Sunday, October 4, 2009

Küta tuba soojaks maasoojusega...

Võiks teha küsitluse rahva seas ja välja selgitada maksimum summa mida on Eesti Energia küsinud sisselülituse eest...Praegu ma tean,et on küsitud 100 000 kuni 1000 000 (miljon krooni)...Tjah...sellise raha eest saaks ikka väga vinged tuulikud ja päikse paneelid...saaks ELEKTRI TASUTA 100-KS AASTAKS...Lubage mul teile kirjutada USA taastuvenergiate kasutamisest...sest meie Roheliste partei ei tee seda...Miks Rohelised ei propageeri taastuvenergiaid?Nad ei propageeri taastuvenergiaid kuna on käepikenduseks IRL-ile...ja nende liberalism on kallutatud suurkorposatsioonide poole...Rohelised teenivad ülirikaste huve ja sülitavad lihtrahva peale...Ajakiri POPULAR SCIENCE artikkel THE GREEN DREAMONE MAN´S MISSION TO BUILD AN ECO-FRIENDLY,AFFORDABLE HOMEPUT THE EARTH TO WORKDRILLING A GEOTHERMAL WELL TO HELP COOL AND HEAT THE DREAM HOMEANY GREEN HOME worth its weight in compost draws heavily on solar energy.Mine is equipped with all the standard offerings,such as a solar-powered boiler,the subject of my last column.Trouble is,the sun doesn´t always shine.So to make up the difference during cold,dark winters and rainy spells,I´m turning to another ecofriendly energy source:my backyard.The two 325-foot-deep geothermal wells I´m boring there will use theconstant 50F temperature of the Earth at that depth to meet all my extra heating and cooling demands.A geothermal heat pump works like a regular heat pump,only it pulls heat out of the ground instead of the air.During the winter months,the pump circulates a mix of water and glycol(antifreeze)into the wells through loops of pipe.The fluid absorbs warmth from the ground and travels back up to the pump,which absorbs the extra heat,compresses it to make it even warmer,and then transfers it to the heat excangers inside the tanks that supply my hot water and radiant heating.In the summer,the process reverses,with the pump sending water and glycol into the pipe to help cool the house.The upfront costs of geothermal are steep.I paid $16,800 for the whole installation,even after the tax credit(see"Get Green for Going Green,facing page) and doing some of the work myself.BUT THE SYSTEM SHOULD PAY FOR ITSELF WITHIN SIX YEARS.GEOTHERMAL IS FOUR TIMES AS EFFICIENT as fossil-fuel-burning furnaces and twice as efficient as a conventional air conditioner.And unlike gas and oil,the price of dirt is steady,so my energy bill won't spike with the market.Next up:building energy-efficientwindows.John B. CarnettTHE SPECSHouse:3,500-square-foot,four-bedroom contemporaryLocation:Greenwich,N.Y.Project:Geothermal heat pumpCost:$16,800(after tax credit)Time to install:5 daysEco-Advantage:No emissions;consumes 33 percent less electricity than typical HVAC systemsKüllap konkureerivalt firmalt saab odavamalt selle süsteemi...Artiklis ühegi firma nime põle mainitudki...Huvitav,palju Hiinas sellised asjad maksavad?Ajakirja kodulehekülg
Elagu konkurents!

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