Saturday, March 2, 2013

Küta tuba öisel ajal päikesepaneelidega.

Hispaania toodab elektrienergiat
Spain produces solar energy at night

Samahästi kuis nad toodavad elektrit saab kütta maja.
Oma maja tarbeks pole vaja nõnda suurt päikesepaneelide parki.
Piisab kui kasutada õllepurkidest päikesepaneele mis kütavad õhku ja nende abil kütta soola kuumaks.Sool akumuleerub kuumuse ja öösel kütab maja.

Noored ehitasid õllepurkidest päikesepaneeli õhu kütmiseks: Lauri Leis, Madis Tisler, Margus Sammelsaar ja Ardi Teder

Õllepurkidest päikesepaneel talvisel ajal kütab -3 °C  +62 °C peale:

The outside temperature was -3 °C and more than half m3/min of warmed air was streaming out from the heater. Its temperature was +62 °C.

The outside temperature was -3 °C and more than half m3/min of warmed air was streaming out from the heater. Its temperature was +62 °C. I was calculating from the measured data around 700 watts. If I put the +/- 5% of tolerance into the rounding error of the displays, even the 736 W result could have been calculated.

This is precisely 1 horsepower!!!

Naised oskavad toa õhku kütta päikese abil.Vaata seda klippi,rootslanna ehitab päikesepaneeli:

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