Saturday, December 5, 2009

Ekoviikki Sustainable City Projects

Ekoviikki Sustainable City Projects

A. Ekoviikki PV Building project in brief:

largest photovoltaic application in a residential building in Finland (2002-2003)

innovative PV balcony concepts

important reference for PV market development

The Ekoviikki PV Building project consists of about 240 m2 of photovoltaic modules. The modules are special built partly see through type with a total peak output of 24 kWp. The modules form part of the balcony glazing on the south and west sides of the house. The house is at the YIT site.

SOLPROS coordinates the project with participation of 4 Finnish partners. The project is part of the EU PV-Nord project. The PV technology and distributed energy system control has been developed partly with funding from the National Technology Agency (Tekes). The demonstration system was installed in late 2002 and will be fully operational in February 2003.

Figure: 24 kWp BIPV system in Ekoviikki. Right: detail of the PV balcony module. (source: SOLPROS)
B. Ekoviikki EU solar heating project in brief:

largest solar energy project in Finland (1999-2001)

innovative solar heating concepts (building integration, combisystems)

important reference for solar market development in Finland

Ekoviikki is the main ecological building project in Finland and includes the largest solar energy installation in the country. The EU Ekoviikki solar project consists of 8 building integrated solar heating systems with a total area of 1,248 m2. The solar heating systems provide dhw and in some cases also space heating through floor heating. New solar combisystems, collector roof integration, low-flow schemes, parallel use of solar and district heating and large area modules (unit size 10 m2) are demonstrated in Ekoviikki.
system collector, m2 storage, m3 special features
ATT 1 120 6 dhw+floor heating
ATT 2 248 12.5 dhw+floor heating
VVO 172 8.5 dhw only
Skanska 1 116 10 dhw only
Skanska 2 220 4.5+10 dhw+floor heating, two storage system
Skanska 3 212 12.5 dhw only
ESY 80 4.5 dhw+floor heating
Helas 80 4.5 dhw only

SOLPROS coordinated the whole Ekoviikki solar project (EU-Thermie A, 1999-2002). The project included 9 partners. The European Commission and the Technology Agency Tekes have supported the project. The follow-up of the project continues up to June 2004 with support from the Ministry of Environment.

Commissioning of the solar systems in May 2001 (käyttöönotto toukokuussa 2001)

Inauguration of the Ekoviikki solar project August 2001

BIPV-system built in Ekoviikki, 2002/2003

Ekoviikki-links in Finland / linkkejä Suomessa

Ekoviikki Ekoviikki overview picture with individual solar systems

Figure: Ekoviikki solar heating systems under construction 1999-2000. Different solar concepts and integration approaches are tested. Left: Helsinki ATT1 site (120 m2), center: ATT2 site (248 m2), right VVO site (172 m2). (source: SOLPROS)

Figure: Ekoviikki in winter 2001. Left: ESY site (80 m2) and right Skanska 1 (116 m2), Solar heating is also used for low-temperature floor heating. (source: SOLPROS)

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