Saturday, December 5, 2009

uropean PhotoVoltaic Industry Association
With over 200 members active along the whole value chain, the European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA) is the world’s largest industry association devoted to the solar photovoltaic electricity market. - Belgium
Solar Energy Industries Association

Established in 1974, the Solar Energy Industries Association is the national trade association of U.S. solar energy industry. As the voice of the industry, SEIA works with its 1,000 member companies to make solar a mainstream and significant energy source by expanding markets, removing market barriers, strengthening the industry and educating the public on the benefits of solar energy. - USA
Swedish Solar Energy Association
National industry association with a member base of more than 60 professional organizations representing Swedish research and industrial interests in solar energy. The association pursues its objective of actively ensuring that solar energy - direct transformation from solar radiation to heat and/or electricity - play an important role in a sustainable Swedish energy system and that Swedish companies be recognized for their technological and innovative leadership in Europe. - Sweden
New Zealand Solar Industries Association
Established in 1996 to promote and coordinate the development of the solar water heating industry in New Zealand. The Association provides a central focus point for liaison with Government agencies, the dissemination of information amongst the industry, and the long term positioning of solar water heating in New Zealand's energy system - New Zealand
Australian PV Association

The Australian PV Association (APVA) encourages participation of Australian organisations in PV industry development, policy analysis, standards and accreditation, advocacy and collaborative research and development projects concerning photovoltaic solar electricity. APVA provides:
- Up to date information on PV developments in Australia and around the world (research, product development, policy, marketing strategies) as well as issues arising
- A network of PV industry, government and researchers which undertake local and international PV projects, with associated shared knowledge and understanding
- Australian input to PV guidelines and standards development
- Management of Australian participation in the IEA-PVPS - Australia
Solar Energy Uganda

Solar Energy Uganda is a leading venture capital and project development company creating and expanding clean renewable energy ventures into emerging markets by building a stellar network of JVs with top business leaders and the best corporate, technical and financial partners from within Africa and abroad. - Uganda
Protermo Solar

Protermosolar is the Association of the Spanish Solar Thermal Electricity Industry. It has 90 members including all the relevant companies in this field –promoters, component manufactures, engineering and construction companies, advisors and research centre. - Spain
European Solar Thermal Industry Federation

ESTIF is the voice of the solar thermal industry, actively promoting the utilisation of solar thermal heating and cooling technologies in Europe. It now has over 100 members representing the whole solar thermal value chain from collector manufacturers to component suppliers, research institutes, service providers, national solar thermal and renewables associations. - Belgium
Environmental Goods and Services Forum

Established in 2007, the Environmental Goods and Services Forum represents the full spectrum of green industries in South Africa. The Forum is mandated to lobby the Department of Trade and Industry for support of this budding, job-intensive sector. Renewable energy in general and solar power in particular, has been identified as the industries within the sector which hold the greatest potential for economic growth, investment and local manufacturing in South Africa. - South Africa
European Solar Thermal Electricity Association

ESTELA is the industry European Solar Thermal Electricity Association that was created in 2007 and started operating in Brussels in March 2008.

ESTELA currently has 52 members. One of these members, the national Spanish association PROTERMOSOLAR has 80 members itself. Thus, ESTELA represents -directly and indirectly- more than 130 companies, in fact most of the European companies that have activities in the solar thermal electricity sector. - Belgium
Sustainable Electricity Association of New Zealand

This industry association represents the interests of all stakeholders on the smaller scale of the renewable /distributed generation (SSR/DG) industry. New Zealand’s energy supply can be supported by photovoltaic (PV) solar, small scale hydro and small wind technologies. Its objective is to increase the uptake of small scale renewable power generation. - New Zealand
Associazione Nazionale dell’Industria Solare Fotovoltaica

Officially founded on 21 September 2006, Assosolare, the Italian National Photovoltaic Industry Association, has more than fifty members and is dynamically structured for the development of leading projects for the promotion of photovoltaic energy in Italy.

Assosolare is committed towards the creation of national and local legislation really encouraging the development of the photovoltaic market in line with the existing legislation in other European countries - Italy
Gruppo Imprese Fotovoltaiche Italiane

This group aggregates the most important companies in Italy in the production, design and installation of solar components and systems. Al fine di meglio svolgere la propria funzione, il GIFI ha adottato sin dall'inizio criteri di aggregazione dei soci atti a garantire un adeguato livello di qualificazione ed elevati standard di qualità nei confronti del mercato. To better perform its function, the GIFI criteria adopted from the outset an aggregation of partners to ensure an adequate level of skills and high standards of quality in the market. - Italy
Asociación de la Industria Fotovoltaica

ASIF is a private non-profit organisation that was founded on 17 April 1998. lts main objective is to empower, and develop the photovoltaic industry, providing expertise and experience to the Spanish market and authorities at state, regional and local level. ASIF’s activities aim to provide the Photovoltaic industry with the necessary leadership to achieve significant solar energy production in Spain. - Spain
Swiss Association for Solar Energy

Swissolar is the solar energy trade association of Switzerland. It is active both in the photovoltaic and solar thermal sector. The 200 members are manufacturers, installers and planners. Activities include information, quality assurance, education and lobbying. - Switzerland
Bundesverband Solarwirtschaft e.V.

With about 700 member companies, Bundesverband Solarwirtschaft e.V. is the interest group of the German solar energy industry. Forming a strong community of companies, BSW-Solar acts as an informant and intermediary between business and the political and public sectors. Its objective is to establish solar energy as a permanent pillar of a global energy industry. - Germany
Canadian Solar Industries Association

CanSIA works to strengthen the Canadian solar industry, increase the professionalism of companies, foster domestic and international markets, and promote the use of renewable energies. - Canada

Since 1983, Enerplan, the French trade association of solar energy, works for the promotion and development of solar energy and the representation of the French solar energy sector. Enerplan members include manufacturers, OEMs, engineering firms, installers, architects, and energy providers as active members. - France
Polish Society for Photovoltaics

Polish Society for Photovoltaics promotes the widespread use of solar electricity as realistic, reliable, and economic energy source to encourage the integration of PV energy into Poland's research, economy, and everyday life. PV Poland serves as a focal point to conduct and stimulate research and demonstration activities; educates; organises expert meetings, workshops, symposia, and conferences; disseminates information and address environmental issues. - Poland

The industry association BelPV for photovoltaic solar energy was founded in March 2008 in consultation with Belsolar and ODE-Vlaanderen vzw. The strategic goal of BelPV is the market development of photovoltaic solar energy in Belgium to expand the green power goals of the future. BelPV wants a strong voice across the sector. - Belgium
ODE Vlaanderen, the Organisation for Renewable Energy Flanders

Forms the industry body for renewable energy in the Flemish Region. ODE organiseert het overleg tussen hernieuwbare energiebedrijven onderling en met de overheid, via overlegplatformen per hernieuwbare energiebron.ODE organises consultations among renewable energy companies and with the government on renewable energy. Vanuit deze netwerking wil ODE bijdragen aan concrete beleidsvoorstellen voor de uitbouw van duurzame energie.This networking helps ODE create concrete policy proposals for the development of renewable energy policies. - Belgium

The members of Belsolar supply products relating to solar thermal energy and include other organisations and companies providing services in support of solar thermal energy. BELSOLAR wil informatie verstrekken over de mogelijkheden van thermische zonne-energie en als vertegenwoordiger van deze sector actief samenwerken met de overheid, architecten, installateurs, sociale bouwmaatschappijen, energiedistributiebedrijven…, kortom, met alle partners die de toepassing van thermische zonne-energie willen bevorderen en ondersteunen.Belsolar works on furthering information on the potential of solar thermal energy and works with the government, architects, installers, construction companies, and energy distributors to promote and support solar thermal energy. - Belgium
Shanghai New Energy Industry Association

Shanghai New Energy Industry Association (SNEIA) pushes forward the technologic al and economic information exchanges inside the association, improves the relationship between its members and the government, society and organisations at home and abroad, prompts the technological advancement of new energy and the publicity work as well as providing trade, technology and information services for Chinese and overseas new energy enterprises. - China
Japan Photovoltaic Energy Association

Established in 1987, Japan Photovoltaic Energy Association ( JPEA ) has been consistently committed to promoting the dissemination of photovoltaic energy and its industrial development. JPEA consists of 95 members including most of the PV manufactures in Japan. - Japan
Solar Energy Society of India

The Solar Energy Society of India was established in 1976, and having its Secretariat in New Delhi, is the Indian Section of the International Solar Energy Society (ISES). Its interests cover all aspects of renewable energy, including characteristics, effects and methods of use, and it provides a common ground to all those concerned with the nature and utilisation of this renewable non-polluting resource. - India
Asociación Empresaria Fotovoltaica

Our members cover the whole Value Chain of the Photovoltaics: Bergé Generación, BP-Solar, Fotowatio, Guascor, GA Solar-Corp. Gestamp, Isofotón, Isolux, OPDE, Siliken, Solaria, Solarpack and T-Solar. AEF aims to impulse a reduction of CO2 emissions, improve the environment, increase of energy efficiency and the expansion of the renewable energies. - Spain
The Photovoltaic Technology Platform

The Photovoltaic Technology Platform is an initiative which aims at mobilising all the actors sharing a long-term European vision for photovoltaic, realising the European Strategic Research Agenda for PV for the next decade(s) and give recommendations for implementation, ensuring that Europe maintains industrial leadership. - Belgium
PV CYCLE – European Association for Voluntary Take Back and Recycling of Photovoltaic Modules

PV CYCLE is a non profit association founded in July 2007. It was born to implement the photovoltaic industry’s commitment to set up a voluntary take back and recycling programme for end-of-life-modules and to take responsibility for PV modules throughout their entire value chain. - Belgium
Slovenian Photovoltaic Industry Association

Established in 2008, ZSFI is a young Slovenian Photovoltaic Industry Association, that helps with forming the long-term vision of the PV industry and encourages political, financial and scientific players to get involved in the PV industry in Slovenia. - Slovenia
Renewable Energy Association

The REA is the voice of the renewables industry in the UK and with around 600 members is the largest renewable trade association. It represents a wide variety of organisations, including generators, project developers, fuel and power suppliers, equipment producers and service providers. Members range in size from major multinationals to sole traders, giving it a unique perspective across the whole of the UK’s renewable energy industry. The REA is also active on the European stage and is a partner in the EU’s Intelligent Energy REPAP and PV Legal projects. - UK
Chinese Renewable Energy Industry Association (CREIA)

Since its establishment, Chinese Renewable Energy Industry Association (CREIA) has been serving as a window bringing together national and international project developers and investors; a bridge between regulatory authorities and the industry; and a network for enterprises, drawing together renewable energy experts on research and development, production and sales, professionals and entrepreneurs to accelerate the development of Chinese renewable energy. As an industrial association, CREIA has succeeded in attracting over 100 corporate members and about 160 individual members covering all the subsectors of renewable energy in China. - China

HELAPCO is a non-profit organisation representing the photovoltaic companies in Greece. It was established in 2002 by the majority of key PV companies active in Greece. Currently, it comprises 55 major PV companies controlling over 90% of the Greek PV market. Its website ( acts as an information hub for professionals and consumers interested in photovoltaics. HELAPCO is a member of the European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA) and the European Renewable Energies Federation (EREF). - Greece
Austria Solar

Austria Solar is the national association of solar thermal companies in Austria. The association represents 230 members from producers, traders, installers to research instituions with a total annual turnover of all members of 500 Mio Euro. - Austria
The National Solar Energy Association (ANES)
The National Solar Energy Association (ANES) is a Mexican non-profit Civil Association legally established in 1980, with about 1000 individual and corporate members, and whose statutory objectives are: To provide a forum for the discussion of ideas, the comparison or interchange of results and, generally, the spreading and promotion of the use of Solar Energy and all the others renewable sources of energy. Also, it will incide on the organisms of the State, Governors, and decision makers, providing to them with solid technical and scientific arguments to make them conscious about the importance of a fast transition to a sustainable energy system based on renewable energies, and the paper they can play in the future development of México. Besides the foregoing statements, ANES formally is the Mexican Section of the International Solar Energy Society (ISES). - Mexico
Korean Society for New & Renewable Energy

Founded in 2004, the Korean Society for New & Renewable Energy has been the leader of the renewable energy community in Korea. KSNRE supports more than 2000 registered members and over 50 academic, governmental and industrial sponsors by implementing national research roadmap, advising government in energy policy and helping commercialization of new renewable energy technology. KSNRE operates 12 technical committees in the field of photovoltaics, solar heat power, wind power, fuel cells, hydrogen energy, geothermal/ocean energy, hydro energy, waste-to-energy, biomass, gas hydrates, environmental friendly automotives, and new renewable energy policy. - Korea
Finnish Solar Technical Association (ATY)
The main goal is to promote the use of solar energy in Finland. The association negotiates with officials and arrange seminars and exhibitions. Members are from private companies, private persons and institutions.

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