Thursday, October 22, 2009

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Wednesday July 08 2009

LONG before the industrial revolution or distribution networks, industrial processes utilised available renewable sources to meet on-site demand for energy. Irish industry is re-familiarising itself with this approach and in doing so is increasing competitiveness while reducing its carbon footprint.

Munster Joinery in Ballydesmond has built on the achievements of Dundalk Institute of Technology who installed their own large scale wind turbine in 2005.

With support and expertise from SEI and Wind Energy Direct, Munster Joinery now have 4MW of wind generation installed onsite in the form of 2MW Enercon turbines.

The generators, with key design elements by renowned architect Sir Norman Foster, will be operated by Wind Energy Direct and the electricity will be sold to Munster Joinery at a tariff which is guaranteed to be below the retail rate. The projected financial saving to Munster Joinery, with no risk invested, is expected to be approximately €1 million over the first five years of operation.

Wind Energy Direct managed and funded the construction of the turbines which meant Munster Joinery could concentrate on their core business and not have to risk any of their own capital.

And the added bonus is that carbon emissions of the order of 9,000 tonnes per annum will be avoided with the addition of the turbines. SAHARAN SOLAR

If just 0.3 per cent of the Sahara Desert were used for a concentrating solar energy plant, it would produce enough power to provide all of Europe with clean, renewable energy.

Twenty blue chip German companies are gathering together to discuss plans and investments to create such a massive project. Both the meeting and project are being promoted by the Desertec Foundation, which is proposing to erect 100GW of concentrating solar power plants throughout North Africa.

The project would not all be situated in one location, but scattered throughout politically stable countries. Promoters of the project claim that it could satisfy as much as 15 per cent of the European Union's power needs.

The project is the brainchild of multinational partnership organisations and is expected to become a reality 10 to 15 years from now.

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