Monday, October 5, 2009

Geothermal heat pumpCost:$16,800(after tax credit)

Võiks teha küsitluse rahva seas ja välja selgitada maksimum summa mida on Eesti Energia küsinud sisselülituse eest...Praegu ma tean,et on küsitud 100 000 kuni 1000 000 (miljon krooni)...Tjah...sellise raha eest saaks ikka väga vinged tuulikud ja päikse paneelid...saaks ELEKTRI TASUTA 100-KS AASTAKS...Lubage mul teile kirjutada USA taastuvenergiate kasutamisest...sest meie Roheliste partei ei tee seda...Miks Rohelised ei propageeri taastuvenergiaid?Nad ei propageeri taastuvenergiaid kuna on käepikenduseks IRL-ile...ja nende liberalism on kallutatud suurkorposatsioonide poole...Rohelised teenivad ülirikaste huve ja sülitavad lihtrahva peale...Ajakiri POPULAR SCIENCE artikkel THE GREEN DREAMONE MAN´S MISSION TO BUILD AN ECO-FRIENDLY,AFFORDABLE HOMEPUT THE EARTH TO WORKDRILLING A GEOTHERMAL WELL TO HELP COOL AND HEAT THE DREAM HOMEANY GREEN HOME worth its weight in compost draws heavily on solar energy.Mine is equipped with all the standard offerings,such as a solar-powered boiler,the subject of my last column.Trouble is,the sun doesn´t always shine.So to make up the difference during cold,dark winters and rainy spells,I´m turning to another ecofriendly energy source:my backyard.The two 325-foot-deep geothermal wells I´m boring there will use theconstant 50F temperature of the Earth at that depth to meet all my extra heating and cooling demands.A geothermal heat pump works like a regular heat pump,only it pulls heat out of the ground instead of the air.During the winter months,the pump circulates a mix of water and glycol(antifreeze)into the wells through loops of pipe.The fluid absorbs warmth from the ground and travels back up to the pump,which absorbs the extra heat,compresses it to make it even warmer,and then transfers it to the heat excangers inside the tanks that supply my hot water and radiant heating.In the summer,the process reverses,with the pump sending water and glycol into the pipe to help cool the house.The upfront costs of geothermal are steep.I paid $16,800 for the whole installation,even after the tax credit(see"Get Green for Going Green,facing page) and doing some of the work myself.BUT THE SYSTEM SHOULD PAY FOR ITSELF WITHIN SIX YEARS.GEOTHERMAL IS FOUR TIMES AS EFFICIENT as fossil-fuel-burning furnaces and twice as efficient as a conventional air conditioner.And unlike gas and oil,the price of dirt is steady,so my energy bill won't spike with the market.Next up:building energy-efficientwindows.John B. CarnettTHE SPECSHouse:3,500-square-foot,four-bedroom contemporaryLocation:Greenwich,N.Y.Project:Geothermal heat pumpCost:$16,800(after tax credit)Time to install:5 daysEco-Advantage:No emissions;consumes 33 percent less electricity than typical HVAC systemsKüllap konkureerivalt firmalt saab odavamalt selle süsteemi...Artiklis ühegi firma nime põle mainitudki...Huvitav,palju Hiinas sellised asjad maksavad?Ajakirja kodulehekülg onwww.popsci.comElagu konkurents!
reede, 28. August 2009. a 0:55 ütles...
Järgnev lugu sellest kuis USA valitsus toetab maksude säästmise abil taastuvenergiate kasutusele võttu...GET GREEN FOR GOING GREENNeed a little financial motivation to tackle those eco-friendly home renovations? Look no further than Uncle Sam.Thanks to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009,otherwise known as the stimulus bill,it´s never been better time to green your living space.As of last January,homeowners are eligible for a 30 PERCENT FEDERAL TAX CREDIT for energy-efficient upgrades and purcheases on everything from windows and insulation to HVACs and biomass stoves.The deal is sweetest for efficient heating and cooling equipment like geothermal pumps and solar panels.You´ll receive a 30 percent rebate on the full cost of your investment,including installation.John´s $24,000 geothermal setup,for instance,COMES to $16,800AFTER TAXES.The same rule applies to solar heaters and wind turbines.And the credit stays in effect until 2016,so there's plenty of time to save up for the big project.The tax credit for smaller,"building envelope"items is less generous and expires at the end of 2010.This category,which includes things like energy-efficient insulation,windows,metal or asphalt roofing,and central A/C units(no window units,unfortunately),is capped at $1,500.Of course,you'll still see plenty of savings on your monthly energy bill.To qualify for the credits,all products must meet the energy-efficiency guidelines established by the Department of energy,so check out the Department of Energy,so check out the DOE's Web sites and before you shop.For even more savings,be sure to inquire about additional local and state credits,as well as rebate programs from your energy supplier.-CARINA STORRSwww.popsi.comKuidas meil ses suhtes on lood?Rohelised tahtsid või tahavad elektri hinda juurde kruvida...Elagu konkurents!
reede, 28. August 2009. a 1:52 ütles...
Ajakirja NATIONAL GEOGRAPHICesikaane lugu SOLAR POWERTHE ELUSIVE PROMISE OF ENDLESS ENERGY PLUGGING INTO THE SUNSUNLIGHT BATHES US IN FAR MORE ENERGY THAN WE COULD EVER NEED-IF WE COULD JUST CATCH ENOUGH.At an electric plant in southern Spain,mirrors as big as houses catch some of the 120 quadrillion watts of sunlight that constantly fall on Earth.Government subsidies for this pricey yet promising power source have made Europe the world´s solar capital.Selle artikli juures on ilus pilt kus on tohutu ala kaetud päikse paneelidega ja elektrikud paigaldavad neid,särkide peale on kirjutatud GREEN ELECTRIC,ning tekst pildi juurde:Turning unused space into a power source for 1,300homes,Southern California Edison contractors cover a 14-acre warehouse roof near Los Angeles with some 33,000 lightweight photovoltaic,or PV,panels.California law requires ytilitiesto generate 20 percent of their power from renewable sources by 2010. Järgmise pildi peal mees seisab ruudulise RULLI keeratud KILE sees ja paremas käes hoiab põlevat elektripirni,tekst selle juurde on järgmine:As the lights come on in Los Angeles,solar evangelist Larry Kazmerski models in PV:BENDY THIN-FILM PANELS that fit so many places,says the National Renewable Energy Laboratory researcher,they could one day power whole cities"This is going to be on every roof and building,"Kazmerski says.By George JohnsonPhotographs by Michael MelfordEarly on a clear November morning in the Mojave Desert,the sun is barely touching the peaks of the McCullough Range with a cool pink glow.Behind them,a full moon is sinking over the gigawatt glare of Las Vegas.Nevada Solar One is sleeping.But the day´s work is about to begin. It is hard to believe that a power plant could be so beautiful:250 acres of gently curved mirrors lined up in long troughs like canals of light.Parked facing the ground overnight,they are starting to awaken-more than 182,000 of them-and follow the sun. "Looks like this will be a 700-degree day," says one of the operators in the control room.His job is to monitor the rows of parabolically shaped mirrors as they concentrate sunlight on long steel pipes filled with circulating oil,heating it as high as 750 degrees Farhenheit.From the mirror field,the blistering liquid pours into giant radiators that extract the heat and boil water into steam.The steam drives a turbine and dynamo,pushing as much as 64 megawatts onto the grid-enough to electricity 14,00 households or a few Las Vegas casinos."Once the system makes steam,it´s very traditional-industry-standard stuff,"says plant manager Robert Cable,pointing toward a gas-fired power plant on the other side of Eldorado Valley Drive."We get the same tools and the same parts as the place across the street."When Nevada Solar One came on line in 2007,it was the first large solar plant to be built in the United States in more than 17 years.During that time,solar technology blossomed elsewhere.Nevada Solar One belongs to Acciona,a Spanish company that generates electricity here and sells it to NV Energy,the regional utility.The mirrors were made in Germany. Putting on hard hats and dark glasse,Cable and I get into his pickup and drive slowly past row after row mirrors.Men with a water truck are hosing down some."Any kind of dust affects them,"Cable says.At the far edge of the mirror field,we stop and step out of the truck for a closer look.Above his head,at the focal point of the parabola,the pipe carrying the oil is coated with black ceramic to soak up the light,and it´s encased in an airless glass cylinder for insulation.On a clear summer day with the sun directly overhead,Nevada Solar One can convert about 21 percent of the sun´s rays into electricity.Gas plants are more efficient,BUT THIS FUEL IS FREE.And it doesn´t emit planet-warming carbon dioxide.Jätkub...Elagu konkurents!
reede, 28. August 2009. a 3:32 ütles...
About every 30 seconds there is a soft buzz as a motor moves the mirrors a little higher;by midday they will be looking straight up.It´s so quiet out here one can hardly fathom how much work is being done:Each of the 760 arrays of mirrors can produce about 84,000watts-almost 113 horsepower.By 8a.m. the oil coursing through the pipes has reached operating temperature.A white plume is spewing from a cooling stack.Half an hour later,the sound of the turbine inside the generating station has reached a high-pitced scream.Nevada Solar One is ready to go on line.WITH A NEW ADMINISTRATION in washington promising to take on global warming and loosen the grip of foreign oil,solar energy finally may be coming of age.Last year oil prices spiked to more than $140 a barrel before plunging along with the economy-a reminder of the dangers of tying the future to something as unpredictable as oil.Washington,confronting the worst recession since the 1930s,is underwriting massive projects to overhaul the country´s infrastructure,including its energy supply.In his inaugural address President Barack Obama promised to"harness the sun and the winds and the soil to fuel our cars and run our factories".His 2010 budget called for doubling the country´s renewable energy capacity in three years.Wind turbines and biofuels will be important contributors.But no form of energy is more abundant than the sun."If we talk about geothermal or wind,all these other sources of renewable energy are limited in their quantity," Eicke Weber,director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems,in Freiburg,Germany,told me last fall."The total power needs of the humans on Earth is approximately 16 terawatts,"he said.(A terawatt is a trillion watts.)"In the year 2020 it is expected to grow to 20 terawatts.The sunshine on the solid part of the Earth is 120,000 terawatts.From this perspective,energy from the sun is virtually unlimited."There are two main ways to harness it.The first is to produce steam,either with parabolic troughs like the ones in Nevada or a field of flat,computer-guided mirrors,called heliostats,that focus sunlight on a receiver on top an enourmous"power tower".The second way is to convert directly into electricity with photovoltaic(PV) panels made of semiconductors such as silicon.Each approach has its advantages.Right now steam generation,also known as concentrating solar thermal,is more efficient than photovoltaic-a greater percentage of incoming sunlight is converted into electricity.But it requires acres of land and long transmission lines to bring the power to market.Photovoltaic panels can be placed on rooftops at the point where the power is needed.Boths energy sources share an obvious drawback:They fade when it´s cloudy and disappear at night.But engineers are already developing systems for storing the energy for use in the darker hours.Jätkub...Elagu konkurents!
reede, 28. August 2009. a 4:22 ütles...
THE OPTIMISTS SAY taht with steady,incremental improvements-no huge breaktroughs are required-and with substantial government support,SOLAR POWER COULD BECOME AS ECONOMICAL AND EFFICIENT AS FOSSIL FUELS.The pessimists say they´ve heard all this before-30 years ago,during the presidency of Jimmy Carter.That too was a period of national crisis,triggered by the Arab oil embargo of 1973.Addressing the nation in his cardigan sweater,President Carter called for a new national energy policy with solar energy playing a large part.In 1979 the Islamic revolution in Iran sent oil prices soaring again.American drivers lined up for gasoline,their radios blaring songs like"Bomb Iran" by Vince Vance and the Valiants(sung to the tune of the Beach Boys'"Barbara Ann").Carter true to his world,put solar water heaters on the White House roof.During the next few years,two large fields of parabolic troughs,SEGGS I nad II(for Solar Electric Generating Station)were installed about 160 miles southwest of Las Vegas,near Daggett,California.They were followed by seven more plants nearby,at Kramer Junction and beside waterless Harper Lake.The plants are still operating-about a million mirrors in all on some 1,600 acres with a combined power of 354 megawatts.From afar they look like mirages.The Momentum didn't last.As the economy adjusted to the Iranian oil shock,fuel prices fell.With the sense of urgency reduced,along with the research dollars,solar remained a minor factor in the energy equation.The SEGS plants were still being built when President Ronald Reagan took the solar water heaters off the White House roof.The first solar revolution fizzled.Two decades later,a new solar revolution may be ready to begin.ANOTHER LEGACY OF THE CARTER ERA,the National Renewable Energy Laboratory(NREL)in Golden,Colorado-the government's primary research center for solar,wind,hydrogen,and other alternative fuels-is bracing for a resurgence.When I visited last fall,a new research campus and headquarters were under construction against the side of a mountain outside Golden.Five acres of photovoltaic panels on top of the mesa will need feed the labs and offices below.That may be just the beginning.Once treated by the government as something of a stepchild,NREL is benefiting from the extra money the Obama Administration is devoting to renewable energy."Right now solar is such a small fraction of U.S. electricity production that it's measured in tenths of a percent," said Robert Hawsey,an associate director of the lab."But thet's expected to grow.Ten to 20 percent of the nation's peak electericity demand could be provided by solar energy by 2030."Jätkub...Elagu konkurents!
reede, 28. August 2009. a 5:19 ütles...
But not without government help(see story,page 52).Nevada Solar One would never have been built if the state had not set a deadline requiring utilities to generate 20 percent of their power from renewable sources by 2015.(More than two dozen states now have"renewable-portfolio standards,"and earlier this year Congress was debating a federal one.)During peak demand-a hot afternoon in Las Vegas,when production costs are highest-the solar plant´s electricity is almost as cheap as hot of its gas-fired neighbor.But that´s only because a 30 percent federal tax credits helped offset its construction costs.Aiming to bring down costs and reduce the need for incentives,NREL´s engineers are studying mirrors made from lighweight polymers instead of glass and receiving tubes that will absorb more sunlight and lose less heat.They´re also working on solar power´s biggest problem:how to store some of the heat produced during daylight hours for release later on."In the Southwest particularly,peak loads are in the daytime,but don´t end when the sun goes down,"said Mark Mehos,an NRELprogram manager.People come home from work,turn on lights and air conditioners.Before long they may be plugging in electric cars.Last year the first commercial solar plant with heat storage opened near Guadix,Spain,east of Granada.During the day,sunlight from a mirror field is used to heat molten salt.In the evening,as the salt cools,it gives back heat to make more steam.In Arizona the Solana Generating Station will also use molten salt for storage.When it goes on line in 2012,three square miles of parabolic troughs will produce 280 megawatts for Phoenix and Tucson.Solana is being built by aSpanish company,Abengoa Solar-and indication of just how far,in the development of this technology,the United States has fallen behind.Jätkub...Ainult lollakad ostavad elektrit...sest elektrit saab tasuta!
kolmapäev, 2. September 2009. a 3:35 ütles...
BACK IN THE 1980s,an engineer named Roland Hulstrom calculated that if photovoltaic panels-the other big solar technology-covered just three-tenths of percent of the United States,a 100-by-100-mile square,they could electrify the entire country.People thought he wanted to pave the Mojave with silicon."The environmentalists got up in arms and said,You can´t just go out and cover a hundred miles square,"Hulstrom said recently as he sat in his office at NREL.But that´s not what he meant."You can cover parking lots with photovoltaic.You can put it on house roofs."Twenty years later,PV panels still contribute only a tiny amount to the nation´s electricity supply.But on rooftops in California,Nevada,and other states with good sunshine and tax incentives,they´re sight almost as familiar as air conditioners-and though not yet as developed as solar thermal,they may have a brighter future.Right now the panels are expensive,and they provide an efficiency of only about 10 to 20 percent,compared with the 24 percent of parabolic troughs.History more than physics is to blame.After the solar bust in the mid-1980s,many of the best engineers migrated to the computing industry,which uses the same raw material-silicon and other semiconductors.Following what is called Moore´s law,microprocessors doubled in capability every couple of years,while solar languished.Now some of the engineering talent is moving back to solar.Researchers at NREL are exploiting the fact that different semiconductors capture different colors from a beam of sunlight.Bylayering compounds called gallium indium phosphide and gallium indium arsenide and using a lens to concentrate sunlight,they built a PV cell last year that is 40.8 percent efficient(a world record,since broken).But it´s far from ready for mass production."The technology is incredibly sophisticated,"said ray Stults,an associate director of the laboratory."We can make it right now for$10,000 per square centimeter,but not many people are going to buy it."Jätkub...Ainult lollakad ostavad elektrit...sest elektrit saab tasuta!
kolmapäev, 2. September 2009. a 4:04 ütles...
Another approach is to trade higherefficiency for lower cost.Though they generate less power per square inch,thin-film semiconductors require less raw material,making them a cheaper alternative for large photovoltaic installations.Two American companies,First Solar and Nanosolar,say they can now manufacture thin-film solar cells at a cost of around a dollar a watt-tantalizingly close to what´s needed to compete with fossil fuels.Looking further ahead,engineers at NREL are working on photovoltaic liquids."The goal there is to make it the cost of a gallon of paint,"Sults said."The efficiencies won´t be 40 or 50 percent.They´ll be 10 percent.But if it´s cheap,you can paint your walls,hook it up,and go."Photovoltaic panels aren´t limited to individual houses or warehouses.On the northeastern outskirts of Las Vegas,Nellis Air Force Base is supplying an average of 25 percent of its electricity with photovoltaic.On some winter days when there is no need for airconditioning,100 percent of the base is solar powered.Last fall,as I looked across the field of 72,416sun-tracking panels,the wind blowing between the rows,I could see the appeal:There were no oil pipes,heat excangers,boilers,dynamos,or cooling towers-just solar photons knocking electrons off silicon atoms and generating a current.Constructed in just 26 weeks in 2007 by the SunPower Corporation,the system generates 14.2 megawatts,making it the largest photovoltaic installation in the United States-though only about the 25th largest in the world.Nearly all the bigger ones are in Spain,which,like Germany,has invested heavily in solar power.None of those plants yet include a storage system.Since photovoltaic produce electricity directly,there is no heat to capture in tanks of molten salt.One option would be to divert some of the photovoltaic current during the day to drive pumps,compressing air into underground caverns.Compressed air has been employed for decades in Germany and Alabama to store the cheaper nighttime output of conventional power plants for use during the daytime peak.At solar plant the cycle would be reversed:When electricity was needed at night,the pent-up energy from the sunlit hours would be released,rushing forth and spinning a turbine.Jätkub...Ainult lollakad ostavad elektrit...sest elektrit saab tasuta!
neljapäev, 3. September 2009. a 3:19 ütles...
Right now people who live off-grid with PV panels on their roofs rely on ordinary batteries to get through the night.In the future they might have solar-powered electrolyzers that split water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen.Recombining the gases in a fuel cell would yield electricity again.The idea is old,but last year Daniel Nocera,a chemist at MIT,reported what may be breakthrough: a new catalyst that makes splitting water much cheaper.At public lectures Nocera likes to hold up a large plastic water bottle.All of a family´s nighttime electricity requirements,he says,could be stored in five of these,with enough left over to run the electric car.No one knows in detail the future of solar energy.But there is a gathering sense that it is wide open-if we can make the commitment to jump-start the technology."Originally it seemed like a pie-in-the-sky idea," Michelle Price,the energy manager at Nellis,told me last fall when I toured the base´s new photovoltaic plant."It didn´t seem possible." Many things seem possible now.ON A COLD DECEMBER MORNING west of Franfurt,Germany,fog hung frozen in the trees,and clouds blocked the sun.Shivering on a ridge above the town of Morbach,I watched the blades of a 330-foot-high wind turbine swoop in and out of the gloom.Down below,a field of photovoltaic panels struggled for light.Who would have thought that Germany would transform itself into the largest producer of photovoltaic power in the world,with a capacity of more than five gigawatts?A fraction of this power comes from centralized plants like the small one at Morbach or even the spawling 272-acre Waldpolenz Solar Park,which was constructed recently with thin-film technology on an abandoned Soviet air base near Leipzig.With land at a premium in Germany,solar panels are mounted on rooftops,farmhouses,even on soccer stadiums and along the autobahn.Though dispersed across the countryside,they are connected to the national grid,and utility companies are required to pay even the smallest producers a premium of about 50 euro cents a kilowatt-hour. "We are being paid for living in this house," saidWolfgang Schnürer,a resident of Solarsiedlung-"solar settlement"-a condominum complex in Freiburg.Outside,snow was sliding off the solar panels that covered the roofs of the development.The day before,Schnürer´s system had produced only 5.8 kilowatt-hours,not enough even for German household.But on a sunny day in May it had yielded more than seven times that much.After serving coffee and Christmas cookies,Schnürer spread some printouts on the table.In 2008 his personal power plant generated 6,187 kilowatt-hours,more than double what the Schnürers consumed.When the amount they used was subracted from the amount they produced,they came out more than 2,500 euros(nearly USD3,700)ahead.Jätkub...Ainult lollakad ostavad elektrit...sest elektrit saab tasuta!
neljapäev, 3. September 2009. a 4:00 ütles...
Sitting at the edge of the Black Forest in the southern part of the country,"sunny Freiburg,"as the tourist brochures call it,has been transformed by the solar boom.Across the street from Solarsiedlung,a parking garage and a school are covered with photovoltaic panels.In the older part of town,towering walls of photovoltaic greet visitors at the train station.Nearby,at the Fraunhofer Institute for solar Energy systems,the next generation of technology is being developed.In one project,Fresnel lenses are used to concentrate sunlight 2500 times,raising the efficiency of standard photovoltaic panel as highas 23 percent.It is the demand created by the government´s"feed-in-tariff"that drives research like this,said Eicke weber,the institute´s director.Anybody who installs a photovoltaic system is guaranteed abovemarket rates for 20 years-the equivalent of an 8 percent annual return on the initial investment."It is an ingenious mechanism,"Weber said."I always say the United States adresses the idealists,those who want to save the planet-the Birkenstock crowd.In Germany the law addresses anyone who wants to get 8 percent return on his investment for 20 years."THE MOST SPECTACULAR SHOWCASE FORthe future of solar is probablyPlataforma Solùcar,a spanish solar energy complex on the Andalusian plains.I´d seen photographs of the 11-megawatt power called PS10.Rising 377 feet high,it is surrounded by 624 sun-tracking mirrors that reflect light beams toward its crown,igniting a glow that shines like a new star.Next to it,PS20 has since been completed with twice as many heliostats and double the power.But as I crested a hilltop about 15miles west of Seville,I saw that the German weather had followed me.The valley was enveloped in fog-a reminder that even in torridsouthern Spain,solar will always have to be supplemented by storage and other forms of power."We had a problem last night-nomore tower,"said Valerio Fernàndez,directors of the plant,which is owned by Abengoa Solar,as he met me at the gate.He laughed as we looked up at PS10,its head lost in the clouds.On a normal day,the power focused on the tower could reach four megawatts per square meter-for morethan can be safely utilized.PS10 operation have limit the flux to avoid melting the receiver.Power towers are different version of solar thermal,another way to use sunlight to make steam.Altough parabolic troughs are well proven for large,flat areas,power can be fit to hilly terrain,the mirrors individually aligned to coverage on the elevated boiler.Because a tower heats steam to higher temperatures,it is potentially moreefficient.With the solar industry still in its infancy,however,Abengoa Solar is hedging its bets.Not far from the power towers,cranes were assembling rows of parabolic troughs.Behind PS10 stretched a field of advanced photovoltaic that track the sun on two axes-north-south as well as east-west-to ensure optimal exposure throughout the year.Each panel was fitted with mirrors of Fresnel lenses to intensify the light."Taking profit from every one of the rays of sun-that´s our goal,"Fernàndez saidJätkub...Ainult lollakad ostavad elektrit...sest elektrit saab tasuta!
neljapäev, 3. September 2009. a 5:02 ütles...
BACK HOME IN THE UNITED STATES Iread a magazine article challengingthe country to move faster in harnessing the sun:"Every hour,it floods the earth with a deluge of thermal energy equal to 21 billion tons of coal,"the writer had calculated."The enormous output of solar energy is almost impossible to conceive." Illustrated with a drawing of futuristic solar plant with enormous steam generating mirrors,the article was entitled"Why Don´t We Have...Sun Power?"It was dated September 1953.This time we might just make it.Last February,BrightSource Energy signed contracts with Southern California Edison for a series of power,equal to a large coal-fired plant.Meanwhile 1.3 gigawatts of power,equal to a large coal-firedplant.Meanwhile,Pacific Gas and Electric has comissioned more than 1.8 gigawatts of parabolic troughs,photovoltaics,and BrightSource powe towers.Enviromentalists are already preparing to fight some of these projects;they would all cover large swaths of desert,and some might use a lot of scarce water for cooling.Like any form of power generation,solar its trade-offs.And it still has long way to go.While I was in Nevada,I drove out to Hoover Dam-an early mass producer of renewable electricity--and joined a tour descending deep inside.At the bottom the torrent of Colorado River water falling from Lake Mead was spinning two parallel rows of giant turbines.Just one turbine puts out 130 megawatts,twice the power of Nevada Solar One.But Hoover Dam left me feeling hopeful.Back on top,as I read the tarnished brass plaques and admired the art deco architecture,Ithought about how this country had met the challenges of the Great Depression of the 1930s.The New Deal,as that earlier stimulus package was called,included not only Hoover but also the Tennesse Valley Authority,which brought hydroelectric power to the Southeast,and the Rural Electrification Administration,which strung power lines into the heartland.At a time of economic calamity,the nation´s energy landscape was transformed.Seven decades later we still reap the benefits every time we flip a switch.Selle artikli juures on kujutatud skeemi elumaja läbilõikest kus katusel on päiksepaneelid,maja kõrval seisab elektriauto...ja on näidatud kuidas see asi käib,et saab vajaliku elektri nii koduseks majapidamiseks ja ka autole vajaliku koguse elektrit,tekst on järgmine:SOLAR 24/7 Power after dark remains a challnege for the solar home.But a cheap,self-renewing catalyst discovered by MIT researcher Daniel Nocera might allow water to act as storage medium,keeping the lights on at night and even refueling an electric or hydrogen car."YOUR HOUSE BECOMES A POWER PLANT,"Nocera says."It becomes a gas station."1.Excess daytimeelectricity from solar panels goes to an electrolyzer.2.Aided by the new catalyst,the solar electricity splits water into hydrogen and oxygen,which are stored.3.When its's too dark for solar power,the stored elements are recombined in a fuel cell,generating electricity.4.Power flows to household appliances and recharges electric-car batteries.The only from the fuel cell-water-is recycled. Ainult lollakad ostavad elektrit...sest elektrit saab tasuta!
neljapäev, 3. September 2009. a 5:51 ütles...
CAN SOLAR SAVE US?Probably.Eventually.With lots of Government help.THE SUN IS A UTOPIAN FUEL:limitless,ubiquitous,and clean.Surely someday we´ll give up on coal,oil,and gas-so hard on the climate,so unequally distributed worldwide-and so straight to the energy source rhat made fossil fuels.In a few sunny places where electric rates are high,like Italy and Hawaii,solar energy is already on the verge of being competitive.But in most expensive source of electric power-typically in the U.S. it costs several times more than natural gas or coal-which is why it still supplies only a fraction of a percent of our needs.That won´t change fast unless governments give solar a big boost.President Barack Obama campaigned with a pledge to institute a federal"renewable portfolio standard" requiring utilities to generate a quarter of their electricity portfolio two decades from now,and solar energy would probably remain a minor contributor(chart).Cap-and-trade legislation that sets a price on carbon emissions would not be magic bullet for solar either.Both mandates would likely lead utilities to favor the cheapest renewables,like wind.Solar would make a sizable contribution only after 2025,once the expansion of wind energy had plateaued.Some advocates say we need to encourage solar more directly.European nations have done so with"feed-in tariffs"laws that require electric utilities to pay premiums to solar-power producers,be they comercial power plants or private homes that pump energy to the grid.Such tariffs have made Germany and Spain solar leaders,creating a market that has helped drive down prices.The billions of dollars of tax credits and loan guarantees in the Obama stimulus package may have similar effect.Another option is for the federal government to invest directly in solar-for example,says Ken Zweibel of George Washington University,by funding the construction of giant solar plants in the desert Southwest,along with the high-efficiency transmission lines needed to carry the power nationwide.In Zweibel´s version of the future,the sun would satisfy more than two-thirds of U.S. electricity need by 2050,for an investment of about USD400 billion."Compared to what we just paid for the financial bailout,it´s pocket change,"he says.-Chris Carroll Ainult lollakad ostavad elektrit...sest elektrit saab tasuta!
neljapäev, 3. September 2009. a 6:31 ütles...
Siin teile ports linke kus õpetatakse kodus valmistama tuulegeneraatoreid ja päiksepaneele...Vaadake millest räägib see esimene link kus mees õpetab tegema päiksepaneeli mis kütab vett...see räägib kodanike ühiskonnast...inimeste suhtumist teistesse...vaadake kui palju on temas südamesoojust ja hellust...ta on nii armas inimene... Eesti Rohelise erakonna omad hakkavad rahvale õpetama kuis valmistada päiksepaneele ja tuulikuid?Ainult rumalad ostavad elektrit...sest elektrit saab tasuta!
laupäev, 5. September 2009. a 7:11

Muideks,juba esimeses Eesti Vabariigis olid kasutuseltuulegeneraatorid mida valmistati Eestis!!!Vaata Rootsis valmistakse väga vingeidtuulikuid koduseks majapidamiseks,noile piisab tuulekiirusest 2 m/s !!! Eestis on keskmiselt 4-5 m/s saartel 7 m/s...Selle vinge tuuliku kohta on Äripäevas artikkel "Energiapall-kodune tuulegeneraator" neid tuulepallemüüakse rootsis,vaata hinda foorum kus rahvas tegelebtuulikute ja päiksepaneelide valmistamisega on väga vinge paikk ü,kas teate,et tehas Voltatoodab tuulegeneraatoreid?Ja nad müüvad neid välismaale...Kui Volta tehases toodetavad tuulegeneraatorid rakendada Eestis siis me jõuaksime külluse ühiskonda juba sel aastal:)))www.eurotöö müüb tuulikuidaga neil on nood pisut kallid saab odavamalt:))) Ukrainas valmistatud tuulikuid 29 000 krooni eest!!!Ainult rumalad ostavad elektrit...sest elektrit saab tasuta!
esmaspäev, 7. September 2009. a 4:25 ütles...
Vigade parandus.Kirjutasin aadressi valesti...
esmaspäev, 7. September 2009. a 6:08 ütles...
Mõni tund tagasi püstitasin teema:TASUTA ELEKTER IGALE EESTI KODANIKULE,aadressile Heade mõtete foorum...ja kohe tulid platsi arvatavasti Eesti Energia esindajad:)))Eks näis kuis läeb...Ainult rumalad ostavad elektrit...sest elektrit saab tasuta!
esmaspäev, 7. September 2009. a 7:59 ütles...
Vigade parandus.Kirjutasin valesti aadressi,õige on:
esmaspäev, 7. September 2009. a 8:48 ütles...
Tänan väga teid,et panite tagasi kommentaarid.Päiksepaneele saab kanda kaasas...www.campinggeardepot.comwww.powerfilmsolar.comAinult rumalad ostavad elektrit...sest elektrit saab tasuta!
laupäev, 19. September 2009. a 15:35

T...S (K) ütles...
Peeter Võsa ju enam ei joo ... Ja minu arust ta sobiks ikka küll Rakvere linnapeaks!!!Olen Võsa poolt !
pühapäev, 20. September 2009. a 0:20 ütles...
On olemas portatiivsed päiksepaneelid:www.campinggeardepot.comwww.powerfilmsolar.comja on olemas portatiivsed tuulikud:www.superwind.comwww.alpinesurvival.comwww://gizmodo.comJa youtubes on filmid:1.Forever Electric car(by wind force generator).2.99.99% Cheaper to operate than a Tesla electric car?3.Never buy another battery again electric pickup in TV news.On selge,et auto katusel on alati piisavalt tuulekiirust:)))Ja kui paigaldada auto katusele voolujoonelised tuulikud ja auto kapotile päiksepaneelid siis peaks saama päeva jooksul koguda elektrit nõnda palju kui kulub koduses majapidamises mitmeks päevaks...Ainult rumalad ostavad elektrit...sest elektrit saab tasuta!
pühapäev, 20. September 2009. a 16:54 ütles...
Ma loodan,et Peeter Võsa paigaldab oma ametiauto katusele päiksepanelid ja tuuliku-toetab taastuvenergia allikate kastusele võttu...sest...On olemas portatiivsed päiksepaneelid:www.campinggeardepot.comwww.powerfilmsolar.comja on olemas portatiivsed tuulikud:www.superwind.comwww.alpinesurvival.comwww://gizmodo.comJa youtubes on filmid:1.Forever Electric car(by wind force generator).2.99.99% Cheaper to operate than a Tesla electric car?3.Never buy another battery again electric pickup in TV news.On selge,et auto katusel on alati piisavalt tuulekiirust:)))Ja kui paigaldada auto katusele voolujoonelised tuulikud ja auto kapotile päiksepaneelid siis peaks saama päeva jooksul koguda elektrit nõnda palju kui kulub koduses majapidamises mitmeks päevaks...Ainult rumalad ostavad elektrit...sest elektrit saab tasuta!
esmaspäev, 21. September 2009. a 3:44 ütles...
Ma loodan,et rahvas valib Peeter Võsa ja ta hakkab Savisaare eeskujul ehitama munitsipaalmaju aga veelgi paremaid...sest on olemas NULLMAJAD...ja Nullmaja tähendab seda,et elektrit ja toasoojust,sooja vett saab tasuta!!!! on kirjasNullmaja lugu...ehk Elumaja projekt...idee autor on Rene Valner...Au ja kiitus Rene Valnerile!!!Ainult rumalad ostavad elektri...sest elektrit saab tasuta!
pühapäev, 27. September 2009. a 17:11 ütles...
Peeter Võsa võiks eeskuju võttaENN KALJOLT...sest kui keegieksikombel arvab,et mina olen ainus kes prääksub teemalTASUTA ELEKTER EESTLASTELE...siis eksite...Siit teile LUGUPEETUD ÄRIPÄEVA JA LUGUPEETUD ENN KALJO ARTIKKEL:"Elekter peaks olema tasutaEnn Kaljoinnovaatiliste lahenduste uurija30.04.2008 00:00Me väärime seda, et õhk, mida me hingame, oleks puhas saasteainetest, et meie tänavad oleksid puhtad heitgaase õhku paiskavatest autodest ja meil oleks puhas joogivesi, mida poleks vaja puhastada kemikaalidega. Me väärime ka tasuta elektrienergiat. See töötab meie laste tuleviku ja ka meie enda hüvanguks.Uusi energialahendusi saab kasutada uut tüüpi autode puhul, kas või selleks, et töös hoida suruõhukompressorit, mis laeb suruõhuballoone. Suruõhuga liikumist kasutavad nii prantslaste MDI õhuautod kui ka Austraalias Angelo DiPietro poolt välja töötatud õhumootoriga töötavad autod.Küllusel meie ümber saab olla vaid üks allikas - tasuta ehk vaba energia. Kui edumeelsed teadlased ja leiutajad kinnitavad meile, et tasuta elekter on meie käeulatuses, siis miks meil sellest ei räägita? Miks eitatakse nende lahenduste olemasolu? Eks üks vastus peitugi selles, et mainstream-teadus on mugavas positsioonis ega soovi olulisi muutusi näha; eriti neid, mis võiksid nende enda teooriad pea peale keerata.Kui aga võtaksime kasutusse need lahendused, mida meile uus teadus ja leiutajad pakuvad, võiks meil ollagi tasuta elekter igas majas, tasuta elektriküte neis kohtades, kus muud võimalused puuduvad.Praegu aga tehakse aina suuremaid kulutusi fossiilsesse energiatootmisse, mis on tagasiminek ega vasta arenguparadigmale. Areng seisneks selles, et igal aastal ilmuks uusi ja lihtsamaid lahendusi, mis oleksid ka eelmistest odavamad ja võimaldaksid suuremat kokkuhoidu. Kokku hoidma peaks iga majapidamine, iga inimene. Kui me muudame inimesed sõltuvaks elektrist, on inimene nagu ori riigi lõa otsas. Riik aga peab olema inimese teenija. Riik peab tegema kõik selleks, et inimesel oleks rohkem vabadust ja võimalusi ennast teostada." vaata kaKuidas nihutada paradigmat energiatootmisesAinult rumalad ostavad elektrit...sest elektrit saab tasuta!
esmaspäev, 28. September 2009. a 0:49 ütles...
Ja Peeter Võsa võiks võtta eeskujuLätlastelt...sest...Delfi artikkel:"100 000 vaest lätlast saab ajutiselt tasuta elektrit"www.DELFI.ee07. september 2009 16:29 Läti energiafirma Latvenergo kompenseerib ajutiselt 100 000 väikese sissetulekuga kliendi elektriarve, teatas esmaspäeval pressikonverentsil majandusminister Artis Kampars. Kamparsi sõnul antakse inimestele spetsiaalsed identifitseerimiskaardid, mis annavad õiguse 500 kilovatt-tunnile tasuta elektrienergiale. Ministri väitel on kokkuhoidliku tarbimise puhul võimalik kogu talve jooksul elektri eest maksmata läbi ajada, vahendab Läti Delfi.Kohalike omavalitsuste sotsiaalteenistustega koostöös hakatakse kaarte välja andma alates 1. novembrist. Esimesed kaardid saavad need, kelle sissetulek jääb alla elatusmiinimumi ja vähekindlustatud lastega perekonnad.Latvenergo nõukogu liikme Uldis Barissi sõnul tuleb kaardid välja võtta aasta jooksul, kuid 500 kilovatt-tunni kasutamise aeg on piiramatu. Bariss ütles, et projekt puudutab umbes 15 protsenti Latvenergo klientidest. Ettevõttele läheb projekt maksma 3,7 miljonit latti (82,5 miljonit krooni).Ainult rumalad ostavad elektrit...sest elektrit saab tasuta!
esmaspäev, 28. September 2009. a 0:54 ütles...
Kas Peeter Võsa hakkab meile andma tasuta elektrit Türkmenistaani eeskujul?Õhtulehe artikkel:Türkmenistani elanikud saavad kuni 2020. aastani elektrit, maagaasi, vett ja keedusoola tasuta pruukida.Sellise otsuse langetas neljapäeval Türkmenbaši linnas koos istunud rahvakogu ehk halk maslahatõ ning president Saparmurad Nijazov allkirjastas seaduse. Säärane sotsiaalsete dotatsioonide mehhanism on Türkmenistanis toiminud 1992. aasta 20. septembrist saadik, kui sündis esimene analoogne dokument. 1994. aasta veebruaris otsuse kestust pikendati. Nijazovi uus korraldus kehtib veel 17 aastat. Peaaegu kõik riigi asulad on gaasimagistraalidega ühendatud ja tarbivad gaasi tasuta. Elekter on samuti tasuta, kui selle kulu jääb allapoole 35 kilovatt-tundi, jämedat toidusoola jagatakse elanikele kauplustes ilma rahata.Ainult rumalad ostavad elektrit...sest elektrit saab tasuta!
esmaspäev, 28. September 2009. a 1:15 ütles...
No millal siis Peeter Võsa avaldab oma arvamuse taastuvallikate kasutamise kohta?Maalehe artikkel:"Tasuta elekter oma jõujaamast"Põlvamaa mees Voldemar Enno ei ole paarkümmend aastat elektri eest ei kopikat ega senti maksnud, sest tal on kodus oma elektrijaam. Elektri hinnamuutus teda ei mõjuta.Voldemar Enno ehitas elektrijaama kodu juures jooksvale Peri ojale 1980. a. Neljakilovatine hüdroelektrijaam toodab elektrit rohkemgi, kui Enno oma majapidamises kulutab.Kui Enno tarbib voolu kodujaama võimsusest rohkem, võtab ta seda üldelektrivõrgust juurde, kui vähem, annab võrku tagasi. “Praegu on mul mitme aasta peale nii peaaegu aastane tagavara kogunenud,” räägib Enno, kes kulutab aastas elektrit 20 000 kWh ringis. Puid kasutab ta vaid sauna kütmiseks.Uute tariifidega Enno veel tutvunud ei ole, sest need ei kõiguta teda. “Vesi, mis niisama voolab, tuleb ära kasutada,” ütleb ta ja soovitab teistelgi taluelektrijaamu ehitada. Narva elektrijaamade ameeriklastele müümisest arvab 74aastane Enno, et eestlased tuleksid ka ise nendega toime.Tallinna Polütehnikumis tööstusettevõtete elektriseadmeid ning TPIs automaatikat ja telemehhaanikat õppinud Voldemar Enno on AS Generaatori eestvedajana viimasel kümnel aastal taastanud hüdroelektrijaamu nii Kagu- kui ka Põhja-Eesti jõgedel.Ainult rumalad ostavad elektrit...sest elektrit saab tasuta!
esmaspäev, 28. September 2009. a 1:34 ütles...
Mida arvab Peeter Võsa Kaarel Tarandi jutu kohta TASUTA ELEKTRIST?Pahandust õieti polegiKaarel Tarand 20.01.2006...Endastmõistetavalt ei ole keegi esitanud mingeid arvutusi ega isegi selgitust, mis on antud maja puhul “väga kallis”. Arvata võib, et suures hoones hea ja stabiilse valgus- ja soojusrežiimi ülalpidamine on kallim kui tavalises kodumajapidamises. Eriti, kui hoone on ühendatud suurte elektri- ja soojusvõrkudega. Kui aga ehitada muuseumile oma, võrkudest ja muutuvast turust sõltumatu kütte- ja elektrisüsteem, võib ilmneda, et kogu lõbu on kõike muud kui kallis.Oletagem, et muuseumil on katusepinda 10 000 ruutmeetrit (tegelikkuses tuleb vist rohkemgi). Kui katusematerjaliks valida päikesepaneelid (energiamooduleid saab panna igasuguse materjali sisse betoonist klaasi ja bituumenini), kuluks katusematerjaliks praeguse turuhinna järgi 1,25 miljonit dollarit ehk pisut üle 15 miljoni krooni. Pole just palju hoone koguhinda arvestades. Ruutmeeter päiksepaneeli toodab Eesti oludes aastaringse keskmisena ööpäevas vähemalt 0,25 kWh elektrit. Seega, hektari suurune paneelpind annab aastas 910 MWh elektrit. Sama palju kulutavad kokku enam kui 300 Eesti keskmist kodumajapidamist. Vaevalt, et muuseumis palju rohkem saaks kuluda ka juhul, kui suvi läbi konditsioneere töös hoida.Päikesepaneelide ärilisel kasutamisel USAs arvestatakse, et investeeringuraha tuleb tagasi 7 aastaga. Eestil läheb natuke kauem. Aga paneelide eluiga on praegu 40 – 50 aastat. Järelikult saab kauem kui 30 aastat peaaegu tasuta elektrit, tuleb ainult katusel koristajat pidada. 30 aasta jooksul maksaks sama kogus võrgust saadavat elektrit praeguse hinnataseme puhul (ca 1 krooni kWh) 27 miljonit krooni. Tegelikus tulevikus võib selle vabalt kahega korrutada. Niisiis, mis on kallis? Ainult rumalus ja uute tehnoloogiliste võimaluste kasutamata jätmine.Ka küttemajanduses pole midagi leiutada. Tartus töötab mitu katlamaja ammu biokütuse peal ja hind on püsinud soodsam kui mujal. ERMil on hulk vaba maad, millel kas või energiavõsa kasvatada – kui ehitada puiduhakkel töötav katlamaja, siis küllap pakuvad ka ümbruskonna maaomanikud rõõmuga toorainet. Katlamaja saab käima panna siis, kui elektrit küttesüsteemi jaoks parasjagu ei jätku. Lihtne, tuleb ainult projekti vajalikud nõuded sisse panna.Ja projekti saab igasugust sisse panna, sest võidutöö autorid on väga kompromissivalmid. Loogiline ju, sest ERM on töö, mida neil on tingimata vaja materialiseerida, see on meistritöö, millele nad oma suure tuleviku rajavad. Teiseks, vaadates selle rahvusvahelise seltskonna tausta (Jaapan, Liibanon, Itaalia, aga tegevuskoht Pariis), viitab fakt, et nii erineva kultuuritaustaga inimesed üldse koostööd teevad, suurele paindlikkusele. ERMi rahvas sai seda ka esmaspäeval näha ja täitus veendumusega, et arhitektid on valmis kõiki muuseumi erinõudeid edasises töös täitma. Kui nii läheb, on taas tegu hoopis muu kui skandaaliga.Kriitikanooli on saanud ka võidutöö materjal ehk klaas. Kas ei ole siin mure allikaks see, et Eesti ehitusettevõtjatel pole klaasiga just märkimisväärset ehituskogemust ja nii ei pruugi soodne ots üldse kohalikele ehitajatele pudeneda? Sest selge ju, et ehitaja hankimisel tuleb arvestada senist kogemust projektis ette nähtud materjalidest ehitamisel. Et ei juhtuks jälle nii, nagu juhtus Kumu betooniga.Muuseas, ERMi uue hoone vundamendiks juba maasse valatud betooni kasutamine on igati keskkonnasõbralik ja raha säästev mõte. Ma ei ole ka märganud, et lennukite stardiraja kasutamise kriitikud oleksid viimase 15 aasta jooksul ilmutanud valmisolekut selle betooni ülesvõtmise rahastamiseks. Ja kuhu see siis panna?Nii et, pole siin mingit suurt skandaali, mis paraku ei tähenda, et ERMi maja valmimise käigus neid ei võiks veel ette tulla. Aga need pole siis seotud arhitektide ega muuseumirahvaga. Tulevastel skandaalidel võib olla ainult kaks allikat. Esiteks valitsus, kui ta teeb vigu või koonerdab ehituse rahastamisel. Ja teiseks ehitaja, kui see saab töö vähegi korruptiivse käitumise tagajärjel.
esmaspäev, 28. September 2009. a 2:00 ütles...
Pets mis kostad selle peale?Taastuvenergiapõhised tehnoloogiadBakeri OÜ Anti TiikMiks on roheline energia oluline?Roheline energia on oluline,sest ta on tasuta.Lisaks päikese/tuule kasutamisel jääb märkimisväärne kogus kivisütt/põlevkivi maapõue ja co2 õhkupaiskamata.Päike paistab,tuul puhub,keegi ei kasseeri selle eest midagi sisse ja keegi ei maksa selle eest peale.Tänase päevani on inimeste seas kujutelm, et nn rohelise energia kasutuselevõtt on taskukohane ainult püstirikastele. Meie väidame vastupidist ja pakume töötavaid lahendusi mõistlike hindadega, soojuspumba saab paigaldada igaüks, samuti on peaaegu igaühel võimalus paigaldada omale päikesepaneelid kas siis elektritootmiseks või päikesekütteks. Tuulegeneraatori paigaldamisega on asi natuke keerulisem, sest asula/linna tingimustes on vajalike lubade hankimine püstitamiseks raskendatud või kohati päris võimatu.Miks kodukasutaja peaks eelistama rohelist energiat fossiilkütusele?Positiivseteks argumentideks on keskkonnasäästlikkus ja rahakotisõbralikkus. Jah, seadmetele tehtav esialgne kulutus on märkimisväärne number, kuid jagades selle aastate peale on kokkuvõttes üldmaksumus väiksem kui tarbida fossiilseid kütuseid kas otse või läbi vahendajate (elektrifirma/soojatootja). Põhipunkt, millest inimesed pahatihti mööda vaatavad on see, et vaadatakse tulevikku ainult 2-3 aastat, meiepoolnesoovitus on avardada oma vaadet 10+ aasta peale. Praegused energiahinnad ei ole jääv suurus. Ainuüksi elektrienergia hind kipub lähema 3-4 aasta prognoosis jõudma 2 krooni piirimaile, järgmine Eesti Energiapoolne hindade ülevaatus toimub 2009 aasta alguses ja seejärel aasta keskel. Põlevkivi janafta hind on prognoosimatu..Kui kiire on tasuvusperiood?Tasuvusperiood ei ole ülitäpselt määratletud ja on sõltuvuses tarbimisest. Reeglina, mida suurem on tarbimisvajadus seda lühem on tasuvusperiood. On juhuseid, kus tasuvusperiood on 0 päeva ja juhuseid kus tasuvusarvutuse tulemus on 20 aastat. Reeglina on tasuvusaeg praeguste hindade jures 5-10 aastat. See ei ole pikk aeg. Tuulegeneraatorite/päikesepaneelide puhul tuleb arvestada, et peale tasuvusperioodi lõppu on elekter nö. Tasuta. Ja mis peamine seadmed kuuluvad kliendile ning lisamakse kohustusedpuuduvad. Soojuspumpade tasuvusaeg jääb 3-8 aasta piiridesse. Täpsustuseks soojuspumpade kohapealt - paljud inimesed arvestavad küttesüsteemide valikul hinna sisse ka radiaatorid/põrandakütte ehituse jatarbevee tootmiseks vajalikud seadmed. Arvan, et see on ebaõige, sest sõltumata kütteelemendi valikust ehitatakse majas välja küttesüsteem, see hind tuleb paigutada ehituskuludesse ja küttekeha/kütteelementi vaadelda eraldi. Sellisel juhul on tasuvusaeg juba päris lühike.jne.
esmaspäev, 28. September 2009. a 2:36 ütles... mis kostad selle peale?USA-s on tuulikute valmistamise buum Ma tulin järeldusele,et USA-s on tuuleenergia tuulikute kodus valmistamise buum...sest youtubes on mustmiljon klikki ja nende juures kodulehekülgi mis propageerivad ise valmistama tuulikuid.Minu arvates see on väga teretulnud asi millest tuleks võtta eeskuju.Lisan siia kogutud info mille sain mõne tunni jooksul nii tuulikute kui päiksepaneelide kohta... :Päikse paneelide kohta on minu arvates see väga kõva fakt,et päiksepaneelides olevad kristallid(ing.k. cells) kestavad 50 aastat...seega päiksepaneelide kasutusiga on kusagil 50 on ära näidatud kui palju säästetakse aastas raha kui kasutataks tuulikuid...vaadake kui palju kulub aastas elektrit ja raha ja -neist selgub,et see mis kirjas kui palju säästetekse tuuliku omamisel võrdub ligemale sellega kui palju kulutatakse keskmiselt aastas elektrit...seega saab välja arvutada kui ruttu tasuvad ära tuulikud...Siit palju yball.htmwww.energyforEarth.nethome wind turbine energy-generate wind energy using wind turbine at wind turbine(eliminate electrical bill)-youtubeFIBERSAVINGSwww.lifeandlove.tvHome made wind turbine-youtubeHomemade high voltage generator explanation-youtubeHow I build a wind turbine-youtubeBuilding wind turbines at home-youtubewww.everwindpower.comRooftopp installation:everwind 10 kw axis wind turbine windmill alternative green power-youtubeVertical wind turbine VAWT DIY part 3 vertical rk.php?apill=A100115M&apflog =1&clid=GLDd7Iz 87JWCFZMU4wodz06VkQ& windspeed-youtubeHow to make an inexpensive vertical wind turbine-PART eenergywww.regenwindturbines.comwww.jtmpower.ieberezintechnolog -piggott-wind-turbines-home-Ma tean,et Hiiumaal on vähemalt kolm tuulikut mis on valmistatud oma kodu garaazis.Ainult rumalad ostavad elektrit...sest elektrit saab tasuta!

1 comment: said...

Eespool olev ingliskeelne tekst on käsitsi kirjutatud sest ma ei osanud teha copy-paste...ja sel põhjusel puuduvad ka lingid sellele loole...

Oh mind vaesekest küll:)))