Friday, December 31, 2010

2010: elektribörs avas Eestis uksed

2010: elektribörs avas Eestis uksed (4)

31.12.2010 15:40
Aprillis alustas Eestis tegevust Põhjamaade elektribörs Nord Pool, mis muutis peaaegu tundmatuseni elektriga kauplemist ja elektri tootmist.

Õigupoolest oli elektriga kauplemine Eesti ettevõtjaile siiani tundmatu tegevus. Elekter tuli liine pidi firmasse ja raamatupidaja maksis regulaarselt arved ära. Börsi avanedes tuleb suurematel firmadel aga valida elektrimüüjate vahel; tuleb valida pikk või lühike leping.

Kas osta otse börsilt või leppida kokku stabiilne hind? Elektrimüügist sai Eestis äri, kus nii nagu ka aktsiabörsil võib võita, kuid saada ka valusaid kaotusi.

Tallinna trammi- ja trollibussikoondise jaoks oli elektribörs nii suur šokk, et esimestel kuudel kasutas firma bilansienergiat. Ettevõtte juht Toomas Sepp ei teinud saladust, et firma lihtsalt ei osanud ega suutnud piisavalt kiiresti korraldada hanget elektriostuks.

Aga läks mööda mõni kuu, firma korraldas hanke ja praegu peaks Tallinna trammid-trollid sõitma Lätist ostetud elektriga. Sepa sõnul tegid lätlased soodsama pakkumuse kui Eesti Energia.

Kodutarbijatel ja väikefirmadel on veel kaks aastat armuaega, siis tuleb meil kõigil hakata elektrit ostma börsilt.

Nord Pooli laienemine Eestisse oli üks peamistest eeltingimustest Estlink 2 rajamiseks. Elering allkirjastas teise Eesti-Soome alalisvoolu merekaabli ehituse lepingu paar päeva enne jõule. 350 miljonit eurot maksvast projektist tasub ligi kolmandiku Euroopa maksumaksja.

Kui kaabel kolme aasta pärast tööle hakkab, peaks Eesti ja Soome elektriturg olema integreeritud. See toob kaasa hindade ühtlustumise, sest Soome tarbimine on kümme korda suurem kui Eesti oma.

Et iga uus asi läheb käima raskelt, näitasid ka elektribörsi tunnihinnad, mis ühel augustipäeval kasvasid mõneks tunniks 2000 euroni megavatt-tunni eest. Kui algul kahtlustati, et see oli Eesti Energia katse turuga manipuleerida, siis lähem uurimine paljastas midagi muud.

Väheste kogemustega ostjad jätsid orderile hinnalae märkimata ja nii kerkiski hind automaatselt kõrgeima lubatud piirini. Ei mingit manipulatsiooni, paljalt kogenematus.

Andrus Karnau

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Eesti politsei uued autod

Quentin Wilson: “The 2010 Mitsubishi i Has Changed My Life”

December 23rd, 2010 History has a way of repeating itself.  Just as the many tearful original EV1 lease drivers bade farewell to the electric car in the mock funeral that started Chris Paine’s docufilm Who Killed The Electric Car,  a select group of electric car lease drivers in the U.K. gave a suitably British farewell to their car of the past year: a 2010 Mitsubishi i-Miev. Among the regular car drivers and electric vehicle advocates who stumped up the £350 ($540) -a-month lease fee to take part in the trial two owners attracted more attention than most: Actor and EV advocate Robert Llewellyn and veteran of the British automotive press, Quentin Wilson. Robert Llewelyn’s enthusiasm for green vehicles is no secret. A true-blue EV fan, regular guest on TransportEvolved and the host of his own show on electric vehicles Fully Charged, Llewellyn had already recorded his own personal tribute to the electric car he has leased for a year.  But it is Quentin Wilson's response we find most shocking. Until last year, he was a self-confessed gear-head, preferring the comfort of Range Rovers and the hum of the V8 to silent city cars.  Wilson, who started his motoring career in the 1980s, is a former presenter on the BBC’s Top Gear program and now writes a regular column for the Sunday Mirror newspaper spoke candidly about his participation in the scheme in a YouTube video produced for Mitsubishi:   “Personally, I think that this has been one of the most interesting things that I’ve ever done in my automotive career because I approached this with a huge helping of cynicism. To be fair, I wasn’t quite convinced but twelve months, I am standing here feeling enormously sad because I have to give my electric car back. It’s been that good. In fact, it’s changed my life” Along with the other participants speaking in Mitsubishi’s own video there was a pang of regret from every single driver who had taken part that they were handing the cars back.  Nearly every participant commented on the car’s speed and acceleration. Even the local police which had a specially kitted out vehicle, commented that the 2010 i-Miev complimented the fleet of the local city precinct.  In an echo back to those early pioneers of the EV1 and RAV4 EV, many drivers openly wished they could keep their i-Miev forever, trading in their gasoline car instead.    Unlike the early EV1s and RAV4s, the 25 returned i-Mievs have a better fate: They are to be distributed throughout the U.K. Mitsubishi Dealer Network as test-drive vehicles for the general public.  To hear a stalwart of the internal combustion engine speak so passionately about an electric city car that looks a little like it wandered straight from some Japanese Anime is refreshing.  Just days after another high-profile gear-head, Jay Leno, took delivery of his own plug-in car the i-Miev video shows us the dawn of the electric car may finally be upon us.  We can’t wait.     

Quentin Wilson Talks About i-MievQuentin Wilson Talks About i-Miev
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History has a way of repeating itself.
Just as the many tearful original EV1 lease drivers bade farewell to the electric car in the mock funeral that started Chris Paine’s docufilm Who Killed The Electric Car,  a select group of electric car lease drivers in the U.K. gave a suitably British farewell to their car of the past year: a 2010 Mitsubishi i-Miev.
Among the regular car drivers and electric vehicle advocates who stumped up the £350 ($540) -a-month lease fee to take part in the trial two owners attracted more attention than most: Actor and EV advocate Robert Llewellyn and veteran of the British automotive press, Quentin Wilson.
Robert Llewelyn’s enthusiasm for green vehicles is no secret. A true-blue EV fan, regular guest on TransportEvolved and the host of his own show on electric vehicles Fully Charged, Llewellyn had already recorded his own personal tribute to the electric car he has leased for a year.
But it is Quentin Wilson's response we find most shocking. Until last year, he was a self-confessed gear-head, preferring the comfort of Range Rovers and the hum of the V8 to silent city cars.
Wilson, who started his motoring career in the 1980s, is a former presenter on the BBC’s Top Gear program and now writes a regular column for the Sunday Mirror newspaper spoke candidly about his participation in the scheme in a YouTube video produced for Mitsubishi:
 i-MiEV Police Vehiclei-MiEV Police Vehicle
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 “Personally, I think that this has been one of the most interesting things that I’ve ever done in my automotive career because I approached this with a huge helping of cynicism. To be fair, I wasn’t quite convinced but twelve months, I am standing here feeling enormously sad because I have to give my electric car back. It’s been that good. In fact, it’s changed my life”
Along with the other participants speaking in Mitsubishi’s own video there was a pang of regret from every single driver who had taken part that they were handing the cars back.
Nearly every participant commented on the car’s speed and acceleration. Even the local police which had a specially kitted out vehicle, commented that the 2010 i-Miev complimented the fleet of the local city precinct.
In an echo back to those early pioneers of the EV1 and RAV4 EV, many drivers openly wished they could keep their i-Miev forever, trading in their gasoline car instead.

Unlike the early EV1s and RAV4s, the 25 returned i-Mievs have a better fate: They are to be distributed throughout the U.K. Mitsubishi Dealer Network as test-drive vehicles for the general public.
To hear a stalwart of the internal combustion engine speak so passionately about an electric city car that looks a little like it wandered straight from some Japanese Anime is refreshing.  Just days after another high-profile gear-head, Jay Leno, took delivery of his own plug-in car the i-Miev video shows us the dawn of the electric car may finally be upon us.
We can’t wait.

OK, EV1 Fans, Here's Your Chance To Vote For The Electric Car!

OK, EV1 Fans, Here's Your Chance To Vote For The Electric Car!

December 22nd, 2010 The General Motors EV1 still exerts a strange fascination for electric-car fans and civilians alike. Its sleek, aerodynamic shape and pioneering all-electric drive (despite an initial range of only about 70 miles) make it an important vehicle in U.S. automotive history. Fascination has only grown, as shown by reaction to the image of an EV1 in the wild captured by Google Street View, as well as the car's starring role in Who Killed the Electric Car? Now there's a chance to have the EV1's importance recognized by the Smithsonian Institute's National Museum of American History. For the first time, the institute is asking the public to vote for which cars it should display from its collection of 73 historic American vehicles. The top two vote-getters from a list of eight cars will go on display in the museum's display galleries in Washington, D.C., from January 22 through February 21. If you want to see the EV1 displayed to the world (or not), VOTE HERE. Competition for the EV1 includes GM's 1987 Sunraycer solar-powered vehicle, as well as gasoline-powered cars like an 1894 Balzer (the first vehicle built in New York City), a 1903 Cuved-Dash Oldsmobile, a supercharged 1929 Miller race car, a 1948 Tucker sedan, and a 1953 Glasspar sports car, one of the world's first fiberglass-bodied vehicles. The competition winner will be announced on January 12. As they say in Chicago, "Vote early, vote often!" [National Museum of American History via MotorAuthority]

Will GM's electric EV1 ever match up to its gas counterparts? Will GM's electric EV1 ever match up to its gas counterparts?
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The General Motors EV1 still exerts a strange fascination for electric-car fans and civilians alike.
Its sleek, aerodynamic shape and pioneering all-electric drive (despite an initial range of only about 70 miles) make it an important vehicle in U.S. automotive history.
Fascination has only grown, as shown by reaction to the image of an EV1 in the wild captured by Google Street View, as well as the car's starring role in Who Killed the Electric Car?
Now there's a chance to have the EV1's importance recognized by the Smithsonian Institute's National Museum of American History.
For the first time, the institute is asking the public to vote for which cars it should display from its collection of 73 historic American vehicles. The top two vote-getters from a list of eight cars will go on display in the museum's display galleries in Washington, D.C., from January 22 through February 21.
If you want to see the EV1 displayed to the world (or not), VOTE HERE.
Competition for the EV1 includes GM's 1987 Sunraycer solar-powered vehicle, as well as gasoline-powered cars like an 1894 Balzer (the first vehicle built in New York City), a 1903 Cuved-Dash Oldsmobile, a supercharged 1929 Miller race car, a 1948 Tucker sedan, and a 1953 Glasspar sports car, one of the world's first fiberglass-bodied vehicles.
The competition winner will be announced on January 12.
As they say in Chicago, "Vote early, vote often!"
[National Museum of American History via MotorAuthority]

Is There a Business Case for Electric-Car Battery Lease or Swap?

Is There a Business Case for Electric-Car Battery Lease or Swap?

December 22nd, 2010 As 2010 draws to a close, we now have shipments of the 2011 Nissan LEAF and the 2011 Chevy Volt to customers around the United States.  With the advent of these vehicles, is there still a business case for Better Place? To refresh your memory, Better Place is the venture between Shai Agassi and Renault-Nissan that proposes to sell electric cars without batteries, then lease the batteries to consumers and allow replacement for longer journeys through regional infrastructures of battery quick-swap stations. Nearly three years ago, Shai Agassi and Renault-Nissan announced their intent to launch Project Better Place, now known more simply as Better Place.  The business case they made then, was that batteries were years, maybe decades, from being able to meet the targets of cost (gasoline equivalent car), energy / power density (range - 300+ miles), long-life (10 years, no degradation) and rapid-rechargeability (5 – 15 minutes), demanded by consumers well acclimated to using gasoline cars.  By cheaply leasing batteries that could be quick-swapped within a regional base of battery swapping stations, all the shortcomings of existing battery technology would be mitigated for the customer, and managed by the lease holder. The 2011 Nissan LEAF SL has an MSRP of $33,720, before the federal tax credit of $7,500.  The EPA has given the Nissan LEAF an official range of 73 miles.  Although Nissan provides an 8-year, 100,000 mile warranty on the LEAF’s drive-train, battery and charging systems, they estimate that the battery should still maintain 80% of its capacity after five years of use, but it is not guaranteed.  As for charging, it takes about ~30 minutes to 80% at a 480 volt quick-charge station. Starting from a depleted battery, ~7 hours at 220/240V (depending on amperage), about 20 hours at 110/120V.  Nissan only offers 220 / 240V max for home units, so expect to charge most of the night to get your 73 miles of range. The 2011 Chevrolet Volt has a base MSRP of $40,280, before the federal tax credit of $7,500.  The EPA has given the Chevy Volt an official all electric range (AER) of 35 miles, but the gasoline range extender with 9.3 gallons fuel tank extends that range an additional 340 miles for a total of 375 miles of range.  The Volt also comes with an 8-year, 100,000 mile warranty on the battery, but the Volt maintains its overall range through the use computer algorithms to increase the  percent of battery used as the overall charge capacity of the battery declines.  As for charging, the Volt will be fully charged in about 10 hours at 120V, or in as little as 4 hours using a dedicated 240V line. Against the Better Place criteria laid out three years ago, the Nissan LEAF has not achieved the thresholds of costs, energy / power density (range), long-life or rapid rechargeability.  While the Chevy Volt does meet the thresholds of energy / power density (range), long-life and rapid rechargeability, it does so by using a gasoline range-extender, raising its base price approximately $7,000 higher than the Nissan LEAF and $18,000 above an equivalent gasoline only car. Although I expect major automakers to continuing offering and improving vehicles with respect to these targets, it appears that the LEAF and the Volt affirm Better Place’s business case, rather than threaten it.

Renault Fluence ZE production electric sedanRenault Fluence ZE production electric sedan
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As 2010 draws to a close, we now have shipments of the 2011 Nissan LEAF and the 2011 Chevy Volt to customers around the United States.  With the advent of these vehicles, is there still a business case for Better Place?
To refresh your memory, Better Place is the venture between Shai Agassi and Renault-Nissan that proposes to sell electric cars without batteries, then lease the batteries to consumers and allow replacement for longer journeys through regional infrastructures of battery quick-swap stations.
Nearly three years ago, Shai Agassi and Renault-Nissan announced their intent to launch Project Better Place, now known more simply as Better Place.
The business case they made then, was that batteries were years, maybe decades, from being able to meet the targets of cost (gasoline equivalent car), energy / power density (range - 300+ miles), long-life (10 years, no degradation) and rapid-rechargeability (5 – 15 minutes), demanded by consumers well acclimated to using gasoline cars.
By cheaply leasing batteries that could be quick-swapped within a regional base of battery swapping stations, all the shortcomings of existing battery technology would be mitigated for the customer, and managed by the lease holder.
2011 Nissan Leaf2011 Nissan Leaf
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The 2011 Nissan LEAF SL has an MSRP of $33,720, before the federal tax credit of $7,500.  The EPA has given the Nissan LEAF an official range of 73 miles.
Although Nissan provides an 8-year, 100,000 mile warranty on the LEAF’s drive-train, battery and charging systems, they estimate that the battery should still maintain 80% of its capacity after five years of use, but it is not guaranteed.
As for charging, it takes about ~30 minutes to 80% at a 480 volt quick-charge station. Starting from a depleted battery, ~7 hours at 220/240V (depending on amperage), about 20 hours at 110/120VNissan only offers 220 / 240V max for home units, so expect to charge most of the night to get your 73 miles of range.
2011 Chevrolet Volt outside Detroit-Hamtramck assembly plant2011 Chevrolet Volt outside Detroit-Hamtramck assembly plant
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The 2011 Chevrolet Volt has a base MSRP of $40,280, before the federal tax credit of $7,500.  The EPA has given the Chevy Volt an official all electric range (AER) of 35 miles, but the gasoline range extender with 9.3 gallons fuel tank extends that range an additional 340 miles for a total of 375 miles of range.
The Volt also comes with an 8-year, 100,000 mile warranty on the battery, but the Volt maintains its overall range through the use computer algorithms to increase the  percent of battery used as the overall charge capacity of the battery declines.
As for charging, the Volt will be fully charged in about 10 hours at 120V, or in as little as 4 hours using a dedicated 240V line.
Against the Better Place criteria laid out three years ago, the Nissan LEAF has not achieved the thresholds of costs, energy / power density (range), long-life or rapid rechargeability.  While the Chevy Volt does meet the thresholds of energy / power density (range), long-life and rapid rechargeability, it does so by using a gasoline range-extender, raising its base price approximately $7,000 higher than the Nissan LEAF and $18,000 above an equivalent gasoline only car.
Although I expect major automakers to continuing offering and improving vehicles with respect to these targets, it appears that the LEAF and the Volt affirm Better Place’s business case, rather than threaten it.

175mph (And More) In An Electric Car. Range? Don't Ask...

175mph (And More) In An Electric Car. Range? Don't Ask...

December 21st, 2010 What'll she do, mister? With electric cars, the response would more often than not usually be relating to the range. With Don Wales' Electric Bluebird, the answer might instead be 150 miles per hour. Maybe even 175 miles per hour. If the name Bluebird is familiar to you, then you'll probably associate it with the legendary Sir Malcolm Campbell, one of the early land speed record pioneers. In his various Bluebird vehicles he set a series of Land Speed records, and indeed water speed records. Don Wales is one of Sir Malcolm's grandchildren (and the nephew of the late Sir Donald Campbell, who was killed in an accident whilst breaking a water speed record), so speed clearly runs in the family. In these eco-minded times though, only an electric-powered record breaker will do, and that's where the Bluebird electric car comes in. Don has the current land speed record for electric cars at 139mph, and it's stood for ten years. With competition getting closer and closer, Don has decided to raise the bar even further. "I want to set the UK record well beyond 150mph, the speed Sir Malcolm clocked in 1925. Ideally I'd like to match his record of 1927 - 175mph." The 139mph record was set on the hard and flat sands of the historic Pendine Sands in Wales, where many previous land speed records had been set before the salt flats of Bonneville and later Black Rock Desert. The new record attempt will be held in the same place. Project director Martin Rees said: "Taking the car back to Pendine next Spring with improved drive and bodywork will be another chapter in the Campbell and Wales and Pendine story." 175mph isn't the ultimate goal though, as Don will be aiming to go even faster in 2012. And not just by a little - the 200, 300, 400 and even 500mph barriers are expected to fall, and new designs for the Bluebird are currently being considered. The high speed records will replicate the move to salt flats taken by internal combustion and jet-engined record breakers though, with a 9 mile course giving the extra room needed over Pendine's 4 miler. The new electric records will add nicely to Don's résumé - he currently holds the land speed records for lawnmowers and steam-powered cars too, at 87.833mph and 148mph respectively! It's worth noting that it's not just Don Wales who has a history of speed - electric cars are no stranger to land speed record attempts either. You might not have heard of any, but the very first land speed record ever set, back in December 1898, was set by the French driver Gaston de Chasseloup-Laubat in an electric Jeantaud Duc. The speed? A heady 39.24 miles per hour. A month later he achieved a positively breathtaking 43.69mph in the same vehicle! Check out a video of the Bluebird Electric below: [Electric Vehicle News]

Bluebird Electric land speed record car, 1998Bluebird Electric land speed record car, 1998
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What'll she do, mister?

With electric cars, the response would more often than not usually be relating to the range. With Don Wales' Electric Bluebird, the answer might instead be 150 miles per hour. Maybe even 175 miles per hour.

If the name Bluebird is familiar to you, then you'll probably associate it with the legendary Sir Malcolm Campbell, one of the early land speed record pioneers. In his various Bluebird vehicles he set a series of Land Speed records, and indeed water speed records.

Don Wales is one of Sir Malcolm's grandchildren (and the nephew of the late Sir Donald Campbell, who was killed in an accident whilst breaking a water speed record), so speed clearly runs in the family. In these eco-minded times though, only an electric-powered record breaker will do, and that's where the Bluebird electric car comes in. Don has the current land speed record for electric cars at 139mph, and it's stood for ten years. With competition getting closer and closer, Don has decided to raise the bar even further.

"I want to set the UK record well beyond 150mph, the speed Sir Malcolm clocked in 1925. Ideally I'd like to match his record of 1927 - 175mph."

The 139mph record was set on the hard and flat sands of the historic Pendine Sands in Wales, where many previous land speed records had been set before the salt flats of Bonneville and later Black Rock Desert. The new record attempt will be held in the same place. Project director Martin Rees said: "Taking the car back to Pendine next Spring with improved drive and bodywork will be another chapter in the Campbell and Wales and Pendine story."

175mph isn't the ultimate goal though, as Don will be aiming to go even faster in 2012. And not just by a little - the 200, 300, 400 and even 500mph barriers are expected to fall, and new designs for the Bluebird are currently being considered. The high speed records will replicate the move to salt flats taken by internal combustion and jet-engined record breakers though, with a 9 mile course giving the extra room needed over Pendine's 4 miler.

The new electric records will add nicely to Don's résumé - he currently holds the land speed records for lawnmowers and steam-powered cars too, at 87.833mph and 148mph respectively!

It's worth noting that it's not just Don Wales who has a history of speed - electric cars are no stranger to land speed record attempts either. You might not have heard of any, but the very first land speed record ever set, back in December 1898, was set by the French driver Gaston de Chasseloup-Laubat in an electric Jeantaud Duc. The speed? A heady 39.24 miles per hour. A month later he achieved a positively breathtaking 43.69mph in the same vehicle!

Check out a video of the Bluebird Electric below:

Five Tips to Save Money on Your Home Electric Car Charge Point

Five Tips to Save Money on Your Home Electric Car Charge Point

December 29th, 2010 Let’s face it: the end of the holiday season is financially tough. After spending what may seem like a small fortune on gifts for your family and friends the last thing you want to do is spend money on a costly electric charging point for your plug-in car.  Of course, it is technically possible to charge an electric car from a standard 110V domestic outlet in your garage. However, specially designed Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) can reduce your electric car recharge time and improves the home charging experience.   Nissan and Chevrolet are both keen to sell you their official home charging stations, but at anything from $2200 upwards fully installed the points are hardly cheap. So here’s five tips to help save you money on getting your home fitted out for your electric car. Get Clued Up An informed buyer is a smart buyer. If you want to get the very best deal on an electric vehicle charge station then you need to know what features you need and which ones you don’t.  For example, some charge stations offer timer features to allow consumers to make use of cheaper rate electricity at night. However, both the 2011 Nissan LEAF and 2011 Chevrolet Volt feature timers within the vehicle offering remote start-stop charging via a smartphone.   To check out the basics of charging, take a look at Antony Ingram’s guide to charging your electric car at home.  Shop Around   It goes without saying that a little bit of research can save you money. While you can order EVSE through your car dealer, the costs are significantly higher than if you go it alone.  Olivier Chalouhi, the first U.S. customer to receive the 2011 Nissan LEAF decided to look for an alternative to the dealer-recommended installation, saving him over $900 in the process.  Earlier this year we looked at seven electric car charging solutions for your home, but the list of EVSE manufacturers is growing on a weekly basis. Plug In America, the non-profit electric vehicle advocacy group, keeps an updated list of every available EVSE on its website. Find a Friendly Local Electrician One of the ways Olivier Chalouhi saved $900 on his Level 2 EVSE was to buy the Aerovironment EVSE-RS equipment directly from the manufacturer and find a local electrician willing to fit it for him.  Although the unit was identical to one Chalouhi would have got through official Nissan LEAF channels, the local electrician charged a lot less to install than the Nissan recommended electricians.  If you do look around for an independent electrician to install your EVSE be aware that they will need to be properly certified with all the appropriate authorities or your installation will fail building regulations.  Generally, independent electricians will welcome the custom, especially if you’re willing to pass their details on to other electric car owners in the area.  You may even be able to get a discount install if you can find other users in the area all needing EVSE installations.  Asking your local Electric Auto Association (EAA) could help find other owners nearby getting equipment installed. Visiting can help you locate a local chapter.  Think About Where Your EVSE Can Be Installed It doesn’t take a scientist to work out that the shorter the cable from your EVSE to your domestic fuse box the cheaper your installation should be.  Before you get an electrician in to install your electric car’s EVSE make sure you know where the fuse box is, and where the cables could go.  It will help your electrician and potentially save you money if you’ve thought about an appropriate route and place to install the EVSE before the electrician arrives.  You may find it is not possible to install the EVSE where you’d hoped due to building regulations however, so don’t be disappointed if your dream place for the EVSE is not possible.  Prior to an electrician’s visit you may also need to negotiate with neighbors if your home is a condo or a townhouse as electrical cables may need to be routed across their property.  Explain what you’ll need to do, why you’re doing it and offer a suitable recompense up-front if this is the case. It may save yourself a lengthy, stressful and expensive hassle getting your EVSE installed Sign Up For a “Free” EVSE Installation   Over the past few months there have been several companies willing to install free EVSE to the first few hundred customers thanks to grants from federal and state governments.  There have also been free chargers available for participants in the EVProject, which is offering customers a free home charger if they sign up for the service. In addition, customers in Texas can make use of the evgonetwork, which offers customers the chance to pay a monthly fee to cover charger installation and maintenance over a three-year period.

2011 Chevrolet Volt home charging2011 Chevrolet Volt home charging
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Let’s face it: the end of the holiday season is financially tough. After spending what may seem like a small fortune on gifts for your family and friends the last thing you want to do is spend money on a costly electric charging point for your plug-in car.
Of course, it is technically possible to charge an electric car from a standard 110V domestic outlet in your garage. However, specially designed Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) can reduce your electric car recharge time and improves the home charging experience. 
Nissan and Chevrolet are both keen to sell you their official home charging stations, but at anything from $2200 upwards fully installed the points are hardly cheap. So here’s five tips to help save you money on getting your home fitted out for your electric car.
Get Clued Up
ECOtality Blink Residential ChargerECOtality Blink Residential Charger
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An informed buyer is a smart buyer. If you want to get the very best deal on an electric vehicle charge station then you need to know what features you need and which ones you don’t.
For example, some charge stations offer timer features to allow consumers to make use of cheaper rate electricity at night. However, both the 2011 Nissan LEAF and 2011 Chevrolet Volt feature timers within the vehicle offering remote start-stop charging via a smartphone.
To check out the basics of charging, take a look at Antony Ingram’s guide to charging your electric car at home.
Shop Around

It goes without saying that a little bit of research can save you money. While you can order EVSE through your car dealer, the costs are significantly higher than if you go it alone.
Olivier Chalouhi, the first U.S. customer to receive the 2011 Nissan LEAF decided to look for an alternative to the dealer-recommended installation, saving him over $900 in the process.
Earlier this year we looked at seven electric car charging solutions for your home, but the list of EVSE manufacturers is growing on a weekly basis. Plug In America, the non-profit electric vehicle advocacy group, keeps an updated list of every available EVSE on its website.

IMF sööb eestlasi.

Eesti siseneb eurotsooni innuka vallavaesena
Arved Breidaks Loe kommentaare (4)
RAHANDUS • Tuhandetele Eesti tööotsijatele tõotatud maaks olnud Iirimaa viskleb majandusraskustes ja ootab teiste seas ka Eestilt panust saareriigi võlgade käendamisel. Ühinemine eurotsooniga toimub Eesti jaoks ajal, mil ühisraha põeb läbi oma ajaloo kõige rängemat haigust ja meedikud kardavad tüsistusi. Eelarve- ja panganduskriisi vajunud Iirimaa toetuseks on Euroopa Liidu liikmesmaad ja rahvusvaheline valuutafond IMF lubanud kokku panna 85 miljardi euro suuruse abipaketi, millest Eesti osa moodustab kuni 128 miljonit eurot. Kuid see on jäämäe veepealne osa.
Suurem väljakutse on Euroopa Liidule koos IMFiga asutatav 750 miljardi euro suurune päästefond, mis garanteeriks edaspidi elustava süsti neile Euroopa riikidele, mis sarnaselt Kreekale või Iirimaale oma kohustuste täitmisega enam toime ei tule. Eesti osalus selles fondis on esialgseil andmeil ligi 0,8 miljardit eurot.
„See on tegelikult suhteliselt väike summa arvestades meie laenukoormust ja SKPd,” leiab Europarlamendi saadik, endine rahandusminister Ivari Padar. Pealegi on tegemist garantiiga, mida nii Iirimaa kui tulevikus ka teised hädalised kasutavad rahaturult laenamiseks.
Mis saab aga juhul, kui Iirimaal või näiteks Kreekal ei õnnestu rahaturult laenata? Või käivitub must stsenaarium ja nad ei tule oma võlgade maksmisega toime?
„Kui peaks mingil põhjusel tõepoolest vaja minema konkreetset raha ja garantiist ei piisa, võetakse vahendid sealt, kust on tol konkreetsel ajahetkel kõige mõistlikum,” selgitas Padar. Käiku lähevad kas näiteks Eesti riigireservid, mida oleme endale halbadeks aegadeks kogunud või siis võtab riik laenu, millest on Eesti valitsused katsunud hoiduda. „Kindlasti ei hakata raha võtma eelarvekulude arvelt,” kinnitas Padar.
Võimalust, et Eestil tuleb Euroopa päästefondi osalus ka tegelikult rahas välja maksta, peab Padar ebareaalseks. „Garantii realiseerumine saab toimuda siis, kui kogu päästefond on ära kulutatud hädas olevate riikide laenude tagamiseks ning mingil põhjusel peaksid kõik riigid jätma oma laenude tagasimaksed tegemata. Selline olukord on ebareaalne.”
Isegi kui Iirimaa, kuid võib-olla peatselt ka Portugali ja Hispaania võlgade käendamine ongi väga väikese riskiga tegevus, tekib küsimus, kas Eesti ikka peab tingimata käendama iirlaste võlgu olukorras, kus Iirimaa kuulub rikkuselt Euroopa Liidu viie rikkama, kuid Eesti kuue vaesema liikmesmaa hulka? Miks Iirimaa ja Ibeeria poolsaare riikides ei viida läbi sama tõhusat eelarve kokkuhoidu, nagu Eestis viimasel paaril aastal?
„Esimeseks märksõnaks on siiski solidaarsus – kui eurotsoon või terve EL otsustab kedagi toetada, siis peab ka Eesti seal osalema,” ütles Riigikogu rahanduskomisjoni liige, Roheliste erakonda esindav Toomas Trapido.
„Aga teiseks märksõnaks on finantsdistsipliin, ehk toetuse tingimuseks saab olla nende riikide riigieelarve defitsiidi ning kogu riigivõla vähendamise lubadus koos ajagraafikuga,” lisas ta.
Trapido sõnul on euroga seotud probleemid osa üleilmse rahasüsteemi tasakaalustamatusest. „USA tohutu võlg, Hiina tohutu ülejääk, paljude riikide eelarvetulude täielik sõltuvus vähenevast maavarade müügist, kiirelt arenevad majandused, nagu Brasiilia, Indoneesia, kellel pole piisavalt sõnaõigust rahvusvahelistes finantsinstitusioonides,” loetles ta.
„Kõik see viitab uuele globaalsele rahanduskokkuleppele, mille sisu on ebaselge, aga piirjooni võime aimata. See, mida me praegu näeme eurotsoonis, on tulekahjude kustutamine ja tulekahjud tulebki ära kustutada, kuid siis tuleb ehitada võimalikult tulekindel maja koos kõikvõimalike anduritega, et tuleohtu minimeerida,” lisas Toomas Trapido.   31.12.2010 (03:33)
Kui palju siis kokku seda raha antakse ära?
"millest Eesti osa moodustab kuni 128 miljonit eurot."
"osalus selles fondis on esialgseil andmeil ligi 0,8 miljardit eurot"
See teeb siis kokku ligemale miljard eurot vää?
15 miljardit krooni...
Oi-oi-oi kui paljud Eesti pered saaksid selle raha eest endale maalapikese koos majakesega....
1000EUR eest on võimalik looduslik kodu rajada ja seal ka talvel soojas olla (kuni 20m2).   31.12.2010 (03:38)
Kui mitu tehast saaks selle raha eest rajada?
Kui mitmele eestlasele saaks selle raha eest anda tööd?
See liberalism teenib inimsööjaid kes on ülemaailmse panganduse tipus.
See on ju suisa organiseeritud kuritegevus mida juhitakse IMF-ist ja jooksupoisteks on meie riigivõimud.

Tööd peaks saama Eesti elektriautotööstuses

Äsja alustanud firma Veloelektron on loetud kuudega jõudnud nullist väikeseeriatootmise ettevalmistamiseni.
Firma plaanib paari aasta pärast elektriautosid tootma hakata:
Sõltuvalt nõudlusest suudaksime riigi huvi korral toota 30-100 autot aastas.
Silwi Autoehitus plaanib e-autosid tootma hakata
Silwi Autoehitus ehitab kliendi soovide järgi Mercedes-Benz tarbesõidukitest Sprinter ja Vito erisõidukeid, alates kiirabiautodest kuni luksusbussideni välja.
Sõltuvalt nõudlusest suudaksime riigi huvi korral toota 30-100 autot aastas.

Elektriautosid ja elektritraktoreid juba tasapisi toodetakse:

Eesti esimene elektrisportauto ZEV Seven ZEV Seven
Eesti autotööstus asub maailma vallutama:
28.01.2010 18:32
Kuu aja eest valmis Tallinna lähedal Lool esimene Combat T98, mis tootjate sõnul on kiireim nelikveoga raskelt soomustatud sõiduauto maailmas.

Kellegi kommentaar:

Tuvastamata kasutaja 23. september 2009 10:48 vasta 2-3 aastat tootmise ( lugegem ikkagi - tavaautole elektriajami paigaldamine ) on liiga palju , siis on turul juba masstootmises olevaid elektriautosi küllaga. Praegu on elektriajam sisuliselt käsitöö räige kirvehinnaga täitsa saadaval. Ka Hiina liitiumakud, täitsa vastuvõetava hinnatasemega hakkavad ilmuma. Tasuta äriidee Teile : Mitte aastate pärast, kus ta enam kellegile vajalik pole vaid mõne kuu pärast oleks sobilik käivitada just sobivate elektrimootorite , kontrollerite ja nende baasil komplektide masstootmine mõnele olemasolevale odavamale autole. Samas võiks organiseerida ka Hiinast uute akude siiatoomine. Kui Te siit kohe 200% kasumit ei taha saada ja riigi toetuse ka suudate organiseerida oleks asjal SÜGAV MÕTE. Mootor ja kontroller on lihtlabased seadmed ja kirvehinnaga neid toota pole enam mingit mõtet - kõik on juba rahamehele ammu saadaval. Ostjaid oleks kindlasti kui tavaostja näeks mingitki mõtet .Tehnilisei lahendusi on samuti juba ammu "jalaga segada" ja jalgratast leiutada pole mõtet. Teha tuleb ja KIIRESTI.

Most Popular Posts of 2010: Mazda2, Prius Crashes, Leaf, Volt, and Other EVs

Most Popular Posts of 2010: Mazda2, Prius Crashes, Leaf, Volt, and Other EVs

December 30th, 2010 We love looking back to see what's been popular over the course of a full year. And 2010 was definitely chock-full of green car news. Our 10 most popular posts this year are a little less random than last year's most popular, which featured Muslims and ethanol, urine, hybrid Ferraris, and our ever-popular rant on why Miles-Per-Gallon is a really, really stupid way to measure fuel efficiency. That article on MPG, by the way, was the sole carryover from last year's list (# 7 in 2009, # 6 for 2010). This year, two separate articles on the 2011 Mazda2 hit the top 10 (who knew?) versus just one each on the 2011 Nissan Leaf and 2011 Chevy Volt electric cars. And our single most popular article concerned ... a crossover sport utility vehicle. With no more ado, we present to you our list of the 10 most popular articles of 2010 on GreenCarReports. And a Happy New Year to you! # 10: 2010 New York Auto Show: 2011 Mazda Mazda2 Priced at $13,980. We're surprised that the Mazda2 scored not just once, but actually twice, in our Top 10. It's only likely to sell a fraction of the numbers that the 2011 Ford Fiesta will do (the two cars are built on the same understructure). Bottom Line: Befitting its relatively simple specification as the smallest member of Mazda's "Zoom-Zoom" lineup, the 2011 Mazda Mazda2 will carry a base price of $13,980 for the entry-level model. # 9: The Punching Bag Hits Back: Prius Crash Was Driver Error, Toyota Says. While it's died down now, and Toyota's reputation for impeccable quality has definitely suffered damage, the start of the year saw almost continuous coverage of so-called "sudden acceleration" issues in a variety of Toyota and Lexus models. Bottom Line: Black box data recorders in wrecked Priuses contradict drivers who swear their cars accelerated wildly out of control while they braked as hard as they could. In this case, the NHTSA said the black box showed "no application of the brakes, and the throttle was fully open." In other words, the driver may have thought she was braking, but she had the accelerator floored. # 8: Paris To Test Banning Gas Guzzlers (Yes, SUVs!) In City Core. We should have known. Every time SUVs get politicized--whether pro or con--the traffic soars, and the commenters come out in force. We even got a comment saying, "They will pry my Hemi V-8 from my cold dead hands"! Bottom Line: Next fall, Paris plans to begin testing restrictions on the highest-emitting vehicles, denying them access to the central city based on tailpipe emissions of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide.   # 7: 2010 LA Auto Show: Toyota RAV4 EV Powered By Tesla. The popularity of this piece marks the continuing fascination with Silicon Valley startup electric-car maker Tesla Motors. Bottom Line: It marks a stunning turnaround from Toyota's go-slow approach to plug-in and all-electric vehicles. In a startling partnership announced in May, Toyota partnered with Tesla to develop electric vehicles--with this prototype all-electric crossover unveiled just six months later. The goal is limited production in 2012.  # 6: Miles Per Gallon Is Just Stupid. No, Really, It Is. Serves us right for the inflammatory headline, we suppose, but while this was a breakout hit way back in March 2009, we were staggered by the vitriol and even physical threats in the comments. Bottom Line: Miles Per Gallon is not a linear measure (like gallons/mile would be), and lots of Americans don't understand that going from 10 to 20 mpg saves waaaaaaay more gas than going from 40 to 50 mpg. Read the article, you'll see. Click onto page 2 below for our Top Five ... # 5: First 2011 Nissan Leaf Delivery, To Northern Californian Buyer. We sent our cub reporter with a notebook and a camera to cover this event in front of San Francisco's CIty Hall. Bottom Line: Silicon Valley software engineer Olivier Chalouhi took delivery of the very first 2011 Nissan Leaf all-electric car delivered in the U.S., in a ceremony that marked the debut of mass-produced electric vehicles from major carmakers. Chalouhi's Leaf replaces the electric bicycle he previously used to commute to work. # 4: 2011 Chevy Volt: No $5K Rebate, HOV-Lane Access For CA Buyers. While we would never accuse our readers of schadenfreude, reactions to this item followed two threads: "Gee, so those fancy Volt buyers aren't so special after all!" as well as "What the hell was GM thinking?" Bottom Line: Because the 2011 Volt's range-extending 1.4-liter gasoline engine wasn't certified to California's AT-PZEV emissions criteria, Volt buyers do not qualify for either the state's $5,000 electric-car purchase rebate (though that money may run out very soon anyway) or get single-occupant access to the state's High-Occupancy Vehicle lanes. # 3: Who Knew? A Car Battery Is the World's Most Recycled Product. We thought this was a throwaway item, little more than a space filler. Ha! What did we know? Bottom Line: As it turns out, the standard 12-Volt lead-acid starter battery fitted to virtually every motor vehicle is the single most recycled consumer good on the planet, with a return and reuse rate for the (very toxic) lead core of 99 percent in the United States. # 2: Next-Gen Mazda2 Will Return 70 MPG, Without An Electric Motor. When you put "70 MPG" in a headline, it turns out, people read the article, forward it to friends, and Digg it like crazy. Lesson learned. Bottom Line: While Mazda plans to fit Toyota hybrid systems to some models, the company is aggressively seeking to make its upcoming engines far, far more fuel efficient than they are today. The company believes its next subcompact Mazda2 may achieve as much as 70 miles per gallon. Here's hoping.   And the single most popular post of 2010 is ... drumroll, please ... this one. In other words, we think Ford's redesigned Escape Hybrid has a lot of eager buyers waiting out there: # 1: Here It Is: New 2012 Ford Escape, But Will There Be a Hybrid? This article was actually published back in October 2009. We're not sure whether its popularity reflects interest in the Escape Hybrid, or more general interest in a redesigned Escape. The old model continues to sell surprisingly well for a vehicle that dates back to 2000. Bottom Line: Under Ford's global vehicle program, the next Escape crossover (whether it's a 2012 or a 2013) will be built on the same platform as the Kuga crossover sold in Europe. They may or may not share styling, and perhaps we'll get a better indication at the upcoming 2011 Detroit Auto Show. Stay tuned .... NOTE: Alert readers may observe that the pageview counters in the articles are not consistent with our rankings. There are two reasons: First, the counters started at an arbitrary date when at least some of the articles had already accumulated views. Second, the rankings are for total views just during 2010, from January 1 through today. Cruise the High Gear Media network! TheCarConnection's experts review every new vehicle, offer tips and advice on car shopping, and let you compare cars before you buy MotorAuthority puts you in the driver's seat with the latest luxury and performance-car news, reviews, spy shots, and auto show coverage GreenCarReports covers the planet with news and reviews of the latest earth-friendly cars AllCarsElectric gives you the most comprehensive news anywhere on current and future electric vehicles CelebsandCars snoops into the semi-private lives of the stars, and shows you how they roll

2011 Mazda2 exterior and detail2011 Mazda2 exterior and detail
Enlarge Photo
We love looking back to see what's been popular over the course of a full year. And 2010 was definitely chock-full of green car news.
Our 10 most popular posts this year are a little less random than last year's most popular, which featured Muslims and ethanol, urine, hybrid Ferraris, and our ever-popular rant on why Miles-Per-Gallon is a really, really stupid way to measure fuel efficiency.
That article on MPG, by the way, was the sole carryover from last year's list (# 7 in 2009, # 6 for 2010). This year, two separate articles on the 2011 Mazda2 hit the top 10 (who knew?) versus just one each on the 2011 Nissan Leaf and 2011 Chevy Volt electric cars.
2011 Mazda2 exterior and detail2011 Mazda2 exterior and detail
Enlarge Photo
And our single most popular article concerned ... a crossover sport utility vehicle. With no more ado, we present to you our list of the 10 most popular articles of 2010 on GreenCarReports. And a Happy New Year to you!
# 10: 2010 New York Auto Show: 2011 Mazda Mazda2 Priced at $13,980. We're surprised that the Mazda2 scored not just once, but actually twice, in our Top 10. It's only likely to sell a fraction of the numbers that the 2011 Ford Fiesta will do (the two cars are built on the same understructure). Bottom Line: Befitting its relatively simple specification as the smallest member of Mazda's "Zoom-Zoom" lineup, the 2011 Mazda Mazda2 will carry a base price of $13,980 for the entry-level model.
Wrecked Toyota Prius owned by Elizabeth James, photo by Ted James, from Houston PressWrecked Toyota Prius owned by Elizabeth James, photo by Ted James, from Houston Press
Enlarge Photo
# 9: The Punching Bag Hits Back: Prius Crash Was Driver Error, Toyota Says. While it's died down now, and Toyota's reputation for impeccable quality has definitely suffered damage, the start of the year saw almost continuous coverage of so-called "sudden acceleration" issues in a variety of Toyota and Lexus models. Bottom Line: Black box data recorders in wrecked Priuses contradict drivers who swear their cars accelerated wildly out of control while they braked as hard as they could. In this case, the NHTSA said the black box showed "no application of the brakes, and the throttle was fully open." In other words, the driver may have thought she was braking, but she had the accelerator floored.
# 8: Paris To Test Banning Gas Guzzlers (Yes, SUVs!) In City Core. We should have known. Every time SUVs get politicized--whether pro or con--the traffic soars, and the commenters come out in force. We even got a comment saying, "They will pry my Hemi V-8 from my cold dead hands"! Bottom Line: Next fall, Paris plans to begin testing restrictions on the highest-emitting vehicles, denying them access to the central city based on tailpipe emissions of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide.
2012 Toyota RAV4 EV powered by Tesla, at 2010 Los Angeles Auto Show2012 Toyota RAV4 EV powered by Tesla, at 2010 Los Angeles Auto Show
Enlarge Photo

# 7: 2010 LA Auto Show: Toyota RAV4 EV Powered By Tesla. The popularity of this piece marks the continuing fascination with Silicon Valley startup electric-car maker Tesla Motors. Bottom Line: It marks a stunning turnaround from Toyota's go-slow approach to plug-in and all-electric vehicles. In a startling partnership announced in May, Toyota partnered with Tesla to develop electric vehicles--with this prototype all-electric crossover unveiled just six months later. The goal is limited production in 2012. 
# 6: Miles Per Gallon Is Just Stupid. No, Really, It Is. Serves us right for the inflammatory headline, we suppose, but while this was a breakout hit way back in March 2009, we were staggered by the vitriol and even physical threats in the comments. Bottom Line: Miles Per Gallon is not a linear measure (like gallons/mile would be), and lots of Americans don't understand that going from 10 to 20 mpg saves waaaaaaay more gas than going from 40 to 50 mpg. Read the article, you'll see.


Filmitalgulised vallutavad kogu Eestimaa

Valmistumaks väärikalt Eesti filmi 100. juubeliaastaks, toimuvad Kinobussi ja Euroopa kultuuripealinna Tallinn 2011 eestvedamisel järgmisel aastal üleriigilised filmitalgud. Kinokunsti ning osaluskultuuri kokkupuutepunkte kompava eksperimendi eesmärgiks on panna eestimaalased ühiselt filmi tegema.
“Filmitalgute käigus tahame pakkuda koostegemise rõõmu kodanikuühiskonnale ning jagada massiivset filmi- ja meediaõpet,” sõnas Kinobussi juht Mikk Rand. “Talgute tulemusel valmib täispikk mängufilm, mis võtab kokku eestluse elujõu ning on kenaks kingituseks Eesti filmile, mis tähistab 2012. aastal oma 100. juubelit.”
Kodanikuühiskonna aktiviseerimiseks viivad filmiprofid kõigis Eesti maakondades jaanuarist aprillini läbi filmikoolitusi. Koolitustel ning veebikeskkonna vahendusel saavad kõik soovijad kaasa rääkida filmi aluseks oleva stsenaariumi kirjutamisel, hiljem ka sobivate näitlejate valikul, võtteplatside ettevalmistamisel ning filmimisel.
“Filmitalgute korraldusmeeskond on stsenaariumi kirjutamiseks andnud ka omapoolse lähteülesande, milleks on hüpoteetiline olukord Eestimaal, kui tehnika on lakanud töötamast ning kõik inimesed on kaotanud põhilise osa oma mälust,” kirjeldas Mikk Rand. “Millised on need lood ja legendid, mis meil, eestlastel, end uuesti leida aitavad?”
Filmivõtted 15 Eesti maakonnas on plaanis läbi viia 2011. aasta augustis, film esilinastub novembris. Filmitalgute käiku kajastab erisaadetega ETV, filmi telelinastus on kavandatud 2012. aasta 1. jaanuariks.
Filmitalgud on kaasa löömiseks avatud kõigile huvilistele – külaseltsidele, kultuurimajadele, huviringidele jt. Filmiproffidest on oma nõusoleku talgute läbiviimises osalemiseks andnud Jaak Kilmi, Rene Vilbre, Ilmar Raag, Ülo Pikkov, Rasmus Merivoo, Tambet Tasuja, Jaan Laugamõts jt. Stsenaariumi kirjutamise protsessi veavad Margit Keerdo, Peep Pedmanson ja Aina Järvine, selleks luuakse filmitalgute veebilehele ka eraldi interaktiivne rakendus. Filmitalgute virtuaalne kodu aadressil avatakse 7. jaanuaril.
Filmitalgute läbiviimist koordineerib MTÜ Kinobuss, kelle pakutavast süsteemsest filmiõppest on 10 aasta jooksul osa saanud enam kui 10 000 inimest. Filmitalgud on osa Euroopa kultuuripealinn Tallinn 2011 programmist.
Täpsem info: Mikk Rand, tel 5100048,,
Allikas: Kinobuss

Jälle elektrikatkestused....jälle Eesti Energia jättis kliendid vooluta...

Tapal on ajutine elektrilahendus

Suurem osa tänaöise alajaama põlengu tõttu elektrita jäänud Tapa linna ja selle lähiümbruse majapidamistest on läbi ajutise vooluühenduse taas elektriga varustatud, teatab ERR uudisteportaal.
Jaotusvõrgu hinnangul on ümbertoite töökindlus piisav Tapa tavapärase tarbimismahu varustamiseks. Siiski ei saa välistada täiendavaid elektrikatkestusi, sest kasutusse võetud alajaama võimsus on väiksem öösel põlenud Eleringile kuuluva peaalajaama omast, teatas Eesti Energia.
Tapa elektrivõrgu töökindluse tagamiseks jälgib Jaotusvõrk piirkonna elektrivõrgu tööd kõrgendatud tähelepanuga ööpäevaringselt, kuni peaalajaam on taas töökorras. Kuna uusi elektririkkeid võib siiski tekkida, on valmis seatud ka piirkonna rikkebrigaadid.
Häirekeskus sai eile kella 23.37 ajal teate, et Tapa linnas Rohelisel tänaval asuvas alajaamas on tulekahju, mille tagajärjel jäid linna ning selle ümbruskonna elanikud elektrita. Kokku katkes täna öösel Tapal elektrivarustus 167 alajaamas ja 4653 majapidamisel. Elektrivarustust ei olnud päeval veel taastatud kuues alajaamas, mis toidavad vooluga 72 majapidamist. Jaotusvõrgu brigaadid tegelevad rikkekoha otsimisega ja taastavad vooluühenduse esimesel võimalusel.

Õhumüüjatele:))) Eks selles klipis vast ole üks petukaup.

 Youtubes on palju klippe mis lubavad tasuta elektri ja muud energiat aga need variandid ei toimi.Sest neis eiratakse energiajäävuse seadust.Neid petuklippe on vast üles pannud kütusemüüjad ja elektri monopolid sest
neile on ju vaja,et ei leviks tõelised variandid kuis saab elektrit tasuta.
Kuda on selle looga ma veel ei tea:

FREE ENERGY - Air Powered Vehicles

Eesti ekspordi probleem on lahendatud.

Maarahva Konngressil räägiti,et Venemaale tuleks vedada juustu sest neil seal juustu toodetakse vähe aga soov on suur.Niisiis,venemaa nõuab juustu piiramatus koguses!!!!
Kesse oli see Eesti ärimees kes aina kordab,et Eesti põhimiseks tuluallikaks on eksport?
No vedagem siis Venemaale juustu ja tuleb soovitada
Viagra asemel Meeste kitsepiimajuustu
ja naiste valuliste kuupuhastuspäevade puhul Kitsepiima naistejuustu,ning
kitsepiima meestejuust,
kitsepiima naistejuust,kitsepiima kriuksuv juust,kitsepiimakohvijook,kitsepiim,kitsepiimakeefir,
kitsepiimalassi ehk jogurt
Kitsepiimatalu Lääne-Virumaal, 6.osa

Panganduse tagamaadest ehk millise loo tellisid pankurid:

Teadlane: kannibalism on normaalne!
IMF-i poliitika mida teostab Eesti Pank ja liberalistlik võim on ju inimsööjalik,ning nimetada IMF-i ja Eesti Pangatöötajaid,Andrus Lisptoki või Mart Laari jpt. inimsööjateks on normaalne sest nad ongi inimsööjad seda sõna otses mõttes.See ei loe midagi,et nad ei ole veel inimliha söönud aga nad oma poliitikaga on söönud ära terve Eesti rahvuse.

blaad:, 30.12.2010 17:03
debiiliuudistele on iseloomulik see et kommentaar kus on öeldud et inimese söömist ei esine nii mõneski kultuuris (k.a. muistsed eestlaste esivanemad) on ainuke kommentaar mida siin enam pole!
meie esivanemad pidasid just sellel põhjusel et veri on hinge ja elujõu ning omaduste kandja---selle söömist mistahes kujul välistatuks! iga inimene oli omaette indiviid ja hoolitses oma ihu ja hinge PUHTUSE eest kõige tähtsama asjana üleüldse!!!
vaat sedasi olid-on lood tegelikkuses!

juudi-sionistlik "teadlane" võib selle teooria peale et teisi inimesi süüa küll vabalt tulla...nemad nimelt ei tunnista hinge olemasolu ja sellest tulenevalt ka taevast ega põrgut ega uuestisündi ega teo-tagajärje põhjuslikkust...seega ei mingit vastutust oma võimalike kuritegude tagajärgede eest! -seega -ei mingit moraali!
põrgust ja ussikeste-põrnikatena uuestisünnist see irwwww...neid siiski ei päästa:) miks sitikatel on mustad kuued...ja miks mõned neist verd imevad ja hüppavad!?
vaat sellepärast!

Õlle ja muudest plekkpurkidest saab valmistada päikesepaneele mis soojendavad õhku ja vett ka talvisel ajal:

Küta talvel toaõhku õllepurkidest päikesepaneelidega:
Käid välja 400 krooni ja saad päikesepaneeli...

Naised oskavad tuba kütta tuba päikese abil.Vaata seda klippi,rootslanna ehitab päikesepaneeli:

Euroopa Liidu uus energeetikastrateegia aastateks 2011-2020

30.detsember 10, neljapäev Saada sõbrale Prindi artikkel
Euroopa Liidu uus energeetikastrateegia aastateks 2011-2020
25. novembril andis Euroopa Parlament oma arvamuse novembris Komisjoni poolt koostatud teatisele „Energeetika 2020 – konkurentsivõimelise, jätkusuutliku ning turvalise energeetika strateegia“. Strateegias peetakse viieks prioriteetseks valdkonnaks energiatõhususe suurendamist, üle-euroopalise integreeritud elektrituru loomist, tarbijate kindlustamist taskukohase energiaga, tehnoloogilise liidripositsiooni tagamist ning EL välissuhete tugevdamist.
Euroopa Parlament leidis oma strateegia kohta käivas resolutsioonis, et neist tähtsaimaks tuleks pidada energiatõhususe suurendamist, kuna see on kuluefektiivseks viisiks võidelda nii energiasõltuvuse kui kliimamuutusega. Seisukohta täpsustati 15. detsembri istungil vastu võetud energiatõhususe tegevuskava muutmise kohta käivas resolutsioonis – selles soovitati energiatõhususe 20% tõstmine seada siduvaks eesmärgiks. Tähtsaimaks valdkonnaks, milles energiasäästu suurendada, peetakse hooneid. Viimaste arvele läheb ligikaudu 40% EL energiatarbest.
Euroopa majandus- ja sotsiaalkomitee leidis omalt poolt, et strateegias on energeetikaalasele konkurentsivõimele liiga vähe tähelepanu suunatud. Kuigi väheste kasvuhoonegaasidega majandus on keskpikas strateegias edukas, võib see lühemas perspektiivis viia töökohtade Euroopast väljaviimiseni.
Kuna endiselt ei ole saavutatud siduvat rahvusvahelist lepet kasvuhoonegaaside vähendamise osas, soovitab komitee vähendada kasvuhoonegaaside emissioone aastaks 2020 25% võrra (Euroopa Komisjoni maikuus tehtud ettepanekus soovitati emissioone aastaks 2020 vähendada 30% võrra). See jätaks komitee hinnangul ELile ka täiendava tingimisruumi Cancuni kliimakonverentsile järgnevatel läbirääkimistel.