Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Maale elama

Maale elama

Maarja Õunaste - töötuba - Jõhvi KHK 2014

Maale elama facebooki grupp

Kütet ta ei vaja
mootori mürina asemel saadab laste hõisete kaja

Hoolduskulusid ta ei tunne
ja küladesse toob 6nne

Pagendatud eestlased toob kodumaale
kus Teeme Ära rajab kodusid metsa servale vaiksesse laande

viib võõrpangad Eestist välja
kustutab meie laste nälja

Järgnevad lood peaks julgustama eestlasi meisterdama endile elektrilisi väiketraktoreid: 

Lembit Merila elektritraktoril on prototüübid Venemaal ja mujal maailmas.Kodus ise meisterdatud elektritraktorid päästavad Eesti küla diktatuurist mis on hävitamas Eesti rahvust.

Siemens eHighway demo

Lapsed ehitavad endile elektrilisi Formula ühtesi:
A small team of school kids and myself have built and raced an electric racing car. This is how we did it.

Noor Olli ehitas elektritsikli

Õrn naisterahvas tegi ise elektri mootorratta

Maja Eestis ilma pangalaenuta,ning kütte-,ja elektriarveteta :


Minu arvates eesti rahvuse püsimajäämine ja kosumine sõltub ökokülade loomisest ja nende elujõulisusest:
Hästi ilus ja südamlikus esituses ülevaade erinevatest maailma ökoküladest - mudelitest, mis on tõeliselt näidanud jätkusuutliku elu võimalikkust:
Põgus ülevaade ökoküladest:

Tasuta elekter Eesti põhiseadusesse
Eesti põhiseadusesse tuleb kinnistada järgnev lause :

Eesti rahvuse püsimajäämiseks ja kosumiseks olgu elekter tasuta kõigile eestlastele tänasest ja igavesti.

Eesti Siseministeeriumi andmeil Eesti-sisese energia vajaduse katab mõne suure tuulepargiga ära.

120m kõrgusel on tuulevaikust harva - tuuleteadlase Ain Kulli järgi on tuul Läänemerel ja Peipsil üheaegselt nõrk 28 päeva aastas.
Rohelise Eesti energiakavast

Eesti-suurune päikesepatarei suudaks elektrit toota kogu maailma jaoks

Poliitikutele loota ei saa aga lastele kyll:
Lapsed on vanemaist nutikamad:


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Foorumi pealeht ‹ Üleüldine ‹ Vaba teema
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elektri traktor
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2 postitust • 1. leht 1-st
elektri traktor
PostitusPostitas vootele » Teisipäev 07 Okt 2014, 18:05

Ideaalne E-traktori toorik tekkis müüki ... #pid352292
3D CAD joonised, modelleerimine, prototüüpide valmistamine. Soovid lehtmetallist laserlõigatud detaile, custom võresid vms? tel. 56950388

Postitusi: 312
Liitunud: Kolmapäev 22 Okt 2008, 21:54
Re: elektri traktor
PostitusPostitas maidor » Kolmapäev 08 Okt 2014, 21:46

Ma unistan sellisest asjast- foorumid › Turg, laat, kuulutused. › Rasketehnika v
Müüa: TZ-4k-14

Teema režiimid
Müüa: TZ-4k-14

botzor Väljas
Postitused: 24
Teemad: 16
Liitus: Nov 2010
Maine: 1
#1 06-10-2014, 21:14 PM (Seda postitust muudeti viimati: 05-01-2015, 12:21 PM ja muutjaks oli botzor.)
Kopikas, Golf mk1.
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Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

When the Soviets built an electric tractor

Miklós Tallián
Filed to: RETRO5/11/11 3:45pm
When the Soviets built an electric tractor
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Lenin may have equated Communism with the union of Soviet power and the electrification of the entire country, but surely he didn’t literally mean hooking everything up to the grid. His overeager disciples thought otherwise. Going through 60-year-old trade journals, nuclear physicist Miklós Tallián unearthed a bizarre attempt to electrify Soviet fields. This is the story of engineer A. V. Pitchak and the Soviet electric tractor. – Ed.

After World War II, the space race was immediately kicked off. Both Sam and Joe (as Hungarian mathematician Paul Erdős called the US after Uncle Sam and the Soviet Union after Joseph Stalin) wanted to have machines and people up there, first for delivering nukes, and of course, “for the wonder and glory of it”. And for a long time, the Soviets seemed to have the upper hand. They launched the first satellite and sent the first man into orbit, and the West started to fear the unknown and unseen Soviet mastermind behind these achievements, whom Tom Wolfe calls D-503, the designer of the mighty Integral, after the novel We in his book about the heroes (and lab rats) of the space race, The Right Stuff. Indeed, this was the picture the West perceived, as intended by masterminds not in engineering, but in power plays, communication and deception: the Soviet communist party leaders.

The West had absolutely no knowledge of the downside of Soviet innovation and engineering, which was definitely not something to be afraid of—at least from the Western point of view. Everything was politically triggered and everything was planned in big, central bureaus, and the result was inevitable (as theoretically also shown by János Kornai): shortage of goods in every possible area of the economy, not just crappy but completely insane products, and an extended black market. Electric tea kettles made from sheet metal, having the mains power contacted to the outside of the instrument–you could get these with ease, then you fixed it at home. Having Soviet shops full of size 10, female, blue heels, and nothing else, well, that could happen. And everyone bought these to trade for something once the shoes were gone and shops have been filled with, for example, mustard. This, I believe, is well known to a certain extent, but the levels the craze reached are beyond imaginable.

The Zaporozhets, as seen in a James Bond movie? Oh, please. Everything you knew about Soviet cars and heavy machinery seems like a bedtime story, once you are introduced to the not-mighty-at-all invention of engineer A. V. Pitchak: the electric tractor, which was designed to be used in Soviet agriculture. Not in households where an electric lawnmower could make sense, but out in the fields. Now why spend any time and effort to actually develop such a tool? I found the answer in Gép (The Machine), a Hungarian technical journal for mechanical engineers, from the early 1950s.

When the Soviets built an electric tractor
Figure 1: The Ribalko travelling transformer
The answer is, of course, because Lenin said so. Lenin had the idea to increase the usage of electricity in agriculture. So engineers went to invent every kind of agricultural tool powered by electricity to meet the orders. There was no possibility of saying no, or quitting, as all jobs were controlled by the state and 8D processes were carried out by the secret police, assuming that Soviet technology is always superior compared to anything, so any failure must be the result of capitalist sabotage. Anyone who was declared to be a saboteur had a good chance of being beaten up in the dungeons of the police then sent to Siberia or executed.

Anonymous said...