Thursday, July 21, 2011

Amazonase kõrg tsivilisatsioonist.

Need kaks lõiku tõin välja selle ajakirja paber väljaandest,No 69.

                        Welcome to permaculture                                  

                                                                                Maddy Harland editor

Albert  Bates is storyteller.He describes an epic adventure through pre -Conquistador South America where the black soils of the indigenous people,´terra preta´made from biochar mixed with kitchen compost,were so fertile they supported sophisticated cultures in cities deep in the Amazon. The Europeans invaded these lands,fought the  inhabitants and imported infectious diseases and viruses that decimated the indigenous population.As Amazonian civilizations died out,the forest reclaimed the land. ...

When these civilisations died out,with them were lost agricultural sciences developed over millennia and the recipe of terra preta.There follows a journey through the history of agriculture:the rise and fall of civilisations who exhausted their soils;an exploration of self-sustaining and highly sophisticated indigenous organic polycultures(oh,how arrogant we are in the West thinking we are ´civilised´with our chemical,oil-based monocultures!);carbon farming techniques;the production of biochar that makes soils capable of supporting huge colonies of micro-organisms,creating symbiosis between soil and plants;and how to lock up carbon in the soil.There is also calculated rationale on how many people are needed to grow,plant and care for enough trees to reforest planet.All these techiques will stabilise the global climate-indeed cool it-and within a few decades if we act in concord and quickly.This is permaculture design applied to global climate change.It is BIG systems-thinking broken down into bite size chunks and presented as an inter-related web of practical,scientifically researched solutions. ....

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