Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Irish site for home built wind mills

Blades and Resin
Thursday, 29 October 2009 21:49 Miriam
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I have just been coating a set of blades with resin for the last two days.
I am working on the lovely cedar blades made at the most recent workshop so they are for a 2.4m turbine. Really lovely cedar, laminated lengthways in two pieces and not a single knot to be found. One blade has a little weakness near the tip where it split a little, other that that they are a lovely set of blades.

We are using epoxy resin that has gone off a little so we didn't want to use it for casting however we decided to try it for coating the blade assembly and tail.

When it is mixed it is really gloopy because it has already gone off abit, so you need to work quickly and carefully with it. Yesterday we did one side of everything and because it was quite warm here in the workshop the resin was going off quicker than expected, we just got everything done before it was unworkable.

Despite the resin not being the best it was just fine for the work we were doing and everything was coated very well and set just fine. Unfortunately, because of that rush the blades were a bit messy and required some cleaning today before i could do the other sides.

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