Saturday, January 9, 2010

Turbine pioneer's dream realised
Peter Anderson from Eclectic Energy and Donnachadh McCarthy with the domestic wind turbine
Surplus electricity created by the turbine will be sold to EDF Energy
The first London homeowner to apply to have a wind turbine put on his house has had his dream realised.

Despite winning planning permission three years ago it has taken green campaigner Donnachadh McCarthy until now to get the right machine.

It has been installed on the house in Peckham, south-east London.

The British Wind Energy Association said domestic turbines had been installed in London recently but Mr MCCarthy was first to get permission.

Mr McCarthy was the first Londoner to sell electricity generated from his solar panels back to the National Grid.

It is more important than ever that we all do now what we can to diminish the climate crisis that threatens us
Donnachadh McCarthy

Now surplus electricity from the wind-turbine will be sold back to EDF Energy.

He has also recently installed a solar powered water heating system and decided to add the wind turbine when he took in lodgers and the demand for electricity in his home grew.

Mr McCarthy said: "With this year's alarming signs of global warming getting worse, it is more important than ever that we all do now what we can to diminish the climate crisis that threatens us."

Darren Johnson, of the London Assembly's Green Party, said he wanted to see more homes with renewable energy systems.

'Fantastic news'

But he added that an assembly investigation showed cost, confusing planning processes and poor information put people off.

Alison Hill, of the British Wind Energy Association, said: "This is fantastic news for Donnachadh.

"There's a huge interest in the UK for people to take their own action on climate change."

The installation coincides with the start of National Energy Week.

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