The Five Biggest
Solar Panel Mistakes
(And How To Avoid Them)
In this free video, I'm going to show you the most costly and stressful mistakes people just like you make every day when going solar... and the "secret weapon" that lets you easily BYPASS every single one of them
Most people approach solar panels all wrong.
They either pay through the nose to have store-bought panels installed...
...or they go the "Do-It-Yourself" route WITHOUT proper preparation - and the project ends up a failure.
I'm going to show you a better way.
The secret to cheap, stress-free solar energy is to build your own -- by following a DIY solar guide created by an expert.
I've done HOURS and HOURS of research, and I've finally found a DIY solar expert I can recommend to you.
It all started when I got wind of this "solar genius" from Boulder, Colorado.
Here's what I found out...
Underground Solar Expert Shows You How To Make Your Own Homemade Solar Energy For Under $200
I quickly discovered that this guy's a bit of a legend in the solar world.
He spends most of his time showing folks how to build their own solar energy from scratch.
He also runs a non-profit organization that teaches people in 3rd world countries how to build their own solar power using his methods.
I've actually spoken with him on the phone and I can tell you, he's the real deal.
Most importantly, he's put together a "how to build your own solar energy" guide that is the best I've seen.
In his DIY solar guide, he shows you EXACTLY how to build your own homemade solar panels from scratch.
His methods are deviously simple, and the finished product you get is an incredibly strong and powerful solar panel - built by your own hands.
Although I give this DIY solar guide my highest recommendation, there's one very ODD thing about it I need to share with you...
This is odd
The ONE Thing This
Top-Notch Solar Guide
Is Missing...
That Fills The Gap
Don't get me wrong.
This DIY solar guide is the best I've seen. And I've pretty much seen them all.
But I found it ODD that the guide doesn't show you how to find cheap solar cells.
Solar cells are one of the components you'll need when you build your solar panels. If you know the "sneaky tricks" I know... finding solar cells dirt cheap is simple.
But most people DON'T KNOW what I know and end up wasting a lot of time and money trying to track them down.
(My readers often ask my advice about finding solar cells for their homemade solar panels, so I know this is an issue)
So here's what I've done.
I created a special report called "2 Sneaky Tricks To Getting Solar Cells Dirt Cheap". It shows you how to get quality solar cells for pennies on the dollar.
Now, you cannot buy this special report. It's not available for sale anywhere.
But I will give you a copy of this special report for FREE when you grab a copy of this solar video course I've been telling you about.
That way you'll have EVERYTHING you need to make your D.I.Y. solar project a complete home run.
They'll practically build themselves.
To learn more about how you can get this DIY solar guide:
Click Here To Visit Website
(you will receive my free gift by email once
you claim your copy of the DIY solar guide
through the link above)
To your success with solar,
Jim Whidden
...You can build your own Solar Panels, saving $10,000’s off of retail price.
...Almost anyone can do this, even if you have no solar experience.
...There is a step-by-step guide that will show you exactly how to build your own solar panel system.
Why pay thousands of dollars for solar energy ($27,000 average cost) when you can build your own solar panel system for just a fraction of the retail cost? You can build a single solar panel, or you can build an entire array of panels to power your whole house.
as seen on TV
When you “Do It Yourself”, you can cut your costs to a fraction of what “retail” would normally cost. It’s a fun project, and with this step-by-step guide, you can quickly and easily start producing your own electricity.
"I Thought Solar
Power was Expensive
(and Complicated)."
A few years ago, I started looking into solar energy. Just like you, I started with an online search exploring on how I could save money with solar electricity.
I was shocked to see how much it cost to have solar panels installed at my house! The estimate I received was over $35,000 and the payback time for that was just way too long. I certainly didn’t have that kind of money, not even close.
I was resigned to the idea of paying the electric company each and every month until I met a friend who had a solution. My friend explained that he was building his own solar panels for just a fraction of the cost of new retail solar panels. And he wasn’t alone.
We Just Added 6 New Videos,
Here is a Sneak Peek...
I had no idea...
I had no idea that thousands of people were making their own solar panels. My friend had collected various drawings and “do-it-yourself ideas" but nothing was very organized and there wasn’t anything I could find online that gave me details on how to do it. There were people talking about it, but it wasn’t until my friend and I developed GreenDIYenergy that there was a step-by-step guide on the topic.
Solar Panel Success Story
"Now There is an Easy-to-Follow Guide That Walks you Through Every Step-by-Step Process of Building Solar Energy."
How much money can you save?
For too many years your only option was to buy retail solar panels at $1,125. With installation, that could Total Over $27,000 for your entire house!*
*2007 Installed Costs from ($7.50/watt)
Now, with the help of this detailed “DIY Solar Panel” guide you can join the revolution of Do-It-Yourselfers who have figured out how to cheaply create their own solar power.
This DIY Guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of constructing 60- to 120- watt Solar Panels for under $200. You can easily do it for less than $100 if you do a little extra work in collecting materials.
In fact, You Could Actually Build One For Less Then $27 if you took the time to rebuild and connect “broken solar cells” together (which isn’t that hard to do).
Before you start...
Before you try to build your own solar power, you need to have the right tools. You need to have the step-by-step process that I explain in this guide. I made it a personal mission to create the best solar panel guide available. I searched the Internet for months looking for the best ideas and designs for building solar panels.
Solar Pannel Success Storyt
I have put all of these ideas into one simple and easy-to-follow solar panel guide. With the fully illustrated process even the Non-Do-It-Yourselfer can quickly learn how to create solar energy at home.
What if I’m not the
“Handyman Type”?
No problem, everything is broken down into Easy to Follow Step-by-Step Instructions. I’ve been told by numerous people that the guide was able to take even the most difficult solar panel construction methods and distill them down to simple and easy steps that even complete beginners can easily follow.
And don’t worry if you don’t consider yourself “technically inclined,” this guide will show you how to do it step by step. And we won’t leave you alone! There is a list of resources and support to help you with your project all the way until it is completed.
“Is this a joke?”
No, this is the real deal!
Once you open this detailed DIY Guide you will see exactly how to build your own solar energy for less than $200.
Step-by-step pictures, diagrams and schematics show you how everything is done. There is even a Video Library so you can see real solar panels being created.
You’ll learn where to find the cheapest (or sometimes free) materials needed for your project. Through years of trial and error we have mastered the art of buying cheap solar parts so you can save money from your very first solar panel. You might double the cost of your solar panel without these money saving resources and buying lists and more than pay for the cost of the guide we are offering.
Solar Panel Success Story
We have several groups of high school and college students working on DIY Solar Panels right now. And hey, if they can do it, then you can do it!
What is Included in the
Green DIY Energy Guide?
Green DIY Energy Kit This complete "Do It Yourself" Solar Guide has three parts...
#1 DIY Guide
Solar Panel Systems
This is where you will learn how solar energy is produced and about the solar panel system that you will create. This guide includes both the basic solar system layout as well as detailed plans for creating your own solar energy.
* Step-by-Step Process of Creating Solar Energy
* How to Find “Free” Solar Panels
* How to Maintain Your Solar Panel System
Learn how to take the power your solar panels create and run your household energy needs (controller, batteries, inverter, disconnects, etc).
DIY Solar Panel Book
#2 DIY Guide
The "$98 Solar Panel" Guide DIY Solar Panel Book
Build Solar Panel Here is where it gets fun. This is a complete step-by-step explanation of how to build a solar panel from scratch. Everything from building the solar panel box to connecting solar cells is explained here with color pictures and detailed plans.
* Detailed Solar Plans
* Step-by-Step Photos Showing You Exactly What To Do
* In Our Example the Total Costs Were $98, and You Could Do It For Less
#3 DIY Guide (Bundle)
"Solar Energy Bundle"
Here Are Several Resources
That Will Help You Along The Way...
DIY Solar Panel Book
Solar Panel Wiring Electrical Wiring Plans for Solar Panels
Learn how to hook up multiple solar panels and how to store your energy using multiple batteries at one time.
Installing and Mounting Solar Panels Guide
Learn the basics of PV solar panel installation with this helpful guide that shows the process of obtaining city permits to installation of the solar panels, to then hooking up to the electrical panel. Solar PV Panel Install
Solar Energy Consumer Guide Energy Consumer Guide
This helpful guide discusses solar basics and how to calculate how much money solar energy can save your household.
Solar Tax Credits and Rebates
USA Federal and State information on renewable energy tax incentives. Learn how much you qualify for!
Canada info now available!
Solar Panel Tax Forms
Bonus Material!
For those who are ready to get started today with their DIY energy, the following bonus is for you.
We are about to start selling the following bonus materials as their own product. But until we get all that set up, I’m going to include it with your purchase today. I expect we will be removing this bonus in the next day or two.
DIY Guide
“Video Library” DIY Video
A $97 Value, but included as a Free Bonus Today
Over 1 Hour of “Step-By-Step Videos” showing you the exact process in building your first solar panel
DIY Solar Panel Video
This is a must have for your Solar Panel Education!
Home Made Solar Panel Build Video
DIY Guide
Build Your Own
Wind Turbine
Usually sells for $49.97 but included as a Free Bonus Today Wind Turbine
DIY Wind Turbine Book
Here is how you can create massive amounts of energy for your home. Use the wind’s energy to power your home! This beginner’s guide gives you a complete understanding of how wind energy is produced and how you can capture it for your own use.
* Explanation of How Wind Energy Is Produced
* Learn the Different Parts That Make a Wind Generator
* How to Buy or Build Your Own Wind Turbine
Learn how to take the power your wind turbine creates and run your household energy needs (controller, batteries, inverter, disconnects, etc).
The $140 Wind Turbine
If you have ever wanted to see the exact step-by-step process involved in building a homemade wind turbine? Here it is!
- Step-by-step plans show you how to build a wind turbine
- Packed full of pictures and diagrams
- In Our example the total costs were $140, and you could do it for less
No fluff here! You will see exactly how to create your own wind turbine that will produce energy for years.
Wind Turbine
DIY Wind Turbine Book
5 Good Reasons To Get
Green DIY Energy
1. It Works! Thousands of people have successfully built their own solar energy (over 4,000 sold each month!)
2. Saves Money – you save money when you don’t have to spend $thousands$ on a “retail solar system”
3. GO GREEN – reduce your carbon footprint and help the environment
4. Save Energy – you could cut your energy bills in half, or even completely eliminate them!
5. It’s Fun – just wait until your friends and family see what you have created! DIY Solar Panel Kit
remove discount price tomorrow
GreenDIYenergy Solar Panel Bundle Money Back Guarantee
Order Form
Solar Panel Success Story
If You Get Stuck... Use our "Technical Support Center"
DIY Support If you get stuck or have any questions, we want to help. We want to see you succeed and tell your friends about Let’s face it, even if you only cut your energy costs by 50%, your friends will be begging you for information on how to order this guide.
As a part of our ongoing support to you, we provide a comprehensive list of resources and support. This includes an interactive forum where you can ask your most detailed questions and get answers quickly.
Solar Panel Success Story
Solar Panel Reminder Profits from go back into R&D and Product Development!!!
A large part of the profits (and yes, I’m doing this to generate a fair profit) go directly back into R&D and bringing you the best DIY renewable energy products. We currently have 3 different DIY guides in the development stages. We’ll keep you updated!
remove discount price tomorrow
Solar pannel Success Story
After you purchase, the GreenDIYenergy CD is shipped to your home or office immediately. You also have instant access to the download version, even if it is 3am.
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Great collection of info!