Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Ameerikanurga logistikapargis kopp maasse järgmisel aastal http://www.logistikauudised.ee/?ArticleID=ded548e7-0a9d-4f16-a52f-b2659694e089

Ameerikanurga logistikapargis kopp maasse järgmisel aastal
08.10.2009 10:10
Ameerikanurga logistikapargi juht Veiko Murruste annab lootust, et enam kui neli miljardit krooni maksev suurinvesteering liigub masu kiuste ja kopp lüüakse maasse järgmisel aastal.

Samal teemalJärvingu logistikaparki hakkab arendama Helios Properties
Murruste ja tema äripartnerite suurpanus on 85 hektarit maad Tartu maantee ja ringtee ristumiskohas Jüri kõrval, mille eest maksti 2006. aastal ehk veidi enne kinnisvara hinnatippu enam kui 200 mln krooni, kirjutab Saldo. Vahepeal on partnereid otsitud, projekte joonistatud ja teedeskeeme tehtud. Hetkeks on investeeringu maht gramm alla 20 miljoni euro, millest veid üle poole moodustab omakapital.

Samal teemalRae valda tuleb 185 000 m2 logistikapindu
"Meil on kolm koostööpositsiooni: piisava omakapitaliga partneri kaasamine, projekti vahendamine lõpptarbijale ehk rentnikele ja projekti edasimüük institutsionaalsetele investoritele, lisas Murruste, kelle sõnul on hetkel sisuliselt jäänud mõned vaidlused maanteeametiga, aga mingit fundamentaalset antagonismi ei ole.


52,56% ulatuses Andres Järvingule kuuluv Süda Maja ja rahvusvaheline kinnisvaraarendaja Helios Properties lõid tänavu suvel ühisfirma Helios Süda Maja, mis hakkab arendama 84hektarist 4 miljardi kroonise investeeringuväärtusega Ameerikanurga Kaubandus- ja Logistikaparki Rae vallas.

Tallinna Sadam panustab töötlemisele ja konteineritele http://www.logistikauudised.ee/?ArticleID=7df3054b-ca22-4eea-b27b-e9157eca0748

Tallinna Sadam panustab töötlemisele ja konteineritele
20.10.2009 15:50
"Siin pole poliitprobleemid konteinervedusid mõjutanud. Konteinerite vedu Läänest Itta sõltub ikka Venemaa vastuvõtuvõimest," selgitas Tallinna Sadama kommertsjuht Erik Ringmaa.

Ehkki selle aasta esimese üheksa kuuga on läbivate konteinerite maht vähenenud 28,2 % ehk 98 951 konteinerini, on see sektor sadama jaoks ikkagi perspektiivikas. Näiteks selle aasta 9 kuu kaubakäive kasvas 6,7%.

Samal teemalTallinna Sadam: 9 kuu kaubakäive +6,7%
Kui ühelt poolt on Tallinna Sadamale Ida-Lääne teljel konkurentideks eeskätt konteinerite osas Riia, Klaipeda ja Kotka sadamad, siis veelgi olulisemaks sadamate konkureerimisest peab Ringmaa transiitkoridoride konkureerimist.

Kasvava trendina on aastast aastasse Tallinna Sadam püüelnud senise tuima lihttransiidi asemel töötleva transiidi poole. "Suund on töötleva transiidi suurendamise poole, mis aga omakorda sõltub terminalide arengust," jäi ta selle osatähtsuse võimaliku domineerimise suhtes umbmääraseks.

"Hiinaste ja venelaste konteinervedu raudteed mööda on ikka väikese osatähtsusega," pidas Ringmaa uudist idanaabrite konteinermahtude paisutusest liialduseks.

Samal teemalVenelased liitusid konteinerveos hiinlastega

Mereveost kallim raudteetransport on ikka ajatundlike kaupade veoks. Seega Hiinast Venemaale raudteed pidi on veel asjalik, kuid Hiinast Euroopasse vedu on nii pikk, et siis minetab raudteevedu oma mõtte. Seega lõpuks osutub ikkagi Euroopa suunas hiinlastele mõtekamaks alati odavam meretransport, arutles ta.

Mis siis, et konteinervedu on Tallinnas viimase üheksa kuuga kahanenud 28,2%, on see Ringmaa veendumusel perspektiivne niikuinii.

Mis siis võiks viie aasta perspektiivis muutuda Tallinna Sadama jaoks konteinervedude vallas?

"See sõltub majandusolukorrast: peale 2008. aasta langust algab aastal 2010 taastumine, aastal 2012 saavutame 2008. aasta taseme ja areneme edasi ning jääme ootama uut kriisi," vedas ta tulevikunägemusi.

Haller: Hiinlased, tooge kõik veod meile http://www.logistikauudised.ee/?ArticleID=7fa0eb6a-637b-4859-b51d-cf1d0c52407c

Haller: Hiinlased, tooge kõik veod meile
27.10.2009 13:47
"Eesti Raudteel on loomulikult hea meel, kui tuleb kaupa juurde," avaldas Eesti Raudtee juhatuse liige Priit Haller heameelt järgmisel nädalal saabuva hiinlaste delegatsiooni üle.

Samal teemalKreem: Tallinn Riia ja Kotka varjus - poliitilistel põhjustel

Tema sõnul on see täiesti reaalne, et hiinlased teeksid transiiti Euroopasse piki raudteed. Samas on Eesti raudteevedu siin paljuski sõltuv Venemaast, täpsemini sealsetest tariifidest.


Siiski nentis Haller, et ilmselt kipub hiinalste käik Eestisse olema pigemini mereveoteemaline. Sellegipoolest vaatab ta lootusrikkalt ka raudteetransiidile.

"See oleks väga hea, kui hiinlased tooksid oma kauba siia mööda raudteed. Eesti Raudtee on selleks valmis," kostis ta.

Äripäeva andmetel toimub esmaspäeval, 2. novembril Hiina asepeaministri visiit Eestisse. Visiit keskendub Eesti-Hiina majandussuhetele ning sellega seotud teemadele. Hiina poolt on visiidil kaasas esinduslik üle 70-liikmeline äridelegatsioon.

Kaljurand: Transiit Hiinast tasuv vaid meritsi, raudtee ju võimetu http://www.logistikauudised.ee/?ArticleID=1a59d4a0-f275-4244-9649-6c50c44805ff

Kaljurand: Transiit Hiinast tasuv vaid meritsi, raudtee ju võimetu
27.10.2009 15:24
"Hiinast maismaad pidi üle Klaipeda Euroopasse... - ütlen ausalt: ma sellesse ei usu," välistas Tallinna Sadama juhatuse esimees Ain Kaljurand raudteetransiidi Hiinast Euroopasse.

Samal teemalHaller: Hiinlased, tooge kõik veod meile

Ta pidas võimalikuks, et mõni konteiner vast kulgeb Hiinast läbi Klaipeda Euroopasse, kuid uskumata selle Samal teemalLeedu, Valgevene ja Hiina loovad veokoridori
tulevikku, ootab ta huviga kindlaid numbreid.


Kümned miljonid TEU-d mis konteinervedudega kulgevad Hiinast Euroopasse oleksid tema seletusel raudteele üle võimete. "Raudteel pole sellist läbilaskevõimet! Meritsi on soodsam - raudtee ei suuda konkureerida," pidas ta transiiti Hiinast piki raudteed võimatuks.

Parts: Hiinlaste käigul transiit vaid üks teemahttp://www.logistikauudised.ee/?ArticleID=7d4ef3f5-8326-4a47-b916-b3a10852e888

Parts: Hiinlaste käigul transiit vaid üks teema
27.10.2009 16:55
"Hiina äridelegatsioonil pole põhiteemaks transiit - arutlusele tuleb ka telekommunikatsioon, IT-valdkond, tekstiil," osutas majandus- ja kommunikatsiooniminister Juhan Parts tuleva esmaspäevase hiinlaste delegatsiooni külaskäigu mastaapsusele.

Samal teemalHaller: Hiinlased, tooge kõik veod meile

Tema sõnul tuleb esmaspäeval 2. novembril hiinlaste esindusliku delegatsiooniga, mida juhib sealne Samal teemalKaljurand: Transiit Hiinast tasuv vaid meritsi, raudtee ju võimetu
Hiina asepeaminister, kohtumisel teemaks nii poliitika kui majandus.


Majanduse poolelt sõlmitakse kaks vastastikuse koostöö memorandumit meie majandus- ja kommunikatsiooniministeeriumi ja hiinlaste kaubandusministeeriumi vahel ning EAS-i ja külaliste väliskaubandusorganisatsiooni vahel.

Lisaks toimub ka ärifoorum, mille korralduslikku poolt kureerib Eesti Kaubandus-Tööstuskoda. Hiinlaste üle 70-liikmeline äridelegatsioon hõlmab ligi 30 äriorganisatsiooni.

"Äri poolelt on põhifookus sellel, et Eesti ettevõtjad ajaksid edasi olemasolevaid kontakte ja leiaksid uusi," seletas Parts.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


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Price: £1,750.00
Approximately EUR 1,903.99
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More information,others powers and correct price transporter with insurance: marciomiguelteixeira@gmail.com

1KW Wind Turbine (Generator, Blades, Nose cone, hub ,tail )
Battery charge controller (24V or 48V DC Output)
6M tower with guy wire (Hot Dip Galvanizing)
Wind turbine 1kw can produce 1.4kw working wind speed 11 m/s.
Price wind turbine, tower and off grid controller: 1850 euros

Wind Turbine
Rated power(W)

Rotor Diameter (M)

Rated wind speed (M/S)

Startup wind speed (M/S)

Working wind speed (M/S)

3 - 25
Working voltage(V)

Material and number of the blades

Reinforced fibber glass*3
Generator style

Three phase, permanent magnet
Speed regulation method

Tail furl
Stop method

Manual electronic brake /
Automatic electric brake
Tower height (M)


Off Grid Controller:
Model 1kw
Solar power 100w
Matching battery bank voltage 48v
Fuction Convert the variable AC power to DC power, Charge power to battery bank and protection battery bank
Dump load votage (V) (default) 60±1
Turbine stop voltage (V) (default) 60±1
Recover charge voltage (V) (default) 54±1
Lower voltage (V) 21±1
Cable size (mm2) >4
Fuse (A) 30

Wind turbine 300w can produce 420w working wind speed 9 m/s.

Voltage 12v or 24v
Price wind turbine, off grid controller: 540 euros
Price wind turbine, off grid controller and tower: 770 euros
Rated power(W)

Rotor Diameter (M)

Rated wind speed (M/S)

Startup wind speed (M/S)

Working wind speed (M/S)

3 - 25
Survived wind speed(M/S)

Working voltage(V)

DC 24V or 12V
Material and number of the blades

Reinforced fibber glass*3
Generator style

Three phase, permanent magnet
Speed regulation method

Tail furl and Electronic controller
Stop method

Manual electronic brake
Tower height (M)

Wind turbine 500w can produce 750w working wind speed 10 m/s.
Voltage 12v or 24v.
Price wind turbine, off grid controller: 760 euros
Price wind turbine, off grid controller e tower: 920 euros
Rated power(W)

Rotor Diameter (M)

Rated wind speed (M/S)

Startup wind speed (M/S)

Working wind speed (M/S)

3 - 25
Survived wind speed(M/S)

Working voltage(V)

Material and number of the blades

Reinforced fibber glass*3
Generator style

Three phase, permanent magnet
Speed regulation method

Tail furl and Electronic controller
Stop method

Manual electronic brake
Tower height (M)


Wind turbine 1kw can produce 1.4kw working wind speed 11 m/s.
Voltage 24v or 48v.
Price wind turbine, off grid controller and tower: 1620 euros
Price wind turbine, on grid controller and tower: 2190 euros

Rated power(W)

Rotor Diameter (M)

Rated wind speed (M/S)

Startup wind speed (M/S)

Working wind speed (M/S)

3 - 25
Working voltage(V)

Material and number of the blades

Reinforced fibber glass*3
Generator style

Three phase, permanent magnet
Speed regulation method

Tail furl
Stop method

Manual electronic brake /
Automatic electric brake
Tower height (M)


Wind turbine 2kw can produce 2.6kw working wind speed 12 m/s.
Voltage 24V or 48V.
Price wind turbine, off grid controller e tower: 2480 euros
Price wind turbine, on grid controller and tower: 3045 euros

Rated power(W)

Rotor Diameter (M)

Rated wind speed (M/S)

Startup wind speed (M/S)

Working wind speed (M/S)

3 - 25
Working voltage

Material and number of the blades

Reinforced fibber glass*3
Generator style

Three phase, permanent magnet
Speed regulation method

Tail furl / electronic controller
Stop method

Manual electronic brake /
Automatic electric brake
Tower height (M)


Wind turbine 3kw can produce 4kw working wind speed 12 m/s.
Voltage 48V and others.
Price wind turbine, off grid controller and tower: 7150 euros
Price wind turbine, on grid controller and tower: 7560 euros

Rated power(W)

Rotor Diameter (M)

Rated wind speed (M/S)

Startup wind speed (M/S)

Working wind speed (M/S)

3 - 25
Working voltage

Material and number of the blades

Reinforced fibber glass*3
Generator style

Three phase, permanent magnet
Speed regulation method

Tail furl / Electronic controller
Stop method

Manual electronic brake / Manual mechanical Brake / Automatic electric brake
Tower height (M)


Wind turbine 5kw can produce 6.5kw working wind speed 12 m/s.
Voltage can be 48v or others.
Price wind turbine, on grid controller and tower: 7760 euros

Rated power(W)

Rotor Diameter (M)

Rated wind speed (M/S)

Startup wind speed (M/S)

Working wind speed (M/S)

3 - 25
Working voltage

Material and number of the blades

Reinforced fibber glass*3
Generator style

Three phase, permanent magnet
Speed regulation method

Tail furl / Electronic controller
Stop method

Manual electronic brake / Manual mechanical Brake / Automatic electric brake
Tower height (M)


Wind turbine 10kw can produce 14kw working wind speed 13 m/s.
Voltage can be 240V and others.
Price wind turbine, on grid controller and tower: 18940 euros

Rated power(W)

Rotor Diameter (M)

Rated wind speed (M/S)

Startup wind speed (M/S)

Working wind speed (M/S)

3- 25
Working voltage

Material and number of the blades

Reinforced fibber glass*3
Generator style

Three phase, permanent magnet
Speed regulation method

Tail furl / Electronic controller
Stop method

Manual electronic brake / Manual mechanical Brake / Automatic electric brake
Tower height (M)


Wind turbine 20kw can produce 26kw working wind speed 14 m/s.
Voltage can be 480V and others.
Price wind turbine, on grid controller and tower: 27740 euros

Rated power(W)

Rotor Diameter (M)

Rated wind speed (M/S)

Startup wind speed (M/S)

Working wind speed (M/S)

3 - 25
Working voltage

Material and number of the blades

Reinforced fibber glass*3
Generator style

Three phase, permanent magnet
Speed regulation method

Tail furl / Electronic controller
Stop method

Manual electronic brake / Manual mechanical Brake / Automatic electric brake
Tower height (M)



12V wind turbine / Wind Generator 1000 watt
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Price: £499.99
Approximately EUR 543.99
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Wind Turbine Sales Consulting and Purchasing Agencyhttp://www.usasolarwind.com/

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Wind Turbines 5kw by Osprey with variable pitch Blades, 2 m/s low speed startup. and Peak power at 11 m/s
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. . . . . . .
. . . . . . .

VOLTA TEHAS http://proto.volta.ee/index.php?id=20


AS Volta tegeleb tuulegeneraatorite detailide väljatöötluse ja arendusega. Hetkel on valminud prototüübid 0.4, 1, 5, 10 ja 30 kW generaatorite prototüübid. Selle suve jooksul kavatseme teha 10kW katsepaigaldise ning teostada eramaja energeetilise süsteemi ümberehituse. Katsepaigaldise eesmärk on mõõta reaalseid tuuleenergiavoogusid Tallinna lähistel ning luua lihtne turustatav süsteem eramajade kütte- ja elektrikulude vähendamiseks.

Volta loodud generaatorid on püsimagnet-sünkroongeneraatorid. Püsimagnetgeneraatorite eeliseks on reduktori puudumine ja seeläbi väga lihtne konstruktsioon. Samuti on püsimagnetgeneraatorit võimalik elektriliselt pidurdada ning tema väljundsagedus on täpselt proportsionaalne tiiviku pöörlemissagedusega.

30kW katsegeneraatori reguleeritav flants
30kW generaatori katsetused
150kW katseajam

5kW generaatori katsemudel
30kW generaatori rootori koostamine
5kW generaator peale korduvaid ümberehitusi

1kW generaatori katseeksemplar
5kW generaatori uus katsemudel

uudised | kontakt | otsing | sisukaa


Ajalooliselt on Volta viimaste aastakümnete põhitoode olnud kolmefaasiline lühisrootoriga asünkroonmootor. Ainsana Eestis omab tehas vastavat oskusteavet ning laia tootmisseadete nomenklatuuri. Osakondadest, mis varem piirdusid ainult põhitoodetele vajalike komponentide ja osade tootmisega, on tänaseks välja kujunenud iseseisvad, erinevaid tellimusi täitvad üksused.


Elektrimootorite valmistamine
Peamiseks kasutusvaldkonnaks on masinaehitus. Sobiva turuosa garanteerib eelkõige kvaliteetne toode ja soodne hind - samade parameetrite juures on lääne analoogid oliliselt kallimad. Toodetakse kuni 30 kW võimsusega mootoreid.

Eksperimentaaltsehh valmistab tellijate joonise alusel erinevaid detaile, sõlmi ja seadmeid. Kasutusel on täisautomaatsed metalli-töötluspingid, erinevad freespingid, treipingid (ka suuregabariidilised), suuremõõduline lihvpink, ümarlihvpingid jms.

Elektrimootorite remont
Tehases remonditakse ja renoveeritakse erinevaid elektrimootoreid võimsusega kuni 400 kW. Remondi hulka kuulub uute mähiste paigaldamine, laagrite vahetus, staatorite ja rootorite remont, valmistamine ja mootorite balanseerimine, värvimine ning katsetamine.

Tehase stantsimistsehhi siseseade koosneb 4-st automaatpressist (200-315 tonnise survejõuga) staatori-rootoriplekkide valmistamiseks läbimõõduga kuni 400 mm. Ühe automaatpressi tootlus on kuni 7 tonni toodangut vahetuses.
Erineva survejõuga (kuni 315 tonni) poolautomaatpresse on käigus kuni 12. Nendel valmistatakse erinevat pooltoodangut nii põhitootmisele kui ka allhankena.

Kasutusel on 4 survevalumasinat (200-400 tonni), millega toodetakse erinevaid vahelduvvoolu elektrimootorite rootoreid, klemmkarpe, korpuseid ja muid alumiiniumdetaile.

Elektrimootorite mähkimine
Mähkimisosakond on spetsialiseerunud väikeseeriatootmisele (kuni 25 000 ühetüübilist mootorit aastas).
Valmistatakse ka üksikeksemplaare. Kasutusel on moodne katseaparatuur. Tänu erinevatele materjalitarnijatele on võimalik toota nii B, F kui ka H isolatsiooniklassiga mähiseid.

Tuulegeneraatorite detailide valmistamine
Suhteliselt uus tegevusala (alustati 1999. aastal), esimesed väikepartiid tarniti 2000. aastal Soome ja Rootsi tuulegeneraatori tootjatele.
Praegu toodetakse generaatoritele korpuseid ja mähitud staatoreid (võimsusega kuni 30 kW), perspektiivis on püsimagnetiga rootorite ja vertikaallabade tootmisesse juurutamine.

Tööstusseadmete automatiseerimine
Uus tegevusala, millega alustati 1998. a. keskel 18 kuu jooksul on täielikult renoveeritud 4 automaatpressi ja 2 400 tonnise survejõuga valumasinat, samuti mitu väiksemat tööpinki.
Suurte tööstusseadmete ja -liinide automatiseerimiseks on Voltas välja töötatud mikrokontroller, mida on juba rakendatud oma tootmisseadmetes.

Vaata lisaks http://proto.volta.ee/.

Stantside ja pressvormide valmistamine
Toodetakse üksikeksemplaridena vastavalt tellitud staatorite ja rootorite nomenklatuurile tehase eksperimentaaltsehhis. Palju kasutatakse allhanget (peamiselt kõvasulamdetailid).
Projekteerimisel on nn. kasettstantsid- ja valuvormid, millel on vahetatavad tööpinnad (stantsidel templid ja matriitsid, valuvormidel kuumakindlad osad). Selline konstruktsioon võimaldab tunduvalt alandada tööriistade maksumust väikeseeria-tootmisel ja lihtsustada nende hooldust.

Tehas Volta on viimaste aastate jooksul tootnud ja remontinud vahelduvvoolu elektrimootoreid ning see suund jääb valdavaks ka lähitulevikus.
Elektrimootorite tootmisel keskendutakse üha rohkem võimalikult universaalsete komponentide valmistamisele, mis võimaldaks oluliselt laiendada väljastatavate mootorite nomenklatuuri ja hoida nende omahind madal. Kindlasti suureneb ostetavate ja müüdavate allhankeosade maht.
1999. kuni 2002. a. tulemuste põhjal on näha, et oluliselt suureneb ka remonditeenuste maht.
Jätkatakse samuti tuulegeneraatorite komponentide tootmist, lisades sinna hiljem ka elektroonikaosa mikrokontrollerite baasil.

2006-05-12 14:03:58

Miks Volta kodulehekyljelt ei selgu mis hinnaga nad myyvad tuulegeneraatoreid?

Wind Generators - Price http://www.mywindpowersystem.com/2009/09/buy-a-wind-turbine-buy-a-wind-generator-hints-and-tips-step-by-step-guide/

500W - 3000W Residential Wind Generators - Price range from $1,895.00 USD
£ 1,160.91 GBP to $7,600.00 USD
£ 4,655.90 GBP
3KW-30KW Medium to Large residential turbine systems - $8,000.00 USD
£ 4,900.95 GBP to $81,000.00 USD
£ 49,622.11 GBP
30KW-150KW Large residential/commercial Systems - $82,000.00 USD
£ 50,234.73 GBP to $300,000.00 USD
£ 183,785.59 GBP

150KW up to 3000KW or higher - Commercial and Industrial Grid Tie Wind Turbine Systems - Price range starting from $1,900,000
150KW -3000KW or higher - Industrial Turbine Systems - from $300,000.00 USD
£ 183,785.59 GBP

5 Kw Hummer Wind Turbine Off Grid Wind Generator

Submitted on: 03 Oct 09

Website Address: http://www.mywindpowersystem.com/products/2009/10/5-kw-hummer-wind-turbine-off-grid-wind-generator

Category: $ 11,393.00, 3 KW - 30Kw Wind Turbines

Website Rating:
1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (5 votes, average: 3.80 out of 5)
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5 Kw Hummer Wind Turbine (Off-Grid)

5000 Watt (5KW) Wind Turbine (OFF-GRID)
Includes: Wind Generator, Inverter/Controller & 12M Guyed Tower

*Please note: Batteries are NOT included.
Complete system US $11,393.00

click on price to convert to your currency!

*Can add up to 2500 watts of solar panels to this wind-solar hybrid system!

5KW Hummer Wind Turbine

Hummer Inverter Controller for 2KW

Hummer Inverter Controller for 5KW

Technical Specification:
Power Curve

Power Curve

1m/s = 3.6 KM/H = 2.25 MPH
Power Data

Rated Output (W)

Max output

Charge Voltage(V)

DC 240V
Numbers of blade

Blade material

Blade diameter (m)

Start up wind speed (m/s)

Rated wind speed (m/s)

Rated rotate speed (r/min)

Wind Utilize Ratio (Cp)

Generator Efficiency

Pole Diameter(mm)

Tower Height (m)

Generator weight (kg)

Battery 12V 150Ah/200Ah (Batteries not included)

20 pcs

* Warranty Incl : 2 years for generator, 1 year for all other parts.
* *Optional 1 Year Extended Warranty (on generator) – $224.40 USD
£ 137.47 GBP USD

5KW Hummer Wind Turbine

Individual Component Prices (Off-grid):

* Generator – $7,635.00 USD
£ 4,677.34 GBP USD
* Hybrid Controller / Inverter – $3,420.00 USD
£ 2,095.16 GBP USD
* 12M Guy Tower – $3,239.00 USD
£ 1,984.27 GBP USD
* 12M Free Standing Tower – $5,156.25 USD
£ 3,158.81 GBP USD

On-grid Prices:

* Complete System – Reg. $15,449.00 USD
£ 9,464.35 GBP USD, On Sale For:$13,922.00 USD
£ 8,528.88 GBP USD

* Generator – $7,635.00 USD
£ 4,677.34 GBP USD
* Grid-tie Inverter – $5,825.00 USD
£ 3,568.50 GBP USD
* 12M Guy Tower – $3,239.00 USD
£ 1,984.27 GBP USD
* 12M Free Standing Tower – $5,156.25 USD
£ 3,158.81 GBP

NOISE INDEX: MODEL H6.4-5000W LAeq=34 dBA 5m behind turbine@5m/s gusting

Parts and Accessories:

* Hummer wind turbine includes the body, tower plus accessories, and controlling units.
* Body includes: rotor blades, generator, yaw shaft, nose cone, tail pole, tail wing, etc.
* Tower and accessory: pole, nut, pedestal, guy wire, anchor, and cable, etc.
* controlling unit: controller ,inverter and load dumping. The generator, blades, nose cone,
* shaft, tail pole, tail wing, tower, anchor, etc are all spray-painted, galvanized and antisepticised.


* This generator is the most advanced in the world, which has four patents.
* It is extremely light and small, high in efficiency–more than 0.78 of utilization ratio.
* Light: Generator is extremely light. Eg; The weight of 1000w generator is only 15kg, including blades, hub and nose cone.
* Small: The generator is inside the nose cone, and the volume is only 1/6 of conventional ones.
* Low in energy consumption, noise and speed-up wind speed (3m/s for 1000W).
* Swift running: hummer generator runs 1.5 – 3 times faster than other types of generators under equal conditions due to lightness, high efficiency and low resistance. As a result it can output more power than others.
* Swift charging: due to high efficiency and low wind start-up, the running time of hummer generator will be longer than conventional ones, and that is why it can charge batteries faster than others.

Hybrid Off-grid Controller/Inverter:

Control System:

● The power efficiency has been highly improved by using IGBT.

● With the automatic program optimization of MPPT the generator capacity is highly improved.

● LCD indicates information simultaneously.

● Real-time working power curve can be seen from the PC interface.

● Several optional communication interface includes power line carrier, RS485, wireless data transmission.

● Wide AC voltage range

● Freely set working curve chart

● Simple, reliable and special plug connection

Rotor blade:

* Blades can typically be made of glass fiber reinforced plastic or aluminum alloy.
* The Hummer blade is designed by aerodynamic experts according to the airscrew structure and the wind power utilization ratio enhances up to 0.78.
* Most turbine blades have weak endurance through gale force type winds, they break easily in low temperature, the usable time in gale area is usually no more than 3 years, etc, Hummer has designed a new wind turbine blade, which can bear gale force winds.
* The hummer wind blade’s successful application prolongs the entire wind turbine’s service life to 10-15 years more. With the auto-deflection tech, it operates stable-quietly and soundlessly, and also brings enormous convenience for use and replacement.

Nose cone:

* The nose cone is made of reinforced aluminum alloy.
* It’s located in front of blades to reduce the wind resistance. The generator is enclosed in the nose cone, which is favorable for heat dispersion.
* Protection cover: It is located between the blades and nose cone, and is made of reinforced aluminum alloy to further reduce the wind resistance and protect the generator.
* Yaw shaft: It is made of superior steel to integrate blades, the generator, tail pole, tail wing and tower. Inside the yaw shaft there are slip rings to prevent the cable from twisting.
* Tail pole: It is light with high intensity and made of manganese steel.
* Tail wing: It is made of stainless steel, inflexible, auto-deflection in high wind condition, reliable and sharp in speed limitation.
* Tower: It is made of carbon steel, with several sizes of outer diameter and height. They are anticorrosion, as well as UV-proof.
* Guy wires & anchors: Guy wire adopts button structure, and arrow like anchor, so it is much easier for installation
* Surface coating & protection: All the parts are static molded and then galvanized, so they are anticorrosion, UV-proof, crashworthy, fastness and will be fresh all year round.

All the parts are made of high quality aluminum alloy and superior steel, which can be used in the temperature ranging from -45℃to 45℃, in the surroundings of high wet, sand salt or frost areas.

Shipping Options (Canada):

1. In-store Pick-up – No shipping charges.
2. Ship Direct – Shipped direct to your door.
3. Dock Pick-up – Pick up at your nearest sea port dock FOR FREE! (Direct from MFR)
4. Custom Quote by email based on total weight of shipment & your location. Contact Us by email.

Shipping Options (US):

1. Ship Direct – Shipped direct to your door.
2. Custom Quote by email based on total weight of shipment & your location. Contact Us by email.

Shipping Options (Europe):

1. Ship Direct – Shipped direct to your door.
2. Custom Quote by email based on total weight of shipment & your location. Contact Us by email.

Shipping Options (Rest of World):

1. Ship Direct – Shipped direct to your door.
2. Custom Quote by email based on total weight of shipment & your location. Contact Us by email.

• Optional CSA Approved Inverter & Rectifier:
Optional Aurora Inverter

Optional Aurora Inverter
The Aurora inverter ($4,095.25 USD
£ 2,508.83 GBP USD) is intended for direct grid-connect, without batteries. It is UL/CSA listed, and thus approved by your power company for use. The PVI-WIND-INTERFACE is $795.00 USD
£ 487.03 GBP USD.

5 KW Hummer Wind Turbine (Off-Grid) brochure

Terms & Conditions:

All products shown in this price list are covered by the manufacturer’s warranties. We will gladly assist you with processing warranty claims for items purchased from us. We can also assist you with any replacement parts or accessories you may need to order

• We specialize in all sizes of wind turbines from micro & small sized wind turbines of 200Watt -10KW suitable for cabins, boats, residential & rural homes and small businesses up to larger sized industrial wind turbines sized from 20KW – 1.5 MW
• Larger sized wind turbines are custom-made for you to meet your unique specifications.
• We’ll provide you with a FREE energy assessment to determine your needs & then put together a comprehensive package for you.
• Volume Discounts are available: Qty 10 (3%), Qty 20 (5%), Qty 50 (10%) & Qty 100 (15%).
• If purchasing multiple items, please contact us for a combined shipping quote. Multiple items will be charged shipping based on the total weight and the destination.
Wind Turbines (Up to 20 KW) Ship For FREE To Nearest Sea Port Dock in Canada!

Shipping Options (Canada):

1. In-store Pick-up – No shipping charges.
2. Ship Direct – Shipped direct to your door.
3. Dock Pick-up – Pick up at your nearest sea port dock FOR FREE! (Direct from MFR)
4. Custom Quote by email based on total weight of shipment & your location. Contact Us by email.

Shipping Options (US):

1. Ship Direct – Shipped direct to your door.
2. Custom Quote by email based on total weight of shipment & your location. Contact Us by email.

Shipping Options (Europe):

1. Ship Direct – Shipped direct to your door.
2. Custom Quote by email based on total weight of shipment & your location. Contact Us by email.

Shipping Options (Rest of World):

1. Ship Direct – Shipped direct to your door.
2. Custom Quote by email based on total weight of shipment & your location. Contact Us by email.

For further information please use the comment box below.
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MyWindPowerSystem.com and the MyWindPowerSystem logo are trademarks of MyWindPowersystem.com in the US and other countries

Wind power to the people! http://www.husbandry.co.uk/pages/wind-turbines.html

Wind power to the people!
With the advancement of pioneering technology in the Far East, micro wind turbine systems are now a realistic and affordable proposition for the energy-conscious land-owner or business person.

Avoid the middle-man
The range of cost-effective turbines that we are currently trialing come direct to us as sole UK distributors for one of China’s leading manufacturers of micro wind-generated electricity systems. Come and see a variety of wind power systems installed in a real agricultural situation, and we will be happy to share our knowledge and experience of what these wonderful machines can and cannot do. We're located just off the A38 between Exeter and Plymouth, Devon.

Click the links below to see the following:
• 2 Kilowatt system

• 1 Kilowatt system

• 500/300/200 watt systems

• After-sales, installation and maintenance services

Micro wind turbines
– new technology for the UK

According to the British Wind Energy Association (BWEA), this technology is still quite new in the UK with around just a thousand 'micro' wind turbines installed in the UK during 2006. (Micro wind turbines are classified by the BWEA as having power outputs up to 10kW). However, our manufacturers in China produced 15,000 of these machines during 2006 alone.

The UK's certification process for wind turbine products was only launched in October 2007. In order for the certification process to start fine tuning the desired characteristics of these machines, more people are needed to help pioneer the use of this small scale wind technology here on the windy hills in the West Country and elsewhere.

Planning permission
We have had an indication from our District Planning Authority that these machines come under the regulations of Permitted Agricultural Development, and if the criteria are met will not require planning consent.
2 Kilowatt system
One of these big 2kW machines, which, complete with a big bank of ten batteries for power storage, is producing useful power on our nice, windy hilltop.

These machines directly turn a permanent magnet generator on top of a 9-metre mast to feed power into a charger/controller, which, in conjunction with the batteries, provides a controlled voltage to an inverter.

This takes the power it receives and converts it to useful 230 volt, AC current. With care, this can be used to power lights, water pumps, power tools (even our electric kettle!) – in fact anything requiring up to 2kW of power that we care to plug into the regular three-pin sockets.

2 kW turbine + inverter/controller= £1,800
Batteries: x10 @ 200Ah (deep cycle gel) = £1,500

(Prices excluding VAT)

Manufacturer's technical specification:
Rated Output: 2KW
Max Output: 2.5KW
Generator: Permanent magnet generator
Rated output voltage: 120V
Start up wind speed: 2m/s
Rated wind speed: 9m/s
Security wind speed: 16m/s
Number of blade: 3
Material of blade: Glass fibre
Blade Diameter: 3.2m
Speed protection: Automatic Leaned
Rated Rotating Speed: 400r/min
Wind Energy Transforming Rate: 0.42Cp
Pole Diameter: 140mm x 3.5mm steel tube (galvanised)
Tower height: 9m
Work temperature: -40degrees~~+60degrees
Allocated battery: 12V 200Ah, 10pcs
Controller: inverter, controller, charger
True Sine Wave

top of page

1 Kilowatt system
Another wind power system which offers 'plug in and use' simplicity (230 volt AC from standard 3-pin sockets) is the 1kW turbine, which comes on a 6 metre mast, with a bank of four 200Ah batteries and inverter.

1 kW turbine + inverter/controller= £1,096
Batteries: x4 @ 200Ah (deep cycle gel) = £600

(Price excluding VAT)

Manufacturer's technical specification:
Rated Output: 1KW
Max Output: 1.3KW
Generator: Permanent magnet generator
Rated output voltage: 48V
Start up wind speed: 2.5m/s (5.6 mph)
Cut-in wind speed: 3 m/s (6.7 mph)
Rated wind speed: 9m/s (20.1 mph)
Security wind speed: 16m/s
Number of blade: 3
Material of blade: Glass fibre reinforced plastic
Blade Diameter: 3.1m
Speed protection: Automatic Leaned
Rated Rotating Speed: 400r/min
Wind Energy Transforming Rate: 0.40Cp
Pole Diameter: 114mm x 3.25mm steel tube (galvanised)
Tower height: 6m
Work temperature: -40degrees~~+60degrees
Allocated battery: 12V 200Ah, 4pcs
Controller: inverter, controller, charger
True Sine Wave

top of page

500, 300 and 200 watt systems
These smaller wind turbines can provide useful in power in outbuildings, barns or stables, and are also great for charging up batteries for use in isolated situations, e.g., for electric fences. The 200W machines are easily portable.

500 watt turbine - charges at 36 volts and includes an inverter = £646
Batteries: (deep cycle gel) x3 @ 150Ah = £330

300 watt turbine - charges at 24 volts and includes an inverter = £543
Batteries: (deep cycle gel) x2 @ 150Ah = £220

200 watt turbine - charges at 12 volts and includes an inverter = £437
Batteries: (deep cycle gel) x1 @ 100Ah = £75

(Prices excluding VAT)

Manufacturer's technical specifications for 500, 300 & 200W turbines
Rated Output: 500W or 300W or 200W respectively
Max Output: 700W, 400W, 280W respectively
Generator: Permanent magnet generator
Rated output voltage: 500W unit = 36V, 300W unit = 24V, 200W unit = 12V
Startup wind speed: 2.5 m/s (5.6mph)
Cut-in wind speed: 3 m/s (6.7 mph)
Rated wind speed: 500W unit = 8m/s (17.9mph), 300W unit = 7m/s (15.6mph), 200W unit = 6m/s (13.4mph)
Number of blades: 3
Material of blade: Glass fiber reinforced plastic
Blade Diameter: 500W unit = 2.7m, 300W unit = 2.5m, 200W unit = 2.1m
Speed protection: Automatic Leaned
Rated Rotating Speed: 500W & 300W unit = 400r/min, 200W unit = 450r/min
Wind Energy Transforming Rate: 0.40Cp
Pole Diameter (steel tube): 500W unit = 89x3.25mm, 300W unit = 76x2.5mm, 200W unit = 60x2.5mm
Tower height: 500W & 300W unit = 6m, 200W unit = 4.5m
Work temperature: -40degrees~~+60degrees
Allocated battery: 12V 150Ah (3 for 500W unit, 2 for 300W unit) 1X 12V 100Ah battery for 200W unit
Controller: inverter, controller, charger
True Sine Wave

top of page

After-sales, installation and maintenance services
It is reassuring to know that our manufacturing partners in China have indicated that they will be happy to supply technical support, parts and full after-sales service. What is also reassuring is that because China is a very big country with many isolated regions, these products have been specifically designed with the requirement of easy owner maintenance in mind, and if well maintained the wind turbines have a projected life of 20 years or more.

We, as importers will take our fair share of the responsibility for the functioning and maintenance of the turbines, but as customers and users of these turbines you will also need to take your share of the responsibility for their upkeep and maintenance if their full life span is to be achieved.

Working together with you the customers, the manufacturers and our electronics experts we will endeavour to work out an optional regular maintenance schedule to suit your needs, and at reasonable cost.

We shall of course provide full installation instructions if you wish to keep costs down by erecting and installing your turbine yourself. The smaller turbines are very easy to set up and use but you may wish to have some help with the larger models.

The cost for us to install your system depends on your specific situation and requirements, so please call us for further information.

Safety issues
If we install your turbine for you, the mains voltage electrical part of the installation will be done with safety certification provided by a professional electrician.

Contact us:

Please contact us if you would like to come and see the working turbines, or if you have any queries concerning these micro wind power systems, or our husbandry project in general.

We look forward to hearing from you!

(please substitute @ symbol)

Tel: 01364 654047
Mobile: 07980 253677

The Husbandry School
30 West Street
Devon TQ13 7DU

Small Wind is Beautiful http://www.treehugger.com/files/2006/06/small_wind_is_b.php

Small Wind is Beautiful
by Jeff McIntire-Strasburg, St. Louis, MO on 06.21.06

Like most Treehuggers, we occasionally succumb to daydreaming about living off the grid in an oh-so-tasteful strawbale cottage with an organic garden in the back... then the phone rings. While a rugged, romantic life of self-reliance isn't in the cards for most of us, generating your own power from a variety of renewable sources is a real possibility. If wind looks like your power source of choice, Canadian businessman and blogger Glen Estill has written a primer on small-scale wind generation that provides the details on grid-tied and off-grid systems. Glen notes that the easiest way to power your home or business renewably is to buy directly from providers of green electricity, but he also notes the great sense of satisfaction and independence that comes from installing wind turbines and using the power they generate.

While much of the information Glen provides in his post applies directly to Canadians, many of the same opportunities and challenges exist in other countries: zoning regulations, net metering possibilities and, of course, local wind conditions. Glen expresses a bit of testiness for the biggest hurdle to on-site generation (and this is probably true everywhere): the local utility company:

We are so paranoid about accurate metering and safety, that we use a sledge hammer to kill a mosquito. If a small wind turbine generates 2000 KWh/year, and the meter runs backwards 10% of the time, then we are measuring 200 kWh to feed onto the grid. If the meter running backward is inaccurate in the backward mode by 1% (likely a higher error rate than may exist), then we are talking about a measurement error of 2 kWh. That’s worth 20 cents. How much extra should we pay for metering to reduce this error? About $2. But of course the added cost far exceed this. The same is true of safety. The utilities are afraid that a wind turbine will continue to generate when the grid is off for maintenance. But inverters and turbines generally have controls to prevent this. Are visible external disconnects really necessary?

While we always enjoy a good rant, the information that Glen provides for do-it-yourselfer proves quite valuable: you'll know what to look for and what questions to ask when purchasing a system, or the components to build one. Additionally, he points to a number of books that will lead you through your small wind project, whether it be a grid-tied suburban system or that independent turbine powering the dream strawbale cottage. :: Wind Blog by Glen Estill

small-scale wind turbines in the UK http://www.treehugger.com/files/2008/08/small-scale-wind-energy-has-great-potential-limited-by-costs.php

Most of the time when we talk about wind energy, the turbines referred to are of the couple-hundred feet tall behemoth variety. But it’s not just the big boys which can have a place in reducing our demand for fossil fuels. A new report from the Carbon Trust details the potential of small-scale wind turbines in the UK, how much power could be produced and how much carbon emissions could be avoided.

Setting the Scale
For the purpose of the report, the Carbon Trust classifies small-scale wind energy as any turbine rated less than 50 kW, generally intended to supply buildings and which may or not be connected to the electric grid. It is pointed out that these turbines require many of the same wind conditions which larger turbines require and are best utilized in rural areas.

That said, while larger turbines may have capacity factors of 28-35%, on average, small-scale turbines, because of their height small-scale turbines only achieve 15-20% of their rated capacity in rural areas, and only 10% in urban areas.

Cost of Turbines and Electricity Limits Installations
Theoretically, small-scale wind energy has the potential to generate 41.3 Terrawatt-Hours of electricity an save 17.8 Million tonnes of CO2 annually.

However, given installation and current electricity costs, the Carbon Trust assumes that only 10% of households can realistically install small-scale wind turbines. If this happened, up to 1.5 TWh of electricity could be generated, and 600,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions avoided.

This amount of electricity is a mere 0.4% of total UK electricity consumption.

The report goes on to note, that in urban areas roof-mounted turbines may never pay back their embedded carbon emissions.

Underutilized Potential?
The obvious thing that this study says to me is that there is great overall potential for expansion of small-scale wind energy. While it may never be able to compete with gigawatt-sized wind farms in terms of total output, there is certainly a place for this sort of technology. Certainly the visual impact of these turbines is much less than industrial-scale turbines and that alone is a plus in my book. Move the big boys offshore and expand small-scale wind in rural areas onshore.

:: Carbon Trust

Phillipe Starck’s Wind Turbinehttp://www.treehugger.com/files/2008/11/five-home-wind-turbines-you-can-actually-buy.php

Phillipe Starck’s Wind Turbine
starck wind turbine photo photo: Inhabitat

Phillipe Starck’s wind turbine is the odd one out in the group, but not because of its design—as striking as it is, the other wind turbines in this list are no slouches in the design department—but because since its announcement back in the summer it’s just sort been hanging out there in the ether. Since its debut we’ve learned little more, but since both in terms of price point (low) and design concept (high) it’s worth bringing back up.

This is what we do know about its tech specs (such as they are): It’s expected to generate between 20-60% of an average home’s electric needs, is made of clear polycarbonate, and (should it actually be available to purchase) expected to sell for €400 ($500).

Given that normally a bit more in the way of technical data is made available at the announcement of a new renewable energy product, especially one whose design is bound to attract naysayers, I have to wonder whether this one will ever see the light of day. But should it actually get produced, I'd be surprised if a good number of people don't fork out the cash, just to be able to say, "yes, that thing is actually a wind turbine."

The Energy Ball http://www.treehugger.com/files/2008/11/five-home-wind-turbines-you-can-actually-buy.php

The Energy Ball
energy ball photo photo: Home Energy

The Energy Ball from Swedish firm Home Energy (whose website is still only in Swedish) is one of the most distinctive looking—and by that I definitely mean cool looking—home wind turbines out there.

There are two models available: The V100 (43” in diameter, 0.5 kW capacity) has a list price of about SKr 30,400 ($3690); and the V200 (78” in diameter, 2.5 kW capacity) which runs about SKr 57,000 ($6900). Both those prices are without mounting materials. Home Energy estimates that the V200 could supply 50% of an average home's energy needs, while its smaller sibling is best seen as a supplement to other energy sources. What’s more, Home Energy claims that the Energy Ball is “completely silent”.

A brief apology/update: How I missed the fact that Home Energy has a website in English (cursing myself for muddling through the Swedish one...), is beyond me. Nonetheless that's the case: . More on the Energy Ball in English.

The Windspire

Though not the highest priced backyard wind turbine out there, the $5000 Windspire from Mariah Power has been around for a bit (we first reported on it back in September of 2007) but nonetheless it just one an award from Popular Science for being among the Best of What’s New ’08

At a rated capacity of 1.2 kilowatts, Mariah Power says that you can probably generate 25-30% of an average home’s power with the Windspire. At 30 feet tall and 2 feet wide, the Windspire probably isn’t suitable for every location—though its noise levels (20 db at 40 feet) won’t disturb anyone—and based on current electric rates it’ll take a while to pay this one off.

That said, it is a cool design, and perhaps now that Mariah Power will have a new factory up and running in Michigan and production ramps up a bit, they’ll be able to drop that price a bit.

Air Breeze http://www.treehugger.com/files/2008/11/five-home-wind-turbines-you-can-actually-buy.php

Air Breeze
air breeze photo photo: Southwest Windpower

The Air Breeze from Southwest Windpower really fills a different niche than either of the preceding wind turbines. With a rated capacity of only 200 watts, the Air Breeze is intended to be used in off-grid locations such as rural cabins, or in marine applications rather than powering up (or even offsetting a good part of) an average home. But if you don’t need a lot of power, and maybe already have some solar panels on your private little off-grid hideaway, then perhaps the 46” wide, rather slick-looking, Air Breeze is perfect for you.

It’s also not that expensive (for a wind turbine...); the Air Breeze will set you back $600-700.

Swift Rooftop Energy System http://www.treehugger.com/files/2008/11/five-home-wind-turbines-you-can-actually-buy.php

Swift Rooftop Energy System
swift rooftop energy system photo photo: Cascade Engineering

Announced back in October, the Swift Rooftop Energy System is another turbine which claims to be dead quiet (though I’m not sure less than 35 decibels is really ‘dead quiet’). Made in Michigan by Cascade Engineering, the Swift is rated at 1.5 kW and has a blade diameter of 7 feet. Like many of these, it’s pretty slick looking too.

That’s all good news; the less good news is that the estimate cost to install one of these is in the $10,000-12,000 range—which means that given current energy prices Swift’s maker’s prediction that you can pay this off in three years is, well, optimistic.

Plastic Micro Wind Turbine Available for Sale http://peswiki.com/index.php/Directory:MotorWind:Pastic_Micro_Wind_Turbines

Plastic Micro Wind Turbine Available for Sale

Two of the biggest hurdles for using wind power have been cost and the need for strong winds. A Hong Kong businessman/inventor has found a way to overcome those problems with plastic, bringing the generation cost down to around 1 cent per kilowatt-hour -- the cheapest wind power system available on the market.

The inventor, Lucien Gambarota, sought to find a wind energy solution that could be feasible and affordable for remote third world villages and urban settings, where towers are not practical or allowed. The typical wind speed in such settings is between two and seven meters per second.

The return on investment is between three and five years.

"Motorwind power generation starts with 2 m/s wind speed but it starts to be economically viable for winds of at least 4m/s if you are concerned by pay back time." It can be installable anywhere due to the modularity. The size of Motorwind can be adapted to the available space and the energy required. The design simplicity and components used make the installation and maintenance very easy for anyone. The simplicity allows very low manufacturing costs and therefore very low retail price.

Official Website

* http://www.motorwavegroup.com/
o Main entry page
o MotorWind
o Products - MotorWind purchase terms and conditions
o Installation Instructions/Considerations
o Store
+ Sample Listing: http://store.motorwavegroup.com/20-turbin.html - US$250 - includes: 20 micro turbines with generator rated 170W for 10m/s of wind. Daily production: 4 kWh. Output= 12 to 100 volts non-regulated. Frame 5.2 meters long x 0.26 m height x 0.20 m wide. Stainless steel main support with 4 stainless steel posts (1.2 m long)


* Download (55 min; 13 Mb; mp3) - On May 5, 2007, as part of the Free Energy Now radio series, Sterling D. Allan conducted a one-hour, live interview with Lucien Gambarota, the inventor of MotorWind's Pastic Micro Wind Turbines.

Latest Developments
Feb. 2, 2008

On Feb. 2, 2008, Lucien Gambarota replied to someone inquiring about urban installations:

Send me a picture of your installation with the obstructing buildings around; [as well as] wind direction and wind speed data.

In some area the wind direction is changing all the time. We have refused quite few installations because of that.

For each installation, we have a site visit to determine if the location is suitable.

I have attached [below] a 500 turbines installation that is right in the most residential place in [Hong Kong], and no neighbors have complained after 4 months.

Image:MotorWind HSBC Peak 500 Turbines 5-12-2007-02 crop 600.jpg
HSBC Installation

On Feb. 3, 2008, Lucien Gambarota wrote to PESWiki:

The HSBC installation will be commissioned in the next weeks.

We need to either remove or install higher the lowest rows of turbines. There is a big difference in wind speed from the first row and the top one. When the top row is collecting approx 6 to 7 ms wind speed the first row only collect 2 ms. There is obstruction from the wall surrounding the roof top and it creates a kind of no-wind zone.

Let me modify the installation this week and I will supply all data.
March 15, 2007

Company holds press conference announcing the launch of the MotorWind product. The next day, their website traffic "went through the roof."
Motorwind micro turbines


Motorwind micro turbines can work in wind speeds of only 2m/second. Their light weight, small size, and flexible configuration allows them to be installed in both urban and rural environments, for individual or corporate use. Motorwind turbines give users a new option for efficient renewable energy and therefore reducing their impact on the environment.

Twenty turbines per system has been found to be optimal, and spans about 1 square meter, with each rotor having a diameter of ten inches. Such a system, including a generator and frame, is presently priced at $200, though Gambarota would like to see that go down to $100 in economies of scale. The customer is expected to procure the batteries, inverters, and regulator. The system is expected to last 3-5 years.

The energy generated from such a system is, of course, dependent on the wind, which is quite a bit lower near the ground.

Chart is for 1 square meter of turbines (20 turbines of 10" diameter each).
Wind speed electricity
5 m/s 15 Watts
6 m/s 30 Watts
8 m/s 65 Watt
10 m/s 125-130 Watts

A wind speed of 2 m/s will generate 15 Watts, which a wind speed of 8 m/s will generate 64 Watts, and a wind speed of 10 m/s will generate 125 Watts. The energy generated goes up as a square of the wind speed.

The turbines work in harmony on their stand. The tined gearing between them does not result in very much frictional loss inasmuch as they are being acted upon by essentially the same force of wind simultaneously. The losses from transmitting the rotational energy to the generator, which is attached to only one of the networked turbines is going to be more significant, but not to an unworkable extent.

The turbines are designed to withstand winds as high as 50 m/s, such as is found in a typhoon.

One of the down sides might be the visual appearance. This can be addressed by placing the turbines behind a grill. Alternatively, a large array could be used for advertising, each turbine being colored as a pixel in a large matrix.
Oil Comparison Anecdote

One kilogram of oil burned yields 4.5 kilowatt-hours of electricity.

One kilogram of oil turned to plastic makes one microturbine that can generate 4.5 kw-h of electricity each month, lasting 3-5 years, and can be recycled for hundreds of years.

* Video Clips - listing on MotorWave site

* A Hong Kong inventor brings "green" power to homes and businesses (CNN; April 16, 2007)


post here
(Just click on the "[edit]" button to the top, right of the header for this section. You will need to log in.)
Independent Testing

For the past five months (as of May 5, 2005), the motorwind turbines have been underging testing by the University of Hong Kong, including wind tunnel testing. "The data are very promising", says Gambarota.

The theoretical maximum efficiency of wind turbines in harnessing wind energy is 44.25%. The MotorWind design is measuring close to 44% efficient, very close to the theoretical maximum.

On April 19, 2007, Lucien Gambarota provided the following self-evaluation of this MotorWind technology according to the 10 criteria set forth by the New Energy Congress.
(Scale of 0 - 10)

I. Renewable

II. Environmental Impact

III. Cost (cents / kw-h)

IV. Credibility of Evidence

V. Stability / Reliability

VI. Implementation

VII. Safety/Danger to Persons

VIII. Politics of science

IX. Open-Source conducive

X. Stage of Device Development

MotorWave Ltd

Company formed to feature renewable energy technologies developed by Lucien Gambarota

* Motorwave is a unique technology that has been created and developed in Hong Kong to tap the power of wave motion in order to make electricity,desalinated water and hydrogen. Anywhere there are waves.....there is power! Have built prototypes, from which they have collected data to estimate that this system could produce energy at 0.15 cents / kw-h. Presently they are waiting for funding to proceed futher.

* [http://www.motorwavegroup.com/new/motorwind/californiafitness.html California Fitness "Powered by You"

The company expects to turn over US $25 Million in the first year. "We're hiring people every day." Within a year, they expect to have 300 people employed in Hong Kong and 2000 worldwide.
Ace Tower Co. Ltd.

Gambarota's original company that spawned MotorWave Ltd.

SIC: Engineering Services

Plush Toy;Toys & Sporting Goods

* ECNext.com > Ace Tower Co. Ltd.
* Hong Kong Business Directory (.com) > Ace Tower Co Ltd

Inventor: Lucien Gambarota


50-year-old Lucien Gambarota has invented a number of renewable energy devices, including exercise equipment that doubles as electricity-generating equipment.

Born in 1957 in Italy, Lucien studied physics and chemistry in a French university. He worked as an international buyer for 4 years for the World's second largest retailer. He moved to Hong Kong in 1987 and opened a watch factory at that time. Has been doing private researches in many fields for more than 15 years, and has designed or discovered many consumer products. He invented and developed Motorwave technology and Motorwind technology .

He also developed the California Fitness concept of harvesting human energy during work-out.

Lucien became interested in renewable energy late 2004 and has since registered several patents.

In the News

* http://news.google.com/news?q=Lucien+Gambarota
* http://www.motorwavegroup.com/new/motorwind/media.html - 3 stories in 2005; ~10 stories in 2006; ~12 stories so far in 2007.

* Lucien Gambarota: Alternative energy pioneer - Lucien Gambarota's micro-wind turbines are a fraction of the size of the traditional towers and need wind speeds of just 2 meters per second to generate relatively cheap, efficient electricity. (CNN; April 16, 2007)
o VIDEO: A Hong Kong inventor brings "green" power to homes and businesses (CNN; April 16, 2007)

* Tiny, Plastic Wind Turbines Suitable for City Dwellers - Engineers have developed a new micro wind turbine that can generate electricity at low wind speeds, on rooftops and balconies of crowded cities. Plastic gearwheels are linked to one another and can be arranged in an array from two to thousands of square meters. A set of 20 gearwheels costs about $25. (TreeHugger; Mar. 19, 2007)

* Plastic Wind Turbine for Mass Production - Two of the biggest hurdles for using wind power have been cost and the need for strong winds. A Hong Kong businessman/inventor thinks he has found a way to overcome those problems with plastic, bringing the generation cost down to around 1 cent per kilowatt-hour. Istalled electricity generation cost: approx 4 US$ per watt. (Plastics News; Sept. 12, 2006)


See Discussion page.


Lucien Gambarota
email: gambarota@motorwavegroup.com

Ace Tower Co. Ltd. (Original company associated with this project under Lucien Gambarota)
34K Braga Circuit
Ho Man Tin, Kowloon, Hong Kong
phone: (852) 23680760
See also

* Directory:Ocean Wave Energy


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* PowerPedia:Wind power | PowerPedia:Wind Turbine
* Directory:Wind:Past Developments
* Directory:Wind:Cautions


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* Directory:Wind Farms | PowerPedia:Windfarms
* Directory:High-Efficiency Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines
* Directory:Home Generation:Wind Turbine
* Directory:Vertical Axis Wind Turbines
* Directory:High Altitude Wind Power
* Directory:Floating
* Directory:Wind Augmentation


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Urban windmills harm the environment http://www.lowtechmagazine.com/2008/09/urban-windmills.html

Urban windmills harm the environment

Energy_ball_micro_windmillA small windmill on your roof or in the garden is an attractive idea. Unfortunately, micro wind turbines deliver hardly enough energy to power a light bulb. Their financial payback time is much longer than their life expectancy and in urban areas they will not even deliver as much energy as was needed to produce them. Sad, but true.


"The problem is not the windmill - it is the wind"


Small windmills have been around for some decades, but in recent years the focus has shifted on developing their potential use in an urban environment (where most of us live). It’s difficult to keep track of the numerous proposed new designs, meant to be placed on the roof or on a mast in the garden.

Small windmills in built-up environments are a remarkable trend. Through the ages, windmills have always demanded a free flow of strong wind. They are preferably placed on an open plain, as high as possible, with no obstacles around. In cities, however, this is not the case. Yet, the designers of urban windmills all claim to have invented a “revolutionary” windmill, especially created for the low wind speeds in those environments.




Most of these windmills are not yet commercially available, which makes it hard to verify whether or not the claims of the designers are justified. The few that are include the “Energy Ball”, a product from the Netherlands which is also sold in the neighbouring country of Belgium. The windmill is made by a company named “Home Energy” (read a snippet of their website in English, French and Swedish).

Energy_ball_urban_windmillThe Energy Ball, which can be placed on a roof or on a mast in the garden, is said to deliver more energy than a traditional windmill, and to generate electricity at a very low wind speed of 2 metres per second (Beaufort 2).

The secret of these results is the “Venturi-effect”, inspired by river currents. Thanks to the “unusual and exceptional aerodynamic characteristics”, the machine creates a wind flow pattern that “converges first and is then accelerated through the rotor”. Furthermore, Home Energy labels the Energy Ball as "beautiful" and "noiseless", addressing two important objections against urban windmills: noise pollution and visual intrusion.

Energy output: 100 kWh per year

All this sounds promising, but do the numbers add up? Home Energy states that the Energy Ball can deliver 500 kilowatt-hours of electricity per year, or 15 to 20 percent of the electricity use of an average Dutch household (which consumes 3,567 kWh per year). But these claims are based on an average wind speed of 7 metres per second (Beaufort 4) – highly optimistic.

If you look at the wind map of the Netherlands below (this data is nowhere to be found on the Home Energy website) you can see that the average wind speed on land (at a height of 10 meters) is only 4.3 metres per second. Holland is also a notoriously windy country. Only a small part of the coastline receives an average wind speed of 7 metres per second. In Belgium, the average wind speed at the coastline is nowhere higher than 6 metres per second.


At an average wind speed of 4 metres per second, the yearly electricity output of the Energy Ball only amounts to 100 kilowatt-hours (this figure comes from their website). This is not 15 to 20 percent, but just 3 to 4 percent of the yearly electricity use of an average Dutch household (100 kilowatt-hours corresponds to a continuous power consumption of 11 watts). Obstacles like trees and buildings can make the yields in specific locations even lower than that.

Payback time: 50 to 750 years

The very low power output of the Energy Ball would not be such a problem if the machine was cheap. After all, as Home Energy states, the windmills can be placed in series. However, the price of one Energy Ball, everything included, is around 5,000 euro (7,300 dollar). If our average Dutch household wants to cover 15 percent of their energy use by wind energy, it needs at least 5 Energy Balls. Total cost: 25,000 euro (36,500 dollar). If the household wants to cover all its needs by wind energy, it needs to buy 30 Energy Balls for a price of 150,000 euro (219,500 dollar).


"The energy output of the Energy Ball is based on an average wind speed of 7 metres per second, which is unrealistic in cities"


How much time does it take to earn back the initial investment of an Energy Ball? Home Energy is careful enough to state on their website that the payback time depends on “the initial investment, the yearly yield and the prevailing price per kilowatt-hour”. However, it would be fairer to state that the Energy Ball will never pay itself back.

Rates per kilowatt-hour of electricity fluctuate largely around the world and even within countries, but let’s assume a price of 0.20 euro, the relatively high average electricity price in the Netherlands (that’s 0.29 dollar – three times the price of electricity in the US). If you also assume Home Energy’s optimistic average wind speed of 7 metres per second (which corresponds to an output of 500 kilowatt-hours) then the payback time is 50 years. Take a more realistic average wind speed of 4 metres per second and the payback time becomes 250 years. At the average US electricity price, payback time is 750 years.

Warranty of 2 years

Of course, electricity prices may rise, and the Energy Ball may become cheaper to produce. If you assume an electricity rate of 1 euro (1.46 dollar) per kWh, then the Energy Ball pays itself back in 10 years (at the most optimistic wind speed of 7 m/s) or in 50 years (at a more realistic wind speed of 4 m/s). If Home Energy can also cut the selling price in half, then we are talking about a payback time of 5 years (at high average wind speed) or 25 years (at realistic average wind speed). Even in these hypothetic cases, however, payback time is speculative.

According to the manufacturer, the life expectancy of the Energy Ball is 20 years. That’s just a promise. The machine comes with a warranty of only 2 years. Solar panels have a warranty of at least 20 years. Contrary to solar panels, windmills consist of mechanically moving parts, which means that there are more breakage possibilities.

Embodied energy

Energy_ball_installationAdvocates of personal windmills sometimes admit that yields are not very impressive. But they state that buying a small windmill can still be a good choice from an ecological viewpoint, even if it is crazy from a financial perspective. This sounds rather reasonable, but something is forgotten here: the energy needed to manufacture and install these machines.

Urban windmills are not as energy-intensive to produce as solar panels, but since they also have much lower yields and much lower life expectancies than solar panels, their energy footprint is even worse. According to a recent report by the UK Carbon Trust, windmills in urban environments will almost always have an energy payback of more than 20 years. In other words: small windmills in cities will never deliver as much energy as was needed to manufacture and install them. Installing an urban windmill will actually harm the environment. On the other hand, the energy payback time of a large windmill is less than one year.

Wind physics

Ecotech boffins will be fast to reply that the Energy Ball might be a failure, but that it does not mean that other concepts can not do better. Unfortunately, the problem is not the windmill – it is the wind. The Dutch have a long tradition of designing windmills, so there is a big chance that the Energy Ball does better than its competitors.


"Doubling the wind speed increases wind power 8 times. How you design a windmill hardly makes any difference"


Wind speed has a much larger influence on energy output than the design of a windmill. To calculate wind power you have to multiply the density of air, the swept area and the cube of wind speed. Doubling the rotor radius of a wind turbine increases wind power 4 times.

Doubling the wind speed increases wind power 8 times. At an average wind speed of 7 metres per second, a windmill delivers 5.36 times more energy than at an average wind speed of 4 metres per second. How you design your windmill hardly makes any difference.

Cut-in speed

At lower average wind speeds, even very small changes can make a huge difference. According to the Carbon Trust the cut-in speed of a small wind turbine (the moment it starts producing energy) is between 3 and 4 metres per second. This is close to the average wind speed on land in rather windy countries like Belgium and the Netherlands.

A test by the Carbon Trust (see graphics below) showed that a windmill receiving an average wind speed of 4.5 metres per second produced 7 times more energy than a windmill receiving an average wind speed of 3 metres per second – because the latter is not operating most of the time since it does not reach its cut-in speed. While large wind turbines have an average capacity factor of 28 to 35 percent, small windmills only achieve 15 to 20 percent of their capacity in rural areas and only 10 percent in urban areas.




Home Energy claims a lower cut-in speed of 2 metres per second, but that’s just bogus. And they know it: in the Q&A section of their Dutch website they admit that the windmill starts rotating at 2 metres per second, but only starts delivering energy at 3 metres per second.


An important factor to do with wind speed is height: wind speed rises and is more constant the higher you go, which is the reason why traditional windmills are built ever larger and why the concept of floating windmills is attracting so much interest. It is also the reason why the potential of small windmills is generally overestimated. When you are shown a wind map, the chance is big that it concerns a map of wind speeds at a height of 75 metres or more, indicating the potential of traditional windmills. Wind maps showing the wind speed at a height of 10 metres are much harder to find.

Urban windmills are - by definition - located close to ground level, where wind speed is as low as it can be. Of course, you can place your urban windmill on a mast of 100 metres, but such a construction would make the carbon footprint of the machine even worse. Placing windmills on a skyscraper is of not much help either: in this case you have much higher wind speeds but the roof is way too small to set up a windmill for every household that lives in the building.

What we need

The fundamental problem of urban windmills is that they harvest electricity from an inferior energy source. On a rooftop in a built-up environment, wind speed is low and freakish. And while you can think of a thousand ways to change the design of an urban windmill, it is impossible to change the wind itself.


"Most wind maps show wind speed at a height of 75 metres or more"


Installing one big windmill will therefore always be a better choice (economically as well as ecologically) than installing many more small wind turbines instead. Sad, but true. This is not the case with solar panels. Other buildings (or trees) might cast shadows on solar panels in a city, but if that can be avoided, capturing solar energy from your roof is not less efficient than capturing solar energy from a larger solar plant.

Since it is impossible to substantially improve the power output of urban windmills, the only hope for decentralised wind energy is to produce machines which are much cheaper and more importantly leave a much smaller carbon footprint and/or have a much longer service life.

© Kris De Decker (edited by Shameez Joubert)


Fast-charging electric cars http://www.lowtechmagazine.com/2009/03/fast-charging-electric-cars-off-peak-grid.html#comments

Who killed the electric grid? Fast-charging electric cars

Electro racer tail Charging electric cars with off-peak power is a fantasy.

Fast recharging times generate lots of excitement, but what seems to be forgotten is that they can lead to a fabulous amount of peak demand.

If you charge an electric car with a battery capacity of 25 kWh during 8 hours, it needs a power output of 3,125 watts. If you charge the same car in just 10 minutes, it needs a power output of 155,000 watts.

Motor art courtesy of Lockwasher. All rights reserved.


How many extra power plants do we need to build if we introduce electric cars on a large scale? According to ecotech advocates, that matter is solved: (almost) none. Electric vehicles can be charged at night. Many power plants have a surplus of energy during the night ("off-peak production capacity") because demand is low and generators keep spinning. Therefore, if we all start driving electric cars, oil consumption will plummet to zero and electricity production will remain the same.

In December 2006, a study at the US Pacific Northwest National Laboratory found that off-peak electricity production and transmission capacity could fuel 84 percent of the country's 220 million cars, if they would be converted to plug-in hybrids. In June 2007, another study from the US government concluded that 73 percent of the existing US light-duty vehicle fleet (cars, SUV's, pickup trucks, vans) could be powered with available off-peak electric capacity if transformed to plug-in hybrids. In March 2008, a study from Oak Ridge National Laboratory said that if 25 percent of the US fleet would be replaced by plug-in hybrids, only zero to eight new large power plants would have to be built if all these cars plugged in after 10 pm.

Electro racer Plug-in hybrids versus electric

The first difficulty is that these studies talk about plug-in hybrids, not electric cars, which does not stop the media from presenting this research with headlines like "US power grid can fuel 180 million electric cars" or "Electric cars will not need new electric power plants".

Plug-in hybrids have (or will have, because they are not on the market yet) smaller batteries than fully electric cars: a battery capacity of 5 to 25 kWh, compared to 10 to 50 kWh for a fully electric car (source). Plug-in hybrids have both an electric motor and a gasoline engine (which kicks in at distances longer than 40 or 50 miles).

Charging at night?

Electric cars, however, do not have the backup of a gasoline engine and an infrastructure of petrol stations for longer distances. If we can only charge them at night, the range of our vehicles would be limited to 100 miles (160km) per day, or only half of that when the cars are driven at high speed. There are some electric cars that have better mileage: 220 miles for the Tesla Roadster and 150 for the Mini E - but both have no back seat since that space is taken by the larger battery.

The standard answer to this drawback is that the average commute in the US is only 33 miles, so in most cases the limited mileage of electric cars will be sufficient.


Manufacturers of electric cars and batteries are pushing faster recharging times


Averages are theoretical data: some of us will have to drive only 10 miles per day, others 120 miles. And at least now and then, almost everyone will want to drive longer distances, but that would be completely impossible in this scenario.

Moreover, many people do not have the possibility to charge their vehicles at home - not everybody has a garage. This means that we need an infrastructure of outlets along the curbs of cities and towns if we want everybody to charge at night. Charging electric cars with off-peak electricity might keep the need for new power plants limited, but it is far from practical.

Hochspannung4Charging spots

Therefore, it is an illusion to think that all electric cars will be charged at night. A substantial amount of them maybe, but not all. No matter how small the amount of cars that needs charging during the day, it means that we need an intricate infrastructure of charging spots throughout cities and towns.

Companies and governments are already working on that. "Better Place", which announced the building of a charging infrastructure in Israel, Denmark, Portugal and California, is the best known, but there are more.

"Better Place" plans charging spots in parking garages, retail spaces and on street curbs. About 10,000 of them will be installed in 2009 across Israel, and that will increase to 100,000 by 2010, according to Reuters. These spots will be the size of a parking meter and will deliver 3,300 watts (for 1 car) and 6,600 watts (for 2 cars).

This compares to the energy output of 10 plasma televisions (of 340 watts each) to charge one electric car. Adding this load at night might not be a problem, but this becomes a very different story during the day.

1,000 power plants

The study from Oak Ridge National Laboratory also calculated what would happen if all plug-in vehicles would be charged at 5 pm instead of after 10 pm. In this worst-case scenario, the US would need to build 160 "large" power plants (and the related distribution infrastructure, of course). Note: this concerns plug-in hybrids, not fully electric cars, and this concerns a penetration of only 25 percent, not 100 percent.


Electric motors are more efficient than gasoline engines, but the problem is not total energy consumption, it is peak load


Lakester race car A complete conversion to plug-in hybrids would thus require 640 extra large power plants. The researchers do not specify what they consider to be a "large" power plant, but this must be around 1,000 megawatts, which boils down to the need for another 640 GW of power plants. That is almost a 65 percent increase of the existing US electricity generation capacity.

Fast recharging time

This is the worst case scenario considered by the researchers, where all drivers plug in their cars at the same time and at the worst possible moment of the day. That will never happen.

Yet, there is another scenario that is much worse and is not considered by the researchers: a fleet of fast-recharging fully electric cars.

A vehicle that needs 6 to 12 hours of charging to drive just 1 or 2 hours will never appeal to the larger part of the public. The automobile stands for freedom of movement, so electric cars will never catch on unless they have at least a similar recharging time to that of a gasoline car (one of the reasons why they disappeared one hundred years ago).

Manufacturers of electric cars and batteries know that, and that is why most of them are pushing faster recharging times. Combined with an elaborate infrastructure of charging spots, this would largely overcome the problem of limited autonomy. We would still need to recharge more often than with a gasoline car, but at least it would be possible to drive further than 100 miles from home, and to leave anytime you want.

150,000 watts

Several manufacturers and researchers have already announced recharging times of 30 minutes or less, which would bring refuelling time quite close to that of a gasoline car. This is only possible through a high-voltage current outlet. Fast recharging times generate lots of excitement, but what seems to be forgotten here is that they come with a price - you have to pump in more energy over a shorter time, which can lead to a fabulous amount of peak power.


You cannot solve this issue with better batteries - in fact, you can only make it worse


Danger high voltage 1 If you charge an electric car with a battery capacity of 25 kWh during 8 hours, it needs a power output of 3,125 watts (3.1 kilowatts x 8 hours = 25 kWh).

If you charge the same car in just 20 minutes, you need a power output of 75,000 watts (75 kilowatts x 0.33 hours = 25 kWh).

This corresponds to the energy output of 220 plasma televisions of 340 watts each. This amount of energy is required over a shorter period, but it has to be available.

If you lower the recharging time to 10 minutes, the energy output will be 155,000 watts (155 kilowatts x 0.16 hours = 25 kWh). This equates to 450 plasma televisions.

It will be clear that fast recharging times, even if they are used only by a relatively small amount of drivers, will only be possible with a massive extension of our electricity generation capacity.


There are 220 million private cars in the US. If the complete fleet would be plugged in at the same time it would need 34,000 gigawatts, or 34 times the existing electricity generation capacity of the US. This will never happen, but it compares to "only" a 65 percent increase of the power capacity in the slow-charging scenario above. A large fleet of fast-charging cars will melt the grid.

Rustbucket dragster Charging just 6,500 of these vehicles (0.003 %) simultaneously in 10 minutes will require an energy output comparable to that of one large power plant.

If one in a thousand of these cars (220,000 vehicles or 0.1 %) is charged simultaneously in 10 minutes they will need 34 gigawatts. And one in a 100 cars charged simultaneously will require a total energy output of 340 gigawatts. The question is not how many cars will be charged together on average during the day, but how many of them will be charged together at any possible moment of the day, month or year.

Better batteries?

The energy infrastructure has to be prepared for the highest possible demand - for instance, when everybody wants to drive to a large sporting event. Also, don't forget that someone who wants to make a trip of 500 miles will have to charge the battery 5 times. Because of their shorter range, electric cars need to be refuelled much more often than gasoline cars.

There is no way around this problem. You cannot solve it with better technology - in fact, you can only make it worse. Better batteries with higher capacities may lower the amount of stops at charging spots, but they will raise the amount of peak power required for one charge.


Electric cars are not refrigerators - but many calculations of their energy requirements treat them as if they were


The fundamental problem (and we have noted this before) is that electric cars are wireless. Trains, trams (streetcars) and trolleybuses do not have these problems, simply because they do not need a battery. Their energy consumption is spread evenly over their operation time.

People keep saying that electric motors are more efficient than gasoline engines, and that's definitely true, but the problem is not total energy consumption, it is peak load. Electric cars are not refrigerators - but many calculations of their energy requirements treat them as if they were.

Electro lux cruiserSwapping batteries

There is only one last way around the mileage problem of electric cars: swappable batteries (another part of the infrastructure proposed by "Better Place"). This would mean that the batteries could be charged at night at refuelling stations, and thus provide instant off-peak power during the day. There are two problems with this.

Firstly, we are not talking about a handy laptop battery here. The battery packs of electric cars easily weigh 100 to 500 kilograms, which means you will need a machine to get them out and back in again. Moreover, the batteries are not always placed so that you can easily swap them - in many electric cars they are underneath the floor, to optimise weight distribution and centre of gravity.

Secondly, all batteries would have to be the same, and achieving such a standard is both technically and commercially very unlikely. If it doesn't work for laptops or mobile phones, then why should it work for cars? "A Better Place" will make use of standardised vehicles, but the day that we will all be willing to drive the same car, we would probably also not mind leaving the car altogether and - finally - get on a bike, a tram or a train.

© Kris De Decker / edited by Matt Hill / Motor art courtesy of Lockwasher.

Comments (26)
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I've thought a lot about this. Quick charging cars are a pipe dream. Electric cars will charge overnight, and maybe in commercial garages. It will eventually increase the cost of electricity at night, but it will still be cheaper than petroleum, so long as we make the investments right now that we need to make. And this is another reason fuel assisted EV's (EREVs) will be here for decades long after the pure fossil fuel car is history.

Posted by: davea0511 | October 23, 2009 at 11:14 PM


I'm not sure about the latest battery technology but fast charges typically reduce the service life of batteries because of the higher heat generated during a fast recharge.

Also, a question. Has someone produced an efficiency study for the total energy required to produce a unit of energy for all of the popular energy 'sources'? For instance what is the efficiency of delivering a joule of electricity from source to the wheels of a car? This would include origin generator losses, transmission losses and car motor losses. I'd like to see the same for hydrogen, gasoline and diesel. In short, how much total energy is required to produce a joule work at the end product.

It seems to me that delivering electrical energy over a grid has a lot of losses. Right now hydrogen production requires another form of energy production. Hydrogen is merely another form of a battery or capacitor. Gasoline and diesel require transportation, storage and refining along with thermal losses when it is used.

Posted by: Jim | June 24, 2009 at 09:43 PM


There are technologies that will fix this problem eventually. Specifically I believe that capacitor technologies will exist. A capacitor could be constantly charged at a few thousand watts 24 hours a day, until it is full.

Then when you need to reload your car, you plug into the cap and draw the power at 100,000W or more. Then the capacitor slowly recharges again.

This is a concept that petrol stations should be seriously considering. It would likly be much cheaper for the petrol stations to house massive capacitors/banks that are slowly recharged from the grid constantly, than for everyone to have their own. They could allow people to drive in their car and recharge their batteries at very high power, very quickly. The more capacitors you have the move electricity builds up, and the charge can stay as lone as possible, so there is no energy waste problem. Indeed if cars themselves end up running off new technology capacitors this is probably how it will be done, but quickly move energy from one capacitor to the next.

Posted by: DanFoster | June 04, 2009 at 01:44 AM


150 and fifty years ago, the big transportation problem was trying to figure out what to do with all the horse manure. I suspect another problem was growing all the feed to fuel the horses. I'm sure a lot of bright sparks were figuring out all sorts of ways to figure out how to preserve the status quo by finding creative uses for manure. Well, the auto and truck came along transforming the transportation system and the problems with horse-powered transportation went away.

Now 150 years latter, we are facing similar problems. Waste from automobiles creating huge environmental problems and dwindling fuel supplies for automobiles. Like the bright sparks 150 years ago, many people are trying to problem solve and preserve the status quo rather that creating better forms of transportation. I'm sure the reactions were the same 150 years ago. People are in love with their horses.

We have the opportunity to focus our creativity and resources on transforming our transportation system and our world but we have to be willing to let go of the past. Face it. The age of the automobile is over. The solutions are high speed rail, rapid transit, cycling, bike sharing and probably some others that haven't been dreamed up yet. High speed rail is simply better transportation than driving. It is faster, more environmentally sound, more comfortable and safer.

An example of these bad ideas is so called "Better Place"'s battery swapping. People are right that most trips are short so people won't need to swap for everyday trips. They will need to swap for longer distance trips. Only problem, people usually want to make these long trips all at once. Long weekends for example" So, a company is going to maintain a huge inventory of $5000 batteries and build thousands of swapping stations with the storage for these batters that will be only used a few times a year.

Even worse, while claiming a range of 100 miles for batteries, this will only be true for low speed trips in an unloaded car with only the driver. Put 5 people and their luggage in a car and travel at highway speeds with air conditioning on, the range will plummet to likely less than 60 miles. Are people going to be willing to stop every hour for batteries and wait in line ups for everyone else who wants to swap batteries? Not likely. And is "Better Place" going to wait until night to charge those batteries? Probably not. They will want to charge them right way so their inventory of costly batteries that will likely be quickly obsolete due to advances in technology can be smaller.

The great thing about high speed rail for long trips, is it solves the range problems with electric cars. Instead of trying to design complicated and unworkable non-solutions to make electric cars for long range trips, use rail for the long range trips instead. Then use small neighbourhood electric vehicles for what they are good for. Short trips around the city. Since they won't have to survive high speed collisions, they can be very light weight.

Please realize that we need solutions that work practically on a large scale and realize that people want better solutions, not expensive non-solutions that are less convenient and not workable.

Posted by: Richard Campbell | May 24, 2009 at 09:56 PM


You mentioned two problems with battery swaps:

Neither of which are a problem.

1) Better Place swaps will be done by a robot and the battery will come out and go in from the bottom of the car - therefore it is as low as possible for better handling and weight distribution.

2) BP won't require that all batteries be the same. The swap station will be able to handle different battery formats. see this interview for more info:

People that criticize the BP batt swap plan, often don't know all they should about it.

Posted by: Fibb222 | May 01, 2009 at 01:05 AM


Sigh... Still too much focusing on that non-existant one answer solution, when as always the soultion will be multifaceted. The conglomerate of solutions needn't cost the consumer that much. Some corporations and industry may see a temporary reduction in the growth rates of profits. Please note I didn't sat there will be a wholesale failure of business going broke, maybe those who remain insisting in making buggy whips, :) The motor vehicle isn't going anywhere anytime soon, but we all know things can't stay the same. Yes if where able to convert to plug in electric over night, without updating the grid over night, the grid now is service will fail. in the event battery technology improves, one may have multiple batteries set to take advantage of solar and wind electric production when available, so not every one will be charging off the grid at the same time. Has been a very long time since a truely free market existed, when it did it work mostly for the benifit of that few able to control the market, not the public in general. There will be communities where walking and HPV can serve most wellwith little hardsship, there will be communities where the same can't work at all, no matter the hardship. Balance my good citizens.

Laws and regulations brought as all the transportation systems now in place now, and it's unreasonable to not to expect laws and regulation will take use into any forthcoming transportation systems

Posted by: Kansan | April 25, 2009 at 03:43 AM


A hundred years ago you could have easily run a headline saying "Gasoline powered cars a fantasy, no way to build infrastructure to fuel them, roads are bad, etc."

Please - most folks will be content to charge cars slowly either while they are asleep and/or at work. If they need a 10 minute charge they'll pay a premium at a quick charge station, or buy the equipment to store the energy in their garage. Sheesh!

Posted by: John Powell | April 20, 2009 at 06:49 PM


No. Battery swapping, hybrid EVs, fuel cell EVs, range extended battery EVs, pantograph charging and plug-in recharging could all coexist. It would even technically be possible to swap batteries on a fuel cell vehicle, say, after a long, high duty journey. Whether that would ever be necessary depends on the design of the vehicle’s on-board charging system, and the duty required by the driver.

Practical designs for battery swap electric vehicles exist today. Machines to handle the batteries are entirely possible. I can envisage something like a trolley jack. The Lithium Force e-Bus uses a battery swap system using two robots. It is clear that standardisation will be necessary; there are many precedents in the automotive industry for this.

I did not say ‘that, in the future, we all need two cars’. I said ‘change the type of vehicle you use’. This might be a hired car, or a bike, a tram or a train, or a scooter or an aircraft or a boat. Some people might have two cars, as they do today; others will not.

Today we happily accept the paradigm of using appropriate vehicles for different types of journeys, accepting the limitations of each mode of transport. No one expects to own the aircraft, train, tram, bus, taxi or ferry they use. In the future, the dividing lines between the modes might shift, but the principle of changing vehicle will be as it has always been. We will adapt to new vehicles.

Posted by: John | April 18, 2009 at 02:33 AM


As mentioned in the article, John, swapping batteries is not so straightforward as you describe it.

Don't you think it is significant that half of the e-car advocates believe swappable batteries are the obvious answer, while the other half believes the obvious answers are capacitors, hydrogen or flywheels? And both sides are convinced that the other solution won't work. We will have to make a choice, because otherwise the infrastructure costs will be doubled.

What concerns your last point: I am afraid you are saying that, in the future, we all need two cars. An electric car for short distances, and a gasoline car for longer distances.

Posted by: kris de decker | April 18, 2009 at 12:44 AM


Er, of course you can store electricity, in a battery. As it is battery recharging that we are concerned with here, the simple answer is to swap batteries.

Arrive at a recharging station with a flat battery; remove one or more suitcase-sized batteries from the car, perhaps on some robotic trolley; install fully charged batteries; drive off; flat batteries are recharged overnight when the grid is not fully loaded.

The main point is that battery cars have limitations. They are effective for some types of journeys, such as shortish distance commuting, but not suitable for longer journeys. So accept the limitations and change the type of vehicle you use. After all, you maybe already use a bicycle for short trips, a car for longer trips, and when travelling overseas maybe you fly?

Posted by: John | April 17, 2009 at 11:43 PM


Odd remark, because that is exactly the problem.

You can store oil in a tank. You cannot do that with electricity.

There exists no (safe, cheap, ecologically friendly, efficient) technology to store large amounts of electricity.

Posted by: kris de decker | April 17, 2009 at 08:04 PM


Let's flash back in time...
Imagine we have oil wells that pump only a certain amount of oil per minute. Oil-powered vehicles pull up to the oil well and want to re-fill their tank. If they don't want to wait for an hour to fill their tank, we're going to have to massively increase the number or size of our oil wells!
Oh, wait, or we could just build a big tank and store the oil.
OK, the demand/load is an interesting concern, but your article seems a little breathlessly stunned.

Posted by: Remarksman | April 17, 2009 at 07:43 PM


If we were to deal with the fast charging problem, with charging stations (analogous to gas stations), we could have these charging stations soak power overnight, and emit it as customers come to
"fill up."

That of course leads to the problem of how are the charging stations going to buffer the energy? Capacitors? hydrogen? thermal energy storage? flywheels? batteries? pumping water into storage tanks? I don't know what the best answer to that problem is, but I think it's one that can be tackled.

Posted by: Doug | April 16, 2009 at 08:48 AM


I imagine that people in your future will be too stupid to anticipate their travel requirements; how odd. The average daily driver drives less than 40 miles. That is easily within the reach of advanced lead acid batteries such as the Firefly. (http://preview.tinyurl.com/cvv3kg)

The stupid people of the future would also be unable to rent internal combustion engine vehicles for long trips or connect an EV pusher trailer or charger trailer. Of course stopping for coffee or lunch on a midrange run of 120 miles or so while the batteries top off would be out of the question.

That's a dang shame that future people can't figure these things out and thereby benefit from the energy savings and easy maintenance of electric vehicles for their normal, short-range, driving. I bet they're going to be too helpless to use timer switches on charging plugs also. Must be the fluoride in the water.


Posted by: Pangolin | April 04, 2009 at 04:40 PM


@11 - I like the idea of anarchy too, but it doesn't fit into a congested world. For instance, I don't think you should be able to own a nuclear bomb. Does this compromise your freedom? Yes. The question becomes, when is it okay to crop freedom? The answer is simple, when allowing one a freedom compromises the collective freedom of the many.

You make it sound like limiting the amount of material a person can consume is some big human rights violation. If there is x supply of material and y people in need of it. This yields an average of x/y materials available to each person. So using more than x/y lowers the amount available for somebody else. Surely you can grasp the idea, that governments are in place to allow its people to decide the methods they invoke for making things as efficient and pleasurable for themselves as possible, by working together and in accordance with majority rules in democracies.

You've heard of laws right? Do they, likewise, make you feel like you live in a numbered system of fascists? All of them? Even the one's that are developed by the majority on behalf of the majority? Even laws against murder and theft?

I really hate this point of view that everybody should get to do whatever the hell they want even if it hoses everybody else over.

Posted by: Adam | April 01, 2009 at 05:20 PM


Dear 7.
Imagine a society with out cars? Get rid of them? Yeah...why don't we just get rid of people's freedoms too. Lets say, "Person A you may only consume such and such amount of materials and energy. A. You may only live here or there, travel this far....oh and If you say this or that you will be fined. Oh and don't forget to wear your white government provided clothing....No no don't worry it will be a bluish hue next year."


Posted by: Retrace | March 23, 2009 at 06:25 AM


I love flywheels so I wanted to know how they look today. Here is one, see the picture on page 2:


Full of electronics, weight 829 kg, dimensions of a large refrigerator, a storage capacity of 160 kW. Just enough to charge one car battery of 25kWh in 10 minutes. If 100 cars pass through the "petrol station" daily, you need 100 of these flywheels.

Flywheels could solve the peak demand problem, just as more power plants could solve it, but both are "a massive extension of our electricity infrastructure".

The extra infrastructure required for electric cars could be renewable energy plants and flywheels, or it could be coal plants and another layer of batteries to charge the batteries (as others have proposed). But either way it will cost an awful lot of money, materials, energy and CO2 to build it.

At the expense of greening the existing electricity infrastructure and building better public transport.

Thanks for the link. Charging a laptop battery of 100 Wh in just 10 seconds will require 36,000 watts...

Posted by: kris de decker | March 15, 2009 at 09:59 PM


Okay,Kris,I totally agree with the comment by #5.My idea was flywheel storage to support the heavy current draw at recharge stations,although ultracapacitors would work as well.This would be especially important considering that researchers have discovered a new lithium battery material enabling recharge times measured in seconds: http://www.physorg.com/news156000014.html

Posted by: Michael Dowling | March 15, 2009 at 07:14 PM


Only one thing is clear to me, and that is that no one can give a definitive answer to the problems that the future has in store for us (who are we trying to kid?). At least people are trying to come with new ideas and suggestions as to how to tackle the incoming crisis. To me, the solution will come from a wide range of areas (improving the technology of the electric cars, improving the technology of the electricity production, changing people habits and attitudes to the use of energy, etc, etc, to name but the first three that come to my mind). The current system was not implemented in one 'go', but it evolved over a period of time until it affected most people in this planet. We cannot expect therefore that changing our current system can be done right away leaving the humanity completely un-affected by the change. A crisis is inevitable, and maybe necessary?

Posted by: Rhamnus | March 13, 2009 at 12:09 PM


Get rid of cars period. Change the car dependent paradigm. Imagine a society not needing them.

Posted by: Roger | March 11, 2009 at 03:21 PM


While I doubt that Mr. Van den Borre's only source is wiki, my first comment has to address the wiki sites. That they appear to be becoming the ultimate reference, is frightening. I am, yet again, so very thankful that I found the independent Low-Tech magazine. And, although there are reference books everywhere in the house, including stacked on the floor, I want to increase their number and range, even though I do not have the intellect to comprehend much of what they offer. What power to be the 'bible' for all knowledge. Dangerous.

As a child, I well recall seeing transportation of the future clips showing a happy Norman Rockwell family playing a board game in their 360 degree-view car which had been placed on a kind of monorail. (There is probably a Wiki article about it). Even though I was under age 8, I was completely taken with the concept. It made perfect sense. No fuel was used -- it was safe -- and people could retain their personal vehicle.

I do not recall what the infrastructure was that gave the car power once it left a major route, but one thing is certain -- we have to be willing to 'wait for the bus' if we want to decrease the use of fuel and other resources. Perhaps board games could be offered as an incentive.

Posted by: M | March 11, 2009 at 03:15 PM


Not withstanding supplying the average load increase, as Mark suggests, a smart grid would surely resolve the issues of peak charging—but every 'consumer' in the grid would have a priority, vehicles would probably need to be fairly highly prioritised to prevent waiting around for the grid to provide energy. (Indeed, you could just pay more for a faster charge if you're impatient, and with smart vehicles trip duration and purpose could be considered too.)

However with or without a smart grid, charging stations with the capacity to store power from a continuous trickle charge (drawing an even load from the grid) with a fast discharge, such as with ultra/supercapacitors, would also reduce sudden draw on the grid and yet still allow vehicles to be charged in much the same time it takes to fill a tank of liquid through a pipe.

Posted by: Jacob Jay | March 11, 2009 at 07:01 AM


Thanks. Actually, there are so many problems with the concept of electric cars that you can expect more than one follow-up article to come. Stay tuned!

Posted by: kdd | March 11, 2009 at 12:42 AM


Good article. How about a follow up article, looking into what kind of power sources (apart from our dwindling oil), that would be available or under development,to power the electrical power plants? I know such articles are many, but in context with this article, it would be truly thought provoking.

Posted by: Tuan Hauptmann | March 11, 2009 at 12:27 AM


Not compatible with fast recharging times. What's the use of being able to charge your car in 10 minutes if the smart grid tells you to wait 2 hours?

Posted by: kdd | March 10, 2009 at 05:41 PM


I wouldn't underestimate the possibilities of introducing some intelligence into the power grid. I'm sure you must have read stuff like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smart_grid .

Let's take demand response support as an example. That enables you to order your car to only recharge when it learns from the grid that electricity is cheap.


Posted by: Mark Van den Borre | March 10, 2009 at 05:31 PM