Saturday, December 5, 2009

Green City Denmark

European Green Cities is a targeted EU-Thermie project within the building sector, which in project
period 1996-2001 received funding of a total of 2.9 million EUR. Cenergia Energy Consultants
coordinates the project in cooperation with Green City Denmark. The project focus on large-scale
urban renewal plan and new building in 11 European cities and it involves close to 30.000 residences.
An important part of the project was to realise local solar energy/low-energy demonstration project
with a total of 1000 solar energy/low-energy dwellings in Denmark, France, Spain, Italy, England,
Belgium and Austria and also public buildings in Finland and Greece.
The EGC project demonstrates high savings of energy for heating, water and electricity compared with
normal practise. New build and renovation projects with different level of energy savings technologies
are included in the Target project with different performance and savings.

EU-Thermie project
EU-Thermie project
EU-Thermie project

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