota has been selling the Highlander Hybrid mid-size SUV for several years. But where’s the crossover hybrid? Since 2004, the company has allowed Ford to have top-mpg bragging rights for SUVs with its 32-mpg Escape Hybrid. Toyota has committed to an all-electric version of the RAV4—developed in partnership with Tesla—by around 2012. A conventional hybrid version, with mileage in the mid- to high-30s, makes good sense. Perhaps it will be branded with a Prius badge.

Toyota Sienna Hybrid - Green-leaning sensible family folk have been screaming for a hybrid minivan for years. It appears that Honda will step forward with a hybrid Odyssey in the next couple of years. Could Toyota be far behind?

See our other predictions here:

Or learn about pricing for the 2012 Toyota Prius Plug-in Hybrid here:


Expert: Expect More Than 100 Hybrid and EV Models in U.S. by 2015

The one consistent truth in automotive sales forecasting is that all forecasts are wrong. The size of the market for emerging technologies, like hybrids and electric cars, is even trickier to forecast. That’s partly because car companies, governments, and environmentalists like to publish and promote rosy scenarios based on market goals, rather than concrete plans.

But when you take a hard look at concrete plans for specific electric-drive vehicles in the next five years, you see a burgeoning market with more than 50 conventional hybrids, more than 30 pure electric cars, nearly 20 plug-in hybrids, and a handful of fuel cell vehicles. Those numbers come from Alan Baum, a Michigan-based auto industry analyst who has been running auto market forecasts since the 1980s.

“My forecast is model-by-model and bottom up. Most of the other forecasts are based on assumptions, and work top down,” Baum said. “It’s not that I’m smarter. It’s an outgrowth of my work on the broad automotive market for a long time.” Baum, who recently left The Planning Edge to form his own market analysis firm, also looks at supplier orders, plant capacity, volume planning, and macroeconomic conditions such fuel prices, interest rates, and government regulations.

Baum is predicting a whopping 108 electric-drive vehicles by model year 2015. That’s up from 22 grid-free hybrids and one electric car, the Tesla Roadster, in production today. There will be 27 new model introductions for the model year 2011 alone—effectively doubling the number of hybrids and plug-ins in a single year. Baum believes that the 2011 U.S. line-up will add 13 conventional hybrids, 3 plug-in hybrids, and 11 battery electric cars. By the model year 2015, the new car market is predicted to have 108 electric-drive models. Nearly half of them will be conventional hybrids, but there will also be 18 plug-in hybrids, 32 EVs, and 6 fuel-cell electric cars. Many of these models have been announced, but just as many have not yet been unveiled.

Baum groups conventional hybrids, plug-in hybrids, and electric cars into a single “electric vehicle forecast." He sees the biggest growth in conventional hybrids, and believes that pure electric cars will only strengthen the market for standard hybrids. “Consumers will look at EVs and plug-in hybrids and say, ‘That’s kind of out there. If that works, then maybe it’s time for a conventional hybrid, available in many more models, and with no need to worry about range or infrastructure.'”

Learn more:


New Study: 74 MPG by 2035 Is Feasible, Without Plugging In

In a new study released earlier this month, John DeCicco (who has been a contributor to shows that optimizing internal combustion engines plus rising adoption of “grid-free hybrids” will enable new fleet efficiency to reach 52 MPG by 2025 and 74 MPG by 2035.

“To push efficiency really far, it means a lot more hybrids than previous studies have indicated,” DeCicco said, in an interview with “Hybrids are going to rule the world, that is, if we want to be serious about reducing oil use and greenhouse gases.”

DeCicco questions the prevailing wisdom of public support for cars that use energy from the grid. “I’m not opposed to plugging in, but there’s no justification for massive subsidies,” DeCicco told us. “Let automakers and willing customers explore this on their own nickel. We ought to have policies that give us the biggest bang for the buck, and most efficiency can occur without plugging in.”

The key, according to DeCicco, is cost effectiveness over the entire fleet. DeCicco calls for a “revolution by evolution” in cars that rely on internal combustion engines. He points to a range of technologies, including turbocharging, gasoline direct-injection engines, low-emissions diesels, lightweight steel, and most of all hybrids. Looking at historical adoption rates for technologies such as front-wheel-drive or fuel injection—which zoomed from introduction to dominance in a couple of decades – DeCicco believes it’s realistic for hybrids to make up as much as 90 percent of our cars in about 20 years.

Get the details and download the study:


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Civic Hybrid Owners Disappointed with Battery Software Fix

In August, Honda finally acknowledged a problem with the batteries of the Honda Civic Hybrid by issuing a “technical service bulletin.” This comes after one year of complaints—more than 100 on the forum alone—about diminished fuel economy and power after a year or two driving, especially in hot weather conditions. Drivers have also complained about a reduction in the battery’s ability to hold a charge.

To address the problem, Honda started to install a software update on Civic Hybrids (model years 2006 through 2008). Letters were mailed to more than 100,000 Civic Hybrid owners on July 30. According to the Los Angeles Times, only about 4 percent of the vehicles have received the software change through mid-August.

As the first set of Honda Civic Hybrids receive the software update, the results reported in our forums are mixed.

“My 2008 [Civic Hybrid] purchased new started having these problems about 6 months ago. Now Honda reprogrammed the software. Made it even worse.”

“I took my 2007 HCH with 38,000 miles to the dealer for the software update a week ago. Prior to the update, I had no problems or complaints with my car. I loved it. Just the right combination of mileage, 41-mpg average with adequate power. After this update my mileage has dropped to 35.5 average with a noticeable loss of power.”

Learn more:


Nissan Reveals Pricing For LEAF Options: DC Fast Charger Extra, Unless You Live in Initial Launch Market

Ray Ishak, the EV leader and fleet sales manager for Campbell Nelson Nissan outside of Seattle, recently gave us a nice peek into the pricing sheet for the Nissan LEAF.

The pricing sheet gives would-be Nissan LEAF buyers some good insight and bargaining power by providing the invoice cost of both the base SV model ($31,393) and the upgraded SL model ($32,293). The ubiquitous destination and handling charge (at least for the Seattle market) comes to a rather standard $820. There are also a whole host of other options listed for the Seattle market including splash guards ($140), floor mats ($170; why the heck are these ALWAYS an optional item now), and a rather mysterious "recycling and organizational package" for $225.

One item that has caused an uproar on the internet after the revelation of options and costs is the fact that the DC quick charge port will be optional, cost an extra $700, is only available on the upgraded SL model, and cannot be added after purchase. To clarify this option, Mark Perry also told our writer Nick Chambers that the DC quick charge port will be available as a free add-on to some customers in the 5 initial launch markets of Arizona, California, Oregon, Washington and Tennessee. So, although most LEAF customers will need to pay extra for the DC fast charging option, a select few will get it for free.

See the complete pricing sheet:


Putting Thought into Putting Gas in the Chevy Volt

If you own the Chevy Volt and drive less than 40 miles a day, then you will almost never have to visit a gas station. General Motors engineers took this into consideration when developing the gasoline storage system on the Volt. I recently had the chance to gas up the Volt, and learned just how much technology and computing power was applied to the refueling event. After all, when your car needs a gas fill-up only a few times a year, you have to make sure that storing gasoline for weeks or months won’t increase emissions.

To release the gas nozzle inlet, located on the rear passenger side, the driver pushes a small button on the driver’s door. The gas release button is a little hard to see at first, but it’s right above the electric charging inlet release button. (The charging inlet, where you juice up on electricity every day, is on the front driver-side of the car.)

When you hold and release the gas door button, you need to wait a moment. An indicator on the dash tells you to “wait to refuel.” That gives a vacuum pump enough time to evacuate the pressurized tank and pump the vapors into a carbon canister. The gas tank is otherwise completely sealed.

The Volt’s computer system is monitoring this activity—keeping track when the gas door opens and closes, how much time has passed, and how many EV miles you’ve driven since the gas engine was last called into action. If you open the gas door, but don’t put in any gas, the Volt knows. The car’s system is double-checking to make sure that new fuel has been added, because old stale gasoline is potentially bad for the system and bad for emissions. An outside temperature sensor is even keeping track of hot days to determine if the fuel might be cooking.

If you haven’t burned fuel for a while, the dashboard display will encourage you to burn some gas, by driving the vehicle beyond its 40 miles battery-supplied power. You can ignore the call to action, but after two warnings about the need to drive using some gasoline, the car will take matters into its own hands. The Volt will then start up the gas engine in order to burn off stale gasoline, circulate engine oil, and pressurize the engine system.

When the car completes this “engine and fuel maintenance mode,” it shuts down again, giving the reins solely back to the electric motor. At that point—for drivers who stay close to home—the gasoline is again left in reserve for days, weeks or months, until your next rare and infrequent trip to the pumps.

Complete article and user comments:


Defending the Plug-in Car; Anti-EV Rhetoric Attains High Crescendo

A recent anti-electric car opinion piece by Neil Winton on the Detroit News begins, "It's nearly time to put up or shut up." After reading the piece through several times, our writer Nick Chambers addressed the overarching points of his article and dissected them for your reading pleasure.

Here’s the first assertion by Mr. Winton: "The first evidence of battery-power reality will be an enormous increase in call outs for road side assistance as electric motors expire miles from home."
Nick’s rebuttal: Essentially what Winton is saying here is that you, the electric car purchaser, are too stupid to even be able to communicate in grunts and gestures. He's also showing an intriguing lack of understanding of how plug-ins work; I think he meant "as the batteries expire miles from home."

Unless the driver of a plug-in car is completely unaware of the limitations of his or her vehicle and doesn't ever look at the dashboard, this just won't happen. It's like saying that you'd willingly take your 300 mile range combustion-engined SUV on a 400-mile trip into the tundra of Siberia knowing that you would have no access to fuel. Who would do that? Nobody. It'd be stupid.

Luckily most people in Europe and the U.S. drive less than 40 miles a day, so the EV can handle 90 percent of your daily needs, and when it doesn't you use your second car.

The other points asserted by Mr. Winton (and ripped up by Nick) relate to EVs not being capable of highway speeds; the silence of battery cars leading to more pedestrian deaths; the supposed higher cost of ownership for battery cars; electricity generation and distribution being less efficient than fossil fuel acquisition and distribution; and the classic criticism that EVs really aren’t green after all.

Full article:


That’s all for now. We hope to continue the conversation with you at the Bay Area Green Drive Expo on Oct. 9. Don’t forget to get your free admission by using this discount code: HYBRIDCARS on this page:

I’m serving as the Master of Ceremonies for the public program. Again, please come by and say hello. Until then…

Happy Driving,
Bradley Berman


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PSA Peugeot Citroën and Mitsubishi Motors to Develop Electric Version of Peugeot Partner and Citroën Berlingo

Mitsubishi Motors Corporation (MMC) and PSA Peugeot Citroën have signed an agreement to start the technical development of an electric version of Peugeot Partner and Citroën Berlingo LCVs built at the PSA Vigo plant in Spain.
Under this new cooperative agreement, both partners will specify all technical and industrial aspects to be able to commence production of these electric versions by the end of 2012.
This signature is a continuation of the previous Cooperative Agreement on the jointly-developed European Peugeot iOn and Citroën C-ZERO models based on the i-MiEV new-generation electric vehicle.
Green Car Congress
=> PSA Peugeot Citroën and Mitsubishi Motors to Develop Electric Version of Peugeot Partner and Citroën Berlingo.

Three Battery-Electric Opel Merivas to Participate in MeRegioMobil Research Project; Vehicle-to-Grid Integration Opel is developing three battery-electric versions of its Meriva small MPV as research vehicles to participate in the MeRegioMobil research project funded by the German Ministry of Economics and Technology. The research project has the goal of integrating electrical vehicles as mobile energy storage units in the future intelligent power grid (smart grid).
Opel will use MeRegioMobil to study new intelligent charging technologies. The electric Meriva features electronic controls which permit high power electrical recharging using both a 230-volt single-phase household current as well as 400-volt three-phase AC. The demonstration will also explore the vehicle-to-grid (V2G) capability of the car via the bi-directional charging system when the car is not in use and the driver permits it.
This demonstration of two-way charging technology will test the practicality of distributed energy storage in car batteries for home usage, Opel said.
The electric Meriva has a 60 kW (82 hp) three-phase asynchronous motor with integrated power electronics and planetary gear. Torque output is 215 N·m (159 lb-ft). Equipped with a 16 kWh Li-ion battery pack, the Meriva has a range of 64 km (40 miles) on the NEDC and a top speed of 130 km/h (81 mph). Charging time with 230V is approximately 3.5 hours; charging time with 400V is approximately 1 hour.
The electric Meriva may look like the production car, but is a pure research-vehicle. We are testing charging at high currents in less than one hour, as well as the communication protocols between the vehicle and charging station.
—Rita Forst, Opel’s Vice President of Engineering
Opel’s engineers integrated the electric drive without making concessions on luggage capacity or comfort.
Under the leadership of the energy group EnBW, other members of the consortium include: Daimler, Bosch, SAP, Stadtwerke Karlsruhe, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (ISI).
KIT will use the first electric Meriva. Two more will soon enter service at Stadtwerke Karlsruhe and EnBW. KIT and the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research have built a “Smart Home” on the south campus of Karlsruhe University. The home’s 60-square meter building area is equipped with the usual appliances including refrigerator, oven, dishwasher and washing machine and gets its energy from a photovoltaic cell as well as a micro combined heat and power plant. A charging station connects the Meriva as a storage unit to this local energy grid.
MeRegioMobil is an outstanding E-Mobility project in which we are able—together with our partners—to conduct real-time testing of an intelligent, bi-directional charging management with electric vehicles for the first time. The electric Opel Meriva is a real milestone for the research project. In the future we will be able to store energy from renewable sources in the battery of the electric vehicle and then, when there is less wind supply we can retrieve it.
—Lars Walch of EnBW Energy Baden-Wurttemberg AG, and project leader of MeRegioMobil
Communications technology plays a key role in the MeRegioMobil project. Depending on how the residents want to use the Meriva, they can distribute the energy between home and vehicle by computer. This ensures that the electric Meriva always has enough energy to meet transportation needs and enables some buffering of green power from the photovoltaic equipment.
The participating energy providers are currently building hundreds of public charging stations in the project region of Baden-Württemberg. There, the demonstration vehicles can be re-charged at a variety of destinations using renewable energy. The goal of this infrastructure usage is also to test a new data communication and billing system similar to the system used for mobile-phones; in the future, users of electric vehicles should be able to recharge at any energy provider. Users then receive the one bill from their energy provider.
Green Car Congress

Verify Markets claims electric vehicle charging industry will top $3b by 2017

GE WattStation – Click above for high-res image gallery
Dishing out $5,000 to read a report on the future of the electrical vehicle charging industry is not something that we often do around here. In fact, we’d never dish out that kind of dough to pour over some predictions based on speculation, forecasting models and perhaps some less-than-educated guesses. Paying for a just-released market research report with dubious predictions that reach seven years into the future doesn’t seem like a wise investment. That’s why when we heard that Verify Markets, a relatively unknown name in the automotive market research category, wants $5,000 to view its North American eMobility report, we held ourselves back and instead skimmed over the firm’s charging industry outline, which reads like this:
The market is expected to reach unit shipments of 2.8 million by 2017, with over 85% of unit sales comprised of residential and multi-unit housing chargers. The level three charging industry, which will follow right behind the level two infrastructure, is expected to have over 10,000 unit shipments by 2017 and revenues of over $250 million on unit installations alone. Competition in the industry will pick up drastically over the next two to three years when several major players, including ABB, General Electric, Eaton, and Leviton, are expected to have some type of product in the market. Greater competition will increase the downward price pressure of EV chargers. This will likely decrease unit price by 50% in three to five years.
There, we just saved you $5,000 and hours of time. Still, if you’d rather read the whole thing, then head over to Verify Market’s site, pay five grand and let us know all about it.

Amsterdam and Renault-Nissan Partner on EVs; Targeting Sales of 1,000 EVs by End of 2011

The City of Amsterdam (the Netherlands) has signed a Definitive Agreement with the Renault-Nissan Alliance to encourage the uptake of electric vehicles. Among the specific targets agreed by both parties is a determination to register at least 1,000 EV sales by the end of 2011.
As a first step to reaching that target, Nissan will deliver 100 Nissan LEAFs to fleet customers starting in February 2011. In June 2011, deliveries will begin to individual customers. Deliveries of the Fluence Z.E. and Kangoo Express Z.E electric vehicles from Renault will start shortly thereafter.
Amsterdam has introduced several incentives in order to stimulate EV demand, including free electricity at public charging posts until March 2012, as well as free parking at such posts.
Since March 2009, businesses are also eligible for a subsidy from the city when purchasing an EV. In addition, EV buyers benefit from national incentives, including zero registration tax and zero road tax. For businesses, that means Nissan LEAF is available for less than €30,000 (US$40,000) including the battery.
Almost 100 charging points have been installed in public areas since November 2009. Each point has at least one regular user. To meet growing demand for electric charging points, Amsterdam plans to install up to 2,000 additional charging points in the streets, car parks and Park and Ride sites. The extra charging points will be financed by the Air Quality Fund, with a substantial contribution from the government.
Starting in 2011, Amsterdam will install a Quick Charger in the city which is capable of up to 50 kW and which can recharge a battery to 80% of its capacity in about 30 minutes. The City will also encourage the installation of private charging posts at companies.
As well as providing a supply of advanced EVs for purchase or lease and managing the Netherlands’ EV Pilot Program, the Renault-Nissan Alliance will establish a sales and service network for the cars in the Amsterdam area. The Alliance will also join forces with Amsterdam to run an Electric Mobility Education Program designed to promote the positive benefits of zero-emission travel.
Green Car Congress

Nissan and Endesa to Develop CHAdeMO Quick Charging Network in Spain

Nissan Motor Co., Ltd., and Endesa, Spain’s largest electricity supply company, are developing a Quick Charging network for electric vehicles.
Under a Memorandum of Understanding signed by both parties, Nissan and Endesa have agreed to advance the technical progress and deployment of Direct Current (DC) quick charging technology throughout Spain. This is in parallel to the work started earlier this year between Endesa’s parent company, Italy’s ENEL and Nissan’s Alliance partner Renault on Alternative Current (AC) quick charging technology.
The DC technology will be based on the CHAdeMo standard (earlier post) for electric vehicle charging stations. The network will be compatible with the Nissan LEAF electric vehicle, which is expected to go on sale in Spain in June 2011.
In addition, Endesa will invite Nissan to take part in the SmartCity Project in Malaga and its Quick Charging Demonstrator Project in Catalonia. For its part, Nissan will support the certification process ensuring that Nissan LEAF and Endesa’s Quick Charge device are compatible and the Japanese car maker will share energy supply knowledge and ideas learned during the development of the Nissan LEAF and other EV projects with Endesa.
Endesa has pledged to develop a sustainable transport policy based on the EV as a key element in combating climate change, a cornerstone of its Sustainability Strategic Plan 2008-2012.
The CHAdeMO—or Charge to Move—standard was originally determined and agreed by a coalition of Japanese companies including Nissan, Toyota, Mitsubishi and Fuji Heavy Industries working closely with the Tokyo Electric Power Company. Today the association includes representatives from more than 150 Japanese and foreign companies, as well as local governments. Endesa is a regular member of CHAdeMo. Together with Enel, they represent two of the three companies from the European power industry in the coalition.
Green Car Congress

Auto industry analyst predicts well have more than 100 hybrid and EV models in U.S. by 2015

Forecasting the future of the automotive market ain’t no easy task. The complex forces at work, including widely ranging government incentives and automaker’s often-rosy outlooks, make predicting the future for emerging technologies all the more difficult. Will hybrids be a boon to the automotive industry? Will electric vehicles bomb? Predictions regarding the automotive industry’s future are simply guesses based on some facts, complex tracking of trends, significant speculation and, sometimes, lies. With all this in mind, we now turn our attention to Alan Baum, a Michigan-based auto industry analyst who has predicted the future of the industry for nearly 30 years. Baum’s expertise is hard to question and his forecasting model is unorthodox, but remember, even the best laid plans don’t always yield accurate results.
Baum predicts a burgeoning market for advanced technology vehicles. Within the next five years, Baum forecasts that we’ll see more than 50 conventional hybrid models, over 30 electric vehicle models, almost 20 plug-in hybrid models and even a few fuel cell models in production. The folks over at Hybrid Cars provided a breakdown of the vehicles that Baum believes we’ll see in the next five years:
Baum is tracking a whopping 108 electric-drive vehicles by model year 2015. That’s up from 22 grid-free hybrids and one electric car, the Tesla Roadster, in production today. There will be 27 new model introductions for the model year 2011 alone-effectively doubling the number of hybrids and plug-ins in a single year. Baum indicates that the 2011 U.S. line-up will add 13 conventional hybrids, 3 plug-in hybrids, and 11 battery electric cars. By the model year 2015, the new car market will have 108 electric-drive models. Nearly half of them will be conventional hybrids, but there will also be 18 plug-in hybrids, 32 EVs, and 6 fuel-cell electric cars.
Baum is quick to point out that many of the vehicles that he tracks, have not been announced by automakers. Again, it’s a prediction, which involves educated guesses, statistical analysis and perhaps even some voodoo magic. Baum wrapped up this round of forecasting by predicting that advanced technology vehicles could account for as much as five percent of annual sales in the U.S. by 2015. That amounts to nearly one million hybrids and EVs sold per year. We sure hope he’s right.

Viimsis kavandab elektrilist koolibussi

28. september 2010 15:11

Elektribuss võiks lapsi kooli sõidutada juba aastal 2012
Elektribuss võiks lapsi kooli sõidutada juba aastal 2012

Projekt „Elektriline koolibuss Viimsis“ sai möödunud nädalal Kliima- ja energiaagentuuri heakskiidu elektrimobiilsuse tõstmisele suunatud projektide konkursil.
  • Alusta klassikalise klubispordiga juba täna!
  • Filmipoes palju küpseid filmielamusi. Tule vaatama!
  • Juhid kohtuvad Pärnus! Tutvu Pärnu Juhtimiskonverentsiga
„Viimsi valla rohkem kui 16 000 elanikust on veerand kooliealised lapsed või noored – kõik nad vajavad transporti kodust lasteaeda või kooli ja tagasi,“ ütles Viimsi vallavanem Haldo Oravas. „Viimsi poolsaarel on oma eelised – kaugused kodude ja kooli- ning lasteaiahoonete vahel on piisavalt väikesed, et mõelda keskkonnasäästliku sõiduki- elektribussi kasutamisele. Nii vallale kui valla elanikele – lapsevanematele – on väga oluline roheline elu- ja mõtteviis. Seepärast otsisime võimalusi, kuidas muuta Viimsit rohelisemaks ning ökoloogilisemaks.“
Haldo Oravase sõnul on Viimsis tekkinud juba esimesed ummikud, sest valdavalt kasutatakse laste kooli ja lasteaeda toomiseks isiklikku sõidukit. „Väga oluline on tegeleda selle probleemiga kohe. „Rohelisel energial töötav, uus ja mugav buss oleks popp ja huvitav lastele ning logistiliselt mugav ka lastevanematele. See toob kindlasti ühistranspordi kasutajaid juurde,“ lisas ta.
Projekti ühe autori, Urban Management OÜ juhatuse esimehe Jaan Kurmi sõnul võiks uut moodi buss lapsi kooli sõidutada aastal 2012. „Kui kõik läheb plaanipäraselt, siis saaksime elektribussi tööle juba 2012. aastaks. Praegu alustame poole aasta pikkuse uuringuga, mille käigus selgitame välja, kas ja milline koolibuss on otstarbekas osta, ümber ehitada või rentida,“ rääkis Kurm. „Päris valmis lahendust praegu Põhja-Euroopa jaoks ei ole, sest põhiline elektribussi tootja on hetkel Hiina. Nüüd ongi meie ülesandeks välja selgitada, mis oleks optimaalne suurus, tüüp ja võimsus, samuti viia läbi võrdlus diislil sõitva bussiga.“

Projekti kohaselt peaks elektriline koolibuss saama sõiduks vajaliku energia tuulegeneraatorist. „Ühe bussi varustamiseks peaks olema 0,5-1MW tuulik. Lisaks peab olema laadimisvõimalus võrgust tuulevaikseks perioodiks,“ selgitas Kurm. „Teine ülesanne ongi meil leida tuulikule sobilik lahendus. Selle asukoht peab olema atraktiivne, kuid ei tohi häirida inimeste tavapärast elu.“
Projekti autorite hinnangul peaks koolibussi lõpp-peatus ja akude laadimiskoht olema kooli parklas või selle lähedal parklas, mis oleks paljudele inimestele nähtav ja atraktiivne uudistusobjekt. Tuulegeneraatori tootmise jääki saaks aga kasutada koolis või tänavavalgustuses.
Elektrilise koolibussi uuringute etapp läheb maksma 400 000 krooni. Projekti lõplik maksumus selgub uuringute käigus.
Projekti meeskonda kuuluvad: Viimsi Keskkooli direktriss Leelo Tiisvelt, Viimsi vallavanem
Haldo Oravas, Nelja Energia OÜ juhatuse esimees Martin Kruus, Creative Union’i juhatuse esimees
Madis Laas ning Urban Management OÜ juhatuse esimees Jaan Kurm.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Hiina elektriautod vallutavad maailma
Great Wall Motor Chairman Wei Jianjun recently received the interview from Reuters, and he said that China Great Wall Motor will show its pure electric car at the Guangzhou auto show and start to sell it next year. In the beginning, Great Wall Motor only will sell its pure electric cars in China auto market, and in a short time there is not a export plan.

Great Wall Motor plans to sell 50,000 vehicles in 2010, and in the first half of this year, it has sold 30,000 vehicles.

Open in new window

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Vaata näkki. China Great Wall Motor to Sell Electric Car in 2011
Posted by Heaven on 2010/9/22 1:20:00 (22 reads)
Open in new window, it is learned from 2011 China Great Wall Motor will start to sell its pure electric cars.

Great Wall Motor Chairman Wei Jianjun recently received the intervi

Elektribuss DFM Yangtze Pure Electric Bus Showed in Wuhan in the first time
Posted by Heaven on 2010/9/24 9:21:51 (15 reads)
Open in new window September 18, in Wuhan Science and Technology Exhibition Centre DFM Yangtze Bus (Dongfeng Yangtze Automobile (Wuhan) Co., Ltd.) showed a new type of pure electric bus in the first time.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Rääma prügila saab elektri ja soojuse koostootmisjaama

Rääma prügila saab elektri ja soojuse koostootmisjaama
22.september 10, kolmapäev Saada sõbrale Prindi artikkel
Rääma prügila saab elektri ja soojuse koostootmisjaama
Joonis: Doranova Baltic
Mainor Gruppi kuuluv Doranova Baltic OÜ rajab suletavasse Rääma prügilasse alltöövõtu korras elektri ja soojuse koostootmisjaama, mis on Eestis järjekorras juba neljas prügilatest pärit alternatiivenergiat kasutav koostootmisjaam.
Margus Nõlvaku sõnul on elektri ja soojuse koostootmisjaama rajamine Rääma prügilasse vaid üks osa prügila suuremahulistest sulgemistöödest, mida teostab peatöövõtja  Nordecon Infra AS. „Lisaks on Doranova OY olnud abiks ka prügila sulgemistööde ettevalmistusetappide juures – näiteks viis Doranova koostöös Soome ettevõtte DETES Skandinavia OY-ga 2009. aastal läbi ka Rääma prügila uuringud, selgitamaks gaasi koguseid ja prügila hetkeolukorda. Samuti on gaasikogumisprojekt Doranova tehtud,“ lisas Margus Nõlvak.
Nordecon Infra ASi insenerehituse divisjonijuht Reedik Raudla sõnas, et keskkonnaehituse valdkond on piisavalt lai ja väga spetsiifiline, mistõttu pole peatöövõtjal võimalik ja tegelikult ka vajalik kõiki töid ise ära teha:  „Kasutame usaldusväärseid ja tunnustatud koostööpartnereid ning nende pakutavat pädevust taastuvenergia tootmise vallas."
Rääma prügilasse lõpetati jäätmete ladestamine 2006. aasta juunis ning 2008. aasta lõpus allkirjastas KIKi juhatus rahastusotsuse, mille alusel eraldati Euroopa Liidu Ühtekuuluvusfondist prügila sulgemistöödeks ligi 130 miljonit krooni. Lepingu kohaselt valmib kombijaama kompleks aprillis 2011.
Jäätmeseaduse kohaselt peavad kõik nõuetele mittevastavad prügilad olema tänaseks ladestamiseks suletud ning 2013. aasta 16. juuliks korrastatud.
Hetkel töötavad koostootmisjamad Tallinna prügilas ja suletud Pääsküla prügilas, kolmas kombijaam Uikala prügilas pole käivitunud

Eesti Ekspress on peldikusein...

Kuule  Eesti Ekspress,üle tüki aja lugesin teie paberväljaannet ja kätte sattus 23.sept.2010.
Kas teate teie lehes oli ainuke iva too hübriidauto reklaam...too Uus Auris HSD
taasta oma energia.
Kui sõidad uue Auris HSd-ga elektrireziimis,siis tegelikult ei kulu sul kütust.
Täpsemalt öeldes-kiirendades kuni 50km/h,ei kulu mitte tilkagi kütust.

Mis veel teid reedab on too artikkel Kriisi tagajärg:noored saavad kodu osta alles veidi enne keskiga.

H.H.Luik...ime mu munni sest sinu alluvad nikuvad minu rahva ajusid...

Mart Laar,Andrus Ansip,Edgar Savisaar,Indrek Tarand ei oska kasutada tuule ja päikeseenergiat meie majanduse hüvanguks.

Mitu miljardit krooni kingib tuul Eestimaale ühes tunnis?

Mitu miljardit krooni kingib päikene ühes tunnis Eestimaale?

Taastuvenergeetika arenguplaanid praktikasse, 21. okt.


Taastuvenergeetika arenguplaanid praktikasse

Konverents toimub neljapäeval, 21. oktoobril 2010 algusega kell 10 Põlvamaal Mooste mõisa Folgikojas.

Seminari korraldab Põlva Maavalitsus koostöös SA-ga Archimedes. Konverentsi läbiviimist toetab Kliima- ja Energiaagentuur, Põlvamaa Europe Direct teabepunkt.

Energeetikakonverentsil osalemiseks palun registreeruge aadressil hiljemalt 14. oktoobriks k.a. Konverentsi osalustasu on 100 krooni. Selle eest pakume Teile kosutava hommikukohvi ja toeka lõuna.

Palume kanda konverentsi osalustasu SA Archimedes a/a-le 221014607883 hiljemalt 14.oktoobriks

Lisainfo: Mikk Mehilane (tel: 79 98916; 51 85377); e-post:

Põlva Maavalitsus


21. oktoobril 2010.a Põlvamaal Mooste mõisa Folgikojas

Moderaator Haimar Sokk

9.30-10.00 Osalejate registreerimine, hommikukohv


10.00–10.20 Avasõnad:
Urmas Klaas, riigikogu majanduskomisjoni esimees
Priit Sibul, Põlva maavanem

10.20–10.50 Energia ei ole ainult nafta.
Hardo Aasmäe

10.50–11.20 Energiainvasioon ja kohaliku energeetika võimalused..
Marek Strandberg

11.20–11.50 Eesti energeetika – kuhu minna?
Einari Kisel, Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeerium


11.50–12.05 Ülevaade Kliima- ja Energiaagentuuri (KENA) tööst ja tulevikuplaanidest.
Kristiina Rebane, Kliima- ja Energiaagentuur

12.05–12.25 Madala energiatarbega hoonete ja passiivmajade arendusprojektidest Eestimaal.
Meelis Niin, Thermo Module Group OÜ

12.25–12.40 Bioenergia küla kui üks kliimaprobleemi lahendusi konkreetses kogukonnas
(Ääsmäe ökoküla pilootprojekti näitel).
Ahto Oja, OÜ Mõnus Minek

12.40-13.00 Ülevaade Mooste valla ettevõtmistest taastuvate ressursside kasutamisel:
• Ülo Needo,Mooste vallavanem
• Lina- eestluse elujõud, Kalju Paalmann
• Savi- ja kiudainete kasutamisest ehituses, Marko Kikas
• Looduslikud värvained, Liina Asu-Raag

13.00–14.00 LÕUNA


14.00–14.15 Ülevaade biogaasijaamade arendusprojektidest Eestis.
Priit Mikelsaar, Eesti Biogaasi Assotsiatsiooni juhatuse liige

14.15–14.35 Soojuspumbad täna ja homme, arengutendentsid.
Jüri Miks, Eesti Soojuspumpade Liit
14.35-14.50 KOV-dele suunatud arendustegevusest.
Katrin Idla, KENA


14.50–15.10 Kogemustest Eesti esimese passiivmaja (lasteaed Kaseke Valgas) ehitamisel. Liginullenergiahoone ehitamise plaanidest Saue valda.
Meelis Linnamägi, energiatõhusa ehituse ja keskkonna spetsialist

15.10–15.25 Taastuvenergia hajatootmise probleemid ja võimalused.
Urmo Lehtveer, MTÜ Piiriäärne Energiaarendus juhataja

15.25–15.40 Põhubrikettide tootmine.
Teraviljajäätmetel töötav katlamaja (500 kw) Erki Oidermaa teraviljakasvatustalus.
Mihkel Laur, OÜ Starfeld

15.40–15.55 Tuulik kodumajapidamisele.
Andres Kalev, OÜ Energiaekspert

16.00- 16.15 Päikeseenergia kaasaegses talus.
Viido Polikarpus

16.15–16.30 Lihula asula põhuküttele.
Margus Källe, Lihula valla arendusnõunik

16.30–16.45 Probleemidest Jööri (Saaremaa) biogaasijaama ehitamisel ja ekspluatatsioonil.
Peep Kruuser, Jööri tehase eksjuht

16.45-17.00 Väikeste hüdroelektrijaamade otstarbekus ja ehitamise võimalused
Voldemar Enno, AS Generaator nõukogu esimees

17.00–17.15 Eilsed jäätmed – tänane energia.
Indrek Tiidemann, AS Terts juhataja

Konverentsi lõpetamine