Saturday, December 5, 2009

Theoretical Potential of Photovoltaics in Finland

Theoretical Potential of Photovoltaics in Finland (SOLPROS 2001).
Summer cottages and holiday
10 MWp 10 GWh
Special applications 10 MWp 10 GWh
Public buildings (20 % of the
municipalities a’50 kWp)
4 MWp 4 GWh
Roofs of the buildings 14 000 MWp 11 TWh
Facades of the buildings 4 000 MWp 3 TWh
Photovoltaics in the network
without additional reserve capacity
1 500 MWp 1.5 TWh
Solar heating
The goal of the national solar power program of measures is 100.000 m² solar heating in 2010. In the
year 2025 around 1.000.000 m² could represent the upper limit of the usage. There are estimations of
potential for solar heat in Finland illustrated in the following table below and previous numbers fit well
within these estimations. Longterm
possibilities are most likely a couple of TWh per year. The upper
limit in the long run (year 2050) will be around 10 TWh, which means the last three rows. According to
this estimate, the practical potential is naturally lower than these numbers. (SOLPROS 2001, 15

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